Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1364: Backwaters 1 battle

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

A small frontier town near the endless forest has added a new temple near Lincheng, and hundreds of thousands of immortals worship their gods in the majestic temple.

This is already the twenty-fifth temple to send a child in Nether Tao in Fairyland. Half a month ago, when he was in Fengxian Mountain, he made a plan, one city and one temple a day. However, when the plan was implemented, he still overfulfilled the planned tasks. Sometimes he encountered small towns in advance. That ’s why it took only half a month to build 25 cities with outstanding results.

Building temples and absorbing believers' people is actually a familiar task.

Ning Tao ’s followers have a foundation, and he built temples along the way. Those cities and towns that have n’t built temples have been eagerly looking forward to him and to send the temple, because the news spread long ago Already. He just needs to fly over, pretend to be a routine, then build a temple, and then consolidate at the end, and a town is done.

According to the original plan, even if he didn't advance, he would complete his plan to build the temple in another five days. At that time, every town in Fanxiandi had his temple to send sons, and his followers The people will also reach millions. This does not include the people of the Leprechaun followers of Nan Wu Marsh. If added, the number of his followers will be considerable, even more than the goddess of wisdom, Hemia!

The temple near Lincheng was built, so only the end of the pretense was left.

Ning Tao flew out of the newly-built temple in a golden **** cloud.

"Brother Ning, where are you going?" Asked kindly on the steps in front of the temple.

Ning Tao flew fast and did not hear.

Song Qingyin standing next to Mercy said, "Master, Merci, you have been with Master for such a long time. Do n’t you know that Master is trying to pretend?"

The compassionate face was reddish, and her hands were crossed: "Amitabha, please don't say that word."

Song Qingyin shrugged his shoulders slightly, and Yu Guang at the corner of his eyes fell under the waist of compassion. Although he didn't say anything on his mouth, his reaction and look seemed to be a questioning question.

Isn't that carrying money in your pocket and saying you have no money?

In the sky, Ning Tao's thoughts activated the seal of God's standard, and his body shot out thousands of feet of golden light for a moment, and then the god's body appeared, seven or eight kilometers high! One leg is five or six kilometers, one leg is five or six kilometers, and one leg is five or six hundred meters.

These are the 28 temples that gave birth to sons. The faithful energy of millions of believers for more than half a month. The faith of millions of believers has created the powerful **** body of Ning Tao. Because it was too huge, the Shenyun apron that he used to use was no longer applicable and could not be hidden at all.

However, there is no need to cover anything with the golden **** cloud. He is the destiny to send the child, and he should openly let the believers praise the capital of the child. Does n’t Earth have similar beliefs and worships? There are also special festivals in the East Island State. A large group of people carry wooden products across the street. There are similar beliefs and worships in India, and even the scenes and idols in the temple are not shy.

So, why should he twist and conceal? In that case, it seems that his **** is not airy and frank.

The body of God appeared, and Ning Tao said in a loud voice, "My people and believers, I am your patron saint, I am the **** of heaven, and you believe that I worship me, and I will bless you. Those who pray to me religiously, I will respond ... "

This line he said all the way now, it has long been memorized.

The sound of cheers and prayers on the square was lively and dignified.

Mercy and Song Qingyin also knelt down.

Song Qingyin should kneel, even if Ning Tao is not a god, she must kneel, because Ning Tao is her master, and her disciples are masterful.

Mercy is a kneeling god. Although Ning Tao is not the **** she believes in, for a monk like her, she must bow down to see God. However, what she was thinking at the moment was not a certain scripture, nor a prayer for blessing to Ning Tao, but only a self-talk to herself that she could hear: "It is really a **** of giving birth, so terrible ... you There were bugs on the legs of the stool, countless bugs ... It shouldn't be so visible. "

What she meant was probably only her own knowledge.

Song Qingyin leaned his head and moved his ears to the side of Mercy, as if he wanted to hear what Ci was talking to himself.

Mercy closed his mouth and said nothing.

Song Qingyin tentatively said: "Mr. Compassionate Master, I got up for a little solution last night. I seem to hear a voice in your room passing by your room."

Mercy suddenly became tense: "What's the sound? Ah, maybe I got up to drink water."

Song Qingyin said: "I think you are talking in a dream."

Compassionately said, "What dream words did I say?"

"You said lightly, you said you were flying, and then you clapped your hands."

Mercy blushed: "I may be shooting mosquitoes."

Song Qingyin said: "I heard the sound, you are shooting hard, keep shooting, if it is a mosquito, then the mosquito is probably more than a hundred pounds, right?"

Compassion: "..."

For more than half a month, why could n’t she be a monkey-like woman like this, the secret between Master and Xiaoshi has long been known to her, but she only said it on purpose, not to make fun of Xiaoshi , But to make good use of this secret.

"Well, Mr. Mercy Master, am I good to you?" Song Qingyin looked at Mercy with a smile.

Mercy didn't hesitate, she nodded: "Well, you, the gentle girl, have always taken care of me. I am grateful to you, and I will repay you when I have the ability."

"What did our sisters say in return? Then I went outside, I just want to ask you to do me a favor." Song Qingyin said.

Lovingly said, "You say, what do you want me to do?"

Kindness reached Ning Tao's ear: "I want my sister to help is very simple ..."

In the sky, Ning Tao pretended to be over, and attached to his hand to catch the kindness and Song Qingyin kneeling on the steps in front of the temple door.

The temple near Lincheng has been built. He no longer needs to stay here. He will bring a serious female disciple and kindness to the next city.

On the steps in front of the temple, Song Qingyin also just finished whispering to the compassion.

Song Qingyin looked at compassion with longing eyes: "Good sister, can you do me a favor?"

Mercy's blush was red, but she didn't hesitate and nodded her head.

"You are really my good sister." Song Qingyin rejoiced, and he opened his arms and gave Mercy a hug.

Ning Tao's thugs had reached the tops of the two women. He spread his palms, waiting for the two women to jump up, and then took them away from the forest city.

But at this time, there was a sudden movement in the sky.

Ning Tao's heart suddenly became alert, and his hand hurriedly retracted and turned to look.

A furry thigh suddenly fell through the gray cloud covering the sky, and the part that could be seen was tens of thousands of meters long.

Here's the catcher!


The big feet of the catcher fell to the ground, and a 10,000-meter-high mountain was flattened. I don't know if there is no immortal people living on that mountain, if there is one, it will be trampled by this foot.

Another leg fell through the air.


The earthquake trembled, and the wave of waves generally swept over. The newly built temple shivered under the wave.

The immortal people kneeling in the temple and worshipping the gods were all indifferent, and the atmosphere of fear quickly spread among the immortal people.

"This is near Lincheng. Few trappers appear nearby. Why did you come here?"

"God, please bless us!"

"Our **** is much smaller than the fairy catcher!"

"Can our gods win the fairy catcher?"

In the temple, there was a panic and nervous voice in the square.

It's not that they don't have strong beliefs, nor that they doubt the power of their gods, but because of what they see, their child-sending gods are too weak compared to the fairy catchers, like a child and an adult. How can a child **** win an adult god?

Boom! Boom!

Immortal catcher suddenly stepped towards Ning Tao.

Great Earthquake!

"Run away!"

"Here is the catcher!"

The terrifying roar sounded among the people of the Immortal believers. Some people ran to the hiding place in panic, some fell, some children were crying, and a beautiful scene of worshipping God was destroyed in an instant. The whole near Lincheng It's a mess.

Ning Tao said, "Don't panic, I'm here!"

But nobody listened to him.

The fear that the trappers brought to believers was not something Ning Tao could eliminate.

Ning Tao cannot retreat, because behind him is near Lincheng. And if he retreats without fighting, what will his followers think of him as a protector? At that time, he lost not only this near forest city, but the entire Fanxian land! He will not say anything if he is not here, but he abandoned his followers and fled here. Who will believe in him in the future?

If you can't retreat, then you can only fight back!

Ning Tao photographed with a palm, a huge seal of chaos fell to the ground, the power of creation spread instantly, and the energy barrier of the seal of chaos instantly enveloped the entire forest and the surrounding countryside.

Subsequently, he did not retreat, stepped forward and rushed towards the fairy catcher.

During the run, he probed his hand, and the supernatural pot of the magic weapon appeared in his hand.

big big big!

The super-degree pot quickly became large, and in a blink of an eye, it became a two-thousand-thousand-meter-long super large pot, and the diameter of the bottom of the pot was at least two kilometers!

Seal of Chaos in the hood.

Compassion is the only person who doesn't panic ~ ~ Instead of running away, she sits silently on the steps in front of the temple door, her hands folded, and recites the Vajrayana.

Song Qingyin threw out her flying sword, rose into the air, and shouted, "Our **** is fighting for us. Let's not be afraid, all come to worship God with me. The more we strengthen our faith, we The stronger your **** will be, our **** will protect us! Our **** will defeat the fairy catcher! "

She yelled so loudly that those who hadn't fled yet fell on their knees again and worshiped the god.

Those who fled also turned around and returned to worship.

"Sending the gods will win!" Song Qingyin shouted, "Everyone shout with me!"

"Sending the God of Sons!"

"To win! To win! To win!"

The shouting shout in the forest near Lincheng was that although there were only 100,000 people, they shouted the momentum of a million troops!

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