Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1367: Waiting for the Rabbit and Shotgun

Ning Tao is God himself. He knows what God's flesh is like. He had touched the body of God and knew what it looked like. He had contacted Iron Man and Iron Beast, and he also knew what bionic meat was like. He also came into contact with the three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse, and he naturally knew the three created gods and what their flesh and blood looked like.

However, the flesh-catcher's flesh is not one of any flesh and blood he has ever seen.

In fact, the minced meat falling from the hunger of the fairy catcher is not meat, but a thin layer of black sand under a thin film of divine material. Those grains of sand contained the energy of death, but they were not leaked, but locked in the grains of sand.

How familiar is this black sand grain, isn't it the sand grain that devours the black desert of the immortal world!

"I depend!" Ning Tao suddenly threw away the minced meat in his hand and ran out.

Many immortal people in the forest near the city picked up the minced meat of the trapper, and also said what to bring back to drink wine. Some relatives were arrested by the immortal arresters and said that the minced meat of the immortal traps should be dried up and braised to eat. This grain of sand contains the energy of death. If those immortal people eat the flesh catcher and drink this meat bubble wine, it is tantamount to commit poison and commit suicide!


Ning Tao rushed out of the door.

"Yeah!" The serious female disciple exclaimed, reaching out and covering her shoulders.

This is more or less the same.

Mercy also panicked. Although she was wearing underwear and panties, she was still shy, and the whole person hid in the water.

How could Ning Tao have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, he couldn't even bother to explain to them. He came out of the house for a moment, then passed, and disappeared in a blink.

In the hall of the stone house, there were only serious female disciples and a small compassionate teacher.

Song Qingyin snorted for a while before he came up with a sentence: "Master and his old man ran out without a glance ... went out?"

His old man shouldn't be so right?

There are two fishes in this blue wave, he didn't glance at it?

He's not like that!

"Grumbling ..." A string of blisters came out of Mercy's mouth. She seemed to be asking if Ning Tao was gone, but she forgot that she was still hiding in the water.

Song Qingyin dropped her hand on her shoulder, and she shrugged: "You can come out, Master is gone."

Compassion burst out from the water, and a water arrow came out of her mouth, and she wondered, "Let's go like this?"

This is not in line with the style of giving the child.

At this time, the voice of Ning Tao sounded outside the stone house: "People near Lincheng, who among you picked up the minion's minced meat, throw it away, and after researching the god, found that the meat was highly toxic If you eat it by mistake, you will be poisoned and forgotten! If you throw the meat you took back to your place, God will dispose of it. "

He repeated this sentence three times.

There was a cheering sound near Lin Cheng, and they heard the voice of God again.

Fortunately, Ning Tao reminded in a timely manner that the brewing container was still ready to be taken, and the dried braised or steamed food was not ready for cooking. After hearing his warning, he immediately threw the minion's minced meat back to the battlefield.

Ning Tao flew to the battlefield, gathered together the minced meat on the battlefield, and burned with a blaze of fire.

The immortal people who came back to throw meat were grateful, and they bowed down again, using their faith in energy to return to their gods.

After the ham sausage crisis was resolved, Ning Tao returned to the stone house 100 meters high.

As soon as he entered the door, he froze.

Compassion had gone back to the house, but the serious female disciple was still soaking in the pool.

"Yeah!" The serious female disciple exclaimed again, stood in the water, and stretched her hands over her shoulders.

The water in that pool was just one meter or two, less than the depth of her legs.

In this situation, Ning Tao suddenly remembered an idiom, waiting for the rabbit.

He is the rabbit.

A serious female disciple is a young rural woman who is standing beside a stump.

I'll put the stump on the road you must pass, and I'll see if you can hit it.

You pass by without hitting once, and I am still guarding until you hit.

Just ask if you are convinced?

"That ..." Ning Tao bowed his head, "I didn't see anything."

Rural young women opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

Ning Tao entered the stone room and wanted to close the door, but found that the stone room he made had no door at all.

Wow, wow ...

The rural young women seemed to deliberately make a lot of noise, enticing the rabbit to go out and hit the pile.

Ning Tao sighed and shook his head slightly, trying to clear out the clear images left in his eyes, but he shook his head a dozen times without success. He didn't bother, and continued to study the minced meat and blood of the fairy catcher with thoughts.

Flesh is not flesh, neither is blood.

The headless trapper is actually a weakened version of the two rock gods in the Divine Meteor Canyon, but although it is a weakened version, it is too huge, so the combat power is much stronger than those two rock gods . In addition, the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, seems to have innovated, adding her own technology. Therefore, even the headless catcher has extremely frightening fighting power. If the head is restored, the strength of the fairy catcher will be even more terrifying!

Ning Tao grabbed a piece of minced meat, and a fire of God burst out of his palm. He watched the minced meat burn in his hands, the death energy imprisoned in the black sand disappeared, and his heart secretly said, "The creation of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is related to the energy of death, whether it is the ordinary iron people, or The more advanced gods and guardians are no exception. She must be related to the black desert that devoured the fairyland. What would she do? "

No way of knowing.

"The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, has been resurrected. If she has a plan, it must be already being implemented. She will destroy the fairy realm and destroy the **** mountain. If the fairy world and the **** mountain no longer exist, how can the world be alone? I want to stop her, what should I do? "Ning Tao was confused.

When he first went to Shenshan, he had two purposes. The first was to bury the body of Sunsun King on God Mountain to fulfill his promise to Sunsun King. The second was to find Daenerys and rescue her. It now appears that the second goal has failed, and Daenerys has become Hemia. Even if he went to see her again, it would definitely not be a reunion of the husband and wife, but the killing of enemies.

In fact, this ending is doomed.

Even if Daenerys chooses one more time, she will still give her life for Hemia. From birth she was destined to be Hemia, not his. The education she received, all the glory she had was given by Hemia, and he was nothing but a dew relationship with her for some time. It was just an accident.

"Although I seriously injured the catcher, I still have to carry out the plan to build the temple. If the catcher comes down, then I will kill it. If it does not come down, I will kill Shenshan and kill it anyway. Let it and the master behind the scenes make blood debts and blood payments! "Ning Tao made up his mind.

He recovered the two brain-like brain tissues from the Japanese gourd. They were still of some value, but the minced meat and blood of the fairy catcher were no longer valuable to him. .

Footsteps came.

Ning Tao, who had just finished processing the garbage, looked around, and the two eyes could not move immediately.

Song Qingyin stood at the door of Shishi, wearing a piece of veil under his eyes.

The secret forest path, watching the fish under the mountain, what other beauty in the world is better than this?

"Master, can I come in?" Song Qingyin said timidly.

Aren't you crossing the stump without hitting it?

The rural young woman brought you the stump to the rabbit's nest, and asked if you hit or not hit?

Then Ning Tao came back to God: "That ... something?"

Song Qingyin nodded his head, "Well, there is something."

Ning Tao said, "What is it?"

Song Qingyin said, "It is inconvenient to say at the door, can I come in, Master?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "You come in."

Song Qingyin walked in through the door and walked towards Ning Tao slowly. There are no shoes on her feet, her feet are like jade, delicate and small, each finger seems to be a work of art carved by a master jade carving.

"What is it?" Ning Tao asked again.

You've all come in, should you talk?

However, he had a hunch that there would be nothing serious about this serious female disciple.

Song Qingyin came to Ning Tao's body, and his legs were bent. He knelt in front of Ning Tao and said sadly, "Master, save me."

Ning Tao suddenly froze on the spot: "You ... what's wrong with you?"

"I counted myself for a while. I have a **** disaster today. Only Master can help me get through the calamity." Song Qingyin said.

Ning Tao was curious in her heart, and she heard a voice as soon as she thought about it.

"It's you, I can't get through this, you can cross me, come cross me ..." The voice of a serious female disciple.

Sure enough, it's not serious.

Ning Tao knew the truth, and didn't say anything. She smiled: "You talk, what do you mean by this **** disaster, how can I help you get through the calamity?"

"I am a **** catastrophe ..." Song Qingyin suddenly summoned his courage and said, "Master, an evil spirit has penetrated into the body of the disciple, and it is necessary to use the master to expel evil.

I've seen blind people, but Ning Tao, who is so blind, is the first time I've seen them. He couldn't help but sigh, he really has his teacher and his apprentice. Serious female disciples have already won his true story in this respect, and there is a tendency that blue is better than blue.

However, Ning Tao did not expose her lie, and asked quite naturally: "So what do you want to drive out that evil spirit by Master?"

Song Qingyin blushed and said rudely, "That ... Master, please lie down, and then the disciples will tell you."

Ning Tao lay down according to the words.

"Master, please close your eyes," Song Qingyin said.

Ning Tao closed her eyes according to the words.

Why cooperate so much?

He didn't know.

Maybe, because we're giving the child a god?

Thinking this way in his heart, he made an excuse for himself.

He is the rabbit ~ ~ This young rural woman has been guarding the stump and is starving to death. He passed by again and again without hitting him. Over time, he will inevitably have an idea. Soft or hard, what happens when I bump?

Human curiosity is so strong.

But when he thought so, the stump suddenly pressed on him.

Then there was a rush of heat in his ears, and there was a voice: "Master, the disciples borrowed it."

It's too far behind to wait.

The young rural women who were waiting for the rabbits borrowed shotguns.

Bang Bang!

Can't beat you!

PS: Today is Sunday, old rules, today there are only two changes, I wish you all a happy Sunday. Updated here, I went to the public account to update today's content. Search for "李 闲 鱼" to follow.

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