Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1372: Horror castle


A blizzard of snow blew past, and there was a silhouette on the minaret of Frozen Castle.

There should have been guards on the Zhejiang tower, but there wasn't any one at the moment. There was only the sound of wind and snow around, not a little human voice.

Ning Tao stood high, and the whole castle had a panoramic view. The place you can see in advance does not have a figure, and the invisible place does not have a live weather field. The whole castle is a dead castle. The dead air permeated the doors and windows, and there was death energy. Not to mention ordinary fairy people in such a place, even a **** like him felt uncomfortable and could not help frowning.

What exactly happened in this place?

There was also some confusion in Ning Tao's mind. The team of ice warriors encountered earlier, the leading fairy said that he had strengthened patrols by the order of the city's Lord Wu Sheng. But when he arrived at the city's main government, he found that there was no living person in the ice castle. How did the city's command come? Isn't Wu Sheng dead and not in this ice castle?

Many places do not understand, this place exudes weird breath everywhere.

Ning Tao jumped down the minaret and entered the castle from a window.

There was a child's body in the room. It was a boy about seven or eight years old. The clothes on the body were gorgeous, and it was not a child of ordinary people. But such a child born with a golden key, who should have been studying in a school, and coquettish in front of his parents, his life is over. His body was carved out of a piece of coal. The black one had no trace of mottled color. The vitality and energy of death squirmed on his body like a poisonous snake.

Not surprisingly, the little boy's head also has a sand of death that has taken root.

Ning Tao didn't handle the body of the little boy, he left the room and entered a corridor. He came to the end of the corridor, entered the stairwell, and walked down the stairs again.

He entered the castle from the top three floors and two floors down. He paused on the second floor, using his eyes to detect.

There were also many corpses on the second floor, but he did not go through them one by one.

He reached the first floor, walked through a corridor, and came to a gate. The door was ten meters high and quite atmospheric. He reached out and pushed the door open, and a hall was approaching him.

The hall was silent, there was no light, and it was too dark to reach out with five fingers.

This darkness didn't affect Ning Tao's eyes. At the moment the door opened, he could see the situation in this hall clearly.

A large hall was in a mess, with corpses lying on the ground, as well as tableware, food, and some messy things falling on the ground. The air was filled with the smell of corpses, as well as the smell of food and wine. These tastes mixed together to form an unpleasant smell.

Some of the corpses lying on the ground and lying on the table were rich men in Chinese clothes, some immortals and immortals wearing white fairy armor, and ordinary servants.

It can't be seen that these people are holding a banquet, and the disaster suddenly comes at some point. The people here, including the strongest immortals, showed no signs of resistance. As far as Ning Tao saw the scene, he had no doubt that all these people were killed in an instant.

It's God who can kill so many people in a flash, even the immortal grandfather, who can do it!

Is it really the goddess of wisdom that Hemia came down?

However, there is no trace left by the goddess of wisdom, Siaia, and no odor is left.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to a seat under the main wall of the hall, and then walked towards that seat.

There was a man seated on that seat, with a stature and gorgeous clothes. Although Ning Tao has never seen the city leader Wu Sheng, it is not difficult to judge that he is the city owner Wu Sheng based on the position of the seat and the person wearing it.

City Lord Wu Sheng is dead, but the Ice Warrior in Ice City is still carrying out his orders, which is really an incomprehensible thing.

He suspected that everything that happened here was related to the goddess of wisdom, even Shem himself, but until now he had not found any traces of her. If this ice city is a trap that the goddess of wisdom Hemiah laid for him, he is now in the trap, should she show up?

But no.

Ning Tao came to the seat under the main wall and looked at Wu Sheng sitting on the chair. Before he came, he wondered that after seeing Wu Sheng, he would look for clues in Wu Sheng's head. But he did not expect that Wu Sheng was dead, and the dead would have no memory.

Ning Tao's eyes suddenly fell on the table in front of Wu Sheng, which had a French seal engraved on it. That Fayin does not know who wrote it with the blood, the blood has become black, the same as the paint color of the desktop, it is difficult to find if you do not look carefully.

What law seal is this again?

Ning Tao carefully observed and tried to analyze.

Without waiting for him to come up with a result, a weird voice came suddenly.

Ning Tao's gaze suddenly moved to a corner in the hall, and the eerie husky voice came from the mouth of a female corpse in that corner.

However, Ning Tao couldn't hear what she was talking about, and even if she heard it clearly, he couldn't understand it, because the female corpse was chanting mantras.

Scamming again?

There was a blaze of fire in Ning Tao's hands.

Suddenly, a faint golden light shot from the dining table.

The glow is the French seal.

The mantra chanted by the female corpse activated the seal on the dining table.


The French seal suddenly opened, and a dark hole appeared instantly.

A sense of crisis struck.

Ning Tao stepped back instinctively.

At that moment, a black sand tide emerged from the dark cave.

Death Sand!

The black sand of death poured out of the cave like a tide, and the hall was half covered in a blink of an eye. The energy of death suddenly increased, and the dead one opened his eyes and then stood up. They twisted their stiff legs and surrounded Ning Tao with a gurgling sound in their mouths.

Ning Tao patted out the blazing fire in his hand. The blazing fire burst into the air and turned into dozens of small fireballs. Each small fireball locked a corpse, and the attack was completed in an instant. There are also dozens of burning bodies in China.

But even if those corpses were burning, if Ning Tao was forced to persecute them, they had no feeling at all, and they were not afraid of death, because they were already dead.

However, before they took one more step, their bodies were burned to ashes by the fire of the gods.

The corpse was ashed, and among the piles of ash was a grain of sand engraved with runes rising from the ash, with a golden light in the air.

At this moment, a clear sentence suddenly appeared in the mouth of the female corpse who chanted the mantra: "Send the god, don't you want believers? You see, how many believers I have prepared for you, are you very happy ? "

This is the voice of Hemia, the goddess of wisdom.

However, the female corpse was just the body of a maid, dressed in ordinary clothes, without even a little spiritual power. Who would pay attention to such ordinary people, unremarkable little people?

The black sand of death is still pouring out, and the place where the foot can fall is getting smaller and smaller.

As Ning Tao stepped back to the door, he said, "Himia, you are a daughter of no avail. You are supreme, I think you are just a mean and shameless rotten man."

"Dare you scold me!" The female corpse roared.

Ning Tao snorted coldly, and then said, "Did I say wrong? These immortal people have no revenge against you, but you killed them. Didn't you just kill me, I came, you can Come out and have a duel with me upright, do you dare? I don't think you dare, you are just a turtle with a head down! "

"Hahaha ..." The voice of Lamia laughed again in the female corpse's mouth.

The radical method doesn't work?

Ning Tao frowned slightly, then added a sentence: "Don't pretend to be a big **** in front of me, can you tell me what you think? Do you remember, when you were the maiden of the Sky Temple, you How did you kneel and lick? Your baby is still pregnant in your stomach, you will always be my slave! "

"Ah-" the female screamed.

Her voice was extremely sharp, and the porcelain and glassware in the hall exploded, and the fragments flew across. Even cracks appeared in the stone pillars and ceiling, which could collapse at any time.

She was really stimulated.

There has never been any radical method that does not work. As long as you find the opponent's opportunity, you can stimulate the opponent to burst.


A stigma collapsed.

But it wasn't shattered by the screaming roar of the female corpse, but it was devoured by the sand of death.

Where the sand of death invades, even the stones will be destroyed, and the energy contained in it will be converted into death energy.

This thing can swallow even fairyland, not to mention just a castle.


Ning Tao knocked on the gate of the castle and flew out.

Black sand gushing out of the gate, and then out of the second and third floor windows, and the whole castle was covered by the sand of death in a blink of an eye ~ ~ hundreds of millions The sand of death squirms on the surface of the castle, making a gurgling sound, the scene is like a house under the locust plague, densely packed!

Ning Tao thought the castle would soon fall, but it did not.

The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, came out of the castle: "You did anger me, so I will let more people offend you and pay everyone, and I want everyone in this city to die! You are not called Is the savior of the fairyland? I will kill everyone in this city now, and I see how many people you can save! "

"Wait!" Ning Taozhensheng said, "I don't care about these immortal people at all. You can't hurt me by killing everyone in this city. Why do you waste time? Your goal is me, so you Make an appointment at a time and place, and I'll make an appointment, and we will fight to death! "

"No, you care." The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia.

"Our day-your mother!" Ning Tao couldn't help swearing.

He really cares, because this is not the lives and deaths of dozens or a hundred people, but the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands!

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