Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1375: Come on, we hurt each other!

However, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not show up, and her voice came from the city on the town monument: "You said you would protect them? Hahaha ... you are too naive, I tell you, this city Everyone in there has to die, and you can't save any of them. My city is here, let's enjoy the feast of death! "

There was a short pause, and there was a worm in her voice, and a voice came out of that city: "Apha babies exposed them ..."

This is a spell.

The sense of crisis is suddenly strong!

Ning Tao suddenly realized something and hurriedly looked down at the fairy people of Frozen City.

Just in this weird sound of spells, the eyes of the immortal people quickly darkened, and then spread to the face until the skin of the whole body. In a blink of an eye, there were blackened people everywhere in Bingxue City. There was no human emotion in the eyes, and there was no humanity, just like the evil spirit from hell!

The city was filled with lifelessness, and fear swept through every corner of the city like a gale. Even if the child-god **** is still standing in this city, the mighty spirit is powerful, but the fear in the heart cannot be suppressed.

"My people, obey my calling, obey my deities, kill those who do not believe in me, dedicate their lives to me, light their houses, smash their pots and bowls, and enjoy what I give you Carnival! "The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was suppressed in a mighty manner, and could be heard in every corner of the city.

At least half of the people in the whole city have the sand of death in their heads, which is the seed of death, and they are now activated. The streets and alleys of the city were full of corpses, attacking all targets around them indiscriminately. Even if it is a husband and wife, it was fine before the transformation, after the transformation, the husband attacked the wife, and the wife attacked the husband. And the father attacked the son, and the son attacked the mother. Human nature annihilated instantly, the sound of crying everywhere in the city, bleeding everywhere.

This is why the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, has only planted more than half of the immortal people. She wants to make people who believe in Ning Tao fear and regret it!

"Hahaha!" The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Hemya, came out of the city on the monument to the town. "Send the god, don't you mean that you want to protect your followers? What are you standing for? Save them. You see, some of them are married to each other, some of them are brothers and sisters, some are brothers and sisters, and you, as the **** who protects them, you are going to save them! Hahaha ... "

This laughter was like a knife holding Ning Tao's heart.

Save it?

There are blackened immortals everywhere in this city, bleeding is everywhere, people die every moment, houses are lit every moment, even if he has a supernatural power, how can he save it? Got so many people. You know that it's not a hundred or two hundred people, but hundreds of thousands!

Ning Tao roared: "Hemia, I will kill you!"

"Bold! I'm here for the supreme, you dare to kill my thoughts!" The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, had a strong sense of anger and shock.

This tone seems to have been learned from nothing.

How could Ning Tao fight with him, he shouted at the immortal people in the city: "Your loved ones are already enchanted and can understand me, you can come to me, regardless of your possessions or Life is the most important thing for a loved one! "

As the words fell, he swept back and forth a few times in the inactive area of ​​the city center of Frozen City with his feet, and immediately cleared a huge open space.

One by one, Ning Tao ran to Ning Tao, who was close to Ning Tao and quickly escaped into the empty ground cleared by Ning Tao.

Photographed by Ning Tao from the palm of his hand, a golden French seal was shining on the ground, and the seal of chaos was activated

, The magical power and the power of creation of the Indian Seal instantly propped up an energy shield covering the entire open space.

Some blackened corpses nearby also chased after them, but their bodies began to fester as they approached the energy shield propped up by the blade of chaos. Some corpses transformed by the immortal Xianwu Xianwu barely propped up in front of the hidden energy shield of Chaos, but only touched the energy shield, and instantly burned.

The power of creation is really the nemesis of death energy. The two are like the relationship between darkness and sunlight. How can darkness exist where the sun shines?

More and more people are running to the city center, and some even use flying carriages to run away from the air.

Although the corpse is not afraid of death and is not afraid of any physical attack, but the corpse's hands and feet are stiff and slow to move. As long as they get rid of them and don't entangle with them, they can easily escape.

Ning Tao leaned down and pushed to the houses with his hands. In a blink of an eye, several escape avenues opened in the city. Some clumped corpses overtaken the escape avenue and were slapped into a meat sauce by him.

These people were his followers before his life. Some just praised him and praised his merits. Some were just a kind father, or a kind mother, a gentle wife, a good boy, but now he They had to destroy them.

Of course there are 10,000 unwilling in his heart, but he has no choice.

The corpse is dead, and the living need to be rescued.

He doesn't go to hell, who goes to hell?

"Ah-" Ning Tao growled, his heart was bleeding.

"Are you angry?" The voice of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, came from the city on the town monument again. "You are right, I want you to understand what it feels like to be my enemy."

"I feel it." Ning Tao's eyes were burning with golden anger. "So when I kill you, I will never let go!"

"Huh! I'm sorry, I said that people in this city will die because of their beliefs, and you can't save any of them!" The words fell, and the slowly falling town monument suddenly whistled, and the huge shadow will perk up the ice and snow. The city was shrouded.

There was a scream in the city of ice and snow, and many people were still desperately trying to get rid of the corpse. Such a big rock and such a city were suppressed. What's the point of struggling?

"Get away from me!" Ning Tao roared, and his feet were on the ground, and the whole city of ice and snow trembled for it, and his **** body burst into a shot at that moment. The pan whistled and shot at the city on the town's monument.

You want to destroy my city.

I will also destroy your city!

Come on, we hurt each other!

"Do you dare!" The roar of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, did not seem to expect that Ning Tao would have such an operation, which made her a little caught off guard.


A few thousand-meter-long ultra-degree pot has been photographed in the city on the town's monument. What protective law formations and the artillery fire that resist the enemy are all in front of the pan of the million-meter god. The power reaches a certain level, any mana is just a tortoise, useless.

With a single blow, Ning Tao picked up the pan with both hands and patted him to the city center.

This city is the city of the sky.

The city of the sky is more important to the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, than the city of the apocalypse. The thing that hurts each other is equal to Ning Tao taking a snakeskin pocket to change her Hermes bag. Can she change it? ?

"Bastard!" Cursed the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

The town monument steered across the city carrying the sky and avoided Ning Tao's attack.

Frozen City is also out of danger.

But Hemia is definitely not the kind of woman who can't fight back with a slap, let alone slap her. Even if she looks at her, she will dig out that person's eyes!

A golden light hit the sky from the center of the city of the sky.

A goddess of more than 20,000 meters in height appeared, with more than 10,000 meters on one leg, more than 10,000 meters on one leg, more than 1,000 meters on a mountain, and more than 1,000 meters on a mountain. Although Ning Tao's **** body soared sharply during this month, it was still shorter than that of Hemia. However, it is much better than the original kilometer to ten thousand meters. At least it looks like a teenager is playing against an adult female soldier, not a baby is playing against an adult female soldier.

The body of Ning Tao is growing, and the body of Goddess of Wisdom Hemia is also growing. However, in terms of the speed at which the god's body grows, Ning Tao's body grows much faster than Hemia. For the same month, the body of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, more than doubled, but Ning Tao's body increased tenfold!

This is actually the reason why Ning Tao defeated the immortal catcher, and Hemia was not afraid in advance in Frozen City, and wanted to snipe Ning Tao. She despised Ning Tao, a wild **** from above, but she was worried that this wild **** would one day surpass her, so she would kill Ning Tao, a rural wild **** in the cradle, and would not grow Ning Tao. time and space!

The second second after the manifestation of the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, a large sword of more than 20,000 meters was cut from the sky.

Such a big sword, a large city of one million people can not afford a knife, really a mountain block level, the city block the city!

As soon as Ning Tao pulled up the saucepan.

The big knife and the pan ran into each other.


In the sound of the earth-shattering impact, the gold and black energy shock waves generally rushed in all directions.


The town **** monument propped up an energy shield, the sky city on the monument was shrouded, and the energy shock wave failed to destroy the sky city on the monument.

The ice and snow city on the ground was sown, and the energy shock wave that hit down immediately destroyed the city walls and houses. Those corpses who rushed to the safe area of ​​the center of ice and snow city turned into dust, and the houses in the city were wiped out.

Fortunately, Ning Tao opened several escape avenues before, and destroyed the corpse people near the avenue, and won the escape time for the immortal people. Most of the immortal people hid in the energy shield supported by the seal of chaos. In the meantime, he was alive.

Although their home was destroyed, the battle between the two gods also wiped out the corpse people. If this shield can persist until the battle between the two gods ends ~ ~, they will even regain their lives. As for rebuilding your home, that's a matter, and it's the most important thing to live now.

In the cover of the Seal of Chaos, a little girl pointed at a dilapidated house in the distance, and said milkily, "Mom, look at my house."

Many people looked around.

In the flying loquat powder, a tiling house stood alone on the cracked earth.

There was also a wooden plaque hanging on the decaying lintel with the words Li Lizi Massage Shop on it.

"My house has not collapsed!" Said a young man excitedly, and he also pointed to a place, his hands were shaking because of the excitement.

Many people watched it.

There, a stone house stood endlessly, next to it was a tens of meters wide crack, but it just did not fall.

Those two houses are so strange.

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