Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1379: Tribal spies

Frost City God battle, Ning Tao's deity was only in his first 10,000 meters, but in just two days, he returned to the tribal god's kingdom and his deity was five kilometers tall. Such a growth rate is not horrible, which also proves the importance of the people to a deity. Although Ning Tao did not know how many gods the Apocalypse God had, he expected that even if he had fewer gods than Hemiah, the goddess of wisdom, there would be nowhere to go.

In the battle of Frozen City, hundreds of thousands of immortals were killed and injured, which is certainly a bad thing. But there are more than a hundred thousand gods in the tribal **** kingdom, but this is a good thing.

But to settle these many gods, this is a very troublesome thing.

Lang Xianghun stepped on an auspicious cloud and flew to the head of God Ning Tao. He knelt on the auspicious cloud: "Great God of the Son, how can we settle these gods? The tribe **** kingdom this time Thousands more iron people have been added, and there are no more places to stay. "

She was the priest of the Temple of the Son of God, and things like the settlement of the people naturally fell on her head.

Ning Tao said: "I will open up the mountains and build a place for the gods."

A method of earth is shining on the ground, gathering sand into stones and gathering stones into walls.

He built a community of divine people next to the temple, and from the community was the temple, and even in the community, he could see the temple and worship God anytime, anywhere.

The construction of the Shenmin Community, which is a great show of magical power, worshipped by all peoples.

After the construction of the Shenmin Community, Ning Tao summoned Langxiang soul and Lingyu in the temple.

"I haven't had anything unusual during this time when I went to Fairyland?" Ning Tao opened the door to see the mountain tunnel.

Lingyu said: "It was quite normal some time ago, and there were iron people and savages joining the tribal **** kingdom one after another, and there were 5,132 people from different places. These days, there are some abnormal situations, I The spies who remained in the city of Apocalypse returned information, saying that in the past few days, a large number of gods have been added to the city of Apocalypse, and a city has appeared above the city of Apocalypse. "

"That's the city of the sky." Ning Tao didn't have to go and knew it was the city of the sky.

At that time, the biggest mission of the city of the sky was to implement the resurrection plan of the goddess of wisdom Hemia. Now that the goddess of wisdom Hemia has been resurrected, there is no need for the city of the sky to stay in the gap between the mountain and the fairyland.

"My god, the tribal kingdom of God suddenly came with more than a hundred thousand gods and people, and the city of Apocalypse also had a large number of gods and people. Is there a large-scale war in the fairyland?" Lang Xianghun asked.

Ning Tao said: "The gods on our side are the immortals of the Frozen City of Fairyland. The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, planted an apostle in that city, planted the seed of death, and killed 500,000 to 600,000 people in that battle. Xianmin are all my followers, and almost all of them have come up with firm convictions. "

Both Lang Xianghun and Lingyu were frightened by this number.

Ning Tao went on to say: "A large number of gods have been added to the city of Apocalypse. I guess it is Hemia who has attacked her own people. In addition, the city of the sky has also appeared in Apocalypse. I guess she will take action recently. , I have to go to Tianqi City to investigate. "

"My God, let me go with you." Lingyu said.

"I'll go too," said Lang Xianghun.

Although the two women did not have much spouse status with Ning Tao, they were married. They both worshiped and believed in Ning Tao and deeply loved Ning Tao. Women are like this, and once they have given love, they will be particularly nervous about the person they love. The last time Ning Tao had gone was a month ago, and they were all worried.

However, Ning Tao said, "No, the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is in the city of Apocalypse. It would be dangerous for you to go, and the tribal gods and temples also need you to manage. If you follow me, who will manage the tribal gods? And the temple? "

Lang Xianghun and Lingyu think about the same reason, but Ning Tao had to go out as soon as he came back, and they always felt a little less in their hearts.

Ning Tao knew what they were feeling and thinking about when he thought about it. He smiled and said, "I'll stay in the temple tonight and leave tomorrow morning."

The energy of love in San Ding Ding is about to bottom out, and he has to collect materials to add.

Although more than one hundred thousand **** people can make his **** body stronger, but the deity body and the power of creation still need the **** crystal to train. Both ends matter, so he has to grab both hands.

Lingyu and Lang Xianghun looked at each other, and the two women's faces suddenly smiled.

Lingyu said a bit shyly: "My god, this is a temple, isn't it? Go to my place, and Xiangxiang and I can serve you wholeheartedly. Here ... I always feel guilty and afraid of blasphemy.

Ning Tao pulled her into her arms and said with a smile, "I'm your god. You can do whatever blasphemy you want tonight."

The flower of the once iron man was so shameless that he buried his head in Ning Tao's chest.

There is also a double-sidedness in the blasphemy of gods, such as giving the child God, others are willing, then there is no problem.

Early the next morning, Ning Tao went out of the temple and went under the natal tree of Shenzhou.

There is a small broken temple under Shenzhou's natal tree, which is a heavenly clinic of good and evil. It cannot be upgraded without finding a new natural middleman of good and evil.

Shenzhou greeted from the tree of birth, and said with a smile: "Brother Xian, if you don't come to me, I wonder if I will come to you later."

Ning Tao was a little curious: "I came here to ask Brother Shenzhou to continue blocking the tribal kingdom. I have to go to Tianqi City again. I don't know what Brother Shenzhou is looking for me?"

Shenzhou said: "I came back this time and caught some abnormal mana waves that were transmitted to the city of Apocalypse, and I guess it was a secret agent of the Apocalypse Kingdom."

Ning Tao's brow frowned suddenly: "The mana wave may be the mana communicator of heaven and man, when did this happen?"

"Just in the middle of the night, I wanted to tell you in time, but when I came outside your temple, I heard you were busy, so I didn't bother you. It's dawn, I wonder if you should finish it, so I wanted to come to you. "Shenzhou said.

Sending God to God feels ashamed.

In the fairy realm, I will not talk about being a dim king. I went to Shenshan and built a kingdom of God. I did not expect to embark on the road of dim king again.

This is a bit unsuccessful.

Shenzhou added another sentence: "But don't worry about Xiandi. I blocked those mana signals and didn't let him pass on."

Ning Tao said, "Where is that person now?"

Shenzhou said, "Come with me, I will take you there."

Ning Tao nodded his head and followed Shenzhou. He glanced at the small ruined temple standing at the foot of Shenzhou's natal tree. He wanted to say hello to the good and evil diners, but felt that there was a lot of fluctuations in the energy of the god. I expected that the product was refining the **** crystal, so I cancelled it. Thoughts.

Shenzhou walked and talked: "Xiandi, that tripod is very diligent. An ownerless **** tripod is so diligent that it is really excellent. Why doesn't Xianti take it away?"

Ning Tao said: "That is the **** tripod of the starless king. Before ... forget it, no matter what happened, everyone has a good fortune, a good fortune, if it chooses its own path, let it go. Right. "

"Stupid brother, I have two other things that I don't know should be said or not."

"You're welcome, let me talk straight." Ning Tao said.

Shenzhou said after a moment of silence: "I said the first year first. Since the agents of the Apocalypse Kingdom have been mixed in, I stayed in the fairyland for two more days. It is difficult to guarantee that the agents did not send signals while I was away, so I I think this place may have been exposed, and Xiandi should plan early. "

Ning Tao said: "After you heard that Mana Wave was captured, I also think so, but where do so many iron people and **** people move to?"

"Sacred Mountain, you are a **** of heaven. You have the qualifications and right to build a kingdom on the mountain. Why do you hide here? This is always the place of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia. She had not been resurrected before, and she couldn't control it. Now that she is resurrected, and she has mostly returned to the city of Apocalypse, how can she allow you to build mountains and mountains in her kingdom? "Shenzhou said," Do n’t hesitate about this, the more hesitant, the more passive you will be in the future. When the army of the Apocalypse Kingdom will enclose the area, the goddess of wisdom Hemia, the fairy trapper and the patron saint of Shanda will kill the door, and the tragedy of Ice and Snow City will probably be staged. "

Ning Tao said: "Brother is right, this matter can't be delayed, it needs to be broken. After dealing with the secret agent, I first went to Tianqi City to explore, and then I went to Shenshan to find a suitable land. The tribal **** kingdom moves over. "

Shenzhou sighed: "Fool brother is timid, so think of everything badly, brother Xian don't laugh."

"Being timid has the advantage of being timid. So many gods have fallen, but the elder brother is still alive. This is a proof." After a pause, Ning Tao said, "The elder brother said that there are two things, and one thing is what ? "

Shenzhou said: "Xian brother, you have nine wives in the immortal realm, and you are only two on top of the mountain. The number is too small, it does not match your goddess of sending children, and the identity of the **** king of your tribal **** kingdom. The mismatch, the more important thing is that the yield of the **** crystal is not high. In the fairyland, you gave me one hundred **** crystals for each of good and evil, and I was embarrassed to take them. "

Excuse me, did you accept it?

Ning Tao really didn't expect that there were two things that he called improperly speaking, and he was really difficult to answer except to smile.

"You can think about it yourself, and I'll hold it for you here ~ ~ If you find it good, I will introduce it to you." Shenzhou said.

Ning Tao: "..."

Talking about it, I unknowingly bypassed the tribe's residence, walked a while, and finally came to a forest.

The forest is dense and stretches up the hillside, the trees in the forest are towering, and the forest is full of divine spirits. This time back to the immortal world, Ning Tao left a lot of divine spirits plucked from the tribal **** kingdom to help several wives train. They felt that if they were treasured, in his eyes, it was the wild vegetables that he dug and the wild fruits that he just picked. Normally, no one wanted to take a closer look.

Shenzhou said, "The new Tiemin have no place to live. The Lingyu girl settled them in a cave at the foot of the mountain, and went a little further. I won't go with the younger brother. There is a scar on it, it's easy to identify. "

He is so timid, even a Tiemin is afraid, I really do n’t know how this fairy is treated.

"Brother, please come back, even if there is no mark, I can find the secret agent." Ning Tao went into the forest alone.

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