Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1382: Wetland goddess Ahunami

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Don't you understand what I'm saying, or are you asking for trouble?"


Thousands of vines rushed towards Ning Tao, a large cluster on the front, and two left and right sides were divided into turns, preparing to attack the pan where it could not be blocked.

Ning Tao didn't plan to be polite any more. He found here to discover this magical and mysterious flower. He opened the conversation with the mind of making friends, but did not expect that the other party said nothing and went straight to work.

How can there be such a grumpy flower!

Then do it!

"Go back to me!" Ning Tao pumped a pan.


The vines made a dense sound when they hit the pan, and the bottom of the pan was covered with white pulp sprayed by flowers.

Thousands of flowers sprayed together, and the scene was like thousands of guns firing on Ning Tao.

Ning Tao can block the spray from the front, but the vines that can be passed from the left and right sides are not able to stop the pan. However, he also had a way to deal with it. With the palm of his hand, the seal of chaos fell to the ground, and a golden energy shield was immediately supported.

Puff puff!

It's unclear how many flowers are sprayed, and the energy shield supported by the mark of nature is sprayed in an instant. It is still golden yellow from the inner wall, but it is a white sticky hemisphere from the outside.

The white pulp sprayed by this flower plant can still be adsorbed on the energy shield of the Chaos Mark, which is really amazing! It is estimated that the white pulp has the power of filth, which can weaken the power of the magic circle.

Puff puff!

The flower was still spraying, and the energy shield propped up by the seal of chaos in the blink of an eye was overwhelmed. The golden energy shield was no longer visible on the ground, let alone the **** of delivery holding a white pot .

Is this over?

not at all.

The flower plant actually used vines to write runes on the walls built by white pulp barriers. Those vines are like the hands of flower plants, written by hundreds of hands. Runes.

This should be the fastest way to write the magic array on the mountain, which is comparable to the speed of the existing French seal.

After the writing of the magic circle is finished, every white pulp rune glitters, and the magic of the magic circle is like a mountain suppressed on the energy shield supported by the seal of chaos.

This is a seal formation.

Ning Tao was sealed.

Huanhuanxilai came to make friends. They were vomited a lot of "spit" and they were sealed. Is there any pure friendship on this mountain?

Is it over?

still none.

Just after Ning Tao was sealed, the flower plant collected all the vines, a cloud of white mist enveloped the flower plant, and then a woman full of white flowers came out of the white mist.

Her height is almost the same as that of Ning Tao. She is barely a few centimeters shorter than Ning Tao, but if she wears shoes, it is almost tall. The flowers on her body do not grow directly from the skin, but are connected by vines that are as thin as silk. The flower buds grow on the vines and are worn on her body like long dresses. Large and small gaps, some scenery looming, tempting to the extreme.

The curvy lines outlined by the long flower skirts have majestic beauty, slender beauty, plump beauty, slender and round beauty, plus a standard petal face. If Ning Tao can see at this moment, This woman in a flower dress should be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

No, it's not a woman, it's a goddess.

Can the woman who can seal the child **** be a goddess?

The goddess of flowers came to the seal, and she said to herself, "Senior? Senior? You are the senior, and your family are all seniors!"

I don't know if Ning Tao can hear this sentence, but if he can hear it, he must understand, because the goddess speaks his standard mother tongue. I do n’t know if it ’s learning now or selling it, or I knew it before. This is a very strange thing.

The goddess of flowers came to the seal, and Petal's face was still a little angry, very angry: "Do you think I don't know what is in your heart? Do you want to pick my flowers? You pick my flowers, Do you still want to eat my fruit? I tell you, people who think the same as you can star in two circles around the wetland. You can ask and inquire. Is it possible that you can provoke me to a wet wave? "

I don't know what Ning Tao heard, but if he heard it, he would be very depressed.

When did he want to pick her flowers?

When did he want to eat her fruit?

He hadn't even seen her fruit, let alone picked and eaten. Isn't this more wrong than Dou'e?

The goddess who claims to be Ashibo is still talking to the seal: "Do you know your end? You will become my flower fat, you will die without leaving any residue. This is the end of what you called my predecessor! "

Is a pretty woman so arrogant?

Yes, beautiful women can really be arrogant.

Ashibo still beeps: "Is this the God Mountain? This is too boring. I have been here for three days, and I met you as a lame **** in three days. Where are the other gods?" Will there be a Fengshen Temple after I cross the mountain, why no one came to preside over the ceremony for me? It seems that the legends are deceiving. I want to go home, how can I go back ... It's water. I haven't drank it for three days. I just sprayed so much out ... hey ... "

Suddenly, the domed seal trembled.

A Shibo was taken aback, a pair of jade feet a little on the albino rock, his body fluttered backwards.


The domed seal's shell cracked, and a ray of golden light burst out of the shell.

In the next second, the shell of the seal was torn apart, and a great **** appeared from the golden light. At a height of more than 15,000 meters, one leg was eight or nine kilometers, one leg was eight or nine kilometers, and one leg was more than 1,000 meters.

The God of Sons is back.

The seal of his chaos can protect him in the fierce land of the tomb of God, and a little **** from another alien who just crossed over to the mountain also wants to seal him?

Stupid person dreaming!

The reason why he stayed in the seal didn't break immediately, but he just wanted to hear a few words from this ash-bodo.

This Ashibo was obviously a nonsense, he felt that as long as he stayed in her eggshell seal, she estimated that he could say that his ears were cocoon.

The divine body appeared, and Ning Tao fiercely said, "You guy, do you really think that I am a little hair **** above the mountain? Do you dare to seal me? I will show you what the real seal is!"

A Shibo disappeared, and a white flower took root on that huge white rock again. Thousands of vines rose up at once, and one white flower receded and aimed at the sky. Ning Tao's **** body is too huge, standing in this canyon like a mountain, she obviously wants to attack the key of Ning Tao, not his feet.

She really attacked him.

Puff puff!

Flowers blossomed and white mortar shells flew towards Ning Tao's waist.

She probably wanted to spray Ning Tao's god's chest and head, but Ning Tao's **** was more than 15,000 meters high, and her range was not enough. As a result, Ning Tao's waist was sprayed with a blink of an eye, as if the bear child had nourished a tube of white paint with a water gun.

Ning Tao's waist was rolling white smoke, mysterious fragrance filled the canyon. This picture looks like two gods are fighting, it's almost like two children playing.

Ning Tao's waist was itchy and painful. He was also angered, and no matter what the bullying was, he froze with a pan: "I see that you can't see the coffin, don't cry, I'll kill you A scum! "

His pan was thousands of meters in diameter, whizzing down, and only a little shadow covered the little canyon.

This pot was smashed down, and it was said that this small Ono God, Ashibo, who had not even had a **** body on the mountain just now, even the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not dare to fix it!

"Don't fight! I surrender!" The flower strain disappeared, and a goddess wearing a white flower group appeared on the white rocks, holding up his hands in a standard surrendering posture.

Under the raised arms, there were a few armpit hairs in the armpits. The armpit hairs were not white but pink.

Pink underarm hair, Ning Tao was the first time to see such strange underarm hair. He finally saw a different color from her body, especially precious and mysterious.

The pan with a diameter of a few kilometers stopped on top of Ashibo, and Ashibo closed her eyes nervously, and her legs shook constantly.

The cauldron with a diameter of several thousand meters was taken in the head. If you are not afraid, it is absolutely false.

It was those pink armpit hairs that sent Zishen to stop, or A Shibo's gesture of surrendering him to stop Zishen, I am afraid that even the Zishen deity is not clear. However, as far as this inexplicable conflict is concerned, he really can't go to the pan to shoot people to death.

He was intentionally sealed by Ashibo because he wanted to listen to her.

She said he was going to turn him into a flower fertilizer, which was also the most talkative element, and he did not turn into a flower fertilizer.

She also said that there are so many people who want to pick her flowers, can there be two rows of stars around the wetland?

In this world, who hasn't had a time to brag?

It's a little overkill to kill someone just for the contradiction just now. Moreover, a new **** who came up from the sacred mountain finally came, which is his only neighbor. If he smashed her a pan, wouldn't there be only one lonely **** on the sacred mountain? Is it?

"Can't you hit it yet?" Ning Tao said, taking off the pan ~ ~.

A Shibo shook her head, and then added another sentence: "You're going to change back soon, you look so spicy."

Ning Tao: "..."

She was still nervous and trembling just now. She returned to normal in a blink of an eye. How thick was her nerve?

Ning Tao received the **** body. This time, he did not activate the **** Jiayin to become Lang Lang, but restored his original appearance.

A Shibo stared straight at Ning Tao: "You were pretty good. You looked so ugly when you first arrived. You have changed into your present appearance, and I will not attack you."

Ning Tao was a little aggressive.

Is it ugly to be attacked?

Is your goddess practicing on the mountain by face?

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