Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1385: Laid out children

The sounding device was Lang Lang's communication device, which was on Ning Tao's body.

Ning Tao took out the cigarette-shaped communication device, took a look, and carried it back to his pants pocket. Then he decisively hugged Ashibo, opened a door of convenience, and then held Ashibo into the door of convenience.

Behind the door is the lock wall of the Temple of the Deity.

"Ning Aiqing, that sister is ..." Zhe Er's voice came over, and Ding Shang's face was full of surprise and curiosity.

"Come on later, don't make her sleep." Ning Tao left a sentence, kicked her feet, and shot out of the temple.

"Look at that, the great God!"

"Our God appears again!"

"The great God of the Son, I dedicate everything to me!"

There was a cheering and worshiping voice in the square.

It's getting dark, and there are still more than 100,000 gods worshipping in the square. The incense at the Temple of the Son of God is really booming.

This is the importance of the divine people to a god. They are the most devout believers. They do not need to sleep. They worship God at all times and contribute their energy. Therefore, to a certain extent, whether a **** is strong or not depends on the number of his **** people. If the number of gods and people owned is small, it is a small **** of dregs. If the number of gods and people owned is large, then it is naturally a great god.

Although the iron people believers of the tribal **** kingdom cannot compare with the iron people believers of the Apocalypse God kingdom, the number of **** people is quite considerable. Ning Tao sneaked into Tianqi City this time. One of the goals was to investigate the number and origin of the gods and people in Tianqi City. But before he could take action, the situation changed and he had to return.

The reason is very simple. He is now Lang Lang. He has entered the tribal kingdom. How can he activate communication in the city of Apocalypse? Moreover, the other party suddenly requested communication, which is likely to have taken action.

This time the situation was urgent. Ning Tao did not pretend in front of the believers of the gods and people, and flew directly out of the shielded energy field of Shenzhou.

Buzz ...

After flying out of the shielded energy field of Shenzhou, the communication instrument rang again.

Ning Tao plunged into a dense forest on a mountain peak, and then activated the communication device.

Mana was released and a holographic projection appeared in the dense forest.

That's a heavenly man.

Looking at the face of that heavenly man, Ning Tao froze immediately.

This heavenly man is no one else. It is Elisabba, the father of Daenerys.

Counting, Ning Tao also called him a father-in-law.

However, he can only pretend not to know.

Elisaba's environment is also very familiar. That is the study room of the priest Rambo, once there was a secret road that could lead to the city of the sky. It is unknown.

The appearance of Elisabha in the study room of the priest Rambo, which seems to have shown his current status, he has taken over the position of the priest Rambo and became a new priest.

However, there is no real flesh and blood on the mountain, except the gods. Elisabha who appeared at this moment was obviously not an iron man made up of machinery and flesh, nor was he a godmind of pure soul, but a real body of flesh.

"Did he become a god?" Ning Tao had such a guess in her heart, surprised, but her face remained motionless.

He covered his chest with his right hand, bowed deeply, and said politely, "Lang Lang meets the Lord, what is the Lord?"

The play must be performed well. Although it is an old man, it is still pretending not to know.

Eli Saba said: "I, Eli Saba, the patron saint of the city of the sky, is also the new priest of the temple of the sky. In the future, your information will be transmitted directly to me, and you will only be responsible to me."

Ning Tao swooped down and knelt on the ground: "The patron saint of the great city of the sky! I am willing to give everything for you, I will swear allegiance to you!"

"Everything you belong to the great Goddess of Wisdom, here I am, you just need to complete your task."

"Yes!" Ning Tao interpreted the role of the little man to the fullest.

"Tell me, why didn't you just send back one piece of information?" Elisabha's voice was questioning, "Our people found the quarantine you said and started tonight. I believe you have mixed up Entered the savage tribe, but why hasn't the exact location and intelligence been sent back to now? "

What he wants to ask and what he wants, Ning Tao actually knows, and his heart has already prepared the answer long ago: "The great patron saint of Kaiqi, the city of the sky, has indeed been mixed into the savage tribe, but that **** The **** of giving away the child shielded the savage tribe with the formation, and I could not pass on information at all. "

"What's going on this time?" Elisaba stared at Ning Tao, his eyes seeming to penetrate Ning Tao's heart.

Ning Tao said, "The humble job has been looking for opportunities to pass on information, and it hasn't found an opportunity until today. Their godstone mining is finished and a new mine is needed. But no one wants to go out to explore the mine. I took the initiative and asked them to send me. Come out. There are several other people, and I act separately from them. I want to activate the communication device to transmit information after dark. I did not expect the great patron saint of the sky to come, I can see you, I can hear Your voice, this is my greatest honor! "

Eli Saba frowned slightly: "Tell me where the savage tribe is."

Ning Tao said: "This communicator has a positioning device. I will now go back to the tribe and activate it and place it outside the energy barrier of that **** god. By that time, you will be guarded by the great city of sky. You just need to kill someone. "

"Come on!" Said Elisabad.

"Observe!" Ning Tao stood up from the ground.

Elisabha's holographic projection disappeared.

There is no satellite in this world, so there is no all-weather positioning. The detective Langwolf's communicator has a positioning magic component, but it also needs to be activated. Lang Lang's body also has a fixed French seal, which can be erased when he becomes a savage. Therefore, Lang Lang, who successfully blended into the enemy, became an important flag of the Apocalyptic Kingdom. He was like a poisoned dagger stuck on the tribe's kingdom. He would always kill the tribe's kingdom.

But the Apocalypse Kingdom did not know, this poison dagger was just strolling around in the city of Apocalypse with beauty.

"Elisaba's people are already in the quarantine zone, what should I do?" Ning Tao pondered.

There are some iron people in the quarantine zone, and there are several believers who receive and inspect the iron people. Those iron people have little to do with the tribal kingdom, but the believer people who are responsible for receiving and inspecting are his believer people. Do they want to give them up?

After thinking about it, Ning Tao made a decision and gave up.

This is war, there has never been an undead war. He is now very easy to rescue those believer people. He flew over and killed the **** guard from Tianqi City to save the believer people. However, that quarantine zone was sold by Lang Lang to the Sky Temple. If the first information had ambushed the Sky Temple, how could his next information convince Elisabha?

What he wants is big fish, what he wants is the victory of the whole war.

One is some isolated iron people and a few believer people. On one side are the people of the immortal realm, and the entire tribal **** kingdom.

Ning Tao opened the door of convenience and returned to the temple.

A Shibo is still asleep, purring, and the white pulp bubble in front of her nostrils is still stretched and shrunk, very rhythmic.

Ning Tao could no longer take care of her. He crossed the lobby and walked to a door on the side of the temple.

That was his room. After taking Lingyu and Lang Xianghun to sleep in that room last time, they didn't leave and moved to that room.

"Ning Aiqing, something happened?" Zhe Er and Ning Tao have special telepathy.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "You are ready, I will call you to fight at any time."

"Someone can eat again, okay! Xun Long Yan Dayue, look at my face, isn't it a happy smile?" Zhe Er was very happy.

Ning Tao didn't even bother to look at it, he went straight into his room.

What Lang Xianghun wrote at the window, Lingyu lay in bed.

At first sight, Ning Tao opened the door and came in. Lang Xianghun froze for a moment, then stood up and knelt down, "My God, you are back. Let me wait for you to rest."

It was because Ning Tao looked like Lang Lang, but she soon found out who this iron man was, and he was her god.

Ning Tao said, "No, I'm leaving."

At this time, Lingyu also woke up. She was in the same situation as Lang Xianghun. She saw a strange iron man appearing in the room. She also stayed a bit, and even subconsciously covered her chest. She was sleeping, only Wearing thin underwear. But when she saw Lang Xianghun kneeling on the ground, she also realized who was coming, and hurriedly turned over to get out of bed and kneel down: "My god, Lingyu is asleep, I do n’t know my **** is back ..."

Ning Tao interrupted her: "You all get up, I say something very important."

Both Lingyu and Lang Xianghun stood up from the ground.

Ning Tao said: "The man you saw, his name is Lang Lang, was an undercover photo shoot from the Sky Temple. He has leaked the location of the quarantine area and is now surrounded by the gods of the Sky Temple."

Lingyu suddenly became nervous: "I will immediately take our people to rescue!"

She really was going.

Ning Tao held her back: "Don't go."

Lingyu said in surprise, "Why, there are our people there."

Ning Tao said: "Who is more important than the entire tribal kingdom?"

Lingyu froze for a moment, she obviously didn't think so much. When she heard that the quarantine zone was surrounded by Shenwei, her instinct was to take soldiers to rescue her. After hearing Ning Tao's words, she thought of the entire tribal kingdom.

Yeah ~ ~ Compared to the whole tribal kingdom, what are some believers?

Ning Tao went on to say: "This is a war, and there must be sacrifices in the war. Remember those people, they are the heroes of the tribal kingdom."

Lingyu bit her cherry lips and nodded.

Ning Tao said: "Now, you immediately mobilize all people, bring the supplies you can bring, and wait for my instructions."

"Is this ... will you move?" Lang Xianghun asked.

Ning Tao nodded.

"Where are we going to move?" Lingyu said curiously.

Ning Tao said: "I want to open up a space of our own, but before that, I have one more thing to do. You go first to mobilize people and wait for me to come back."

"Yes." Lang Xianghun and Lingyu responded in unison.

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