Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1389: God of Creation

Ink smoke disappeared, and the sense of shuttle space in the clinic disappeared.

"We're here," said good and evil.

Ning Tao couldn't wait to walk to the door. The door of the clinic opened automatically. A dark space entered his sight. He couldn't see the end at a glance. He didn't know how deep it was or how high it was. He stepped out of the door, glanced back, and there was darkness behind him, but a faint ray of sky shone from above his head, hitting the clinic's roof impartially, giving the shabby roof a golden glow.

Where the beam of sky is located is the entrance to this cracked space, and it can also be used as an exit. I don't know if there is such an entrance for other export goods, but it must also exist, as if there is more than one exit and entrance in the cracked space where the Kingdom of Apocalypse is located.

Good and evil tripods floated out of the clinic, and a light golden cloud surged under the three tripods.

Ning Tao looked back and looked at the good and evil Ding: "Brother Ding, how big is the crack space?"

Good and Evil Ding said, "I haven't measured it carefully, and I'm not sure, but as far as I have explored, there should be no problem in setting up your tribal kingdom."

"How did you find this place?" Ning Tao was curious.

Good and Evil Ding said, "Did I not tell you before? After I went to Shenshan, I searched for the town monument. The hill above is bare, even a tree. I guess what the town monument may be hiding in. In the hidden space, I drilled into it when I encountered a crack. This place was also found by accident. I think it contains a lot of divine energy and it is secretive enough, so I left a seal of positioning method here in the future Retreat here. "

"That's what happened, I'll take a look first." Ning Tao called out the golden auspicious cloud, and the thought moved, and the cloud flew towards the beam of sky.

After flying upward for more than 100,000 meters, I saw a long and narrow crack. The yellow sky was shining through the crack. Ning Tao flew out of the crack and came to the top of the mountain. This place is like other places. The view is full of yellow rocks and dirt. Some rocks are tens of thousands of meters high, and some rocks are hundreds of thousands of meters high. They extend irregularly to the distance, even looking for a flat place not see.

The mountains are densely packed here, but it is very suitable for hiding.

Ning Tao looked around and returned to the cracked space.

Good and evil Ding said: "There are many mountains above, there are no relics of the temple, this place should be a very remote place on the mountain."

Ning Tao said: "I think so too. I'll go look elsewhere. Trouble brother Ding is waiting for me here."

"You go, I'll wait for you here." Good and evil Ding also politely spoke.

Former enemies and current ally relations are so unpredictable.

For the good and evil tripod, the former little brother, the flesh and blood body cultivated in secret, turned into a great god. The difference is certainly large, but it must be accepted. Ning Tao didn't find it as an old account. In fact, this is already a read of old feelings, and it is now doing things for Ning Tao and there is a superb **** crystal to enjoy. It cherishes the opportunity in front of it.

Ning Tao does not have such a feeling of good and evil tripod. To him now, the good and evil tripod is a common artifact, and in his eyes only the stars and the sea, the universe world.

This time internal exploration, Ning Tao abandoned the golden auspicious clouds and replaced the vehicle with a thunder hammer. He flew in all four directions, and every time he flew for a few minutes and ten minutes. The results of exploration soon came out. The fracture space was also narrow from east to west and narrow from north to south. When flying east to west, he did not hit

Rock face. When flying south to north, I hit the rock wall twice. However, in terms of the thunder hammer ’s ability to fly through the void, although it only has a few minutes of flight time, the area is quite wide.

"This fissure space should be larger than the fissure space where the Apocalypse Kingdom is located. It is suitable for building my new kingdom of God, and here it is." Ning Tao ended the exploration, and he was glad that he returned to the good and evil .

"How big is this?" Good and Evil asked, it hadn't explored the place carefully, so it was also curious.

Ning Tao said: "It's big, it's bigger than the crack space where the Kingdom of Apocalypse is located. This place is very good, here it is."

Good and Evil Ding said, "This place has no water and no trees. Do you really want to move your people here? If you live for a long time, what do they eat and drink?"

Ning Tao smiled: "If I can't figure out even this trivial matter, what qualifications do I have to be their patron saint?"

The good and the evil are full of words, and now Ning Tao is an unpredictable existence to him.

"You just watch it here, I'll just do it briefly." Ning Tao left this sentence, and the golden **** cloud on the foot flew up to the height of the void.

A Kowloon Kaifu flew down and made a brilliant landing.

There was no explosive explosion, but lightning and thunder, howling winds, and heavy rain pouring!

This is the means of Ning Tao. Nine Tao masters the heavenly charm by destroying the heavens and the earth and killing three false gods, but it can also open up the world.

The five elements coexist, and the five elements counteract each other, supplemented by wind, lightning, and light, and the magic of creating the world is available. And here is the fissure space of Shenshan, which contains heavenly energy and energy, which also has a material foundation. Everything is in place, Dongfeng is here again, and the rest is a drain.

Lightning and thunder, howling winds, torrential rains poured down, and rivers soon appeared on the yellow ground. The rivers converged and formed lakes. Water and soil are the foundation of the world, and what is lacking now are only seeds.

The seed Ning Tao was already prepared. He took the Japanese gourd in his hand, tilted the gourd body, and was moved by the thought. One seed was released from the Japanese gourd and was blown to different places by the wind.

Some of these seeds were collected by him from the Kingdom of Apocalypse and part of the seeds of the world. When the moon base was built, there were still a lot of them, which are now used for sowing.

The seeds are scattered.

Ning Tao accepted the Japanese gourd, opened his limbs on the golden clouds, and the creative power was sprayed out of his body, as the golden sunlight flew in all directions to this space and fell into the soil.

Under the influence of creativity, every seed began to take root and sprout. In the blink of an eye, green sprouts grew in the soil by the lake, and then grew rapidly. Some grow into wheat, some into rice, some into bales, some into big trees, some into green grass, some full of flowers, and some bearing fruit.

The faces of the good and evil diners opened their mouths and could not be closed.

Ning Tao's magical power displayed at this moment does not even include the Sunburst King who was reputed to be a **** at that time!

Open up the world and create a brand new world. Even if the gods are still in the ancient times, who can do it?

Although the goddess of wisdom can be considered to have created the Kingdom of Apocalypse, she used all scientific and technological instruments, while Ning Tao used pure magical powers and divine power. The two are not comparable at all. A very appropriate

The metaphor is that the Kingdom of Apocalypse created by the goddess of wisdom Hemia is like a fake world without vitality, but Ning Tao created a real natural world.

It took a full hour for the storm to stand still, and Ning Tao was paralyzed on the golden **** cloud, which was probably his biggest consumption ever. He doesn't want to do anything right now, he just wants to lie down on this soft golden **** cloud and sleep well.

But now obviously it is not time to sleep. The tribal kingdom is still in the Apocalypse Kingdom. The apocalypse kingdom has lost three patron saints. I am afraid that there will be greater military operations. The people of the tribal kingdom are often in the Apocalypse kingdom. One minute is more dangerous.

Ning Tao took out a small porcelain bottle from the Japanese sun gourd, unplugged the bottle stopper, and poured more than a dozen **** crystals into his mouth.

The entrance of those dozen **** crystals turned into divine energy and entered Ning Tao's body. The Seal of Creation refined those energy, supplemented the power of Creation, and the feeling of fatigue suddenly weakened a lot.

Ning Tao will come down to the golden auspicious clouds and come to the lake in the center of the New World. This lake has an area of ​​at least ten square kilometers. It is not a large lake for a few days, but it is not deep at the bottom. It is perfectly fine for the people of the entire tribal kingdom to drink. In the future, he will cast a few more spells to form a cycle.

Ning Tao looked up at the sky again. There was a faint skylight in the sky. The daylight was completely different from the skylight in Shenshan and the Kingdom of Apocalypse. The blue sky was the standard sky blue. However, this is only the light of the spell, which will be used up over time. After all, no more powerful magical spells can match the true stars, and it is impossible to create real skylight.

"Turn back to make a glowing magic weapon, just like the magic weapon in the realm of the void. When the problem of the light source is solved, the plant can reproduce itself." Ning Tao thought in his mind.

There is a ready-made magic weapon in the sky, but it is too small, and the crack space is too large to illuminate the entire space world. He can only rethink to make a similar magic weapon.

Zhe Er has been studying that instrument, and I do n’t know how it is doing now. Why did Ning Tao go back and ask it?

He left the lake and returned to the gate of Tianwai Clinic.

Good and evil tribute respectfully and authentically: "Send the Son of God, your magical power, not even the Sun King!"

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "This is also a hurry of time, just tinker with it. If there is plenty of time and sufficient preparation, this crack space should be better."

Good and evil tripod: "..."

Another force is installed invisibly ~ ~ Ning Tao said: "It's been done here for the time being. I'll open the door now to convey my people, so you don't have to go back."

Good and evil Ding said: "Then I'll wait for you here."

Ning Tao opened a door of convenience and walked in.

The door of convenience has not disappeared. The good and evil sighed in front of the door and said to himself: "I knew he was so good. Why did I pit him and cooperate with him all the time. A bug? Hey ... "

There has never been any regretful medicine in this world.

PS: I apologize for yesterday's negligence again, I was wrong. However, the chapter that is more wrong must be updated because there are still people who haven't read it. I do have a chapter, but I really have no secrets and no pride. When encountering something, saving a chapter or two can also play a big role.

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