Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1412: New world of mars

A Kowloon Kaifu energy enchantment flew out of Ning Tao's hands and exploded into the void of several thousand meters high. The sky was suddenly filled with clouds and thunder and lightning.

It didn't take long for the heavy rain to fall from the clouds. The dry soil became moist, and the rainwater flowed from high to low, converging into a stream, the stream converging into a river, and the river converging into a lake.

Ning Tao picked up the Japanese gourd, released the seeds that had been prepared, and then shot it with a seal of wind. Suddenly the wind rose, and the seeds flew away with the seeds. Wherever the energy barrier of the Mark of Chaos extends, the seed will fly.

Ning Tao walked in the rain, and the force of creation poured from his feet into the moist soil and into the flowing creeks and rivers. Where the power of nature has said, every seed germinates and grows. In the dry and barren land, grass, wheat, corn, flowers and trees were formed in a while.

Kowloon opened up a new world and created a new world. The power of creation nourishes all things and promotes the seed to take root. This is the magical power of the Son of God.

Zhao Wushuang's mouth had not been closed all the way, she witnessed a great miracle, and the man who created it was her husband.

Is she proud?

She was really proud, looking at Ning Tao's eyes full of worship and indescribable affection.

Looking at the lush green grass that grew out of nothing, she could not wait to drive with her man there again, and headed for the happy terminal.

Ning Tao stopped beside a small lake and photographed a French seal into that small lake.

That is the seal of creation.

It can be used not only to create life, but also to maintain ecosystems. With it, this living new world will gain long-lasting support and even evolve new species.

Ning Tao cut his finger on the palm with his finger as a knife, and the golden blood of God was dripped on the seal of creation. In a blink of an eye, the piece of meat and golden blood turned into a swarm of bugs, which got into the soil and into the lake.

"What is her husband doing?" Zhao Wushuang said curiously.

Ashibo said: "Hualang is the creator, a great god. He is making insects. He is best at making insects."

"Why does he want to make a worm?" Zhao Wushuang's curiosity did not die.

Ashibo said, "I don't know about this, maybe he likes bugs a lot."

Ning Tao used his own flesh to create worms on Mars, in fact, it still looks like Prometheus in antique Greek mythology. He has seen that movie and was impressed. He had high hopes for these bugs, and perhaps tens of thousands or even millions of years later, these bugs have evolved into Martians. At that time, his genes were circulated in every Martian. Wouldn't he be a true God of God?

After Ning Tao created the bug, he returned to A Shibo and Zhao Wushuang.

Zhao Wushuang then grabbed Ning Tao's hand and went to see where he cut. She originally wanted to dress up the wound for Ning Tao, only to find that Ning Tao's hand was free of wounds.

Ning Tao said: "Wushuang, this is the new world I split for you. In the future, our son will be the lord of this land. The mines here are his, and the land here is his. Whatever he wants to do OK, do you like this place? "

Zhao Wushuang's gaze swept across mountains, rivers, and green grass-like meadows, and a smile appeared on her face: "I like this place, but how do I come and go back?"

Ning Tao said: "I don't need to worry about you, I will arrange everything properly. Now I will build a royal palace for you."

"Build a royal palace?" Zhao Wushuang said in surprise: "I'm not a queen, and I don't want any royal palace, just where I can live."

Ning Tao smiled: "But you are the wife of the **** of the son, the queen of the Eastern Kingdom of God. How can you live where you want?"

This sentence became the founding words of the Eastern Godland.

Ning Tao chose a place and carved a seal of earth on the ground.

Sediment became a rock, walls formed a wall, the flames burned, and a magnificent palace stood up.

Zhao Wushuang's mouth could not be closed again.

When the palace was completed, the Shenzhou also came, and he did not hesitate to praise him: "Brother, you are really supernatural. From the perspective of the fool, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is actually inferior to you."

Ning Tao smiled: "Brother Shenzhou has passed the prize. I have something to ask you."

Shenzhou said, "Why not ask, you and my brother say this and see each other. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ning Tao said: "After all, you and I have to go back to the mountain. This Mars base has been built, but without your help, it is inconvenient to communicate with each other. You have the ability to travel through the Three Realms. I do n’t know if you have any help. I build a star gate or something, one here and one on earth. This will also make it possible for Wushuang to go back and forth and transport supplies? "

Shenzhou thought for a while before saying, "There is a way to solve this problem. There was a void **** above Shenshan. I have a good relationship with him. I saw him portray a magic circle that can travel through space in a short distance. I said short The distance is a short distance from Shenshan, you know, even if it is a short distance above Shenshan, it is much longer than the distance from Earth to Mars. I want to use the Void God's matrix to solve the problem of round trip, but it needs the best God stone came to build the door. "

Ning Tao said: "This is okay. I came down with many superb **** stones this time."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the big Japanese gourd, and he took a divine thought, and a piece of Jin Cancan's superb **** stone flew out of the big Japanese gourd and piled it on the ground.

Shenzhou said: "I will now depict the circle of law on the ground, and Xianxian will build a door and engrav it on the stone of God."

"Okay." Ning Tao's seal of the wind, the superb stones stacked on the ground suspended in pieces, built into an arch, standing on the square in front of the palace's main entrance.

He's done it all, but Shenzhou is still portraying the magic circle.

Zhao Wushuang walked toward Jin Cancan's God Stone Arch, reached out to touch the God Stone, and said with excitement: "Husband, this door reminds me of a TV series I've watched, I don't know if you have watched it."

Ning Tao smiled and said, "You're talking about Stargate."

Zhao Wushuang nodded his head: "Yes, I am talking about Stargate. I did not expect that there is a real Stargate standing in front of my eyes now. It feels like ... dreaming."

Ning Tao said: "A lot of things have imagination first, and then there are real objects. Later, you can go back and forth between Mars and Earth through this door, which is very convenient."

Zhao Wushuang's eyes are full of excited light and longing for the future: "My husband, I will definitely develop the God subsidiary, I will not let you down."

Ning Tao reached out and put her arms around her shoulders: "Yes, this palace has no name yet. How about you call it Wushuang Palace?"

Zhao Wushuang grinned: "Well, as long as it's your name, whatever it is."

Ashibo said, "Hualang, I think this palace is bare. How about I plant flower vines and white jade grass here?"

Ning Tao said, "Of course you can. In this way, there are traces left by you."

A wet wave of white light was emitted from Ashibo's body, and the beauty of the great beauty disappeared. A huge flower vine appeared in the white light, with ten flowers and hundreds of flowers.

"Sister Shibo, you ..." Zhao Wushuang was frightened again, speechless.

The flowers and vines of Ashibo spread out in all directions, and all the places they passed were white and purified, and a small flower vine grew on the white jade ground, and the white jade grass was as white as jade.

Later, the flower vine on Mars was named the wet wave flower, and the wet wave flower also became the national flower of the Eastern version of the kingdom of God.

At this time, Shenzhou portrayed the magic circle.

It was another rune that Ning Tao had never seen before, but after seeing the answer and the root of all things in Super God Space, no rune in the world could hold him back.

Ning Tao painted the gourd in the same way, using the power of creation to engraved the magic circle portrayed by Shenzhou on the arch of the **** stone, and then activated it.

Shattered, the God Stone Arch was activated. The energy in the door flowed like a water curtain, and the golden runes flickered, giving a very mysterious feeling.

"This door will be called Dongfang Shenmen." Ning Tao said.

Zhao Wushuang nodded excitedly: "Well, then it is the Eastern Gate of God."

Shenzhou said: "It's only halfway done, and we need to build a door back to the earth and engraving the same law array, so that we can form an energy channel through space."

Ning Tao said: "It's not a rush. I'll meet someone and tell him about the situation here. They can also use the Oriental Shenmen here to travel between Earth and Mars."

"Is there anyone on Mars?" Zhao Wushuang said in surprise.

Ning Tao smiled: "A guy named Meng Bo, I gave him a Mars base before, and they and the first immigrants were in the base."

"But you are talking about our great hero Meng Bo?" Zhao Wushuang suddenly remembered this person.

Ning Tao nodded: "It's him ~ ~ If they have any difficulties in the future, you can help."

Zhao Wushuang said, "I know who Meng Bo represents, so why not bring them here? In this way, this new world can make us stronger faster."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Let them study there first. If I solve everything, they will become flowers in the greenhouse. They need to adapt to the harsh interstellar environment. Their research and experience are very valuable. . Also, if I come forward, that credit will be mine, and those credits will not make any sense to me. For a while, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. "

Zhao Wushuang nodded his head: "Well, I understand."

Ning Tao held up Zhao Wushuang's hand: "Now go to the door with me."

A golden auspicious cloud soared into the sky, and visiting Mars was like shopping.

A Shibo was still busy flowering and planting grass on the ground.

Aside, Shenzhou sighed, "This younger sister, oh ..."

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