Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1421: Groundbreaking on the 7th

() Each rune landed and became part of the seal, which is more complicated than ever. It has not only the seal of nature and the five elements of the golden wood, water, fire, earth, and soil as the core, but this time Ning Tao also added the wind, lightning, light, and light to it, forming a spherical French seal.

This seal of India is the result of the research and comprehension of these days.

Ning Tao no longer called it the seal of creation, but named it the seal of creator.

The seal of creation can create life, and the head of Lingtooth Dragon, housed in the dragon frame, is an example. From this case alone, it is undoubtedly successful. However, its level is too low and not high enough to exceed the limits of previous creations. A very simple principle is to use the material brought down from the immortal world and the **** mountain, or use his flesh and blood to create life. This is just a low-level creation.

The advanced creation technique is to create an environment suitable for the evolution of life, make all things change, and give birth to a real life with soul.

The created life will not have a real soul, so the iron people created by the goddess of wisdom Hemiah also need to catch the immortals to extract the people's souls in order to become the iron people with souls. Only the life that has evolved naturally, has experienced the pain of life transformation, can it be a soul.

Creator Seal was completed.

Ning Tao shot on the French seal with one palm, and the power of creation was injected.


The earth shook violently, the sky was windy, the wind was howling, and the lightning was thundering.

Ning Tao flew up into the sky, and the moment he stopped, a large cave collapsed inside the ring-shaped volcano, and a hundred-meter-diameter magma burst into the sky. A lot of water vapor enters the clouds, and a lot of volcanic ash floats in the air.

Wind energy mixes energy and contributes to the reaction.

Fire can dissolve matter and quench matter.

Light and electricity synthesize energy and matter.

The power of creation can change and create material and life.

Water can conceive life and nourish ...

This is the power of nature, which can be seen everywhere, but no one thinks that it is the power of creation.

Ning Tao added the power of nature to the Seal of Creation, and now his Seal of Creation has become that answer, the root of all things.

In a time, Ning Tao went elsewhere, and depicted a seal of the Creator. That place was also shaken by earthquakes, volcanoes erupted, winds and clouds surged in the sky, lightning thundered, and everything was ushered in.

Ning Tao continued to "stray" for one day, two days, three days, and four days, and did not stop until the seventh day.

Behind him, an active volcano erupted, the sky was overcast with lightning and thunder.

During these seven days, he engraved the seal of the Creator in 981 in total, but not all the seals of the Creator. Every time a new rune was added. This process is actually a process in which he constantly perfects the Creator's response, and this perfection has no end. Just like the answer in Ashibo ’s Super God space and the roots of ever-changing things, he can always find the place where the Creator ’s seal needs improvement or change.

At dusk on the seventh day, he returned to the sky above the ring volcano.

That huge volcano is still erupting, sending minerals and water buried underground into the sky. The eruption of hundreds of volcanoes, large and small, has also improved the atmospheric structure of Mars. It also miraculously appeared that the gas that humans need, oxygen, is just very thin.

Look at the sunset next to the field, it is not so blue, there is a touch of golden in the blue sunset.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to a mountain peak, his face suddenly smiled.

On a cliff of that mountain peak, a stream of spring water flowed out of a crack, flowing down the rock wall.

A small pool of water has gathered under that rock wall.

Ning Tao flew up and landed beside the small water pond, and hurled a handful of water. The spring water was cool and bitter.

Ning Tao's gaze gathered on a drop of water, and the thought moved, and the drop of water kept zooming in and out, and his sight also entered the inner world of the drop.

He saw a little bit of matter being synthesized. Although he couldn't see any life features of the minute matter, he already felt their vitality.

They are the life born from the Martian environment, but what they will eventually evolve into is still unknown.

But this is not difficult for Ning Tao.

With a divine motion, his sight penetrated again into those living things.

It was a new space world, as if it were a condensed universe and a vast universe with countless planets and matter. In the end, it was the darkness that represented death.

Ning Tao ended the interpretation of the divine thought, he let go of his hand, and let the water drop slip between him, and a smile appeared on his face: "Mars is gestating a new life, maybe it was only plankton that came out at first However, this journey of life on Mars has already begun. I am the creator of future Mars life. They have the mark of my fortune on them. They should be my followers. "

He probed, patted it with one palm, and a French seal came to life.

That is the seal of earth.

Ground vibrations, sand gathering into rocks, rock barrier imaging.

In just half an hour, a huge idol of more than ten thousand meters appeared on the side of the ring volcano.

This idol is Ning Tao's own idol, and his head is even higher than this mountain. The spring water flowing out of the cracks in the rock wall happened to be between the legs of the idol.

Maybe it is the reason that the huge and incomparable statue of the child-god **** used a lot of sediment and rocks to change the geological structure of this mountain and underground. The small mountain spring flowing out of the rock crack changed, the bird gun changed into a cannon, and it turned into a rushing river. The water rushed out of the cracks and flew for dozens of meters before falling to the ground, falling into a river, and rushing away from where the terrain was.

In this picture, the giant with a height of more than ten thousand meters feels like a few centimeters of urine.

In this case, Ning Tao, who shaped the idol, did not expect that when he saw the mountain spring that suddenly turned into a river flowing out from the waist of the idol, the idol was completed.

He was suddenly speechless.

If you are a large river, rush out of the mountain and shoot two or three kilometers away, it ’s okay to say that the statue of Nima more than 10,000 meters rushed out before you flew tens of meters away. This is not the Martian people in the next generation. Are you saying that God is weak?

For a moment, Ning Tao wanted to withdraw this idol, but imagined that he had given up.

Maybe, free will in heaven.

I don't know how many thousands of years later, this place has developed into a tourist attraction on Mars. The yellow-skinned Oriental Divine and the orange-skinned Martians like to come here to worship God, and then drink water with a vessel. It is said that the vast majority of infertile people come here and drink the holy water of the **** of child to get the ability to have children.

However, that is a very distant future.

"Look!" A voice came suddenly from the side. "Come out and see!"

Ning Tao looked at the sound, and at a glance he saw the foot of a large mountain, a person was roaring excitedly.

That big mountain was the one he used to split the Martian base.

That man was an engineer on the Martian base. Ning Tao saw him in the base, but he didn't know his name, that wasn't important.

More people came out of the base of the mountain. There was a magic circle in the base of the mountain, and there was a magical bead sitting in the town. That was the basis of the existence of the base. However, the position of that law formation seemed to be limited to that mountain base, and there was no protection outside. But now, all the people in the base have come out, which shows that the environment here can meet the minimum human survival!

There is a myth story that a creator created everything on Earth in seven days, and Ning Tao also used seven days to open up the world for Mars and create an environment that can conceive and nurture life.

Ning Tao saw Meng Bo and Su Yishan among the group of people, and a movement in his heart caused a blinding eye. Yu Feng came to the base door and stood beside the group of people to see their reaction. He wanted to know their response to the changes in Mars' environment, and also to the largest idol of the Milky Way.

Of course, what he wanted to know most was what these people thought of the galaxy's largest idol of the child-god.

However, these people are excitedly watching the clouds in the sky, as well as volcanic ash and raindrops. No one noticed that there was a huge idol of more than 10,000 meters high.

Ning Tao didn't want to wait any longer, and said in a loud voice: "Look, what kind of **** is that? Left!"

A large group could only hear his voice, but not see him.

"This **** sounds familiar." Meng Bo glanced back, but couldn't see Ning Tao. He just glanced to the left, and then saw the statue of the child-sending **** more than 10,000 meters high. The moment he saw it, his eyes settled and his chin fell to the ground.

"Yes, yes ... the appearance of Brother Ning!" Su shirt also saw, exclaimed.

"Is he a god, is there a **** in this world?" Someone said.

"There is a river of earth under the idol, my God, this is a miracle!"

"This big earthquake changed the environment on Mars!"

"Get in touch with the ground base! We can already conduct a wider exploration on Mars!"

"You must preempt Mars!"

A cheering sound ~ ~ Some people took the risk to run to the mountain where the idol was located. As a result, they fainted on the ground because of lack of oxygen and were dragged back by medical staff.

"Everyone will return to the base. Although there is oxygen in the air, the concentration is too low and it is toxic." A medical staff reminded.

Meng Bo followed and urged everyone to return to the base. The last time he returned, approaching the base entrance, he glanced again at the statue of the **** of delivery, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. What, God Ning? "

After that, he also entered the base.

Ning Tao smiled and left.

Mars' mission is complete, and it's time to leave and start the next journey.

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