Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1497: The top of the mountain

Ning Tao spoke this "secret" in order to observe Elisabeth's reaction, but Laozhangren's face had no expression on his face, which made him somewhat disappointed.

"Master Father-in-law, when will you return?" Ning Tao changed the subject. The last time he met was two months ago. Elisabha estimated to return to Shenshan during this time.

He went up to Shenshan and sailed by Shenzhou. Elisabah went up to the mountain of God, relying on the light of the city of the sky.

Elisabba didn't react at all, and looked very cold.

Ning Tao shrugged: "Well, God of War, when will you be back?"

Eli Saba finally spoke: "I'm back a few days after leaving Tianchi City. Is this important?"

Ning Tao can be regarded as mastering the situation. If he tells him that he is the old man, he will not say it, and only God of War will speak. This is of course not a show, but simply does not want to have a relationship with his son-in-law.

Ning Tao smiled: "Actually, in my mind, I still want a son-in-law like me, right? I'm not that good, I'm good-tempered ..."

Before he could finish his words, Elisabba had already grasped the axe of the god's axe around his waist, and at any time, an axe might be split on the head of this wild son-in-law.

Ning Tao changed his tongue again: "I went to the reincarnation institute just now and saw something. People are not ghosts or ghosts. What is that?"

Eli Saba dropped his hand from the handle of the axe: "Go to the top of the mountain, the great goddess of wisdom is waiting there, and if she wants to tell, she can get the answer. She is expected to be here, so even the door They are all ready. "

He struck a finger.

The three realms of the stars suddenly became a ball, and in a blink of an eye it became a dark cave, with the surrounding golden gleam flickering, just like a black arch with gold edges. Dark energy surged through the door and could not see where it led.

Ning Tao took a step towards the door, but stopped in just one step.

"Don't dare?" There was a contemptuous smile on Eli Saba's mouth, "I knew I didn't dare."

Ning Tao said lightly: "Jijiang is useless to me, I just don't trust them, isn't it just to go to the top of the mountain, I have a door myself."

With a wave of his hand, a door of convenience opened for Jin Chancan.

Last time he went to the top of the mountain and left a bloodlock. Although the position of the bloodlock was not close to the top of the mountain, it was very close. At that time, I was afraid to offend to nothing, so I didn't dare to keep going up. Now I can't take care of that much.

Ning Tao walked into the door of his own convenience and came out of the temple located in the Eastern Kingdom of God.

"Ning Aiqing, why are you back so soon?" Zhe Er's voice.

Tens of thousands of people in the temple were worshipping God sincerely. Suddenly, they heard that temple tripod spoke, and suddenly the rhythm was disrupted. Many people looked up.

Zuji Er suddenly realized something, and said in a hurry, "Great God of the Son, come back!"

High priest Lang Xianghun, who is presiding over the worship service, hurriedly bowed down to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao nodded to her, but said nothing. He opened the blood lock to the top of the mountain and walked in. When it comes out, it is already on top of the mountain.

Ning Tao took out the thunder hammer and threw it towards the top of the mountain. The thunder hammer ripped open the void and took him into the space crack.

This fly

Just an hour.

Lei Gongmao and Ning Tao flew out of the cracks in the space, but this place was still on the top of the mountain, and looked up, still unable to see the top of the mountain.

Ning Tao left a blood lock on a rock and continued to fly upwards.

Ten times in a row, each time was a flight time of about an hour. When the last time the flight ended, Ning Tao finally saw the top of the mountain.

That hilltop is no different from ordinary hilltops. There are strange rocky slopes, a slightly sloped platform, and a **** stone that resembles a sword tip is processed at the end of the hilltop. That divine stone is a superb divine stone, golden and brilliant, with runes flowing inside, and a sense of sacredness and mystery on the back.

Ning Tao received the Thunder King's hammer, summoned the golden **** cloud, and drove the cloud to the top of the mountain.

Above the cloud, Ning Tao continued to look up. The sky is covered with a layer of yellow clouds, the sky is as gorgeous as the fire, and the sight of the sun and the twilight in the world. Nothing but the cloud.

Before he came, he thought that when he reached the top of the mountain, he would see a huge city in the sky, but he did not.

He also did not see the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and there was no figure on the mountain.

The golden **** cloud landed on top of the mountain platform. Ning Tao accepted the golden **** cloud and walked towards the piece of superb **** stone that resembled the sword tip at the end of the platform. When he was about to reach the feet of Needy God Stone, he suddenly remembered something, paused, and left a blood lock on the rock under his feet.

He flew here and there ten times on and off without leaving a blood lock here. He had to fly for such a long time next time. He didn't want to experience such a dull flight again.

After leaving the bloodlock, he came under the superb **** stone that resembled the sword tip.

This **** stone is as smooth as a mirror, and the runes inside it flow like water waves, hiding an extremely powerful divine energy. Even under this **** stone, Ning Tao could not help but give birth to a sense of awe of the sky.

He also saw his face reflected on the Needy God Stone, which was half black and half white.

This is his innate identity of good and evil middleman. He has already transcended the realm of good and evil middleman. He is now a near-mighty creator, but his original appearance is projected on this **** stone, which can also be understood as The truest face.

How is this going?

Ning Tao thought of looking at the demon mirror. That low-level magic weapon also possessed such mana, but it was only aimed at the demon, and he couldn't take God's original look at all.

Just then, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind him: "That **** stone is called Zhaoshen Stone."

This is the voice of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, and she came.

Ning Tao turned around and not only saw a black goddess of wisdom goddess Hemia, but also the black gold-framed arches that had not yet disappeared.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, came out of the door, otherwise Ning Tao would have discovered her long ago.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, walked towards Ning Tao and said, "I left the door deliberately. I didn't expect it to be so timid, and I didn't dare to go there. I flew here and made me wait so long. time."

Ning Tao said, "How do I know where the door is? I can't believe it, but it's better to go my own way."

When speaking, he deliberately or unconsciously pinched the belly of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, has a flat stomach

, Sure enough, gave birth to that child.

Ning Tao asked again, "Is the child born, is it a boy or a girl?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "It's a girl."

"What's your name?" Ning Tao wanted to know, and his heart was aching.

After all, it was his own flesh and blood, Daenerys was gone, the child had no mother before he was born, and he was not with his father, so he felt sorry for him.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, has shifted the topic: "This **** stone was set by the supreme heaven god. In the ancient times of the gods, the gods kneeled down to worship the **** god. This spectacular scene has not been seen, nine hundred and ninety-nine. Nine deities bow to the high heaven god, expecting him to drop the shrine. "

"I asked what our daughter's name is, and where is she!" Ning Tao was very anxious, he was eager to learn about his and Daenerys' children, and couldn't wait to see her. What a scene of gods kneeling down.

The gods have fallen. To say that there are only two ancient gods of that period, one is the Shenzhou, and the other is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia. No, it is more accurate to say that only one and a half are left. Shenzhou saved his life because he fell to the immortal realm. The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is actually a fallen ancient god, and then reborn by the body of Daenerys, so it is only half an ancient god.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, stunned Ning Tao, with a teasing smile in her mouth: "What are you doing so urgently? I know that I know the existence of Judgment Day, I thought I would ask me this, but there is only that child in my heart, which makes me very Disappointed."

Ning Tao was silent for a moment: "Then continue."

If the child is in her hand, if she doesn't want him to see him, he will never see it. In this situation, he couldn't be more worried.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, smiled. She walked past Ning Tao, and then walked to the superb god-like stone that resembled the edge of a sword. While walking, she said, "But no **** has come down from the sky. The temple of the Supreme God of Heaven should be in the void on this mountain, magnificent, majestic and sacred. But look up, can you see it? "

Ning Tao looked up subconsciously and looked at the sky again.

The sky is still yellow, and the sense of vision in the sunset and the west mountains, even if he uses the eyes of God, he can not see the Supreme God of Heaven, let alone the majestic Supreme Temple of God ~ ~ Mia also looked up at the sky with Ning Tao. Her face had a strange expression, and there were some doubts in her eyes, as well as something beyond words.

Suddenly Ning Tao remembered something, he turned his attention to the superb **** stone.

But that's what he saw, he was taken aback suddenly.

For example, the mirror of the superb **** stone casts the figure of the goddess of wisdom Shemia, her face, and her body are all composed of 0s and 1s, like an existence edited by a computer program.

How could this be?

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, also looked at her own projection in the divine stone, and a strange smile appeared on her face: "It was the first person to see my true face. In the ancient times, even when worshiping here Supreme God, I will not approach this shining stone. "

"..." Ning Tao hesitated, and finally said what he wanted to say, "What the **** is ...?"

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