Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1503: Pre-war mobilization

In the Temple of the Son of God.

"Brother Shenzhou, please send them mother and son to Immortal Jizo City." Ning Tao said.

Shenzhou nodded, which was just a trivial matter to him.

Ning Dani yelled, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm going with my father."

Ning Tao blinked at A Shibo.

Ashibo understood it and said, "Danny, mother takes you to the fairyland to eat delicious food. There are many children the same size as you. They are your brother and sister. You can play with them."

"Then I'll go." Ning Dani immediately changed her mind.

At this time Lang Xianghun and Lingyu came in, came to Ning Tao, and bowed down.

"Brother Shenzhou, love your wife, you start now." Ning Tao said.

Shenzhou said, "Brothers and sisters, come with me."

Shenzhou left the temple with Ashibo holding Ning Dani.

The three people who were going to the fairyland, except Ning Dani, did not know the reason, Shenzhou and Ashibo both knew. In fact, even if Ning Tao didn't say that, if he looked at the sky of Shenshan, they would know that Shenshan has changed into the sky.

Ning Tao lifted up Lingyu's help, and his tone was a little heavy: "This mountain has changed to the sky, calling everyone into the city, and I guard you with the seal of chaos. Before the crisis is lifted, no one should leave the city."

Ling Yu's expression was solemn: "My God, is there going to be a war?"

Ning Tao nodded.

More than just war, this is not just a crisis of the Eastern Divine Kingdom, but a crisis of the Three Realms.

It was just that he didn't want to make things so serious and let them know the whole truth? The gods cannot go to the fairy realm, so they cannot transfer to the fairy realm. Tiemin can't go to the immortal realm, because they are all puppets made by the immortal soul. Returning to the immortal realm is the same as the ghost returning to the sun, and their spirits will dissipate.

God people and iron people have no place to retreat. If he cannot protect the Eastern God Kingdom, his followers will perish with the Eastern God Kingdom. Compared to all beings in the Three Realms, what is his Eastern Kingdom of God?

"My god, let me fight with you." Lang Xianghun said, revealing in his eyes that the soul was flying and determined to be regretful.

Ning Tao reached out and touched her cheek, Wen said, "This is God's war. You can't participate. You only need to lead the people to worship me. It is my best support."

"Um." Lang Xianghun pressed his cheek against Ning Tao's palm, docile like a kitten.

"Go, gather all the people in the field, the people in the mine, I want this city to be as solid as gold soup," Ning Tao said.

Lang Xianghun and Lingyu went down.

Ning Tao looked back at San Sheng Ding: "Zhong Er, I will leave it here after I leave, and you will keep in touch with me, and I will call you to fight at any time."

Chong Er clenched a pair of small fists, and Chong Lian said: "Ning Aiqing, you can rest assured that there is a tadpole who guards the Eastern Kingdom of God, and no one dares to invade the Eastern Kingdom of God. If anyone comes, I will inform you immediately."

What he said was tantamount to not saying.

Ning Tao turned and walked towards the lock wall.

Zhe Er said again: "Ning Aiqing, you ..."

Ning Tao looked back at it: "What else do you want to say?"

"Be careful, you must come back alive." Zuji said.

Ning Tao smiled. Zhe Er had a rare serious occasion. He didn't respond well: "Well, I will, just like that, I'm gone."

A door of convenience opened and Ning Tao walked in.

Behind the door is the top of the mountain.

The sword-shaped superb **** stone still stood on the top of the mountain, and the runes inside shone with golden light. But the sky above it has been so dark that its golden light is like a candle in the dark world, which may be blown out by the cold wind at any time.

Is there a more advanced space world above Shenshan?

Where is the Temple of Nothing?

Ning Tao was eager to know the answer to these two questions, which is why he returned to the top of the mountain.

When meeting the goddess of wisdom Hemia on the top of the mountain, he did not have the time and opportunity to find the answer, and now he is back.

"None! Your daughter is going to destroy these three realms. As a man above you, the king of gods, don't you care?" Ning Tao happened to the sky, his voice passed through the void, through the darkness that enveloped the sky. Clouds echoed throughout the sky.

But only his voice, no one responded.

"In the beginning, Ji Ri Xing Jun just moved a thought to kill you, you killed him, how overbearing you are, I am now ..." Ning Tao was silent for a moment, and suddenly roared: "If you continue to pamper you Daughter, I want to kill you too! "


and also!

miss you!


It's up!


The sky is full of echoes of this sentence.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and dark energy emerged. A huge vortex appeared on the top of Ning Tao's head, and then a dark lightning bolt fell from the sky.

Ning Tao was well prepared and punched up.

The elemental armor of the fist above the fist also has the power of gold soup to cover the fist.


The fist and lightning smashed into each other instantly, Ning Tao was split to the ground, the elemental armor was split, and the power of nature that wrapped the fist like gold soup was also split. Ning Tao's flesh and phalanges were also split. .

However, he wasn't dead, but his fist was slightly injured, and the injury was healing quickly.

However, the remaining rocks of Ning Tao were torn apart, and the top of the mountain seemed to be likely to collapse at any time.


Another black lightning fell down.

Ning Tao's back was torn open, hurting the flesh, but his flesh and elemental armor instantly healed. He has the power to regenerate flesh and blood, and this world has endless elemental energy.

One after another the black lightning draped over Ning Tao's body, slicing him all over, but he healed in a blink of an eye, and he was healing as fast as the black lightning could hurt him.

Crackling! Crackling ...

The black lightnings fell down, getting thicker, harder and faster.

However, Ning Tao's self-healing speed can always keep up.

Let it be rough, let it be ruthless, let it be fast, I lie on my own, and stay still!

For a time, the black lightning disappeared and no longer fell down.

I do n’t know if the other party did n’t have a charge, or for some other reason, in short, it stopped.

Ning Tao got up from the ground and laughed in the sky: "Do you think you can kill the Sunstar King, can you kill me? I tell you, I am not a Sunstar King, but you want to kill me Can't kill me! Are you so annoyed? Then come and kill me yourself, you come! You come! "

There was no response in the sky. It was okay for him not to scream. His scream even disappeared the black vortex in the sky.

"Nima!" Ning Tao took a sip and suddenly jumped into the sky.

The golden suit forced the clouds to appear, carrying Ning Tao and plunging into the black clouds.

The dark clouds were all over his eyes, and there was no glimmer of sky.

The golden **** cloud flies through the clouds at a speed second only to the light. On the cloud head, Ning Tao opens his eyes. Two golden lights shoot out from his eyes and search in the clouds.

The city of the sky, the goddess of wisdom, is hidden in the void above this mountain of God. He wants to find it no matter whether it is in the boundary space or anywhere.

What he most wanted to find was the temple of nothing.

The legendary temple of nothing is in the void on the top of this mountain. In those legends, when the gods kneel down, there will be gods from the sky.

However, he flew for an hour like this, with dark clouds like ink in front of him, nothing. Not to mention the temple of nothing, not even the temple door of the temple of nothing.

For a time he gave up, opened the door of convenience and returned to the temple.

"Ning Aiqing, watching Tianxiang, Tianlei billowing, haven't you been stabbed?" Zong Er expressed concern.

"The thief wants to kill me," Ning Tao said angrily, "but she didn't show up, and I was so angry."

Zhe Er said: "Ning Aiqing, isn't this God everywhere? Maybe he's standing behind you and watching you, watching you scold him."

Ning Tao: "..."

"Ning Aiqing, where are you going to fall into danger, where do you plan to start?" Zong Er said again.

Ning Tao didn't want to talk to it anymore, and he opened a door of convenience and walked in.

Behind this door of convenience is a room in Xianghunju, located in the city of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse City, this is where Ning Tao first "started".

Coming out of the center of Xianghun, Ning Tao has become an ordinary iron man.

People came and went on the street, a lively scene. The iron people walking on the street, as well as the proud **** people, they don't seem to care about the change of the heaven of the mountain.

Ning Tao walked towards the Sky Temple.

There are still many iron and **** people worshipping God on the square, and the energy of faith is constantly flowing to the sky temple located in the sky.

The Twelve Heavenly Palace, Sky Temple, as usual, shows no signs of abnormality.

Ning Tao looked at the sky temple suspended in the sky and secretly said, "The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, said that the first to be destroyed would be her own kingdom of God. Symptoms, is she lying to me? "

He can lie to her.

People can also lie to him.

Therefore, even if people lie to him, that is normal.

Whether it is true or not, he has to investigate clearly.

At this moment, a cloud of white gold-rimmed clouds flew out of the sky temple, and then flew to the higher sky.

It was the cloud of Elisaba, the old man.

"Great God of War!"

"So powerful!"

"God of War! God of War! God of War!"

"Great God of War, please bless us!"

The atmosphere of cheering and prayer sounded in the square.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "Laozhangren, where are you going?"

If you go to the city of the sky ~ ~ The goddess of wisdom has a portal in the temple of the sky, the old man can walk through the portal, and he doesn't have to drive Yunfei to work so hard.

As soon as Ning Tao was in a curious mood and was about to catch up with the Laozhangren, a voice came from behind him.

"This Taoist, I see that your bones are so clear that they will become a great tool in the future. How about a few words?"

Ning Tao turned and looked around. There was an immortal behind him, a long white hair, a beard on his chin, a wrinkled face, and a thin body. It felt like a wind blowing. He will blow him into the sky.

When such an old man said such a strange thing to himself, Ning Tao reacted a little aggressively.

Except for the gods and people in this Qiqi city, where did the white bearded immortal come from?

Ning Tao followed to open the eyes of God, but there was no enhanced golden light.

But that's it, he froze immediately.

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