Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1511: Absolute Realm

Shenzhou walked through, and the outside of the cabin was not a streamer that flew like electricity, but a piece of darkness like ink. After a minute or two, the darkness disappeared, and was replaced by a dim sky with a sense of sight like the setting sun.

Shenzhou appeared in the cabin, and the expression on his face was slightly dignified: "Brother, we are here."

"Sure enough, there is still a higher level of space. If it wasn't for you to lead the way, I really can't come here. By the way, do you know what space is above the mountain?" Ning Tao asked.

Shenzhou shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't think there is a higher-level space above Shenshan. If we can, we should be in that space at the moment, but no, it is more like ..."

He didn't go on, and looked more nervous.

Ning Tao said, "What is more like here?"

Shenzhou lowered his voice: "A space considered to be isolated originally belongs to the sky above Shenshan, but if you are, you can't get here."

Ning Tao froze for a moment, chewing Shenzhou's words, and then thought of a person, none.

If anyone really has that patience, a space is isolated above the mountain, the gods can't see it, they can't reach it, then there is nothing, the bad old man who claims to be a "white beard".

"Xian, please go out and see. We can't stay here," Shenzhou urged.

Ning Tao smiled: "Brother Shenzhou, why are you so nervous?"

Shenzhou was crying with a face: "Xian Xi, this is a place where there is no place, can I not be nervous? He kills you hard, but kills me ... He just needs to move his mind, please, Xian Xi, go out quickly Check it out, if there is no clue, we will go back immediately. "

Ning Tao was not in a hurry. He had to leave the cabin to see him so nervous. He came to the deck and looked around. The vision was full of yellow skies and white clouds, no different from the dusk sky of the world. The only difference is that every inch of air in this space contains powerful divine energy. He looked up and looked up. There was no end to the sky, but there were no stars on it. It was still a dim sky and white clouds.

There is no shadow of the city of sky in all directions, and no temple of nothing.

Shenzhou appeared next to Ning Tao: "Xianxi, have you found anything?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "I just came out to see, how can there be so fast?"

"Let's go back without finding it. I'm so nervous here." Shenzhou looked left and looked, unable to hide the tension and fear.

Ning Tao was a little speechless, but couldn't say anything about him. He thought for a moment: "Do you remember this place?"

Shenzhou nodded.

Ning Tao said: "Then you go down first, this time three days later you will come here to pick me up."

Shenzhou's eyes widened: "You're staying here for three days?"

Ning Tao said: "This space is also very wide. The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, used to bring me here. Her city in the sky is indeed in this space. I want to find another **** The temple is probably in this space, and I want to find it too. It ’s really dangerous for you to face nothing. Just go down and pick me up here. "

After that, he patted a blood lock in the void.

This bloodlock is also his coordinates, otherwise this endless void, he does not know where to meet Shenzhou at this time three days later.

"You go down first." Ning Tao leapt upward slightly, and a golden cloud of God floated under his feet, and he hovered in the void.

"That ... it's not stupid brother, this place is too dangerous, I'll go down first, and I'll pick you up here at this time three days later." Shenzhou entered the cabin.

The nine-masted sailing ship sped forward, tearing the void after a distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ning Tao couldn't help but smile a bitterly, and it was okay to put up such a timid ally. However, it is really dangerous for Shenzhou to stay here. Whether it is the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, or no intention to kill him, it is something that can be done with the thought. Although Shenzhou is timid, his ability to travel through the Three Realms is unique and can help a lot. Therefore, he is not willing to stay here for adventure, or he will not let Shenzhou go back first.

After watching Shenzhou leave, Ning Tao randomly chose a direction, and then drove the golden **** cloud to fly in that direction.

Second only to the speed of light, a moment of ten or two hundred thousand kilometers, the bullet-shaped shield propped up by the energy field of the Force of Creation and air rubbed against the **** energy of this space, clearly seeing the burning flames, Flight trail left behind the clouds. Some of the white clouds blocking the front were smashed and some were cut apart.

At this speed, Ning Tao flew for at least an hour without seeing any temples or cities. He paused, still in front of the endless yellow sky, white clouds. He had a feeling that Sun Wukong once had, that is, the feeling of flying in the palm of Rugao Buddha, a somersault cloud ten thousand miles, flying for a long time but still in the palm of Rugao Buddha.


"White beard!"

"I'm coming!"

"Dare you come out and see?"

Ning Tao yelled in the sky, one by one, his voice blasted thunder and rolled over in all directions. He doesn't know how far this voice can go, but he believes that as long as he doesn't want to see him, he can hear his voice, and maybe he will respond.

But there was no other voice in the sky except his own voice.

No response, no appearance.

His roar was more like a madman's roar.

"Aren't you trying to kill me? I'm here, you come out! You come to kill me! I won't fight back, let you kill!" Ning Tao shouted, he was already a little bit embarrassed.

None or nothing.

However, a cloud of white clouds quietly changed shape.

Ning Tao quickly discovered that not only that cloud changed its shape, but also several clouds changed its shape. When the eyes were fixed, those clouds turned into Chinese characters, connected in a row and read out. Just: Do you lie when I am a three year old?

This is obviously aimed at the phrase "You come to kill me, I will not fight back, I will kill you".

If nothing happens, Ning Tao will definitely fight back 100%, which is beyond doubt.

"You come out!" Ning Tao shouted, "You and I are in a decisive battle. If you die, I am the **** above this mountain. If I die, there is no **** in the world that can stop you! How? "

Those words changed: you can't get out, what do you use to stop me?

Ning Tao said: "I want to go out, you can't keep me!"

Baiyun's subtitles have not changed, but a blood lock appeared in front of Ning Tao.

It was the blood lock he had painted at the breakup point with Shenzhou a few hours ago. Jin Cancan's seems to keep the wetness of the god's blood and it looks so fresh.

Suddenly, the blood lock faded and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The Baiyun subtitles have changed: The **** of wood has the power to travel through the Three Realms. He is a fish that has fallen through the nets, but this time he is also trying to escape, and he will fall with the mountain, and no one can save him.

The white clouds roared and turned into words.

Baiyun subtitles: As for you, I didn't expect you to dare to come to my absolute realm. I was worried that I couldn't find a way to kill you. Since you are here, then I do n’t need to think about killing you any more. You Will be stuck here, when the Three Realms are destroyed, it is also when you fall.

Ning Tao said angrily: "You claim to be the **** on the mountain, the **** king above the gods. I didn't expect you to be so timid, even dare not meet, I despise you!"

All the letters disappeared, cloud-to-cloud, floating one after another in the void.

Ning Tao waited for a while and no new subtitles appeared. He also lost his clamor.

This is the absolute realm of nothing. He has no control over everything. He is everywhere and omnipotent. If there is no battle with him, Wu will have an absolute advantage, but even if he does not want to appear. The city of the sky, the goddess of wisdom, must be in this absolute realm, but if you don't want him to see it, he can't see it, and it is impossible to set foot in the city of the sky to kill the goddess of wisdom.

How to do?

Ning Tao thought for a moment, then suddenly drove the clouds and shot at high altitude.

Still second only to the speed of light, this fly is an hour.

After an hour, he stopped and looked up at the sky. The yellow sky was endless, with white clouds and no stars.

He followed and flew down to another, and this flight was another hour.

The result is the same. There is no end to this space. The yellow sky and white clouds are before his eyes.

Then he flew down again, this fly was two hours.

Two hours later, the golden **** cloud stopped, and he stood on the head of the cloud overlooking it, and there was a yellow sky below, with white clouds, there was no ground at all.

Knowing that there was no result, he continued to fly.

Back and forth, he flew in all four directions.

In the end he stopped, and his headless flies flew for several hours ~ ~ tired enough. He sat cross-legged on Yuntou's head, took out a small porcelain bottle, unplugged the bottle, and poured a full bottle of **** crystals into the mouth. Divine energy was poured into the body, and his condition soon returned.

He can no longer improve his power by eating Shenjing, but he can quickly restore his state.

A bottle of Shenjing lowered his belly, and Ning Tao threw the small porcelain bottle out.

The small porcelain bottle fell down, but did not know when it would fall to the bottom, perhaps until it weathered into **** and did not fall to the bottom.

Ning Tao stood up and Zhensheng said, "None, don't you dare to come out to see me? Well, I'll ruin your birdhouse!"

After the sound fell, he probed his hand, and the small porcelain bottle that fell down flew back to his hand, and burst into dust instantly.

He scattered it, a ball of porcelain ash flew out, and fell on his golden **** cloud.

Shenyun is no longer a **** cloud, but a huge seal of creation-the seal of the creator!

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