Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1528: Different past time and space

At the end of the square is a boulevard. On both sides of the avenue, there are two rows of heavily armed soldiers. Further ahead is a magnificent building, golden and brilliant, that should be the royal palace. Looking at the girl who led the way again, she seemed to be wearing a palace costume, probably the maid in the palace.

Ning Tao followed the heavenly girl to the palace, and he was about to meet the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and his mood seemed very complicated.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is Ning Dani's mother, which is beyond doubt, because Ning Dani always grew up and gave birth to Hima's belly, not Daenerys. Daenerys just accepted her. Growth and birth were done in the belly of Hemia. The strong dark energy in her body was a proof that it could not be washed away.

In this battle, he was tantamount to kill Ning Dani's mother.

If there was a choice, he would not be willing to kill Ning Dani's mother.

But the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was the culprit who destroyed the kingdom of the Apocalypse. Hundreds of thousands of gods and tens of thousands of iron people died in that battle. They were all his followers. He must give them an account.

Sometimes people always face such a dilemma. No matter how they choose, they will feel pain, but they cannot escape. They must face it.

"Send the gods, you are younger than I imagined." The leading heavenly girl looked back at Ning Tao with a bright smile on her face, "Well, you look good too."

Ning Tao smiled: "Yes, what's your name?"

"My name is Qin Se," said the girl.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Your name is so nice, yes, how do you know that I will come?"

Qin Se said: "It was the Queen who asked me to wait for you there, and she said you would show up there. She also told me how you look, and I recognized you at a glance."

Talking, Ning Tao followed Qin Se into the palace.

All the soldiers on this way were heavenly soldiers, but because Qin Se led the way, no one was stopped and questioned along the way, and they entered the palace smoothly.

The hall was empty, not even a guard.

Qin Se said: "Send the god, please wait a moment, our queen will come later."

Ning Tao nodded his head slightly, and when the thoughts moved, the innumerable forces of creation spread out in all directions. Where the power of transformation has passed, all the relevant images are presented in his mind.

There are no traps, everything is normal, here is just a past time and space.

There is only one place that is abnormal, it is a side hall, where a lot of dark energy is gathered. Ordinary people can't see or feel it, but in his "eyes", that place is shrouded in darkness like dark ink.

Not surprisingly, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was in the side hall.

When he found the goddess of wisdom Hemia, Ning Tao had an impulse to find her, but when he just thought so, the group of extremely powerful dark energy moved here. It's fast, and it's just outside the hall in a blink of an eye.

Ning Tao retracted the power of creation and divine thoughts.

Tap, tap, tap ...

The sound of boots walking on the ground came.

Ning Tao looked at the sound, and a familiar face suddenly caught his eyes.

Here comes the Goddess of Wisdom.

"I knew you were coming," said the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, with a smile on her lips.

This smile made Ning Tao feel strange: "Why are you here?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "This is my home. Only here ... I feel alive."

"What do you mean?" Ning Tao couldn't understand her.

This is clearly a past time and space. The people here, including that Qinther, are dead. What he sees is just a shadow. But she said that it was only here that she felt alive, completely upside down, without logic.

"How can you understand my feelings, you are the **** of giving birth, and the person selected this day, I am more and more certain of this now." Said the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

Ning Tao said: "Since you know that I am the one selected this day, then you should know that I will stop you and Wu, I will not let you succeed. I tell you the truth, I have made up before The quartet of loopholes in the fairyland eliminated the undeployed death desert. The fairyland will not be destroyed, and the foundation of Shenshan is still solid. "

"No one can't kill you, but you can't kill him, right?" Said the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Ning Tao said, "Yes, but time is on my side. I am a man of choice, but he is a man of annihilation. Even if I cannot kill him, he will eventually die, but the time is a bit long. I do n’t want to wait So long. So, no matter what, I will figure out a way to kill him, and then kill him. "After a pause, he added," And you. "

The goddess of wisdom Hemia smiled: "I know, but don't worry about this time, right?"

In fact, if it wasn't because she was Ning Dani's mother, Ning Tao had already started, and there would be so much to tell her there. In addition, his intuition still exists.

"You brought me here. Except your so-called feeling of being alive, what else do you have to say to me?" Ning Tao said, this is his intuition.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "Come with me, and I will take you to a place."

"Where are you taking me?" Ning Tao asked.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not answer, and she turned and walked through the door. When she came, her speed was like wind, but she was walking slowly. She did not look back at Ning Tao and did not urge Ning Tao to follow her, as if she knew what Ning Tao would make.

Ning Tao followed her.

What made him feel paradoxical was that he should have killed her, but when he saw her, the hatred in his heart was even less pitiful. This state is not a state of killing. In the final analysis, in his heart, she is always Ning Dani's mother.

How hard can one be to kill his child's mother without hesitation?

The two walked one after the other, passing through palaces, corridors, and several gardens, but still walking forward. Along the way, no matter whether it was a heavily armed guard or a maid, no one kneeled, and no one even called her Majesty or something. At the beginning, Ning Tao didn't notice, but he felt that something was wrong while walking. It gave him the feeling that this is not a past time and space that he is familiar with, but more like a movie being shown.

He and the goddess of wisdom Hemia entered the film without affecting the various characters in the film, which are still performing according to the script.

Ning Tao was curious, and he didn't ask the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, when he passed by a guard, he stopped and poked at the standing guard's chest. His fingers fell into the guard's chest for an instant, but there was no feeling of piercing the flesh, and the guard did not show any painful reaction.

In fact, the guard still stood upright, looking ahead, without even looking at Ning Tao.

In this case, Ning Tao suddenly understood that everything here was really just a shadow.

No wonder he didn't use the immortal character and couldn't affect the balance of time and space in the past.

Although it is past time and space, this past time and space is not the past time and space he is familiar with.

He used to enter the past time and space, not only using three types of props: town time tower, tree building board, cloud ore, but also using immortal symbols to render the body and soul to achieve the "dead" effect. Affects the balance of time and space in the past. In other words, he is the whole soul into the past time and space, interacting with all characters.

But here, although it is also time and space in the past, but he and the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, are not involved in the whole soul, but only move in a pile of shadows, more like watching a holographic movie.

So, what happened to the young girl Qin Se just now?

When Ning Tao first thought of that girl, the goddess of wisdom Hemia said, "They can't see us, except for the little girl, she was created by me."

"You created it?" Ning Tao was surprised.

The little girl is obviously a girl with a soul. Even a master-level creator like him cannot create it. How could she create it?

The goddess of wisdom Hemia looked back at Ning Tao and said, "Isn't this what you want to figure out? I'll let you understand, it's just the answer ... it won't be the answer you want."

"You said, only I can judge whether I want or not." Ning Tao said.

The goddess of wisdom smiled indifferently: "The answer is not clear, you have to look, just like now."


The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, suddenly waved her hand. There was a French seal of all 0s and 1s in her hand, a flash of gold, and a beautiful and well-behaved girl appeared in the empty corridor in front of her. It was the leading Qin Se.

Qin Se knelt down and said with great respect: "See Her Majesty and the Son of God."

Ning Tao walked up quickly and reached out and grabbed Qin Se's shoulder. This moment, he was shocked on the spot. What he grabbed was the real shoulder. The girl's shoulder had flesh and blood and temperature. The skin also gave a slippery feeling.

"This ..." Ning Tao couldn't figure out what was going on.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, waved her hand again, the gold light flickered, and Qin Se disappeared again. She continued to walk forward while walking and said, "Come with me, you will see the answer, although you are not willing to admit it But I still want to tell you that the answer is not the answer you want. "

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, too lazy to argue with her, and he followed her forward. In his mind, he replayed the seal that he saw, that is, the seal of 0 and 1 that just appeared in the palm of the goddess of wisdom Hemia. He quietly used the seal of creation to analyze, but strangely, it can analyze the world. The seal of creation is not working this time.

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