Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1530: Let's watch a movie from 1

"Why show me this?" Ning Tao asked.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia looked at Ning Tao with a strange smile on her mouth: "If you just want to kill me, you can do it now. I am not an opponent now. If you want to kill me, it will be easy to do it. , I won't blame. "

Ning Tao traced all the way, his purpose was indeed to kill her and cut off the arm.

But now, facing her, at this time when he was with her, he couldn't even say a word of killing in his heart.

"Softhearted?" The strange smile on the corner of the mouth of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, became more obvious.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Don't force me again, force me again, I will really kill."

But with such words, he still had every trace of killing in his heart.

"How is Danny?" Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, suddenly changed the subject.

Ning Tao's mind could not help but the appearance of Ning Dani, his heart was soft, and a real smile appeared on his face: "She, she is very skinny. She should be the skiniest child in the family."

Goddess of Wisdom Hemia asked again: "I know there are many women, who is taking her?"

Ning Tao said: "There are only two women in the family who have no children. They are the Sisters of the Flower and Vine from the Wetland Star of the Earth. I gave Dani to Ashibo, and Ashibo is Dani's mother. Ashi The wave nature is simple and can dispel the suffocation on Dani. I don't expect her to be a good person, but at least she can not be a big evil person. Maybe she will also be a good and evil middleman like me, after all, she is mine seed."

A soft smile appeared on the face of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia: "I will be assured."

Ning Tao said, "Don't you admit that she is a child?"

The corner of the mouth of the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, slightly tilted: "After all, she was a piece of meat that fell from me. She was born to me. Some relationships can't be erased without thinking about it. At the beginning, I borrowed Daenery Si ’s body was resurrected, and I found that the child was still pregnant. I really wanted to kill this child. But Daenerys begged me to let go of her child, and she gave everything to her. I I couldn't kill her only child, so I eventually gave birth to Danny. "

In Ning Tao's view, her body always had the shadow of Daenerys, which could not be completely erased. Otherwise, if it is the goddess of wisdom who is totally black, millions of believers will kill if they say kill, how can they pity the children in her stomach? In front of the goddess, he is more willing to be regarded as the ninety-nine percent of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, and one percent of Daenerys. Actually, there is still a touch of humanity in her body.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia looked at Ning Tao: "It is really a **** of heaven to give the child. Even my stomach can be stuffed into a child."

Ning Tao: "..."

Destiny is difficult, and God asked him to give him off.

Under the bell tower, that girlish girl, Hemia, walked into the box, and the box disappeared.

Later, the bell tower disappeared, and the Temple of Heaven disappeared. Finally, even the hilltops disappeared. The entire world became an empty space. A rune chain dangled in the air, and a rune chain was laid on the ground. It's the kind of mysterious runes of 0 and 1.

Each 0 is not the same as each 1. In the eyes of Ning Tao, he saw that each 0 was composed of dusty runes, and each 1 was also composed of dusty runes. It can even be said that each 0 and each 1 is an extremely complex French seal, or a legal array!


… What is going on here and where is this going? "Ning Tao said in surprise.

To him, this space is somewhat similar to the super-god space of Ashibo and Wetwood Runhua, but it looks more complicated. It was created by man, not natural. Super God Space is natural. He realized in the super-god space of Ashibo and Wetwood Runhua that he had a deep understanding of the origin of all things, obviously not possible here.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia said, "Who am I?"

Ning Tao froze slightly: "Huh?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "I am also the creator, forget? I created the city of the sky, and created gods like the iron people and the fairy trappers."

Ning Tao smiled: "That's right, it's also the creator. The creator is different from me. I'm more like a traditional craftsman, who takes materials from nature and creates artworks that belong to nature. It's more like science and technology Or, I have the wisdom and knowledge that I can't, so I can create an existence like a trapper, and I can't. "

"But I can break new ground and create a world where life can flourish, and I can't," said the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

That's the difference.

Who can say that Hemia, who created the fairy trappers and iron people, is not strong?

No one can say that.

Can anyone say that the **** of giving birth, who can only create simple bugs, is not strong?

No one can say that.

Creators in different fields, or even different worlds, cannot simply be measured by a strong or strong standard.

A very simple example is.

Ning Tao opened up a world to create a new world. It may take hundreds of millions of years to evolve an intelligent life, respect him as a god, and become his follower people. Only after his death did the gods enter his hall of worship.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, directly captures the soul of intelligent life and creates the iron people. There are directly believer people and **** people. She can even create a powerful pseudo-god like a fairy catcher that cannot be beaten by ordinary gods. If she wants to conquer a world, she only needs to create constantly, and let her **** conquer the soldiers.

And Ning Tao, if he wants to conquer a world, it will be a very hard work, because he only has to fight with his own hands. However, the world he created can give birth to the most natural ecological system, and it can also give birth to bright civilizations and even real gods.

Therefore, Ning Tao envied the goddess of wisdom, the means of creation, why did he goddess of wisdom not envy his means of creation?

The goddess of wisdom Hemiah waved at her hand, and the empty space changed.

Buildings are standing up.

In a blink of an eye, a majestic city of self-cultivation and technology was born. It has both the traditional ship building of heaven and man, and the metal building in the style of the city of the sky. The streets are crowded with crowds of people, vehicles are constantly flowing, and various types of spacecraft are constantly traveling in the sky, a bustling scene.

The last building that was born was a temple, divided into two parts, the ground and the sky, and a suspended skyway connected them.

Without the introduction of the goddess of wisdom Shemia, Ning Tao also knew that it was her temple in the sky.

"Is this a king city built in the late period of the Linggu era? I saw the temple." Ning Tao said.

Goddess of Wisdom Nomia nodded: "Yes, this day is the day I will cross God and go to the mountain. Come with me, I will take a look at the most important days of my life."

She walked towards the temple.

Ning Tao followed her.


He wasn't in a hurry at all. She let him see what he saw.

Anyway, the loopholes in the fairyland have been filled up, and the death desert that devoured the fairyland has also been smoothed, and it has become a new land of the world. Now is not the time to worry, but the time to be in no hurry.

People coming and going on the street are not just heavenly people, but also people of Xianmin and other races. Undoubtedly, in the late period of the Linggu era, Heaven and Man established a thriving civilization. This royal city is equivalent to the Great Tang Dynasty in China, and the kingdom came to prosperous.

And it's all because of the queen of heaven and earth, Hemia.

In fact, Ning Tao couldn't help admiring her in the bustling sight she was seeing.

In the same situation, although the two were walking on the street, no one found them, and there were people and vehicles from Shenzhou directly bumping into them and passing through their bodies without being affected at all.

This way of intervening in past time and space is really different from the way of Ning Tao's intervening in time and space. Ning Tao activates after intervening and interacts with characters in that time and space. The intervention of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is in it, and does not affect everything.

Different creators, different means.

Just like the different styles of the two creators, Ning Tao is a primitive craftsman. His intervention is to interact with the characters in the past, feel everything, and let the people who contact him feel his existence. He talked so Multiple love is an example. But the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is more like stepping in with a high-tech device and playing a real movie.

However, it is difficult to say that the intervention method is more advanced. After all, not all gods have to talk to people about love and hey when they go back in time and space. Sending a **** is a special case.

This walk went to the square in front of the sky temple.

A large number of people gathered in the square, all eyes were full of people.

At the end of the square is the Royal Palace of Hemia. In front of that palace stood fully-armed Celestial warriors. The number of visual observations was tens of thousands, at least several legions.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia led Ning Tao across the square and headed to the Temple of Sky.

The people in the square were crowded, but they did not hinder the goddess of wisdom, Hemia and Ning Tao. UU reading passed through directly from one's body without feeling a little blocked .

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, led Ning Tao into the Sky Temple, then set foot on the sky, and climbed up the stone steps of the sky.

People in the square started shouting the name of Hemia, and cheers, the wave was flowing like a tide in the city.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia and Ning Tao came to the end of the sky road. At the end of the sky road is a wide platform. There is no one on the platform, and the sky temple located in the sky is empty.

"What's going on?" Ning Tao said in surprise, thinking that there would be a statue of Hemia in this temple.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "I haven't been through the calamity on this day. How can there be idols in this temple?"

Ning Tao suddenly understood that he came to the edge of the platform and overlooked the gate of the palace.

Just then, the gate of the royal palace opened.

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