Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1545: Basalt Heart Meat

The three gods ate around a tortoise shell in the temple. Xuanming Lingzi and Alice had a good appetite. What to eat and what to take, Ning Tao only picked some fruits that looked normal.

"Brother-in-law, you hide a piece of meat." Xuanming Lingzi said in front of Ning Tao holding a piece of meat.

The meat was pink, crystal-clear, exuding a faint fragrance, and it looked very delicious. To be honest, Ning Tao wanted to taste the flavour of the meat, but he had no appetite when he thought it was the meat cut from the **** of the Xuanming Lingzi and handed it to him.

"Well, I am vegetarian." Ning Tao declined politely.

"Are you vegetarian?" Xuanming Lingzi looked at Ning Tao with a strange look, with the words "Unbelief" written on his forehead.

Ning Tao said, "I've been eating vegetarian food for hundreds of years. What's so curious about this."

Men lie, sometimes they just come with their mouths open.

"Sister, is your brother-in-law saying that true?" Xuanming Lingzi asked Alice again.

Alice glanced at Ning Tao and saw Ning Tao slightly nodded to her. She followed and said, "Well, my male **** is indeed vegetarian. Sister Lingzi, don't give him meat."

Really good snow and smart, understanding wife.

Ning Tao felt more and more about the goddess wife in the past.

Xuanming Lingzi said, "You have only been married for two days. How can you be so sure?"

"I ..." Alice didn't know how to explain.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Sister Lingzi, why do you want me to eat this piece of meat?"

Xuanming Lingzi said: "Because I deliberately cut it to you. If you don't eat it, wouldn't I be cut for nothing?"

Ning Tao finally couldn't help but ask a curiosity: "You said it was cut from your god, then where did you cut it from?"

Xuanming Lingzi said with a smile: "You break the ring for me once, you eat this piece of meat, I will tell you, and I will give you a secret."

Ning Tao was curious: "What secret?"

Xuanming Lingzi pretended to be mysterious: "You eat the meat before you talk."

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment, and finally took the piece of meat that was made out of rose petals, and put it in his mouth.

The piece of meat melted at the entrance, and a sweet agar slurry immediately went down the throat, and then transformed into a feminine divine energy. It felt as if the child to be fed was curled up in the mother's arms and felt safe and comfortable.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered that Xuanwu was a beast of turtles and snakes. Among the four great beasts, they represented Yin and the **** of reproduction. Her divine power is naturally the divine power of the mother, that is, the pure and soft mystic power. And her flesh must be the flesh of the tonic. If you get the world or the immortal world, it is definitely a treasure that is hard to find, and the dead human flesh and bones will not matter.

Sure enough, after the feminine feeling, Ning Tao was warm all over, and his body and soul were nourished by the feminine energy and extremely comfortable.

Although it was psychologically unacceptable, I have to admit that this piece of meat is the most delicious and nutritious piece of all the meat he has eaten in his life.

"I have eaten your meat, now you can always tell me, what part of your body did you cut off from?" Ning Tao talked while savoring the taste of that piece of basalt meat, "And you said Tell me about the secret of that. "

A mysterious smile appeared on the face of Xuanming Lingzi: "Guess."

I guess your sister!

Hearing the word "guess", Ning Tao really wanted to reach out and strangle her.

Alice frowned, and said unpleasantly, "Sister Lingzi, you are also the God of Destiny, how can you lie?"

Ning Tao secretly said, "She is indeed the **** of fertility, possessing the power of mysticism, and born with the power to nourish her life. If I can get her natural runes, my creator's seal may be improved."

Although he is the master creator now, he still can't create life with soul. What he is best at is to open up new horizons and create an environment that can conceive life. Such an environment needs to conceive intelligent life and finally develop civilization. It takes a very long time, millions of years, tens of millions of years, and even Billion years!

And this is the most difficult for him to accept. One of the simplest examples is that he created a world on Mars and created bugs with his own flesh and blood. Those bugs are likely to take hundreds of millions of years to gradually evolve. There are all kinds of life, and then there will be intelligent life and even Martian civilization. The problem is, he has to wait for hundreds of millions of years to see all this.

Where is the question of whether there is any patience, this is simply fighting against heaven!

However, if he can obtain the natural rune of Xuanming Lingzi and the power of her Xuanming, he may not have to wait that long. Not to mention the creation of human-like intelligent life at will, but life forms that do not require so much soul may be created at will, such as fish, ants, birds, etc.

Xuanming Lingzi glanced at Alice and sighed: "I and you have been sisters for hundreds of years, and you only married him for two days, but you look at yourself, you are all in him. There is no longer my sister. "

Alice said with a smile: "Of course, who made him my male god."

Ning Tao liked to listen to such words and decided to encourage him with a gesture. He reached out and held Alice's shoulders, complimenting him: "It's good to love my wife, and I don't want to hurt you so much."

Alice whispered, and the whole person approached Ning Tao's arms.

The couple just so naturally sprinkled a wave of dog food.

Xuanming Lingzi's small mouth was raised high: "Can you not do this, you are bullying me to be a single goddess."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "After speaking for a long time, I have eaten the meat. When did you tell me where the meat was cut from your god? And what secret did you say, I also want Know what the secret is. "

Xuanming Lingzi then said: "The piece of meat you eat is the flesh of my heart, the flesh of my heart."

"Ah?" Ning Tao suddenly froze on the spot.

He actually had his own imagination, such as buttocks, thighs, arms, or even maybe ...

But did not expect it to be flesh and blood.

Xuanming Lingzi stared at Ning Tao with a burning look: "Eat my heart, I am your sweetheart. This is the secret I want to tell you."

Ning Tao: "..."

Alice was also stunned.

She never thought that her girlfriend would give her this hand in front of her. But what can she say, her girlfriend is obviously learning from her, she caught the favorite male **** with two girl cakes, and now her girlfriend will use her heart to share a cup with her.

Ning Tao only sighed.

The things on the mountain are really not to be eaten indiscriminately. There are multiple wives to eat a cake, and multiple wives to eat a piece of meat. If you see anything delicious, you can eat anything. I am afraid that the title of the first fainting monk in Shenshan must be him?

Xuanming Lingzi stared straight at Ning Tao: "Male god, what do you mean, you say something."

Ning Tao is big on the first two: "Which one, I don't know it's your heart ..."

At this time, apart from playing tricks, he really couldn't think of any other way to resolve this robbery.

Xuanming Lingzi looked at Alice in one scene: "Sister, say something, anyway, you and I have sworn, and you know my situation."

Alice looked at Ning Tao, and she stopped talking.

Ning Tao made a big jump in her heart, no, the vows they made together would not be the vows in the dog blood TV series to marry a man?

Alice hesitated: "Male god, the soul of Sister Lingzi is actually not the flesh of her body, although I have not seen it, but I have heard her say that it is the condensation of her love, if she does not When she meets the person she loves, she ca n’t produce heart meat. If she has heart meat, it must be in love with someone. If that person eats her heart meat and lives up to her, she will Will ... turn into stone. "

Ning Tao listened for a moment, and gave him the feeling that Alice told him a myth. And she said that she obviously didn't mind the two women serving the same husband. It seems that they really made such an oath hundreds of years ago, but Alice apparently just forgot it just now. As soon as Xuanming Lingzi reminded her, she remembered it and said it.

The heart of the child-god is so tangled.

Originally, he came to find the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and to find a way to kill Wu Wu. This is the past two days and time. He is about to marry a second wife. Is this the rhythm of serious business?

Who said that this heaven has no eyes, why didn't he arrange for a **** to give the child a god, but he just arranged it?

It's all Providence.

At this moment, a gray mark suddenly appeared on the back of Xuanming Lingzi's hand.

Ning Tao met her, and hurriedly grabbed her hand to see.

It wasn't allergic to the skin, it was really a trace of petrification, and for so little time, the mark on the back of her hand turned into a stone.

The myth that Alice just said is true.

"You ..." Ning Tao was anxious, "tell me quickly, what should I do?"

Two tears rolled into the eyes of King Kong Lin Daiyu: "You ate my heart, but without me in your heart, let me turn into a stone. Although I love the wrong person, I have no eyes."

Alice hurriedly said, "Male god, promise her, promise to marry her, or she will turn into a stone."

Where did Ning Tao dare to hesitate and said, "I promise you, I will marry you as my wife, and I have you in my heart, and you don't want to be a rock."

However, the stone spots on the back of Xuanming Lingzi's hand did not disappear.

Ning Tao was more anxious: "I promised you, why is it still like this?"

Xuan Ming Lingzi broke his tears and smiled: "It's enough for you ~ ~ I also encountered this situation for the first time, or ... would you like to kiss me?"

Ning Tao: "..."

In any case, it is important to save people. Although Ning Tao's heart is a messy feeling, he still clings to it and mumbles on her cherry lips.

Feminine energy spreads from the point of contact, not only to Ning Tao's, but also to Xuanming Spirit's. Pieces of black energy flare out from the bodies of the two, and the black water splashes generally extinguished.

But this black energy spot is not the kind of dark energy of the goddess of wisdom Hemiah and bodylessness, nor the dark energy of the sand of death, but the pure and soft negative energy, which is the mysterious power of the Xuanwu family.

A miracle happened, and the dark spots on the back of Xuanming Lingzi disappeared.

She tilted her head into Ning Tao's arms.

At this point, the prehistoric journey of Sending God to the Mountain of God has added another towing oil bottle.

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