Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1560: Open heaven

This scene is like the ice and snow melting under the scorching sun, and the temples made of golden snow are extremely magnificent, but at this moment, a large area disappears, and the speed of disappearance is even faster than the speed of snowflakes melting in the palm of your hand!

Around Ning Tao's ring, what he saw was not a real temple disintegrating, but a pillar consisting of 0 and 1 was melting, and the floor tiles and tiles consisting of 0 and 1 were quickly melting.

Is it all fake?

Ning Tao's mind was full of confusion.

In the end, the idol wearing the crown of the thirteen bead gods disappeared. Here is just a void, nothing, only the surging dark energy, and they are also colorless and invisible.

Ning Tao stepped in the vanity without falling and sinking, staring directly at Wu, and the goddess of wisdom Hemia standing beside Wu. He probed, and the Super Pot appeared in his hands.

The temple melted, and his judgment was naturally that he would not use his body to fight him, but when he summoned the super pot to his hands, Wu said something.

"Don't be impulsive." Wu said, "Do you think I'm withdrawing from the temple to fight against you, you're wrong, we have such a level of existence, it's not decent to move your feet."

Ning Tao had a sigh of relief, accurately fighting Wuyi, but almost spit out blood because of Wuyi's sentence. He still had a super pot in his hand, but he didn't know whether it was better to use a pot to cook it without a shot, or to use this pot to fry a pot of Shenmu back to the meat, a bit messy nowhere to place.

According to his original intention, he certainly does not want to fight against Wu here, because even if he kills everything in front of him, it will not change the future. As soon as he walks this past, time and space are still. But once he loses, dies here, or suffers irreversible damage, it will affect him in the future, because he is here from the future, there is no existence of him in this past spacetime.

It is not wise to fight a battle that is not profitable to you.

"You withdrew the temple and didn't fight, what do you want to do?" Ning Tao said lightly, but her vigilance did not relax.

Wu smiled indifferently: "Aren't you going to look in that door, I want to show you in."

"Okay." Ning Tao's response was straightforward.

"Father, is there really a door in this void?" Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, said in surprise.

Nothing said: "You go back, you can't do anything by staying here."

"Father ..." Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, said nothing.

Wu frowned slightly and said nothing.

"Father is careful." Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, followed her and changed her mind, calling out the golden **** Yunyun to leave. However, when she left, she gave Ning Tao a glare.

Ning Tao reported with a smile.

"Come with me." Nothing said, then stepping in the air, straight up.

His movements seemed to be slow, even weak, but a step of 10,000 meters, a step of 10,000 meters, that step was wind and electricity.

Ning Tao followed behind him, but also stepped in the void, ten thousand meters a step, ten thousand meters a step, without losing speed and grace.

On pretend to force, who has lost God in the Three Realms?

"Send the Son of God, how you were born, I'm curious about this question." On the road to the void, this sentence was said casually.

Ning Tao said: "You want me to answer your question, but you also have to answer my question."

"It sounds fair," said without walking, "then you answer my question first, after all,

Let me ask a question first. "

Ning Tao said: "I am a natural middleman of good and evil, a natural person."

He looked back at Ning Tao without a look, and then said a few moments of silence: "The bully of the Sun King is the natural middleman of good and evil. He was born of a spiritual stone, wouldn't you be born of a stone?"

"No, I was born to my parents, but my parents have reincarnation." Ning Tao said that he didn't lie, because lying was useless, it didn't mean he had swallowed one of his hands. He was the parent. Born from a stone, Wu's heart probably already has the answer. If he wants to dig something out of Wu's mouth, he can only put a little capital, or bait, but that must be true.

"Your parents are great. You have good fortune in the tenth century and enjoy endless prosperity and wealth." Wu said.

Ning Tao listened. He didn't care about his parents' prosperity, as long as they were safe and happy. Money does not bring life or death, but even if it makes money all over the world? As for the goods in front of him, if he wants to destroy the earth, he doesn't even have to show up. He can only deal with the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, so what's the use of those things?

"There are runes in your flesh, 0 and 1, what are those runes and where do they come from?" Ning Tao said his question.

He thought that nothing would answer him, but when he closed his mouth, he said without a word, "That is the rune of heaven, of course, it is from heaven."

The rune of heaven comes from heaven?

This was the first time Ning Tao heard the names and provenances of the 0 and 1 runes, but he could not tell whether the truth was not true or not.

Non-stop: "I know you won't believe it, but I'm telling the truth, so why not tell you?"

"is it?"

"You are not at my level now. When you arrive, you will be like me, but you will never reach my level. In the future, I will kill you. If you are not in despair, why do you arrive Come here? "Wu's mood looked good.

Ning Tao smiled: "Your self-feel is pretty good, maybe I killed you and said not necessarily."

Wu stopped suddenly and waved. A golden light was released from the palm of his hand, and a door appeared as soon as he turned in the void.

It is not so much a door as a space crack. It is slender at both ends and slightly wider in the middle, like a closed eye.

Suddenly, the slit was opened, and a golden light shot like a substance from the gap, and the shape really opened like a big eye. Even more weird is that there are polar pupils in those eyes, and deeper gold, like gold soup flowing. Whether it is golden light or that "pupil", the runes of 0 and 1 can be seen everywhere.

Who said God would n’t open his eyes?

God opened his eyes.

At the moment when the "Eye of the Sky" opened, Ning Tao seemed to be seen through, and no trace of secret could be kept on his body. Even his soul seemed to be stunned, and his mind was blank. He also had an idea of ​​extreme despair in his heart. What was he fighting for? In the eyes of this day, even the Most High God is a dreg. Even if you have the most powerful mana and artifact in the universe, in the face of the power of heaven, it is undoubtedly the day of fireflies.

"Go in, everything you want is in it." No voice came.

"Go in ..." Ning Tao raised his leg, ready to step into the door of the eye that day.

There was a sneer in the corner of Wu ’s mouth. He seemed to want to hide this sneer, but he was patient.

Can't live.

However, his smile froze on his face the next second, and then disappeared.

Ning Tao lowered the raised leg again.

"What's wrong with you?" There was a gleam of light in Wu's eyes, but this time he held back.

Ning Tao slowly said, "No, that's not the door I saw."

I took a deep breath before suppressing the anger in my heart: "It's really this door, this is what it looks like. You saw it below before, at a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, plus the refraction of light, you You see a seam right, but it's like this, go in, and you'll close it if you don't go in. "

Ning Tao looked at Wu: "What you are saying may be true, but it is not true to me. What is behind this door?"

Nothing said: "You ask me what you do, do you know if you go in and see? Hearing is nothing but seeing is believing. You must know this truth, don't say it anymore, just go in, it's really closing.

"Or else, you go ahead, and I follow along?" Ning Tao said.

After a moment of silence, he said, "You don't really want to go in, don't you?"

Ning Tao nodded.

"You **** amuse me!" Wu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and stomped to Ning Tao's ass, "You get me in!"

Ning Tao's backhand was punched in Wu's leg.


A ball of meat sauce flew down his fist.

But after a few seconds, the mass of meat sauce suddenly shot out the golden light, and the bright idea focused on the eyes made of blind titanium alloy.


A great **** appeared in the void, which was a hundreds of thousands of meters high wearing a thirteen crown of dzi beads.

At the same time, his eyes were closed that day and he could no longer be found. Ning Tao could not even feel its existence.

"You go to death!" Wu Shen's body slaps it down.

Although it was only a palm, the palm of the monkey monkey that was trapped by Rugao was bigger and more domineering. This shot was as if the entire sky had collapsed!

"Well!" Ning Tao sighed, moved under her feet, and flew hundreds of thousands of meters away in a flash.

The immense palm of the godless body was lost, and he furiously chased it up in the air with a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters. He was left behind in one step, and his big foot stepped on Ning Tao's Over his head ~ ~ Hundreds of thousands of meters in height, Ning Tao is like a ant in front of him.

But at this moment, a wooden fish suddenly appeared in the void, huge like a mountain, a golden light moment, and the runes flickered, just in front of Wu's big feet.

This is a natural rune spell derived from the wooden fish **** Alice. The seal of the wooden fish will appear as soon as it is shot.

Ning Tao's divine mind turned into a hammer, knocking hard.


In a clear voice, mana flowed like a river of water, rushing to the godless body.

Suddenly the suffocation disappeared, and his big feet hovered in the void, without stepping on Ning Tao's head.

However, he only paused for one second. After a one-second stagnation, he roared and stepped on the top of Ning Tao's head with his big foot.

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