"What the **** is going on?" Ning Tao couldn't understand, let alone find a way to kill Wu Wu from these scenes.

The Goddess of Wisdom did not explain, and she stretched out her waving hand in front of Ning Tao.

The hand was as white as jade, crystal clear, exuding a touch of gold.

He knew this hand, it was Daenerys' hand that touched his leg.

No matter from which angle such a hand is viewed, it is a normal hand with only flesh and blood. However, just when Ning Tao wondered about the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, why showed her hand slowly, that hand also slowly disintegrated. It was not flesh and blood that fell from the hand, but these 0 and 1.

"Look at it again," said the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

As soon as her voice fell, the palms that were broken down into 0s and 1s were quickly restored, and the 0s and 1s were restored to their original positions, and in the blink of an eye, his palms grew again. The hand was as white as jade and crystal clear. It was exactly the same as before, and there was no error in the fingerprint on the finger.

Ning Tao was still stinging there, not even saying "what's going on".

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "I know what's going on in your heart, but what I can tell you is I don't know. I saw with my own eyes that you would be able to recover without an instant. I guess it has something to do with him again. "

"I played against you. At that time you were not like this. When did this start?" Ning Tao asked.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "After you fought against Wu, Wu took me to that door, and I came out of that door after I came out of it. I was impressed by what happened in that door. No. I also asked none, what are these 0 and 1 runes, but he didn't tell me anything. "

Ning Tao said silently: "Nothing said that the runes of 0 and 1 are the runes of heaven, they are the runes of heaven. I do n’t know if this is true or false, but after watching many of them, you let me see Yes, I doubt ... "

"What are you doubting?" Asked Hemia, the goddess of wisdom.

Ning Tao smiled and shook his head again with a bitter smile: "It's just an absurd idea, let alone say."

The goddess of wisdom Shemia frowned: "I have no reservations about you, but you don't believe me?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that the guess is baseless and extremely absurd ..."

Commanding goddess Hemia interrupted Ning Tao's words: "Then you say it, I want to know what your guess is."

Ning Tao said for a moment before he said: "In my hometown, 0 and 1 are a programming language that programmers use to edit programs. I broke nothing more than once, and then he can restore it instantly. Now you are in front of you again My face disintegrated your palm and restored it. I was thinking, you and Wu ... "

He couldn't go on. This speculation was really absurd. Even he didn't believe it. How could he expect the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, to believe it?

The goddess of wisdom, Shemiya, had her own guess: "Do you mean ... I and Wu ... are edited programs?"

Ning Tao did not speak, but nodded.

"Hahaha ..." Hemiah, the goddess of wisdom, laughed out loud.

Ning Tao just looked at her and smiled.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, smiled for a while before stopping. She stared directly at Ning Tao: "Assuming your guess is true and true, what is this world like? A computer?"

Ning Tao shook his head with a bitter smile: "I don't know, so I didn't want to say just now, you have to tell me. You have said to me that the truth is not the truth I want, I think you should know something What, why don't you tell me? "

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "I have told you everything I know. I don't just tell you, they are all in front of you, and it's up to you."

The truth Ning Tao wanted to know was the truth of nothing, but the truth of all things, but she clearly did not know that the truth she had said was only the truth of the fallen gods, and the truth of the city of the sky. His expectations were too high. Sometimes the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

At this point in time, the entire city of the sky was broken down, and the entire space was filled with 0s and 1s, and countless heavenly runes. The scene is like the whole world is broken down, everything has become a golden snowflake.

"Let's go, we have to leave here," said the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Suddenly Ning Tao remembered: "Wait."

"I can show you what I can show you. What are you still doing here?" Said the goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

Ning Tao said: "Although this is past time and space, it can be considered as the real world. How can you break down the city of sky and your body in one thought?"

Even if he opened up a world and created life, he couldn't make a single creation. He was surprised by her ability, and he couldn't figure it out.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was silent for a while before she said, "I don't know how to explain it, you look at it again."

Look again.

Ning Tao stared straight at her: "What do you want me to see?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, said nothing, but at this time her body began to disintegrate. Her head, her limbs, and her torso separated 0 and 1 one by one. The decomposition speed was fast, and she separated. As the number of 0s and 1s increases, her body becomes smaller and smaller. In the end, she disappeared, and the 0 and 1 that had been decomposed before were mixed with the 0 and 1 in this space. He no longer knew which was her 0 and which was her 1.

Suddenly, some 0's and 1's shot out dazzling golden light, and that golden light was emitted to the entire space and penetrated countless 0's and 1's. Immediately afterwards, 0 and 1 were combined one by one, some became rocks, some became buildings, and some became floor tiles. The decomposed city of the sky is back, and the heaven and earth mills hidden in the ground cannot be seen. In the end, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, also returned, as it did before the decomposition, without any change.

Ning Tao still stood there in a daze, giving him the feeling that it was like a dream.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia said softly: "Do you understand?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "You can control the Rune of Heaven, or ..."


"You have become part of the Rune of Heaven." Ning Tao said.

The goddess of wisdom chuckled for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Do you mean I'm dead?"

Ning Tao said, "No, I was wrong."

"You are wrong? What do you mean?"

Ning Tao said: "Past space-time was not the real world, it was just a shadow, so you can freely decompose the city of the sky and yourself, or send me into the past space-time you want to send in. But in the real world, you No. If you are blasted, you will become a pool of meat sauce like nothing, but you can probably restore it. "

The goddess of wisdom was silent, opened a door, and said, "Go out and talk."

Ning Tao followed her through the door.

Coming out of the gate, a familiar scene came on, and the ruins of Tianchi City were destroyed. In fact, it is not a relic, and the city completely swept into flat land has not left any remnants, not even a grass. The sand of death devoured this land, and Ning Tao filled the hole with the real sand, so all that remains on the ground is the black and blue land, which is all the "new earth" when the world was founded.

The sky was dark, and the breath of death enveloped the day and the earth. Ning Tao can clearly feel that the vitality of this world is fading and getting weaker.

Ning Tao was perplexed: "I have filled up the death desert of the Four Realms of the Fairy. How is it dark that day and the vitality of the Fairy Realms is disappearing? What is going on?"

The goddess of wisdom Hemia said: "Although you don't like to listen, I still have to say. When you are happy with those two goddesses, none is destroying the world. You smoothed the death desert on the four sides of the fairyland, he can Let Death Desert come back again. "

Ning Tao does not like to listen, but what others are telling is the fact, he did not even have a rebuttal. He still had a little thought in his mind about the coordinates of the past time and space and the method of intervention, but when she said that, that little thought was gone.

The whole world is dying. As a man of choice, how can he indulge in gentleness?

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, added: "Perhaps, this heaven has no eyes, so I chose you. If it chose me, I would not indulge in the gentle land like you."

Ning Tao gave a dry cough and shifted the topic: "I want to go home individually and let's go to Shenshan together. Let's go to that space and kill nothing."

"Have you found a way to kill him?" A glimmer of excitement flashed in the eyes of the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Ning Tao shook his head: "No, but it has to be."

The ray of excitement in the eyes of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, disappeared, replaced by disappointment and dignity. She said a while before she said, "I have a solution."

Ning Tao froze for a moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ anxiously said: "You said before that there is no way, how can there be a method? What method?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "I just thought of this, this method is very simple, you killed me."

"Ah?" Ning Tao was surprised and lost his voice. He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "My change is that after coming out of that door, I now have some qualities of Wu. If you can kill me, you can kill Wu. You can kill me like you blasted Wu. See if I can restore it. If I can restore it, if you think about the others, it won't kill me. I believe there is always a way to kill me, and that way will probably kill nothing. "

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "What kind of method is this, wouldn't you be serious?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said coldly, "Do you look at me like you are kidding me?"

Ning Tao: "..."

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, roared, "Kill me!"

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