Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1573: We are different

The first sight of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was on Ning Tao's face, the second eye was on his chest, and the third eye fell on his leg. She froze for a moment, and the expression of that moment was even more exaggerated than Ning Tao.

A few seconds later, the two men's eyes regained their respective focus, and then they met again in the air.

"What is this place?" Ning Tao asked.

"Where's your clothes?" Asked Hemia, the goddess of wisdom.

The two spoke at the same time, and then remained silent at the same time. He and she just asked a seemingly simple question, but he and she didn't know how to answer each other.

After a few more seconds, the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, said, "I don't know. I'm waiting for you here. I'm here for the first time. Maybe it's the second time, but I don't remember anything at that time . "

Ning Tao asked, "How long have you been waiting for me here?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said, "I haven't waited for you. I come in here, and you follow in."

Ning Tao immediately froze. He experienced several scripts in it. He painted the version of the bird map on Chen Pingdao's transfer contract for several hours. If the time spent in several versions is counted, He had been in that space for almost ten hours, but she said that she had just come in and hadn't waited long for him.

Doesn't time exist in that space at all, no matter how long it stays, it won't change anything?

The size of the universe is amazing.

Time is just a concept created by man.

The word time can be changed to another word, such as fish. How many fish are you waiting for me here?

Time is in seconds, minutes, and hours, and fish are different from small fish to big fish.

"By the way, I ask you what happened, where did your clothes go?" The vision of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, subsided again, forty-five degrees from the perspective of the goddess.

A wind blew through the tree, and the bird's nest grass on the tree moved slightly.

Only then did Ning Tao realize what to do, and hurriedly used the divine mind to build the elemental **** armor. He built a jumpsuit, the one that fits tightly on the skin, covering from the head to the soles of his feet without leaving an inch of skin on his body.

For nothing else, just now when he found his embarrassing situation, he also found that his skin was covered with runes of heaven, all of which are 1 and 0. It feels like using 1 and 0. The figures are stacked like model people. However, after the elemental armor was covered, those runes disappeared. He was equivalent to adding a layer of skin to his skin, and the earth was covered with earthy yellow to reduce the transparency of the elemental armor.

But the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, still saw it, and she asked again: "And what's the matter with your skin?"

After having clothes on his body, Ning Tao felt a bit more natural. He explained his experience in that ten-hour period to the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, briefly.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, looked surprised and confused: "You said that someone tried to get your signature, would that person be none?"

Ning Tao shook his head: "I don't know, I suspect it is him, but it doesn't feel like it. Also, that thing wants to make me like you, or nothing like that, but I have my own way, so I rendered my body with the runes of heaven in that space, which is why there are so many runes on me. "

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, reached out and grabbed Ning Tao's arm. She felt it for a while, and then squeezed it gently.

Ning Tao said curiously, "What are you doing?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "You said you rendered yourself, I just want to feel what makes you different from me."

"The results of it?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, retracted her hand: "The result is no different. I can feel the energy of the Rune of Heaven. You have a lot on your body, but they do not belong to you. However, if the world needs a disguise to enter "Your camouflage is perfect. If it weren't for you telling me, I wouldn't have touched you myself, and I wouldn't see any difference in you."

Ning Tao hesitated and said, "Can I try?"

"You want to pinch me?" Hemiah, the goddess of wisdom, looked a little surprised.

Ning Tao nodded his head, he also wanted to feel how different he was from her. Some feelings are not enough just to see, you have to get started. Legs are actually okay, but you ca n’t move your legs easily.

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, hesitated a bit, and then said, "Yes, but you can only pinch your hands, nowhere else."

Ning Tao: "..."

In words he seemed to want to pinch her somewhere else.

After she agreed, he reached out a hand, grabbed one of her arms, and squeezed it slightly. His movements were gentle and didn't make much effort, but it was this gentle and gentle pinch, her arm suddenly burst out of a bunch of runes of the sky, which were one and one, Jinmang glittering. Just then gushing, her arm suddenly lost a large piece!

Ning Tao hurriedly let go and stared at her arm in amazement.

Her arm was indeed pinched off by him, but in a blink of an eye, those 0s and 1s that spewed out of her arm returned to her arm. It was almost just a blink or two, and her arm was again It returned to its original state without changing the pores.

"You ..." Ning Tao said restlessly. He had many thoughts in his heart, but there was another blank in his mind, and he didn't know what to say to express his thoughts.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was stunned, and she obviously did not expect her body to be so "fragile" here. If Ning Tao attacked her and blasted her, that would be reasonable, but she would explode with such a gentle and gentle pinch, and she couldn't accept it.

"What the **** is this place, how did you become like this?" Ning Tao finally said what she wanted to say.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was silent for a while before she said, "I do n’t know. I told you just now. I may have been to this place, but I do n’t know anything. This is a question that requires you to figure out. Come here, I am not the protagonist, you are, you are the one chosen by heaven. "

Suddenly, Ning Tao remembered something. He squatted down, picked up a piece smaller than his fist, and squeezed it hard. The stone suddenly burst into pieces, scattered into countless zeros and ones, and some even poured out of his fingers. It felt to him that what he crushed was not a stone, but a large blasting beef ball.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia staggered, and then she also crouched down, picked up a stone of about the same size, and squeezed it.

The stone was also broken, but instead of being broken into a pile of 0s and 1s, it was a real fragment, and it was not restored.

She can crush this stone, because she is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, crushing a stone is nothing to her. She didn't even use her divine power, she just squeezed it casually. However, this is not the point. The point is the same stone. Why does Ning Tao pinch the effect of blasting beef balls, but she does not?

Ning Tao was thinking about this, but he couldn't figure it out.

His gaze moved to Hemia, the goddess of wisdom. He couldn't believe a goddess with flesh and blood. The bulging and sculpted body could even be pinched. I don't know why, a dynamic picture emerged in his mind, and his heart was full of curiosity and self-blame.

That picture is related to the impact.

A burst of 0s and 1s exploded, and a burst of 1s and 0s exploded, but it can be restored instantly. The picture is surprising, let alone experience it for yourself.

"What are you thinking?" Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, felt Ning Tao's eyes different, and asked.

Ning Tao gathered his messy thoughts and imaginations and said casually, "Well, I wonder why I am different from you."

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said: "Do you still need to say that I was changed? You came in in disguise, and of course we will not be the same."

Ning Tao nodded solemnly: "What you said makes sense, let's look elsewhere."

"Where do you want to go?" Asked Hemia, the goddess of wisdom.

Ning Tao looked around, then pointed at the rolling mountain at the end of the line of sight and said, "Let's go there and see what clues we might find."

The two walked towards the mountain, Ning Tao did not drive the cloud, and the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not drive the cloud. The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, that is, to go all the way to observe the new world.

On the way, Ning Tao kicked him when he met the right stone, but all the stones he had kicked were smashed into the Rune of Heaven, and then restored instantly. The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, occasionally kicked a stone, but all the stones she had kicked into pieces, the actual pieces, no longer restored.

Once, Ning Tao picked up a shattered piece of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, and then crushed it. As a result, when he was pinched, the fragment also turned into a small blasting beef ball, which turned into a pile of 0 and 1 shots, but was restored after a blink of an eye.

He pondered and wondered what was going on, but still had no clue.

The distance from the nearest peak is getting closer and closer. was only able to see the color of the green daisies in that mountain, but now it is possible to see the forest covering the peaks. The forests between the peaks and canyons are very dense, and there are some giant trees that look very old, but they are also in the normal range, not as exaggerated as Shenshan.

"I'm thinking about a question." The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, spoke to the silence between the two.

Ning Tao looked at her: "What's the problem?"

The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, sorted it out a little before she said, "I wonder where there is nothing, don't you think about it?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Of course I was thinking, but I don't even know what kind of space world this space world is, how do I know where he is?"

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, raised a hand, and suddenly pointed at the sky above the head, which looked like a static desktop, and then said, "He is above."

Ning Tao looked up at the sky, but her eyes were full of confusion.

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