Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

: One thousand five hundred and eighty-five rune walls

Out of the cave, a large group of Dongshan people gathered on the flat ground opposite the mountain stream, led by Dongshan Polly, chief of the Dongshan tribe.

Ning Tao saw her for the first time, her skin was very white, her figure was sloppy, her eyes were big, and she was also golden. The most striking thing is a horn on her forehead, which is seven or eight inches long, the thickness of one finger is slightly curved, and the whole body is crystal clear, just like a delicate water ornament.

Not only Dongshan Polly, women in the Dongshan tribe all have a horn, including the little girls in the tribe.

Dongshan tribe men have a vertical eye on their foreheads, without eyebrows, some open and some closed, looking quite strange. Some older people with white hair and white hair have the illusion of nothingness if they are seen for a long time.

Ning Tao's heart secretly said: "Those old people are so like nothing, Dongshan Polly claims that Dongshan people are believerless people and the only intelligent life in this space world. It is strange that this is not as simple as she said. Also investigate. "

I couldn't see people before, I couldn't sense the energy of Rune, so I couldn't investigate, now these problems have been solved.

Hemia frowned. "What are they doing here?"

Ning Tao said, "We are staying in their holy place, and it is normal for them to stay outside. Let's go over and say a few words and then look under the rune wall."

Hemia nodded and was about to summon Shenyun, but Ning Tao stopped her: "I'll try."

"Aren't you unable to summon God Cloud?" Hemia said.

Ning Tao said, "I've refined the Runic energy. I'll try to see if I can summon my **** cloud. If I can, then my spells can be used normally here."

After finishing speaking, his divine thoughts moved, and a golden **** cloud appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Hemia said with a smile: "It's much more convenient now, you can drive me over."

She stepped on the cloud of Ning Tao.

When Ning Tao was thinking, a cloud of God came, carrying him and Hemia flying over the mountain stream, and came to the open space opposite the mountain stream. Standing high, he not only had a panoramic view of all the Dongshan people on the open field, but also the Dongshan tribe. Take a look. But the tribe didn't give him any surprise, it was just a humble tribe.

Dongshan Polly led the people on their knees and talked in praise of God's language in a chattering manner. The scene was a bit chaotic.

Ning Tao didn't want to hear these praises either. He said, "My wife and I met your ancestors in your holy place, and we got along very well. My wife and I have blessed them, their souls. It's peaceful now. You all go back, I'll go out with my wife, and we'll be back soon. "

It's a bit ripping.

But she did n’t care about Hemia. She cared that Ning Tao mentioned “me and my wife” three times. Every time she heard from his mouth, her heart would be touched. When touched, it becomes softer and sweeter, and it feels like drinking wine made from honey.

Then, Ning Dani's face appeared uncontrollably in her mind. The little boy smiled and opened her hands to hold her.

Children are always the bond between husband and wife.

The bond between her and Ning Tao is Ning Dani.

Her journey of atonement has not been completed, and she has paid far enough to repay the crimes she committed. However, Ning Tao's forgiveness and recognition have been gained. She feels that she has been killed now and she has nothing to do. Unfortunately.

She looked at Ning Tao and smiled.

Smile is rare and gentle.

Ning Tao flew out of the valley in a cloud and headed east.

Hemia also looked at Ning Tao and smiled.

Ning Tao touched his face subconsciously and said inexplicably, "You have been watching me laughing, what are you laughing at?"

Hemia said with a smile: "I just found out that although your **** is thick-skinned and shameless, it is sometimes flattering. No wonder so many women follow you and die for you."

Ning Tao stayed for a moment, and suddenly reached out and caught the small waist of Hemia.

Nothing was said, no need to say, this action is enough.

Hemia's body stiffened slightly: "You ..."

This is the way of giving the child a god. If you give him a three-point color, he can take it to the dyeing workshop. You give him a bamboo pole, and he can climb to the top along the pole.

Ning Tao still said nothing, just looked at Hemia with a gentle look.

Hemia failed to hold on for three seconds before losing his eyes to Ning Tao's eyes, and buried his head in his shoulder.

On the magical power of the pick-up girl, if the **** of sending the child recognizes the second, who dares to recognize the first in this universe?

However, this warm and romantic picture did not last long, and the golden **** cloud flew under the rune wall to the east. Ning Tao saw the wall from a long distance, exactly the same as he saw last time, and there was no change.

Hemia lifted his head from Ning Tao's shoulders, with a confused expression on his face: "I can feel the existence of the wall of runes, but ..."

Ning Tao said in surprise: "Can't you see it?"

Hemia nodded his head: "I can't see it. This was the way I was when I was here, and it is still the same now. Is this the reason why there is no mark of creation on me?"

Ning Tao said, "Maybe, but I'm not sure."

Hemia said, "I thought I would be different after you practiced the Runic Energy like you. Now it seems ... I don't seem to have any obvious changes, but you have changed a lot."

Suddenly Ning Tao thought of something, he said, "Maybe this is related to your rune body. When we first came in, you could see the Dongshan people, and the tribe and the books, but I couldn't see it. I could see it. This rune wall is invisible to you. I was thinking that you are the body of the rune. You have refined the power of the rune energy and probably just made you stronger, but it will not bring you great changes. "

Hemia sighed: "Perhaps, but I don't see what is important, what is important is that you can see it."

The golden **** cloud landed on a mountain under the rune wall.

Ning Tao accepted the golden **** cloud and walked towards the rune wall. With his steps, the rune energy released by the rune wall gradually became stronger.

"Beloved wife, what do you see?" Ning Tao paused under the wall and asked.

Hemia didn't respond, but she came to Ning Tao's side, stood side by side with him, facing the wall of runes she couldn't see.

Ning Tao glanced at her: "Why not talk?"

Hemia then said, "Don't call me ... beloved wife ... I haven't promised you yet."

Ning Tao smiled: "I thought it was something, it turned out to be this thing. You can rest assured that as time goes by, you will promise me."

Hemia looked at Ning Tao: "What does Rijiu mean?"

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment before explaining.

It's ... As you spend more time together, your feelings will grow deeper. "

"Oh, I thought you were hinting at me again," said Hemia.

Ning Tao: "..."

Hemia's gaze returned to the wall of runes: "You just asked me what I saw. I saw the hillside, and the trees and weeds on the hillside. The mountain is farther away, and the end is not visible at a glance."

She described the normal situation of standing on a mountain peak and looking into the distance, but in the eyes of Ning Tao, there were no hillsides, rolling hills and forests. There was only one wall made of the rune chain of the sky. You can't see the end until you reach the end.

what's going on?

If it is an illusion, what level of illusion must be able to confuse a creator like Hemia?

"So what do you see?" Hemia asked.

Ning Tao said: "The wall of runes, it blocked my view. I can't see anything behind the wall. To the left and back, the rune wall is up. I can't see the margins at a glance."

"This is what I wanted to say before. When I came here, I could feel an energy barrier in front of me, but I couldn't see it." Shemiya said, thinking for a while, and then adding, "Well, I Go through and try. "

"No, this is too dangerous." Ning Tao rejected her with a sigh.

Hemia looked at Ning Tao: "Do you care about me?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "You are my child's mother. I don't care about you. Who do I care about?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Hemia's mouth: "I told you this is my atonement. Don't stop me, just look at it."

The words fell, and she walked towards the wall of runes.

She was one step away from the wall of runes. Ning Tao reacted. When she reached out to pull her, one of her legs had reached the wall of runes.

Nothing happened.

There was no activation or counter-attack of large-scale legal arrays, and there were not even any obvious energy fluctuations.

Even more weird is that Ning Tao could see the long leg that reached into the wall of runes.

Hemia also seemed to be able to see, otherwise she should have reacted otherwise.

"Let me go. This is my journey of atonement. You can't interfere." Hemia said.

Ning Tao let go of her hand.

Hemia smiled at Ning Tao: "If I can come back, I promise you to be Ning Dani's mother."

"I'll wait for you to come back ~ ~ Be careful." Ning Tao exhorted, he was more nervous than Hemia.

Hemia naturally crossed the wall of runes.

As she walked across the wall of runes, Ning Tao could not see her, and she disappeared into his sight without any indication. Immediately after, he could not sense her presence.

"Hemia?" Ning Tao called out.

The golden runes of the rune wall flickered, and a series of rune chains descended from the sky, entered the ground, and disappeared.

Hemia did not respond.

Ning Tao stared blankly at the rune wall in front of her, secretly saying: "You must not have an accident, you must come back, you have to kill Wuwu with me, you have to raise Ning Dani to grow up ..."

He had originally come to investigate the truth, but when Hemia entered the wall of runes, his heart was disturbed. Where is there any thought to investigate what is the truth?

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