Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1588: I am already dead

Hemia was silent for a moment before he said, "I feel more and more that I have ..."

Ning Tao suddenly interrupted her: "Don't say it!"

He had a premonition of what she was going to say, but he didn't want to hear it, and he couldn't accept it.

But Hemia still said: "Father, face the reality, I'm actually dead."

This is what Ning Tao is unwilling to hear, but the fact seems to be in front of him again, no matter how unwilling he is, it is in front of him.

"Let me go ..." Hemia's voice was weak. "You can forgive me. I also saw Ning Dani. I have no regrets."

Ning Tao's voice was full of pain: "Don't say it! This is not true, you are not dead! Didn't you say that you would kill Wu Wu with me and realize your redemption?"

Two tears rolled down from Hemia's eyes, and her voice choked a little: "I want to be with you, but ..."

She couldn't go on.

The golden **** cloud landed on the open space in front of the wooden building in the east mountain.

Dongshan people came out of the house one by one, and those who were working stopped their jobs and looked up at the sky.

"what happened?"

"It's never been seen before."

"Is this the Supreme Heavenly Temple to appear in advance?"

Dongshan people talked a lot, some were nervous, some were awed, some were curious, and some were full of expectations. They should be afraid, but no one is afraid of this vision.

Dongshan Polly ran out of the wooden building, and the great **** shouted, "The great supreme heaven **** is coming, everyone is here to worship God!"

Her voice was so loud that the entire tribe could hear it.

Dongshan people gathered here from different directions, and the people in the open space kneeled down early in the morning, muttering in their mouths, praying prayerfully to the blessing and blessing of the highest god.

In just such a short time, Hemia had replied. The pure runic energy that Ning Tao injected into her body made her body plump and firm, even better than before the injury. Just now, she was like a suffocating doll, and Ning Tao was an inflated gas pump, which drummed her up.

"Fu Jun, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. If you don't show up, you just kill him." Hemia said.

Ning Tao then let go of her hand. He stood up and looked up at the sky.

Xia Zhiyue has been much smaller, leaving only a thin slice. The omnipresent Supreme Temple did not appear, neither did it.

Dongshan Polly knelt down, looked back at Ning Tao and Hemia, and said tensely, "How are you two still standing, knelt down, and the great Supreme God will appear!"

Ning Tao seemed to have not heard her voice, and his heart was completely confused.

More Dongshan people swarmed into the open space, kneeling down one after another, preparing to worship the imminent absence.

In the eyes of Dongshan Polly and Dongshan people, although Ning Tao and Hemia are also gods, they are not their gods. They believe in the supreme heavenly god, and it is impossible for other gods to take the place of them in their hearts. This is why Dongshan Polly is so nervous that Ning Tao and Hemia also kneel down to worship.

"Two great gods, kneel down!" Dongshan Polly urged.

Hemia didn't want to respond to Dongshan Polly at this time, and she was impatient at this time, she scolded: "You shut up! My husband is the supreme **** in this universe. You let me and my husband Thank you guys, dare you say that, I will destroy you! "

Dongshan Polly suddenly froze on the spot, her lips moved, but she didn't say what she wanted to say.

An old Dongshan man said with excitement, "Oh, God, you are God! You kneel down, or you will be punished by God!"

Hemia frowned, and walked towards the old man.

Ning Tao held her back: "No. Even if you kill them all, what good is it?"

Hemia nodded slightly, then nodded.

She had only two men in her life to obey her, one was none, and the other was Ning Tao.

At this moment, the summer moon in the sky suddenly disappeared, the golden sunlight shone down, and the mountains and forests around this valley melted away like snow and ice under the scorching sun.

The golden sunlight also shone into the valley, and the buildings of the Dongshan tribe evaporated one by one in the sun, and the original roof became thinner in a blink of an eye. Dongshan people are no exception. The bodies of men and women, young and old, are decomposed on the ground, turning into a rune of heaven and dancing in the void.

However, what is even more weird is that those Dongshan people are extremely excited.

"This is the great Supreme God who is calling us!"

"Great Supreme God, I will see you!"

Ning Tao originally wanted to spread the energy shield of the Mark of Chaos, but he hesitated for a while, but did not do so in the end.

These Dongshan people have reached a morbid state of faith in me. What does it mean to save them? What's more, this space world is being destroyed. They are the humble rune life in this space world. Even if he saves them, how will he set them up?

The only sober Dongshan person was Dongshan Polly. She saw that the people were "melting" one by one, as well as the buildings in the tribe. The distant peaks were also "melting", and they were kneeling in front of the wooden building. The shadow shrouded her suddenly. She rose from the ground, looked around, and suddenly shouted, "Let's go to the Holy Land and hide! Hurry!"

But it was too late. The Dongshan people who were kneeling in the open space had been broken down into faint shadows, and the shadows disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A few Dongshan people hiding in the shadows jumped, and fleas generally jumped a few hundred meters high, but when the body touched the golden light of Uranus, it quickly "melted", without waiting for their feet to fall to the ground. Already.

"Two great gods, please save my people!" Dongshan Polly begged.

Ning Tao did not respond.

Hemia suddenly rushed out of the shield of energy of the Mark of Chaos, and rushed to the side of Dongshan Polly in an instant, holding her around her waist, and then put her feet on the ground a little, and went to the Mark of Chaos again. Fly back inside the shield of energy.

Before she flew up, Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos expanded, covering Hemia and Dongshan Polly, as well as several tribal children and several young men and women.

But even in such a short time, Dongshan Polly and the surviving dozens of Dongshan people were still injured, especially a few children, and the situation looked particularly bad.

It was Hemia that Ning Tao was the first to treat.

But before he spoke, Hemia said, "Don't worry about me, save the child first."

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment. He really didn't expect that it was Hemia who was the first to show compassion in this matter, not him.

But this is not his cruelty, but that he sees the problem thoroughly. The rescue of these Dongshan people was just to let them endure the pain of losing their loved ones and their homes, and then to die.

However, he still fulfilled the request of Hemia, and the right should help her atone for her sins.

Ning Tao followed by the release of pure runic energy. Each child pierced the body and left a little. Those injured young men and women were no exception. He also healed with Runic Energy.

Dongshan Polly collapsed to the ground, tears could not stop flowing out: "This is why ... this is why ..."

Hemia snorted coldly, "Why? Haven't you woke up yet? The **** of your faith is going to kill you, what you think is his people, his mouth is a devout believer, but in his In your eyes, you are just a group of ants that can be trampled to death! "

"No ... no ... this is not true ..." Dongshan Polly shook her head vigorously, as if trying to get Hemia's voice out of her mind.

Ning Tao came to Dongshan Polly's side, and originally wanted to grab her hand to treat her, but he could think of Hemia standing next to him. In order to avoid suspicion, he retracted his hand and grabbed Dongshanbo from a distance. Rei injected a little runic energy.

His action was like an injection. His palm was a syringe, and he skillfully blew the golden rune energy on Dongshan Polly's face.

The golden runic energy merged into Dongshan Polly's body in a blink of an eye, her sense of weakness was gone in a blink of an eye, and the instantaneousness of being beaten by the pump was particularly obvious.

Not every drop of rune energy is the rune energy of the Son of God. The pure rune energy produced by the Seal of Creation must have the effect of a pump. Hemia is a very obvious example. Her runic energy is also cultivated through 10, but her runic energy cannot even cure herself.

After giving Dongshan Polly a spurt of runic energy, Ning Tao didn't care about her. He reached out and grasped the hand of Hemia, and flowed into her body a runic energy.

Hemia's heart was touched: "Father, I'm fine. I rushed out of the shadow just now, and the golden light just shone on me."

Ning Tao said, "That will also be governed."

Hemia smiled bitterly: "Why are you so persistent? The time with you is the happiest part of my life ~ ~ I am satisfied, I have no regrets."

Ning Tao glared at her: "Don't say such words in front of me in the future, yes, why should you rescue the Dongshan people?"

He changed the subject.

Hemia looked at Dongshan Polly curled up and wept on the ground, and then said, "I didn't want to save them before, but when I heard Dongshan Polly begging for help, I changed my mind and calculated that this was part of my atonement . "

Ning Tao smiled: "Ning Dani will be very happy when she knows it, and she will be proud of her mother."

Hearing the name Ning Dani, a smile naturally appeared at the corner of Hemia's mouth. She thought of Ning Dani, and she laughed, her heart softened.

Just then, a strong energy wave suddenly appeared in the deep sky.

A shadow suddenly fell over.

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