Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1600: Kill No Strategy

The blue energy is the real power, an energy that does not belong to the Three Realms.

It is a very high-level energy, but it is still a lot worse than the power of creation, but Ning Tao's power of creation is not very useful here, but it is the energy of this rune space. Here is its "home court".

A trace of real power was put into the seal of true life, and the seal of real life was instantly activated. It was originally in the shape of a flat galaxy vortex, and suddenly burst after activation. There was a three-dimensional vortex on the ground instantly, and it slowly rotated.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the dusty runes of days 1 and 0 flew to the vortex. The 1s and 0s are combined together to form a rune sequence, and the rune sequences are combined to form a normal matrix.

In a blink of an eye, dirt and stones and grass appeared on the smooth glass floor.

At first it was just a small area. With the action of the True Life Method, the ground became wider and wider.

In fact, the seal of true devotion is a "graphic editor", which edits the 1 and 0 day runes in this space into the graphics he wants.

For him, the expanding ground is only graphics, but it is true for Dongshan Polly and Dongshan people, even for his vision at the moment.

The wooden door of a stone house opposite the open space opened, and Hemia came out of the door, and then came to this side, with a surprised and excited expression on her face: "Master, what is your seal?"

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "This is the seal of life."

As he spoke, a leaf bud emerged from the soil around him, and then that leaf bud grew quickly, and it turned into a small tree in a blink of an eye.

Hemia stopped beside Ning Tao, glanced at the small tree that was growing fast, and then looked at the 3D vortex in front of Ning Tao. Her eyes were full of surprise, even if the seal of true destiny was in front of her, she still didn't believe it was a seal of law.

"What is this seal of true destiny?" Hemia asked.

Ning Tao said: "This seal of true destiny is the seal of editing the Rune of Heaven. With it, I can kill nothing."

"Can you kill Wu with this seal?"

"Yes." Ning Tao said: "There should also be a seal of true destiny in the body of nothing. Every time I kill him, he can use this seal of true destiny to restore himself, so my knife is useless."

Hemia was puzzled and said, "Where did you come from, such a seal, and how could Wuyou have such seal?"

"That ..." Ning Tao wanted to explain, but he found it very difficult to speak.

Hemia froze for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, then glared at Ning Tao: "What's the embarrassment to say, you have been in that room for more than an hour, so much movement, that female chief is like singing After singing for a long time, can't you hear me as a deaf? "

Ning Tao coughed, "I didn't take the initiative."

Hemia yelled at Ning Tao: "Is there any difference?"

Maybe not.

Ning Tao shifted the topic: "Chief Polly said that she did not bring her ex-chief to the High Heaven Temple more than 2,000 years ago, and then the chief she never came down again, so I guess Wu's body should also have a seal of true destiny. . "

The process of driving God to eat fruit is omitted, it is embarrassing to think about it, let alone say it.

Hemia did n’t ask questions about it. She said, “Fu Jun, you said that you can kill Wu without this Dharma Seal. I really do n’t understand how the Dharma kills Wu? I look at the Dharma and do n’t have it. A little aggressive, you kill him, he can restore it. "

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "Love your wife, you don't understand now."

Hemia glared at Ning Tao again: "What else do you sell in me? Come on."

Ning Tao then said: "I killed him. I used this method to edit the Rune of Heaven. He also used this method to edit the Rune of Heaven. Even if I **** him, he will have one less. How many times can I kill? "

A flash of light flashed in Hemia's eyes, and an excited smile appeared on her face: "Yes, why didn't I think of it? This method is good, let's find nothing now!"

However, Ning Tao shook his head: "Not yet. This Fa-Ink can help me cultivate the true power. I have to practice for a few days. When the true power is strong enough, I'll find no solution.

During the conversation, the ground edited by the True Life Law Seal extended to the edge of the Xuanming Shield Seal's energy shield.

Ning Tao was so impressed that he received the seal of true destiny, and the ground immediately stopped spreading.

He has the seal of life, and this secret cannot be left out of nowhere. He's going to sharpen the knife here, and then kill Wu Wu after sharpening it!

It seems that the changes in the environment were discovered, and Dongshan people walked out of their stone houses, and then all caught on the spot.

Previously, the shield of the Xuanming Shield was only a smooth rune ground like a mirror, but now there is dirt, stones, grass, flowers and trees, and their lost land is back!

Another Dongshan woman didn't come out, that is Dongshan Polly. I'm afraid she's still in a dream. But even if she was awake, she probably didn't want to move. She was too tired.

Facing more than a dozen Dongshan survivors, Ning Tao said loudly: "You are my followers and people, you pray to me and I will respond. You have lost your homeland, and I will give it back to you now. Although it is just this A small piece, but when I kill nothing, I will give you the world you are familiar with. "

A group of Dongshan people, men, women, young and old, all fell on their knees and bowed down to worship God.

"Why didn't she come out?" Hemia asked, and her gaze moved to Dongshan Polly's door.

Fortunately, Ning Tao brought the door with her when she came out, otherwise not only would Hemia see an unsightly picture, but even these Dongshan people could also see it.

"She ... should still be sleeping." Ning Tao didn't know what to say, so she just said this.

The corner of Hemia ’s mouth was slightly curved, and her eyes were a little sorrowful: “You do n’t know Lianxiang Xiyu, you go to see her and give her a cure, they have helped so much, but you turned It's inappropriate to throw them there. "

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment. He did not expect that Hemia had become so generous. Instead of being jealous and losing his temper, he considered Dongshan Polly's feelings and asked him to take care of Dongshan Polly.

She really has changed, and is no longer the former goddess of wisdom, Hemia.

Hemia said, "What are you looking at me for? Go ahead." She pushed Ning Tao and said, "I won't go. She must be nervous and scared when I go."

Ning Tao's heart was warm and comfortable. He smiled and said, "You have really changed, and you have become more and more feminine."

Ghemia glared at Ning Tao and said angrily: "I actually want to ..."

She didn't say it, but stretched out her right hand, compared with a scissors to cut things in front of Ning Tao.

Ning Tao: "..."

"Go on, don't bother me tonight, I'll think about it." Hemia turned back to the house.

She said so intentionally and asked him to accompany Dongshan Polly.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, and turned to walk to Dongshan Polly's Stone House. He said to the people, "Let's go back to the house to rest, try not to walk out, it's not safe outside."

He worried that the children of the Dongshan tribe would be tragedy if they did not stare and ran out.

The surviving Dongshan people returned to their respective stone houses.

Ning Tao entered Dongshan Polly's stone house and closed the door.

Dongshan Polly was still lying on the stone bed, her eyes closed, and a uniform breathing sound came from her nostrils. It was only the slightest smile in the corner of the mouth that was missing, and instead a slightly pouting mouth moved.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, he knew her situation well, she was awake, just pretending to sleep.

Pretending to sleep in the absolute realm of the God of Sending Sons, how can he hide the eyes of the God of Sending Sons?

However, Ning Tao didn't say anything. He came to the stone bed, sat on the bed, looked at Dongshan Polly, and said a few moments of silence: "Poly, thank you, I've got the great things you said, and I'm Like you, I also have the seal of true devotion, and just now I practiced a little true power with the seal of real devotion. "

Dongshan Polly couldn't hold it anymore, and she opened her eyes. She looked at Ning Tao, her eyes as if looking at a bunch of sugar-sugar-sweet gourds.

Ning Tao smiled at her: "You have helped me a lot. I said that I will fulfill your wish. No matter what I wish, I will help you fulfill it. Tell me, what do you wish?"

Dongshan Polly got up from the stone bed, knelt on the stone bed, put his forehead on the stone surface, and said in a small voice: "The great God of the Son, I am your devout believer, and I will give you everything for me It is my supreme glory, and I do not need any reward. "

In her kneeling position, Ning Tao looked a little uncomfortable.

Knowledge is power, and the power of this posture is really huge.

If he rubs his wrist, Ning Tao feels that he will be bent.

Ning Tao took a breath and pressed down the fire in her heart, saying solemnly: "I have already spoken, do you want me to break my word?"

Dongshan Polly raised his head, glanced at Ning Tao, and hesitated before he said, "I ... then I can make a wish. I hope my people will have a place to stand and no longer suffer."

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I will fulfill your wish, I will return your lost homeland to you, I will kill Wu, and nothing will hurt you ~ ~ Dongshan Polly The bow fell down again, and his forehead was stuck on the stone surface: "The Dongshan people will follow the great God of Eternal God for generations, and the people of Dongshan will be great believers of the God of God for generations. I am willing to give everything to me Are dedicated to the great God of the Son. "

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Are you really willing to risk everything to the **** of child delivery?"

Dongshan Polly nodded a little, raised her head and looked at Ning Tao. She seemed to see something, and seemed to understand something. Two flushes suddenly appeared on her face, and then she nodded gently: "Huh . "

"Just like this, don't move, I saw a bug flying behind you." Ning Tao said.

Dongshan Polly bit her lip slightly and nodded her head again, "Yeah."

She knows what worms are, but she can't go wrong, she can only keep the status quo.

When Ning Tao waved his hand, a seal of chaos fell to the ground, but it only enveloped the interior space of this stone house ...

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