Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1607: Old days die new days stand

This sword embodies the strongest mana and has the power to destroy the world. The dark energy flowing over the sword body is darker than the ink, but the sword body is golden!

Ning Tao had nowhere to retreat, but didn't want to retreat.

Wu wants to kill him without a hit, why doesn't he want to kill Wu without a hit.

Force is mutual, and opportunity is mutual.

Ning Tao's back was against the wall of the temple, and he waved the Chaodu pot with one hand to block the sword king of the imperial sword.


Shen Wang Jian Yi Jian pierced the bottom of the pan, the sword body drove straight into a sword and pierced Ning Tao's heart.

Ning Tao suddenly released her hand holding the pan handle, and grasped the sword's tip with the palm of her hand, and at the same time guided the sword body away from the heart. At that moment, his left hand was close together with five fingers, like a knife, toward the abdomen.

In his left palm, there is also a seal of the law, which is the seal of true life, and there is a sword of killing nothing hidden under the seal of law.



Almost at the same moment, Wu Shen's King Sword stabbed into Ning Tao's shoulder, and Ning Tao's long sword penetrated into Wu's lower abdomen.

Both defeated.

Until then, the destroyed pan was still free-falling in the air and did not fall to the ground.

Everything that just happened is extremely dangerous and complicated, and it is also wisdom and courage that fight.

"It's useless, sending the gods, even if you break all my intestines and internal organs, I can restore them." Nothing seemed to feel any pain, he said with a sneer: "But you, you got hurt It cannot be restored, you are dead! "

Ning Tao was really miserable. Not only was the sword in his shoulder, but also his body was burned with golden light and his flesh was blurred. The handsome face of the sun was long beyond recognition, and it looked like a burnt potato.

However, Ning Tao, who was so miserable, smiled: "Hehehe ..."

There was a knife in this smile, and the knife was in Wuwu's belly.

"I make you laugh!" The right hand without holding the sword slammed hard. Ning Tao's right palm holding the sword body was instantly broken, and five fingers flew out.

None of the wounds stabbed by the sword can be restored. It is even more impossible for the severed five fingers to be reborn.

No cold test: "I think you can still laugh ..."

Without saying a word, his voice stopped abruptly. Then he seemed to feel something and looked down at his belly.

He had a hand on his lower abdomen, which was Ning Tao's hand, and it was undoubtedly a scary wound. But what scared him most was that not the runes of the sky, but the golden blood, came from the side of the hand. The blood poured out of the wound, and it did not turn back into a rune of heaven, but turned into ashes in the air.

"You ..." Wu finally realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly Ning Tao slammed his shoulders above the sword body of Shen Wang Jian, and his right hand, without fingers, wrapped around Wu's waist and hugged him tightly. At the same time, his left hand, which had been inserted into Wu's lower abdomen, suddenly moved upward, penetrated Wu's intestines and internal organs, and went straight to Wu's heart.

Nothing to restore, but all the Runes of Heaven returned to their original place were taken away by Ning Tao's left hand, and could not be restored.

"No--" roared without fear.

This time he really realized what.

Ning Tao shouted in Wu's ear. "Do you think I'm so uncomfortable and let you play? I said there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance. What I'm talking about is actually you-you die!"

After the sound fell, he grabbed Wu's heart, the five-fingered fingers were inserted, and the knife of synthetic force and rune energy was like a juicer, rotating and agitating rapidly.

Vitality quickly passed away. Just now I was still jumping around with a **** king, the heart was destroyed, and it collapsed in an instant. The hand holding the **** king sword couldn't hold the hilt and fell down weakly.

If Ning Tao were not helping him, he would have fallen down at this moment.

Ning Tao didn't let go of his hand, but also held the waist with no fingers. And his left hand has always remained in a state of being stuck in Wu's body, and he is constantly preventing Wu from restoring.

He can't give this guy a chance, because even if there is no chance, I may be reborn.

"You ... let go ... let me lie on the ground for a while." No sound was weak.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "Isn't it better to hold you?"

"You ..." Wu's eyes were full of anger and despair, and unwilling. But Ning Tao was holding him with one hand, and one hand was still in his stomach, and he had no chance at all.

Ning Tao said, "You're dead, rest on your way, don't struggle anymore ... oh!"

Without saying a word, a spit of blood spurted from his mouth.

The result of this battle was only after he paid a heavy price. He was completely burned by Wujin's extinct golden light, his right hand was cut off with five fingers, and his right shoulder was pierced by the Shenwang sword. Every time he breathed, a tear-like pain came. And he ca n’t heal himself. Even though this is a near-death situation, the magic circle he laid is still playing a role, and the small dusty runes of the sky in this space are still preventing him from using the good fortune. Force to heal itself.

But the price was worth it. He won and lost.

Now, nothing is to say to him the most pleasing words in the universe, and he will not let go of his hand.

"Let me go ... I don't even have my heart, are you afraid of me ..."

"I'm afraid, so I can't let go." Ning Tao said.

No desire to speak, but those eyes could not wait to break Ning Tao's body!

Ning Tao said in Wu's ear: "Keep on it, and it will be fine soon. Death is actually not terrible at all. You don't even know what it is to exist like you."

This is not to sneer Wu, but to make Wu understand, this is the end.

As he spoke, Wu's body became weaker and weaker, and it felt like a snowman was melting quickly in the sun.

"Sure enough ..." Wu is too weak to even speak a complete sentence.

"What do you want to say?" Ning Tao asked him.

"God willing……"

"I told you a long time ago. I'm the man of choice. It was this day that let me come to kill you. I must have the help of God. I have the knife that killed you that day." Ning Tao said.

"Indeed ... no one can survive this day ..." Wu said.

"What else do you want to say, say it early, you don't have much time."

"You ... remember what you promised me ... go up ... look ..."

Ning Tao nodded: "Be assured, since I promised you, I will fulfill my promise. If I can go up after millennia and see what, I must come to this space-time node to tell you what you see thing."

"Then I ... no regrets ... after I die ... you clear all the legal arrays in this temple, especially the extermination legal arrays ... An word exit, none closed his eyes.

God is dying, and his words are good.

The body without it also accelerates the rate of melting, getting lighter and lighter.

In a blink of an eye, Ning Tao could see the left hand pierced into his stomach.

In the end, he was left with a posture of holding someone alone, and nothing left in his left hand, only that seal of life.

None is dead.

Old days die, new days stand.

There are two things left, one is the Supreme God Temple, and the other is the God King Sword. Until this time, Jin Cancan ’s God King Sword was still tied on Ning Tao ’s right shoulder, and the sword tip was pierced from the back shoulders, and the blood dripped.

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed the hilt of the God King Sword, slowly pulling out. The pain caused him to grin his teeth, take in the air, and a lot of blood loss also made him dizzy. However, he still gritted his teeth and pulled the **** king sword from his right shoulder, and took the sword in his hand.

At this stop, he lost the pan, but got the most powerful artifact **** king sword in these three realms.

However, he was not excited because he got the God King Sword, and he was dead. There is no opponent in these three realms. What is he going to do with such a powerful artifact?

After pulling out the God King sword, Ning Tao returned to the ground of the temple and patted a seal of true life on the ground.

The seal of true life was shining brightly, and the golden light spread to the whole temple.

This high heaven temple is the absolute realm of nothing. The nothing has fallen. This temple has lost the support of nothing. The absolute realm naturally disappears, and it cannot fight Ning Tao. Now it is just a temple without gods, and it is just a temple.

All kinds of French-Indian formations appeared, and Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the true-in-laws of the Imperial Formation emptied from the ground, forming a rune vortex. Along with its traction, the runes of the sky flying, and the runes that form the French-Indian Law Array swarm into the vortex.

This is how the French-Indian arrays are decomposed.

However, there is a magic array, which is completely different from other French and Indian magic arrays. It is as dark as ink. No matter how the magic seal of life is sucked, it always stays still, and no rune drops.

That is the world-defining array of annihilation ~ ~ It's just below the Three Realms hologram. Ning Tao was invisible before, and only appeared after no fall.

Only then did Ning Tao see that the dark energy of the magic circle was devouring the holographic map of the Three Realms at all times. A little bit, swallowed in all directions, the image is like a corrosive gas corroding three geometric shapes of iron.

Ning Tao looked at the annihilation law circle, and was surprised and perplexed in his heart: "Is nothing here to destroy the Three Realms here, through this supreme heaven temple and law formation?"

This may seem a little weird, but it can explain why the Three Realms are still in ruins without hiding in this rune space.

Several wounds started to feel itchy. Ning Tao glanced down at the wounds on the legs, hands, and shoulders. He found that the two wounds were healing and the broken fingers were being reborn.

Ning Tao walked towards the annihilation law formation.

You can kill without him. What does a law team count?

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