Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1637: New world?

The No. 1 key was inserted into the "keyhole" of Tianyan, and a little force of creation also activated the key at that instant.

A piece of golden light suddenly shot from the sky's eyes, instantly wrapping Ning Tao.

Tianyan opened, or was opened by a key, and a round hole formed in the void. The hole was as dark as ink, and nothing could be seen, as if it were part of a dark space outside the universe.

Energy fluctuations appeared, and so-called space cracks also appeared. Just above the head, the cracks covered the sky, giving the impression that this box may collapse at any time.

Ning Tao originally wanted to observe the situation in Tianyan more, but this happened suddenly, and he couldn't care much about it. He took a deep breath, and plunged into the stretched Tianyan.

He could be seen a second ago, but he was invisible a second later.

Within a minute, a golden **** cloud flew up.

Unfortunately, the Rune of Heaven has already returned to place, and the position of Tianyan is nothing. The energy wave disappeared, and the cracks in the sky disappeared.

The strongest ability of the rune on this day is to restore it. It can be restored without death. So many dead Dongshan people can also restore, and it is not necessary to restore a few cracks.

This golden **** cloud is the **** cloud of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, with Dongshan Polly and Ningwu **** standing on the cloud head. The three flew over the center of the rune space in a cloud and headed for the Temple of High Heaven.

The source of the instability in the space just now is the central point, but none of them found it.

Hemia landed the golden **** cloud on the platform in front of the temple, and at a glance he saw the handwriting written on the platform by Ning Tao.

It can also be said to be a family letter.

"Uh ..." Ning Wushen stunned for a long time before he came up with a sentence. "I said why there was such a big movement. It turned out that the father and **** had retreated. I am afraid the old man has developed any powerful spells?"

He was talking to himself here, but his mother and his aunt were still stunned, and the two women's faces also had strange expressions.

After a long while, Hemia's mouth came up with a sentence: "That dead ghost closed a ghost, I'm afraid it wasn't linked to another woman, took it out to play, but told us to retreat, Is he going to shut the girl? "

Ning Wushen coughed awkwardly.

He hasn't dealt with anything yet. Why is it a bit inappropriate for Aunt Wisdom to say such a half-baked talk?

Dongshan Polly then said a word: "Fu Jun, if he wants to play, just go and play. I think he is usually bored, even if he is taking a girl out, there is nothing. He is a Communist Party of the Three Realms. Lord, it ’s hard to marry as many women as possible. On the contrary, there are too few sisters of civilization. If one sister accompanies him one day, and one thousand years a cycle, he will not be bored. "

Hemia looked at Dongshan Polly with a strange look, and that look seemed to be saying, one company a day, earning one thousand years of reincarnation, how many people have you counted? Open your mouth and speak without fear of flashing your tongue.

How could Dongshan Polly notice the eyes of Hemia? Her mind was long gone, and she said, "Let's go back to dinner. I still have fish in the pot. It's late, but It's burning. "

Hemiah shook her head and smiled bitterly.

This is the problem. Ning Tao has been in retreat for a thousand years. She does not think about whether she will be bored and lonely in the next thousand years.


The Golden God Cloud carried three people away from the High Heaven Temple and wanted the Dongshan tribe to fly away.

This is what happened after Ning Tao left.

Indeed, he is here or not, the universe is still running, even the women in his family, that is the knit sweater of the knit sweater, the fish stew of fish stew, the play of play, the grandson of the teaser, Each will live well.

This world will never stop running because of who it lacks, even if it is the Three Realms.

For Ning Tao, the sudden onset of darkness was a little too long.

He couldn't see anything, he couldn't feel anything, not even his body. The only thing that moves is his thinking, but it seems that only thinking exists, and he can't even feel his brain.

It feels weird.

After a while, Ning Tao was a little bit still, and secretly said, "Did I come out of my eyes that day, I came to a dark space outside the universe I saw, and then I was broken down. Only my soul is left? But if the dark space outside can decompose my body, then why is my soul left? "

His heart was full of confusion, but there was no way to confuse him.

Gradually, he also regretted it.

While still in the box space, he felt that even if he was dead, he had to come out and take a look to see what the world outside the box looks like. Now he came out, but it was all dark, and he couldn't see or feel anything. What's the point?

"None, you are a fool. You lied to me and said that there is a machine in the box space, my machine is your sister!" Ning Tao could not help cursing.

I haven't said that the final answer may not be what you want.

Indeed, this statement was fulfilled.

Who wants this answer?

But at this moment, a subtle voice suddenly heard in the darkness.

Tick, tick ...

Well, what is this sound?

All of Ning Tao's attention shifted to the sound. He listened carefully, feeling that the sound was like the sound of the clock's second hand beating, and a bit like the sound of dripping water.

But he still couldn't see anything.

Slowly he got some consciousness.

This slowly recovering intuition also allowed him to grasp a situation that his body was not broken down, but simply lost consciousness. Perhaps it was the drip or the sound of the second hand that awakened his body, after which the consciousness of various organs and limbs began to slowly return.

The heart started beating, alas ...

The gut started to squirm, coo ...

Fingers began to tremble ...

Feelings on both feet ...

One leg is slightly tilted ...

Eyelids begin to tremble ...

The whole body is returning, the state is getting better and better, and there should be a lot of consciousness, still so familiar.

After a while, a little faint light slowly appeared before his eyes, the light was golden, and it felt like he was lying in a temple.

"There is light, where am I now? A new universe world?" Ning Tao's heart was amazed, he tried to awaken the mark of creation in his body, and his power of creation, but no matter how he tried He ca n’t feel the power of creation

The existence of the seal.

Ning Tao's heart jumped a little: "Did I become an ordinary person?"

No one ever said that the box was the real world.

The inside of the box, and even the three realms below it, are nothing but a virtual world with a rune of heaven.

When Ning Tao first saw the rune sequence and matrix formed by 1s and 0s, he actually had the conjecture that the truth of the universe was like a computer program running automatically. The program simulates an individual, a kind of substance, and even simulates and constructs human passions.

But conjecture is conjecture after all. The answer seems to be right in front of him and can be seen as soon as he opens his eyes, but he always lacks the strength to open his eyes and cannot open his eyes.

"I went ... I am the commonwealth of the Three Realms. It didn't take so much effort to build a star. I can't even open my eyes now? This Nima joke is so big!" Ning Tao's heart was awkward and depressed.

But after highlighting this sentence in his heart, his eyelids suddenly relaxed, and it felt like the paste sticking to his eyelids was washed away. He followed with two attempts, and at the third attempt he finally opened his eyes.

The golden light shined into his eyes, and Ning Tao narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and then opened slowly after waiting to adapt.

A blood-colored sky came into his sight, and there was a round of golden stars hanging from the sky. The sky was bleak, and the pale golden clouds spread out in a sparkling fashion, like a pond where the wind blew, thousands of sparkling.

After watching it for a long time, Ning Tao suddenly felt that the sky was like the inner wall of the internal organs, like the hairy belly or the waist when eating hot pot.

Ning Tao retracted her eyes and climbed up with her hands.

A blood-stained grassland entered his sight, Yin Yin's blood grass extended forward, and he could not see the end. He followed and glanced at the other three directions, and the other three directions were the same scarlet grassland, extending in different directions, boundless.

With a wet feeling in his hands, he passed his hands to his eyes.

The **** water on his hands was a little sticky, not like rain.

Ning Tao's heart was filled with surprise and confusion: "How does this place feel like hell, how did I come here? Doesn't my fool say that the machine is above the box space, if I appear in a printing press, or In a computer, it feels more reliable, but this is the place ... "

He wanted to make a judgement ~ ~ but he couldn't judge anything.

What he said about contact and what he saw during this time after waking up cannot explain the problem.

Suddenly a wind blew, soft bloodweeds swayed in the wind, and there was a chill in his legs.

Suddenly this cold feeling made him realize something, he hurriedly looked down, only to find that he had nothing on him, and the sun-dried gourd that had always been worn was gone.

Before he entered Tianyan, the elemental **** armor was on his body, with a large Japanese gourd and a **** king sword hanging from his waist. Now those things are missing.

But he didn't care. His strongest state was not the state of holding some artifact. He was the one and only creator. What could he not create?

"I'll fly high up first, and I might see something when I stand high." Ning Tao had an idea in his heart, and he moved his mind to summon the cloud.

One minute later, the great Three Realms were still on the ground, motionless.

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