Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 292: Cat and mouse

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Ning Tao said: "Go outside and wait for me, and I will come out after paying ..:"

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing glanced at each other and said nothing, the sisters got up and went out.

The two young people who collected the account also followed the exit of the shop, and Bancha took out a mobile phone to call someone.

Ning Tao paid and said, "Auntie, can you give me a phone number?"

Zhou Shufen's eyes were dull, as if she didn't hear what Ning Tao said.

Ning Tao said, "Auntie?"

Zhou Shufen said, "Where can I find so much money to pay the bill? If this shop is gone, how will our mothers live?"

Ning Tao said with perseverance, "Auntie, please give me the phone number of the person who wants to pay the bill, and I will interrogate you."

Zhou Shufen then looked at Ning Tao, with a sleepy expression of "confusion": "You ... help me intercede?"

Ning Tao said: "I have a relationship on the road. You give me a lender's phone number. Maybe I can talk to you. Grace it for a few days and less interest."

"I, I ... I'll give you that person's phone right away." Zhou Shufen hurriedly pulled out her cell phone and dialed Ning Tao's number.

A drowning man desperately needs to catch even a straw.

Ning Tao got a phone number and walked out of the shop.

Ban Chuangtou and Jin ‘Mao’ are bragging about how powerful they are, Bai Jing and Qing chase, holding high positions in the company, earning monthly salary of 100,000 yuan or something, talking soaringly. The sisters listened silently and said nothing. Fortunately, this is on the street. Otherwise, Ban Chuang Tou and Jin Mao may not be able to control the sister's heart manually. If that happens, they may be killed in a second.

Ning Tao walked over: "Okay, let's go."

Bai Jing frowned: "Are you really going to the bar with them?"

Ning Tao smiled and said, "What does it matter to play?"

Ban Cuntou said, "That is, what does it matter to play? I have a car and ride in my car."

There is a tens of thousands of Hyundai Yuedong parked in front of the shop ‘door’. I ’m afraid that the car has not been washed for a month, and it is dirty and broken.

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing glanced at the car, and the sisters frowned.

Ning Tao said, "We have a car, so we won't take your car."

Jin ‘Mao’ glanced around but saw no car. He asked, “Where is your car?”

Ning Tao took a few steps and launched the Tiandao battery car from the parking lot next to the shop: "This is my car."

Kim's face was scorned: "You are just a battery car, how can you let the two ladies ride a battery car?"

Ban Chuangtou said, "Two beautiful women, take my handlebars and be safer."

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing were too lazy to talk about the two, and went straight to Tiandao. When Ning Tao straddled the car, Qing Zun first got on the car, only holding Ning Tao's waist. Then Bai Jing got in the car and just held Qing Qing's waist.

Banchuangtou and Jin 'Mao' are dumbfounded. Although their car is not worth mentioning, it can be regarded as a four-wheeled car, but the two beautiful women would rather squeeze the battery car than ride their car. The boy who rode the battery car, He Dehe, was able to win the favor of two beautiful women. Is it that he is talented and skillful?

It's not just Banchuangtou and Jin Mao who have such feelings and reactions, pedestrians on the street have also moved their eyes, and even some people have stopped to watch.

Ning Tao said, "What are you waiting for?"

It was only then that Banchuangtou and Jin'mao came back, and the two got into the dirty and broken Hyundai Yuedang. Banchuang started the car and drove to the street. Jin ‘Mao’ leaned his head out of the window and beckoned Ning Tao to follow.

Ning Tao gently took a little electric 'door' and followed behind the modern Yuedong.

In Hyundai Yuedong, Bancun looked at Ning Tao who was behind him from the rear-view mirror, and Qing Zhui and Bai Jing who were holding Ning Tao tightly. He couldn't help but curse: "Damn, a How could a silly 'force' riding a battery car reach such a beautiful 'woman'? And two more! "

Jin 'Mao' sneered: "Have a good job? Damn, I'll take off his 'pants' later and see if he has any special skills. A silly 'force' would dare to soak two Such a beautiful girl is just looking for death! "

Ban Chuangtou said as he drove: "I called Dongge. He's in the bar right now. We'll take those two women and he will be very happy."

Kim ‘Mao’ laughed and said, “Hey, hey ...”

Half an hour later, the Tiandao battery car came to a bar 'door'. Ning Tao got out of the car and led Qingzhui and Bai Jing into the bar following Jin 'Mao' and Ban Cuntou.

The lights in the bar were very dim. Several ‘women’ in violently exposed dresses twisted their waists on the stage and bowed their heads in a ‘nong’ pose. The music was loud, and the dance floor was packed with dancing young men and women. The air here is smelling of banknotes, wine ‘fine’ and ‘desire’ and horror ‘mon,’ one by one intoxicated, unwilling to wake up.

"This place is so noisy, I don't like it." Qing Zhui frowned.

Ning Tao said, "I don't like it either.

Qing Zhui said, "Old rules?"

Ning Tao smiled. "Old rules."

Qing Zhui ’s long tongue came out of Sakura ’s lip, and she added a circle next to her lip. She seemed to smell the blood, and she liked it.

Bai Jing said, "Brother-in-law, do you often come to this place?"

Ning Tao said: "This is the first time, do you come often?"

Bai Jing said, "It's my first time."

If these words were spoken from Qing Zhui's mouth, Ning Tao would not doubt it at all, but if he said this from Bai Jing's mouth, he would be a little disbelieved.

Ban Chuang Tou and Jin Mao went in front, bypassing the crowded dance floor on a staircase, and then came to a box on the second floor.

In the box sat a middle-aged man in his forties, with two burly bodyguards standing behind him. When Ning Tao, Qing Zhui, and Bai Jing entered the box, their eyes fell on Ning Tao's body, their eyes were fierce.

Ban Chuangtou and Jin ‘Mao’ low waist, shouted in unison: “Dong.”

The middle-aged man only nodded his head slightly, his gaze moved to Qing Zhui's body, and his eyes suddenly reacted with light. Then he looked at Bai Jing, who was standing next to Qing Zhui. At this moment, his face suddenly showed a smile, and then he greeted, "Two beautiful women, please sit down, don't stand, sit down and drink what?"

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing didn't move, they just looked at the middle-aged man.

Ban Chuangtou followed and introduced: "This is our company's boss, Pan Zhendong. Just call your brother Dong, right. What are the names of the two beautiful women?"

Bai Jing said, "Alice."

Qing Zhui thought for a moment: "Tang Zixian."

Ning Tao couldn't help but take a look at Qing Zhui, and couldn't help wondering how she thought of posing as Tang Zixian, and it wasn't good to just say something.

Pan Zhendong chuckled and laughed: "People are beautiful, their names are all beautiful, Ai ... Ai ..."

Bai Jing said, "Alice."

Pan Zhendong said with a smile: "Two beautiful women, sit down and have a drink?"

Bai Jing and Qing Zun glanced at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao nodded.

Bai Jing and Qing Zhui just sat on the sofa. If it was according to the sisters' temperament ‘character’, the five men in this box may have already splattered on the spot. But with Ning Tao, he must abide by his rules. Therefore, when faced with this kind of thing, they finally have to get used to 'sexual' to solicit Ning Tao's opinions or any instructions.

The plate-inch gold ‘hair’ did not introduce Ning Tao.

Ning Tao gave a dry cough, and said a little slyly: "My name is Xia Lei, Dong is good."

Pan Zhendong looked at Ning Tao right away, and then impatiently said, "You two take him down, and you will be entertained."

What else should Ning Tao say, Ban Cun grabbed his hand and went out.

Qing Zhui's eyes flashed a flash of coldness.

Bai Jing smiled and held Qingzhui's hand: "Sister, it's hard to come out to play once, let's have a drink."

Qing Zhui didn't have it. She has an impulsive personality, and Bai Jing is mature and calm. The sisters ’personality is a good complement.

Pan Zhendong picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured a glass of wine for the sisters Bai Jing and Qing Zhui, with smiles on their faces, but with beast-like light in their eyes: "Where are the two beautiful women?

Bai Jing said, "My sister and I have just arrived in Guancheng and are planning to open a clothing store ..."

She also has a strong ability to tell stories.

Banchuangtou and Jin'Mao 'brought Ning Tao to an alley behind the bar.

This alley is ‘overcast’, dark, and ‘tide’ wet, and the ground is full of **** and has a bad smell.

Ning Tao said, "What's going on? Don't talk about playing together? You left my two friends, but brought me here. What do you want to do?"

Banchuang sneered: "Damn, are you stupid or stupid?"

Ning Tao said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Jin ‘Mao’ slaps him on the back of Ning Tao ’s head: “I ask you, who are those two women?”

Ning Tao answered honestly: "One is my 'girl' friend and the other is my sister's sister."

Ban Cang head fiercely said: "Which is your 'girl' friend?"

Ning Tao said: "Anyone in Tsing Yi, what do you ask this for?"

Jin Mao said sarcastically: "It looks like a stupid 'force', let me tell you clearly, our boss is looking after your 'girl' friend and her sister. Our boss is giving you a green hat in person, you should feel very honored . "

"You ..." Ning Tao looked very angry.

Banchuang pulled out a knife ~ ~ stuck a knife on the wall behind Ning Tao, and said fiercely: "Abandon base bully again, I'll believe it?"

Ning Tao froze for a moment, and dare not speak.

Ban Cun patted Ning Tao's head with another slap, and laughed again and again: "It's a silly 'force'. When our boss is cool enough, our brother will also give you a green hat."

"What's the nonsense, the boss said, take a good meal, and then throw away the garbage." Jin ‘Mao’ said.

Banchuang nodded his head, his eyes suddenly cold, and at that moment, he suddenly banged his knee on the position between Ning Tao's legs.


With a muffled sound, Banchuang's knee hit him severely in an important position.

It was so ruthless that the dull crash could be heard from far away.

However, Ning Tao didn't scream and fell to the ground without covering her face. He just looked at Ban Cun's head quietly, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

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