Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 540: I am a great person

The gods died, and Pagoda Town is now under construction. Three inch room

This sentence came to mind in Ning Tao's mind again. In the past time and space that did not know which day it was, in the shipwreck, Yang Yuhuan said this sentence, which is part of a certain prophecy. The gods are dead, he doesn't care, after all, no one has seen what God looks like, but does the heavenly truth really cease to exist?

If heaven is still there, why are there so many evildoers in this world who continue to do evil but live well? And why are so many good-hearted people tortured but ca n’t wait for the day when their sufferings will come?

If Heaven is not there, then where did the clinic come from, and where did Bai Sheng and Single Wing died in the clinic?

This is a mist, and there may never be a day when the mist dissipates.

Wu Yan did not take the opportunity to attack Ning Tao. After speaking these so-called "secrets", her lips left Ning Tao's ears.

Ning Tao looked at the woman standing in front of herself. She didn't do anything, which showed that she really knew the Tianwai Clinic.

Wu Min's face was a little smile: "I know you have a book of bamboo slips, which records the good and bad deeds of people, and then determine whether a person is good or bad. Take it out and diagnose me, you see me Are you good or bad now? "

The smile and voice contained contempt and provocation.

Ning Tao said, "You brought such a person to tell me this?"

Wu Zheng said: "Now it seems that the single wing is dead, but this is a good thing. He is a big wicked man, and he is dead. I am a good man, this clinic won't treat me, I know you can't wait to kill me, You can't shoot me now, do you? "

Kill Da Shan Ren?

Ning Tao has never done that and has no idea how the clinic will react. He didn't even think about it before Wu Xi told these so-called secrets. But now, he has to face this problem.

Wu Yan is a great man, but he is also his enemy.

Killing such an enemy is punishing the good and promoting evil, violates the heavens, and disturbs his heart. Not killing, but he is willing to turn a blind eye, will others be willing?

The provocation of Wu Yi's mouth is more obvious: "Or else, you try to kill me?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "Don't you say so much to provoke me to shoot at you, and then you fight back?"

Wu Yan did not acknowledge or deny it.

Ning Tao went on to say, "Answer me, I fulfill your wishes."

"what is the problem?"

Ning Tao said, "Is Lin Qinghua dead? And what deal have you reached with Lin Qinghuan?"

No sound came out of Wu Yan's mouth.

Ning Tao tentatively said: "Did she give you Dan Fang of Xundan?"

Wu Yan still said nothing.

Ning Tao said in silence: "You don't say that, let me tell you, I assume that Lin Qinghua was not dead. He contacted you after the holy war, and you reached an agreement and a corresponding plan. You let the single wing Refined the missing version of the ancestral ancestral Dan, and then held a new Dan conference, in front of me, let Lin Qingyu eat the ancestral ancestral Dan, because Lin Qinghua and you both know that I will save her and cure Her demon disease makes her a new demon ... "

Wu Yan's eyes changed slightly, and her lips moved slightly, but she still said nothing.

Ning Tao went on: "Lin Qinghuan became a new demon, and then used my emotional weakness to make me feel that I owed her. I'm sorry for her. I dispatched at the right time and exchanged Dan Fang's master for my hand. All Dan Fang. You, Lin Tsinghua, and perhaps Nicholas Kandi now have the complete Dan Fang to find ancestors, right? "

There was a sneer in Wu's mouth, which seemed to be her answer.

Ning Tao went on: "You have obtained Dan Fang, and you also learned some secrets of my clinic from the bodies of Lin Qinghua and Lin Qingyu. You have Lin Qinghua, and the single wing seems redundant, so I can be so easy. The monoplane was killed by the ground. The death of the monoplane makes you more convinced and certain. My clinic and I are threatening your existence and must be removed. As long as I die, the clinic is ownerless, and you can rest easy and take the next step. ,right?"

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yan smiled.

"My clinic and I are in Beidu, you are not good at it. The death of a single wing can make my clinic move. Once my clinic leaves Beidu, you, Nicholas Conti and Lin Qinghua can fight against me unscrupulously. Tonight You brought so many people, but Lin Qinghua and Nicholas Kandi did not show up. You didn't actually come to avenge the one-wing. You rushed over in such an anxiety, presumably I thought that I had almost made a complete Xundan, Not only do you want my ancestor, you want everything here, you even want to own the clinic, right? "Ning Tao looked at Wu Yan, his eyes still so calm.

"You surprised me," Wu Yan said.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "Is this a rumor after conspiracy?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth: "You are right, but you have said less."

"What is it?" Ning Tao couldn't figure out what Wu Yan wanted from him.

Wu Yan looked directly into Ning Tao's eyes, and said, "I still want you."

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

Wu Mo's momentum suddenly changed. The voice carried an irresistible majesty: "You are right, you have fallen into a desperate situation, and only I can save you. Give me a kneel, swear allegiance to me, and I will help you through this disaster.

Before the death of the single wing, he showed Ning Tao a photo, saying that Ning Tao had a big calamity, but did not expect that his forefoot had just left, and the calamity was fulfilled.

Ning Tao smiled: "You asked me to kneel down for you and take an oath of allegiance. I don't know what position you are giving me. The prime minister or the general on horseback?"

Wu Yan's eyes turned cold: "This is your only chance. It will not be used by me and will be killed by me."

Ning Tao spread his hands: "I'm still saying that, I repair the heavens, I have no compromise here. I stand in front of you, and you can do it anytime you want."

Wu Ye suddenly opened his arms and hugged Ning Tao.

The psychological confrontation is over, and problems that can only be solved by hands must always be done.

However, Ning Tao never expected that Wu Ji ’s hands would be like this. Her actions were not a life-and-death fight. It was like a woman embracing her beloved couple, and her body was not murderous.

However, this is Ning Tao's most daunting attack!

A little under Ning Tao's feet, he moved towards the entrance of the clinic.

Wu Yan suddenly moved one step across the road, blocking Ning Tao's road, still maintaining the movement of open arms to hold Ning Tao.

The group of warriors and practitioners from Genesis Biotech moved in the alley and rushed. The two of them rushed to the front, one hand everywhere, grabbed a man in black's arms, sprinted for a few steps, and then threw it hard.

The man in black rose off the ground and bumped into the clinic door. The night breeze blew the robe of the man in black, and the belly looked like a jar but a pregnant woman!


The pregnant woman slammed into the clinic door, but the clinic didn't respond at all. The pregnant woman screamed, bounced off the door panel and hit the ground. Blood ran down between her legs, and her legs became red in the blink of an eye, but there was no trace of blood on the steps of the clinic.

There was Wu Yi blocking the road, and a pregnant woman who broke amniotic fluid was lying in front of the door. At any time, it was possible to have a difficult delivery. Ning Tao's way back to the clinic was blocked.

"She is also a good person and kind-hearted. In order to get treatment and compensation for her husband who broke at the construction site, she is willing to do anything. Can you kill her?" Wu Yan talked and disturbed Ning Tao's mind while chasing him. Always want to keep him.

Ning Tao ducked left and right, getting farther and farther from the clinic.

A sneer sneered at the corner of Wu Yue's mouth: "Everything in this world has weaknesses, and I have found your weaknesses. I will give you one last chance, kneel down and pledge allegiance to me!"

With his feet a little, Ning Tao emptied his body and grabbed one hand towards the small medicine chest.

"Want to open the door and run away again? Your every move is under my control!" Wu Ye's feet also emptied a bit, and his posture was generally flexible and light, and Ning Tao's feet had a ladder faster!

In the alley, hundreds of practitioners and warriors from Chuangshi Biotechnology Company rushed to the entrance of Tianwai Clinic, and also blocked the road where Ning Tao fell. Their bodies were not murderous, and their swords never got out of the way. Someone even went to help the injured pregnant woman, and the scene was moving.

When Void stepped out of the fifth step, Ning Tao could no longer afford the power of Void and landed on a roof. This position is already where Wu Ji can shoot.

"Ning Tao, you can't get over this calamity, you have nowhere to run tonight." Wu Yan fell across from Ning Tao, only a few meters away from Ning Tao, which was not a distance at all for her.

"Do you think you're ready for me?" Ning Tao said.

"I said, I know your weaknesses, and I won't give you any chance to open the door." Wu Yan said.

"Really, what about this door?" Ning Tao said, suddenly reaching out to grab the zipper of his pants and pull down.

The trousers are Tianbao pants, but they also have a zipper. After all, he is a modern man, and the Tianbao robe he made is also the style of casual clothes ~ ~ How can there be no zipper on the pants?


At the moment when the zipper was opened, Wu Hsin's face was slightly sideways as a result of his instinct.

So for a little while, Ning Tao's hand had pushed away the small medicine box, grabbed the refining shell gun, and the muzzle was aimed at Wu Ji.

Wu Yan's gaze returned to Ning Tao's face, but the reaction was calm: "I only know that you are smart, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Ning Tao sneered: "I almost forgot that you are an empress and you are distinguished and cannot be profaned. However, all I can show you is the hand gun, and you are not qualified to see other guns."

A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth: "I'm a good man, do you dare to shoot?"


A very low-key gunshot came from the refined shell gun, and a refined bullet flew towards Wu Xi's chest.

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