Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 709: There is always a way out

"I won't go!" Soft Tianyin cried, sad like a child, "You are like this now, how can I rest assured that you are alone? You tell me what happened, how can you become like this What can I do to make you better? "

Instead of explaining, Ning Tao growled, "I let you go, don't follow me anymore! I'm not your protagonist!"

He said that his heart was hurting.

However, he had to let her leave him, and he worried that he would do something terrible to her when he couldn't control himself again.

Soft Tianyin's tears flowed even more urgently. She regarded Ning Tao as the closest person in the world, and she wanted to stay with him even without a name. Now that Ning Tao said such a thing to her, how could she not be sad? In this case, her practical knife stabs her heart and makes her hurt!

However, even if Ning Tao treated her like this, she did not leave. She cried and said, "I don't leave, unless you tell me what happened and why you want me to go, otherwise you will kill me and not go!"

Ning Tao's eyes suddenly appeared a hint of black awn, he grabbed the soft Tianyin's neck, and said fiercely, "You are not afraid that I will kill you ... 唔 ......"

This time the neck-scuffing was actually scaring her and forcing her to leave, so it didn't take much effort. But it was because of his "soft hands" that the soft Tianyin did not retreat and ran into his arms, and a sakura lip caught his lips at that moment, blocking his mouth.

Sometimes when a woman is brave, nothing really happens to a man.


Indescribable softness, the woman's unique tenderness has reached the extreme in the body of the Mengjia fairy. She is so gentle and so soft that it can be softened by steel, not to mention just the iron heart of the outfit?

When the soft thing rushed through his teeth, the negative things such as suffocation, hatred, etc. of his body burned as if the rotten wood encountered fire, and his cold heart was also warmed And melts quickly.

Men are steel and women are water.

Without any sign, desire burned like fire, and the two were entangled.

This time Ning Tao did not read the scriptures, nor did he stop a series of active actions by the Mengjia fairy. In fact, he was passive at first, but later became active ...

There are things you want it to happen, it just doesn't happen. Good things are grinding, grinding and grinding into it.

This is a process that is imperceptible, as if in a dream, words cannot be described in a thousand words. Until everything calmed down, Ning Tao felt awakened from the dream.

The bottom of the sea is dark, but there is always a clear light in the water-clearing space supported by the Tianbao robe, like a bright moon in the mist, and the light is soft and full of dreamlike colors.

That is the natural pearl of the Mengjia fairy.

Ning Tao has never seen it before, not only this time, but also ...

Not to say.

She was soft in his arms, as if without bones. But she was strong and able to withstand the storm. It is also she who used her unique gentleness and love to dissolve the radon in his body and clear out the toxin-like melanin factors in his body. Although only part of it, he feels much better, at least now he can control that terrible emotion.

In a sense, this time, the soft sky sound actually saved him.

If Soft Tianyin had just left, he would not be able to control his blackness, and aside from what crazy things he would do, he would definitely not be able to make a diagnosis. There is no way to earn medical consultations, and no good deeds to correct the blackening of Tiandao Medical Museum. This is undoubtedly a vicious circle, and the final result is a dead letter. And the time will not be very long. The next month after this month, the day of rent collection of Tiandao Medical Museum is his end.

Fortunately, there is Tianyin, fortunately her affection and perseverance, fortunately her tenderness and tolerance, fortunately all her goodness.

But the more she was so good, Ning Tao felt sorry for her, full of guilt and indebtedness.

"That ... Tianyin ..." Ning Tao murmured, "I'm sorry, I ... can't control ..."

Soft Tianyin's voice is soft, with endless tenderness: "Do you mean too fast?"

Ning Tao: "..."

"It doesn't matter, I think it's okay, just a little ..." Hesitated and hesitated, and she bit her lip and said, "It hurts."

This soft voice, this shy expression, this honey-like tenderness, this is a wood burning fire.

There was another charcoal fire in Ning Tao's body, and his mouth was dry. He hurriedly said, "I'm breathing, I hear the sound of the road."


The bell rang, and the voice of the road went up and down.

The spontaneous charcoal fire was extinguished.

"Master, what are you doing to read the scriptures?" Soft Tianyin blinked and looked at Ning Tao, and the eyes of Qiushui were full of good light.

Ning Tao said, "I'm afraid of ... hurting you."

"I do," she said.

Ning Tao almost chanted again, and he followed the topic: "You asked me what happened before, and I tell you now. I have collected the evil intentions of Hirano Mito, up to more than 20,000 points. The goodness of Tiandao Medical Museum There is a lot of wickedness in the evil spirits. It will make me cruel and terrible. I can't even control myself. I want to hurt you, so I let you go. "

"How can I leave you? I will not leave you if I die." She said.

Ning Tao said with emotion: "Fortunately, you stayed, otherwise I'm afraid I won't survive this disaster."

"Am I useful to you?"

"Well, there is no substitute, you are unique." Ning Tao said, this is not a deliberate praise, but a heartfelt, real truth.

In fact, the situation just now is that the three wives are here, and going through the same thing will not help him. Because only her body has a purification factor, and her natal pearl also has a unique natural power to soothe the soul and purify the body and mind.

"Giggle ..." Soft Tianyin smiled happily, and every time Ning Tao praised her, she would be very happy. There is a large group of fairies around Ning Tao, all of whom can fight and kill, especially Qingzun and Bai Jing, one is a dragon, and one is about to become a dragon. That is a very powerful existence, but she is not even a frame. She played with the soft mussels, so she was inferior and longed for herself to be useful. Of course, Ning Tao praised her so much that she was very happy.

This silver bell-like laughter, and her bright and innocent smile, all made Ning Tao happy, but there was also a slight headache.

He has solved two problems here, but how can he not buy a ticket? And the paper cannot cover the fire. Once Jiang Hao, Qing Zhui, and Bai Jing get out of the gate, how should he tell them? What would Qingzhui, Bai Jing and Jiang Hao think about him?

The old lady shuts you up and you mess around outside, the birth bed is so small, you keep adding people!

Is there such an idea?

A woman's mind is delicate, especially in terms of emotions. Soft Tianyin seems to be feeling something. She said softly, "Are you thinking of three masters?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, but he couldn't answer such a simple question.

"It's okay, don't worry ... I, I don't say, you don't say, they won't know." There was no grievance in her eyes, it was so sincere.

Ning Tao looked at her and stopped talking.

She added: "I just want to be with you, I don't care about the rest. As long as you want me, I am the happiest woman in the world ..."

"Do not."

She suddenly became nervous: "Master ..."

Ning Tao said: "I will tell them when they leave the customs, I can't wrong you."

Soft Tianyin whispered, and two pearl-like tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, which were tears of happiness.

Ning Tao opened her mouth to eat, and her tears seemed to him like an antidote, and she couldn't waste it.

A rosy glow emerged from the soft Tianyin's Jade, and said shamefully, "Master, what bad thing are you thinking about?"

Ning Tao froze for a moment, and hurriedly said, "I'm giving birth, and I hear the sound of the road."


The bell rang, and the voice of the road went up and down.

All the monsters and ghosts are thinking wildly, and the crooked doors and evil ways are all gone.

Soft Tianyin raised his lips: "Don't read this scripture?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Don't I miss it?"

"Okay," she said, sure.

"Really?" Ning Tao wasn't sure.

She suddenly got up and blocked his mouth ...

No way.

Prayer verses are useless.

The lighthouse lights up and leads the boat into the port. The bitter sea set off waves of love, and even the Great Saint could not escape the fate that was tied up.

Floating and sinking, floating and sinking ...

The wind stopped raining.

A large number of marine fish gathered outside the water-clearing space supported by the Tianbao robe, staring wide open at the two people inside. They seem to be biting and killing so fiercely, how can they hit nobody in the end?

It is true, but it is still spit out, which absolutely does not exist in the fish world.

"What do you want to see? Go away, or hit you!" Soft Tianyin said fiercely.

She also bullied the ability of marine fish.

A large group of marine fish did not bird her at all, and still maintained a stance of watching. A large group of indifferent phytoplankton and small fishes and shrimps are watching the crowd.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Let's go back."

"Where?" Soft Tianyin's voice became gentle again, it was soft and sounded like the smell of glutinous rice cake.

Ning Tao said: "Back to Tiandao Medical Museum, I have to find a way to solve this problem."

"Can we stay here for a little longer?" Soft Tianyin said in his ear. "I feel like this is a dream, and I'm so scared to go back and dream."

Ning Tao embraced her and said softly, "Then we will stay for a while."

"You are so good." Soft Tianyin buried his head in Ning Tao's neck.

Ning Tao actually wants to stay like this. Nothing to think about, nothing to do, no worries, and no pressure to survive. So terrible, how can you kill Nicholas Kandi, if it is harvesting the evil intentions of Nicholas Kandi, wouldn't it be worse? "Soft Tianyin suddenly remembered something, and suddenly became nervous.

Ning Tao said: "There is no problem in killing Nicholas Conti, because he is a vicious leader. I don't earn his medical consultation. The clinic will waive one month's rent and open a library door for free.

"But how can you kill him now?" Soft Tianyin said anxiously.

Ning Tao said: "As long as I can maintain the current state, I can kill him. Also, I have to earn a lot of good ideas as soon as possible, this is the only way to solve the problem."

"I can help you too, I also have a way, so you have to take me with you wherever you go." Soft Tianyin said.

Ning Tao thought about it seriously, then nodded.

People are right.

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