The darkness receded and the light returned.

Ning Tao opened his eyes. This is no longer the villa he rented in Changan, but a dense sorghum field. A sorghum pole with a height of one person stretches forward, and the sorghum spikes are heavy, or green, and it will take some time to mature.

July and August are when sorghum matures. In some places, it will be extended to September and October, and the months are roughly corresponding. The location is also corresponding, and this field finally becomes a community. After another thousand years, what will happen to that high-end community? It will not be known.

The reason why the moon does not directly enter past time and space is because it is impossible to search the celestial dandan's south gate to find the immortal. Even if the moon enters past time and space, she can only see her as a ghost. She was in prison, not outside the prison, and he could only see her in this prison.

"I don't know what this dynasty is," Ning Tao thought to himself, and moved away from the sorghum poles in front of him.

He didn't know what year it was in, but he didn't worry about missing her because he knew she was nearby.

Out of the sorghum field, a dirt road goes forward, and there is a village about a mile away. The farm yard is sparsely lined with blue tiles, white walls, and small bridges. There is no ancient style and charm, giving a peaceful feeling.

She's probably in the village, right?

Ning Tao walked along the road to the village.

The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the air is full of grass and dirt.

Ning Tao likes this feeling. If he can move here with his family, it will not be a shame to be immortal.

The village is getting closer.

Barking! Barking ...

The sound of a dog barking and a messy footsteps suddenly heard in a wood near the road.

"Chasing! Don't let the thief run away!" Someone shouted in the woods.

Ning Tao stopped and looked away.

Just then, a man in a black jersey with a black turban around his head and a black veil covering his face ran out of the woods, holding a sword in his hand, panicking, and a pair sold The **** thing shakes, the amplitude is exaggerated.

Actually a female thief.

The female thief rushed to the road in an instant, met Ning Tao, and suddenly rushed over to Ning Tao.

Suddenly, an arrow flew out of the woods and stuck in the woman's thigh.

In this blink of an eye, Ning Tao had hit the arrow before she could figure out the situation. But even if she hit the arrow, she was able to run, rushing towards Ning Tao.

Four guys and a dog rushed out of the woods. The dog rushed to the front, and behind him was a man of great stature, holding his chest open and holding an arrow. He and the three people behind him looked at what they were wearing and suspected to be soldiers of a large family's home.

During the running, the bow-bearded man with his chest bowed his arrow and shot another arrow.

The arrow pierced the woman's back vest.

Ning Tao frowned slightly, even if it was a thief, the other party was a woman. There was no need to use this kind of cruelty? As soon as he thought about it, Yuan Ying emerged from his body, and instantly compressed into the size of a bullet, and hit one with an arrow shaft.

His Yuan Ying has 20 pounds of strength. Compressing Yuan Ying's body and flying at high speed is not the concept of 20 pounds.

In this collision, the angry arrow was bent strangely, a crack appeared on the shaft, and it deviated from the trajectory, flying over Ning Tao's cheek.

Yuan Ying returns.

The female thief also rushed to Ning Tao's side, suddenly raised her hand and put the sword in her hand on Ning Tao's neck, a spin, hiding behind Ning Tao.

"Don't come over! Otherwise my aunty killed him!" The female thief exclaimed.

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