Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 907: The Book of Heaven

Ning Tao looked at the Zhaoyetianshu held in Zhaoyebai's hands, and said a moment of silence: "Father-in-law, I'm sure I know the runes inside, that's the Tianjia runes."

A large group of Zhaoye people gathered around, including the troubled Kunlunyu and Heiyuchong brothers and sisters, and listened to Ning Tao's speech.

"But knowing and understanding are two different things. I just suspect that it is a spell. At that time, the teacher taught me some runes of the Celestial Family, but I was dumb in qualifications, Xi Wu was working, but the magic and other things were not working, so ... … "He paused for a while, and Ning Tao said what he wanted to say." If my father-in-law wants me to read this heavenly book, I have to ask my father-in-law to tell me its origin, and some legends about it. The more The better. "

Not all his words are true, and the spells are false. But he had no choice. He only had seven days. He could not tell Kunlun Yu that he was a practicing doctor from more than a thousand years later. It was even impossible to confess that he had only seven days, and they had only seven days.

How can there be perfect things in this world?

Although there is a lie, it is also a good-faith lie, as long as it can deal with the conscience of heaven and earth.

Zhao Yebai said: "Xianxi, this is a long story. This Zhao Yetian book is a treasure I have guarded for generations of Zhao Ye clan. According to legend, a long time ago, a **** who guarded Zhao Ye wrote this There is a huge secret hidden in the heavenly book. We have been guarding the heavenly book for generations, but no one has known the runes in it, so naturally we do not know what secret is hidden in the heavenly book. As for the god, because this secret is According to word of mouth, in my generation, no one knows that deity. "

Ning Tao said curiously: "Since this book is a treasure you have been guarding for generations, why do you want to pay tribute to the Emperor Tang?"

Zhao Yebai sighed: "I don't want to, our Zhao Ye tribe is just a tribe in the Black Pond Desert on the northwest side. The Black Pond is in our territory and is the best source of water for a few hundred miles. The Huangsha people in the desert have been ravaging our territory and wanted to drive us away. Our two races have been fighting for hundreds of years. Until my generation is weak and people are inferior, we will continue to support us. Our territory can no longer be protected. What do we need this treasure for?

So I discussed with the elders in the clan, and brought this heavenly book to meet the Emperor Tang. If we can please the Emperor Tang, he casually issued a decree to keep us safe for the night clan, but we were not expected. After climbing the mountain and wading to Changan, Tang Emperor did not see it, but also met the traitor Chen Kang ... You know all the later things. If it wasn't for you, you would rescue Changan and we would die. Nothing, but the people in the clan are likely to be persecuted by the Huangsha tribe. "

This is the reason why this group of Zhaoye people traveled thousands of miles to come to Chang'an. How sad and helpless. Not to mention the world of more than a thousand years, which is the world of the law of forests in the twenty-first century more than a thousand years later. Some powerful nations are not just hitting whoever they want, but sanctioning whoever they want. Who? Every day, some people lose their loved ones and their homes in the war, but what can they do besides crying and patience?

Ning Tao said, "Father-in-law, you do n’t have to ask Tang Emperor for this matter. Tang Emperor has n’t been used by your son-in-law. I ’ve married your daughter, and I ’m equivalent to Zhao Ye clan. . What Huangsha people, I beat them into a sand ash, kneeling on the ground and called your grandpa! "

"Hahaha!" Zhaoye Baile's Haha laughed: "Good vibes, you must be the **** who guards the Zhaoye tribe to help us!"

Kunlunyu said: "Dad, my husband said he went to Zhao Ye Clan and didn't leave. He wanted to settle down there and grow old with me."

When she spoke, she choked Ning Tao again and again, and Wu Liu's eyes were full of affection and like.

Yes, if such a husband is not worthy of love, who else in this world deserves her love?

Zhao Yebai heard the words and suddenly stuffed Zhao Yetian's book into Ning Tao's hands: "Xiang, this day's book will be left to you for safekeeping."

Ning Tao quickly pushed away: "Master Father-in-law, this is absolutely impossible. This is your holy relic. How can I keep it?"

Zhao Yebai said, "What can't bear this? Didn't you just say that you married Yuer, you are also our Zhao Ye clan. Zhao Ye clan counts you best, and this day's book should not be kept by you. Who is eligible to keep it? "

He said that Ning Tao couldn't push it.

How can this be pushed?

If you push back, it is tantamount to not acknowledging that it is the night clan.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess according to Ye Bai's mind. This heroine's son-in-law is already the only hope of the Zhaoye clan. Marrying his daughter to him can't reassure the old man, and he must put the holy thing on the son-in-law's body, so the old man can rest assured.

"Fu Jun, you take it away." Kunlunyu also came to persuade.

Ning Tao had to accept Zhao Yetianshu.

Zhao Yebai patted Ning Tao's shoulder with a rough big hand, and said with a smile, "Is this right? My goodness, haha!"

Ning Tao said: "I only keep it temporarily, and I will take it out in the future and keep it with the most respected people in the clan."

Zhao Yebai laughed and said, "That man must be the baby of you and Yuer."

"Dad!" Kunlun Yu was annoyed and stomped.

"Oh!" Hei Yuchong followed with another sigh, and looked at his biological sister resentfully. "Sister, dad said you, what are you doing on me?"

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