Ruins of Luna Temple.

One man and one shot up, with the gun in front, the man behind, and the guns combined. The attitude is like a rocket after ignition, and the ink jet air is the jet flame.

Suddenly, the man and the gun turned upside down, the gun head was shaking, and spear-like lances sprinted to the ground. Rocks everywhere cracked, and cosmic dust burst out!


The ground shakes, the fragments of rocks, the thick clouds of sand and dust generally shoot up!

For immortal marksmanship, flying outside the sky.

This shot is a big move of the fairy shooter, which combines all the characteristics of the previous six styles. The six styles are distinguished by drawing guns, striking the gates, winding paths, standing up in the wind, rising in the cold, Immortal wants to die.

After getting the fairy shooter from Worm II, he practiced hard, but only practiced shooting at the gate.

But in these few days of hard training, he integrated the following five styles and refined the mastery of the magic weapon. There is naturally a reason for his diligence in this incredible result, but the bigger reason is the imprint of spiritual destiny.

Since mastering this secret seal, his ability to sense all things in the heavens and the earth has increased day by day, and his understanding of all things has reached a higher level. This ability is also the same for the fairy shooter. If you didn't understand it before, you can easily understand it now. In addition, the spiritual power is more powerful and pure, and his subsequent tricks are even more handy.

The gun stopped in the flesh, Ning Tao held the handle with one hand, and his body kept the same straight line with the gun body. And his body is in a large pit of several hundred meters square and ten meters deep!

This big pit is the impact of the great move of Tianfei Feixian.

Such power, even the father of Russia's bombs, is nothing like this. The father of the bomb is the most powerful weapon in the world's conventional weapons, comparable to a small equivalent of a nuclear bomb!

Ning Tao's right hand was loose, scratched, and his feet were stepping on the bottom of the pit. The gun gas from the flesh burst out and wrapped his body. He was like a cloud of ink flying on his feet. The height of tens of meters, such as flat ground!

For immortal marksmanship, take advantage of the wind.

The gun flew towards the base of the moon, leaving a faint ink brush air in the void.

The lunar base is still a busy scene. The industrial system, agricultural system, and ecological system are all developing step by step. Although this base is not yet self-sufficient in food, water, oxygen, and building materials are no problem.

At this speed of development, it will not take long for this lunar base to develop into a full-scale ecological base that functions like a small town on earth. Not only can it be used for various scientific research tasks, it can also become a foothold for exploring the wider universe. . It is much more convenient to build a space base in this base and launch a rocket or something to Mars.

Ning Tao showed up, flew over the base with his gun, and the living dead in the base cheered. Their worship of Ning Tao is completely a worship of God, and the belief energy has just arrived. It is no accident that the fascinating energy appearing in them immediately went to the good and evil.

Flying over the gate of the fairy house of Ningyue Fairy, Ning Tao took a shot.

Soft Tianyin and Lin Qingying greeted from the inside.

Jiang Hao, Qing Zhui, and Bai Jing are on the earth, and they are both happy to stay on the moon base, because Ning Tao can accompany him as soon as he comes, without worrying about being penetrated by those three main mothers, let alone there is nothing to hinder him.

"Brother Ning, how do you practice guns?" Soft Tianyin asked, looking at Ning Tao's eyes full of joy.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It went well, and it was finally complete."

"You're so good!" Ruan Tianyin cheered and plunged into Ning Tao's arms.

Ning Tao was a bit shocked, but he enjoyed the impact of reaching the soul directly. He leaned on the waist of the soft sky sound and said softly, "You are here, Qing Qing."

Lin Qingyi subconsciously glanced behind her, but saw several employees of Xinshen Company are looking at this side, which made her feel embarrassed, but she still got over.

Ning Tao also reached out and embraced Lin Qingying's waist, and said gently: "Let's go to your room. I have a very important thing to tell you, especially to let you know."

Lin Qingyu's jade cricket rose slightly: "During the day, can't you say anything here? You have to say it in the room, someone is watching it."

That being said, she followed Ning Tao back to her room.

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