Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 939: Who is she?

That trill was excited and tense, but full of happiness and joy.

Open the door and see the fairy.

It's like magic, everything is still at that moment.

There was darkness in front of Ning Tao's eyes. There was only one bonfire jumping hard in the darkness.

That was the lifeblood of Nanmen Xunxian, it was weaker than the last time. It is not so much a bonfire as a pot of charcoal, and the slightly jumping flame seems to go out at any time.

She was sitting next to the fire, red in flames.

She looked at him with a soft look: "You are here."

Ning Tao sat down beside her: "I'm here."

The simple dialogue seems to be with thousands of feelings, and the sound of each word seems to have endless thoughts and expectations.

Ning Tao also looked at her with a gentle look. This time she was different from the last time. Her face was no longer a terrible skull face, clean and beautiful, and full of immortality. Her body is flesh and blood, exquisite and bulge, charming but not demon. Looking at people is imaginative, but it gives people a noble and holy charm.

"I don't want you to not sign the contract of the alchemy of that day?" Nanmen Xunxian's brow frowned slightly, in this tone, this way, she seemed to blame Ning Tao a little.

Ning Tao pointed at the faint fire in front of him and smiled bitterly: "Do I have a choice? Your fire is about to go out. If I don't sign the contract of the alchemy that day, just in case you ..."

He didn't want to say that.

"But what's the point of my being alive without you?" She said.

Ning Tao smiled: "Isn't this okay, although I have a short life span, but I only need to cross the sky to rise to the immortal world, and I can jump out of the cycle. Don't worry about me, tell me, how can I take you out? "

She was silent for a moment: "Open the door and see the fairy."

Ning Tao froze for a moment: "Did I already open the door to see you?"

The corner of her mouth smiled: "It doesn't matter if you open the door, it's just the courtyard door. I'm the door into the house."

Ning Tao: "..."

According to this statement, does she have a courtyard door, a boudoir door, and a back door?

She continued: "Whether it is Xue Weiyang or Kunlun Jade, they all represent my skin, I am their soul, and you have to wake me up in this way. When I wake up, you will eat that elixir. When searching for ancestors. "

She leaned over and leaned on Ning Tao's shoulder.

She was cold and without a trace of temperature.

This situation is also normal. I think that when Nebona came out, it was like this. She was cold and afraid of cold. This also explains why she has been guarding this group of life fires. If the group fires go out, then she will really lose her spirit.

"You're a little nervous," she said.

Ning Tao was a little embarrassed: "How can I be nervous, I am not nervous at all, where do you see that I am nervous?"

He wasn't nervous at all, but this sentence had betrayed him deeply.

She pouted and smiled, raised her head from his shoulders, and looked at him face to face.

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot.

She was still her, but the clothes on her body, her hairstyle and even the look at her became another woman.

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