Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 966: Tentatively on the edge of the law

Overcast Moon Peak.

Ning Tao sat cross-legged on a rock, eyes closed, calm and peaceful, like an old monk settled. Divine consciousness diffused from the body and then extended in all directions. The place where the consciousness passed, the rock under the buttocks, the base in the valley, the cosmic dust in the void, and the light transmitted from the distant interstellar, etc., could not escape his perception.

There are no dark clouds, no thunder and lightning.

On the moon, wouldn't it be possible to perceive everything on the moon to touch that barrier?

If the barrier isn't triggered, it won't cause a scourge.

However, just as Ning Tao's mind was strange, when this thought flashed, a strange energy wave suddenly appeared in the void. It feels like you are under a suspended mountain, and that mountain may collapse at any time!

He understood.

Heaven, not the earth ’s atmosphere, is the sky of the entire universe.

The earth is not the earth's earth. All planets are earth.

No matter where he feels the world, he will touch that barrier.

However, this time he did not immediately block the consciousness, but continued to perceive and touch the barrier.

Constantly testing on the edge of the law.

More and more energy gathered in the void, and the feeling of the mountain hanging from the ceiling became stronger and stronger. Ning Tao felt that his body was under the weight of thousands of pounds, his bones would break at any moment, and his internal organs would be crushed!

Kaka ...

There was a crackling sound from the rock under his bottom, and cracks extended from under his bottom.

His bones haven't broken yet, but the rocks under his **** are broken!

Hold on for some more time.

"Oh!" Ning Tao spit out blood, then ended the perception of everything in the world.

The blood did not spit in vain, and he understood the truth. That is to perceive the heavens and the earth, and to interconnect with the heavens and the earth, that is to regard yourself as the master of the heavens and the earth, to analyze the connections and secrets that existed before the heavens and the earth. Such behavior is actually an act of putting yourself outside the heavens and the earth, and this "outside" is to leave the space of this dimension and rise to the immortal realm.

Of course, the premise is to be able to carry the disaster.

Ning Tao looked up at the dark blue starry sky, and said secretly, "I'm really a different cat, but I just felt a little more about everything in the world, and you crushed the rocks. It's really my time Are you **** trying to squash the moon? "

This statement is a bit exaggerated, but the Tianxianjie and the ordinary practitioners are definitely different.

He closed his eyes again.

This time, instead of perceiving that everything in the world touched that barrier, but entered the world of the body, a spell of meditation, observing the law of freedom, and the imprint of the soul contract of good and evil appeared.

At this moment, as long as he uses spiritual power to erase, he can remove the imprint of the soul contract left by his good and evil in his soul.


Not wipe?

Ning Tao's mind was tangled and he couldn't make a decision.

After a few minutes he opened his eyes, but in the end he still hadn't erased the soul imprint left in his soul. But this is definitely not his timidity and lack of courage to pursue freedom, but that this base still needs the convenient door of Tianjia Caiyuan.

More importantly, the wordless stone stele in the town will certainly make a comeback. He is not an opponent at all, and he still needs to rely on the good and evil. And once he wiped out the imprint of the soul of good and evil, he would be cut off from all relations with the Tianjia Caiyuan, even standing directly on the opposite side. He is a little dregs who is not even an immortal. What is it against the two big brothers?

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