Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 969: Hello, one hundred and ten?

Mianzhu, an ancient town with a history of more than 2,000 years, was a major town in Yizhou during the Three Kingdoms period.

It is said that Liu Xiu, the king of Shu, passed by here, the soldiers and horses were sleepy, and there was no water to welcome them. Lao Liu knelt down to pray to the sky, and then shot three arrows in succession. The three arrows shot at the foot of a mountain, the rock broke, three springs poured out, and three arrows springed.

Legend has it that the three brothers Liu Guanzhang took a bath in the springs of the Three Arrows Springs, rubbed their backs, and handed soap. The rock on which the soap was put is still called soapstone.

Woyun Village is right next to the Three Arrows Spring.

A family of seven came to the village and asked about it. It was easy to find the two families. They are located next to a highway along the mountain. They are very common tile houses next to each other. There is a dense bamboo forest behind the house.

At this time, it was dusk, the sunset was obliquely shining, and the two families at the foot of the bamboo forest were cooking smoke, like a place in a dream.

The family stopped on the mountain road and looked at the two families together. Except for the Nanmen Xunxian, who was hidden in Ning Tao's ears, Ning Tao and Ning's five tigers lived off a beautiful landscape. People passing by, even those who drive, couldn't help moving their eyes to look at them. This family is so beautiful, people can't help but suspect that an international modelling team came here to take photos.

"Fu Jun, you have a look, and then we come again, a large group of people will scare people." Jiang Hao said.

"I ..." Ning Tao couldn't wait when he came, anxious to fly here, but when he got here, his parents' home was right in front of him, but he was nervous and hesitated.

"Brother Ning, should I go and inquire first?" Qing Zhui said.

"No, you're waiting for me here, I'll go and see." Ning Tao finally made up his mind and stepped down the mountain road, walking along a cement path shared by the two.

Getting closer.

Ning Tao is also getting nervous.

"Fu Jun ..."

Ning Tao was startled, and the whole person shuddered.

"It's me." Nanmen Xunxian said, "I'm still in your ear, do you want me to leave?"

Ning Tao was about to speak. A little girl ran out of the house on the left, holding a purple alfalfa flower in her hand, bouncing.

Ning Tao was so nervous that he even forgot to breathe. He looked at the little girl and then stopped.

Although he hadn't seen his mother's appearance after hours, he had an intuition that his reborn mother, Long Lingyu, had a clear sense of blood connection and was very kind.

The little girl also saw Ning Tao. She stopped and looked at Ning Tao: "Uncle, who are you looking for?"

The sound is crisp.

Ning Tao seemed to hear her mother's voice, and tears burst into her eyes. The girl in the blurred vision turned into a mother, and he could not help screaming: "Mom ..."

The little girl froze slightly, and looked subconsciously behind her, thinking she was really standing behind the uncle's mother. But there was no one behind her, she was the only one here. However, after all, she was only a five-year-old child. She was called a mother by an adult, and she didn't have any special reaction. She just looked at Ning Tao blankly.

At this time, a woman walked out of Xia's kitchen. She was in her twenties, wearing denim shorts and a red t-shirt. She was a bit out of shape, but was pretty pretty.

This woman's name is Zeng Min. Dad's father called Xia Chenggong, and after retiring, he worked as a security guard in a small factory. Little girl Long Lingyu's father is Long Jun and her mother is Ren Suzhen. Long Jun has a tractor that runs and transports in the town. Ren Suzhen and Zeng Min brought their children at home and planted an acre of five cents for the family. They are a new generation of rural youth. Both are very ordinary families, and their lives are very poor, but they are also solid.

These are all information that Jiang Hao found through special channels on the way to Ning Tao.

Zeng Min looked at Ning Tao with vigilance, and then spoke out loudly: "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Ning Tao's shade hat on her head, the silk-like steps on her feet and the strange-looking clothes on her body didn't look like a countryman.

Ning Tao reached out and wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes, and smiled at himself: "A bug got into his eyes ..."

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