Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 977: Monkey King

Zeng Min, Long Jun, Ren Suzhen, and Long Lingyu settled on the lunar base.

Ning Tao also began to make various preparations.

The first thing is to complete the refining of the muddling Biyun clothing. Although Nanmen Xunxian will join him to cross the robbery with him, multiple pieces of robbery uniforms are equal to multiple guarantees. Moreover, since it is a suit, it must be worn on the body to enhance mana. It's like an orange outfit in the game. Putting together a set often unlocks hidden attributes.

This matter actually started to be done a month ago, preparing spiritual materials, refining spiritual materials, drawing silk and weaving cloths, and now it is only two sleeves that have not been completed.

噗嗤, 噗嗤 ...

Ning Tao's right and left hands each pinched a magic finger in the secret chamber cave house of the Yinyue Fairy, drawing on a pot of spiritual raw material pulp in Meixiangding. Each finger means a crystal clear silk thread.

Wire drawing, this is the door technical job.

And Ning Tao has already reached its peak in this field, and the wire drawing skill is unique in the world.

This is a skill that was previously refined from the Tianbao robe, and this technology is also needed for the crossing suit, because at least one-half of the crossing suit is made of woven fabric, plus metal components. Take the filigree steps on his feet for example, the fabric structure has reached about 60%. Even the overcast hat on top of his head looked like a steel helmet on the outside, but the lining inside was still fabric, and the mantra was engraved on the fabric.

In a nutshell, this crossing suit is actually an upgraded version of the Tianbao robe. If the former is likened to the equipment of a novice village chopping chicken, then now it is the best equipment exploded by the mining zombie king.

"Fu Jun, have a rest and drink a bowl of porridge." Soft Tianyin came over holding a bowl of porridge.

"Wait a minute, and it will be all right." Ning Tao kept her hands in her hands, and left and right method means quickly rushing into Mei Xiangding.

噗嗤, 噗嗤 ...

Fingers rustled in mud.

Soft Tianyin put the porridge on the table, watching Ning Tao drawing with interest, curiously, "Fu Jun, what kind of clothes do you want to make that really contraceptive?"

Ning Tao's wire-drawing hand suddenly trembled, he said depressedly: "Do you think I'm making condoms? It's a suit, it's Ni Ning Biyun, how many times have I told you, you guess remember live?"

"It's not a suit, it's a suit, I understand." Soft Tianyin looked like he understood. "I wear it for contraception, right?"

Ning Tao almost spit out old blood.

"If you don't have porridge first, I'll help you with the wire." Soft Tianyin was eager to try.

Ning Tao rolled his eyes and said, "You can't help with this favor, but I have a favor for your husband."

Soft Tianyin said happily, "What do you want me to do?"

Ning Tao said: "There is still a handful of key talents that you gave me last time. You can give me some more."

Soft Tianyin suddenly caught the spot.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Will I come by myself?"

Sui Tianyin suddenly ran away and started running, and said, "Go to find them, I ... I just sprout!"


The door was closed.

Ning Tao shook her head with a bitter smile, in fact, the material was enough, he just didn't want to drink the wolfberry porridge of the devil's kidney sent by her.

During this time, he really ate and vomited.

噗嗤, 噗嗤 ...

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