Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 988: Successful crossing

As far as Zhao Wushuang was concerned, Ning Tao rushed to Woyun Village, Shudi, non-stop.

He rescued Xia Chenggong and Xia Feng in the Shenxu, but had no chance to take them out of the clinic.

He had a hope in his heart that good and evil would send their father and son home. The magical power of good and evil is just a matter of hand.

But would the good and evil tripod do that?

He couldn't control this matter, just asked for luck, because it was something he had discussed with the good and evil, and it would help him to rescue his reincarnated father. At that time, he did not erase the imprint of the soul, and the good and evil diners had enough time to fulfill their promise to him.

Quiet along the mountain road, no cars.

Ning Tao stood on the highway and looked at the two families.

Ren Suzhen came out of her house, holding a thermos bucket in her hand. She came to Xia Chenggong's house and stood in the sunbath and said, "Zeng Min, I cooked chicken broth for Chenggong, you can come out and get it."

Zeng Min stepped out of a room and greeted him with a smile on his face: "Look at you, what are you doing so kindly?"

Ren Suzhen said with a smile: "Where is this kind of polite? We are the in-laws of the doll's in-laws. We are family members. Success brother and Xiaofeng only came back. Am I not worried about them, right? Do they remember?"

Zeng Min sighed: "I asked several times and I don't remember anything. I'm going to take them to Chengdu to see a doctor."

"I'll go with you." Ren Suzhen said.

"Well ... yes, I told their father and son Mr. Ning, they didn't have any impression."

"That's a big benefactor, we must let them remember." Ren Suzhen said.

On the mountain road, Ning Tao smiled.

The good and evil din fulfilled its promise and sent Xia Chenggong and Xia Feng home.

Want to meet?

no need.

This is the best result.

Ning Tao turned and left, secretly saying: "Although you want to kill me, but you have made me today, I help you evolve to this level, to the point where you almost become a god, we It's two clear. You saved my reincarnated father. I owe you a favor, and I hope to have the opportunity to return to you in the future. "

"Zeng Min, look, does that portrait look like Mr. Ning?" Ren Suzhen saw the back of Ning Tao.

Zeng Min glanced: "It's a bit like that, but it's definitely not him, but he has five wives. How can it be here alone, and you can't just come and see."

Ren Suzhen sighed: "Well! I don't know when I will see Mr. Ning."

Meet indefinitely.

Five days later.

Gangde, Chen Pingdao Dongfu.

Xiaotian dog is like an arrow shot off the string towards Ning Tao.

For Xiaotian Dog, Ning Tao is the real master, and Chen Pingdao is a master or adoptive father. If Chen Pingdao is willing, it is also possible to say that he is the biological father.

Ning Tao hugged Tiantian dog and rubbed his head, while Tiantian dog greeted him with his tongue and licked his face with saliva.

Behind Ning Tao, the five tigers of the Ning family looked at it with a smile.

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