Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 990: Great Vulture Catcher

Ning Tao looked around, but didn't wait for him to see anything clearly. A loud noise came from behind the mountain, and the ground was shaking in the loud voice.

When He heard the first sound, his first reaction was an explosion. But when he heard the second sound, he didn't think it was an explosion sound, it seemed like ...


Immediately, a huge shadow shrouded.


Shake the mountain!

Wu Ningtao finally saw clearly, it was a leg.

Really footsteps!

Alas, he only saw one leg!

Take a leg that suddenly falls from the clouds!

So shocking!


The leg retracted again.

Wu Ningtao raised his head, but at that moment, his chin was shocked to the ground.

He saw two legs. The distance between the two legs was at least one kilometer. Each leg seemed to be a giant pillar.

There is a smaller leg in the middle of the two legs, which is suspended above his head, and it feels like he is hanging a car with hundreds of carriages and then doing a pendulum movement in the sky .

What is so special about this!

Who's so so?

Xunnanmen Xunxian also looked up, but before she could see clearly, her husband covered her eyes: "Go, let's leave here!"

If he sees something so spicy, he will ignore it, and his wife will be spared.

甩 He flung out his gun and pulled Nanmen Xunxian to jump on the gun, and then ran away.


Another leg fell from the clouds, and a mountain was flattened by one foot!

The ground trembled, and heavy dust rushed in.

"Xunxian, what is that?" Ning Tao was shocked.

Taonanmen Xunxian was also very nervous: "I, I don't know!"

She is familiar with the immortal world of the ancient times, that is, the prehistoric immortal world. Which year is it now? Where is she?


A few figures suddenly shot from a mountain peak, chasing behind Ning Tao and Nanmen Xunxian.

Ning Tao thought it was chasing troops, and looked back, but they saw that although they were flying swords, they were worse than him, some were bathed in blood, some were ragged, and one had lost half of their hair, leaving only half of them bleeding. Scalp.

This is obviously not a chaser.

Wu Ningtao said aloud, "Several Taoists, what is that monster? Is it chasing you?"

No one responded.

A few fairies who control Feijian only hate that they don't have a turbojet engine on their backs, so how can they care to talk to a stranger.

Wu Ningtao did not give up, and then changed the English: "Some friends, what is it?"

He still didn't respond to him.

The escape team reached the mouth of the valley in an instant, with the plain in front of it, but it was still the scorched earth without a long grass.


A large net suddenly fell down, covering a range of more than ten miles.

"You go first, I will lead it away!" A fairy shouted, and the flying sword under her feet changed direction and flew to a mountain stream on the side.

大 This immortal fairy speaks Chinese. It wasn't that people didn't understand it just now, but he was unwilling to talk to Ning Tao.

"Brother!" Someone cried.

"You must live!" Brother Dayi cried.

Su Ningtao suddenly changed direction, and chased after the big brother Yi, who sacrificed himself for his fellow teachers and brothers to fight for escape time.

"Ninglang, what are you ... chasing him for?" Nanmen seeks immortality.

Wu Ningtao said, "You'll know after a while."


Brother Dayi Yi plunged into the mountain stream.

Wu Ningtao followed him and flew into the mountain stream.

At the end of Laoshanyu is a large mountain with a cave at the foot of the mountain. For people, it is a very large cave, with the entrance tens of meters high and bottomless inside. It's too small for the naive man born, probably just a mouse hole.

Huh! Brother Dayi plunged into the cave.

Huh! Ning Tao also flew into the cave with his gun.

The moment he flew into the cave, the large net rune that shrouded more than a dozen miles flashed, and was instantly recovered. The immortals who had just escaped from Taniguchi were caught, and then flew into the sky in the air. Invisible.

At the entrance of Sheshan Cave, Ning Tao looked back and looked at the cavernous space in front of him.


The sharp weapon cracked, and a line of cold mang flashed in the darkness.

Qi Ningtao grabbed the small waist of Nanmen Xunxian, lowered his gun sideways, grabbed the pistol with his right hand, and forwarded.

Gun point to sword point.


Mars shot.

With a strong push, the cave walls shuddered, and a lot of gravel fell from the top.

A figure emerged from the darkness. It was the righteous brother who rightly fought for a living way for his fellow teachers and brothers.

I aside from the clothes, bloodstains and scars on his body, this product is really dignified, quite a bit of righteous and decent image. If he goes to make a movie, he must also be the first choice actor of Dazheng characters, such as Hai Rui, such as Huang Feihong, such as Chen Zhen Huo Yuanjia who is who.

But how much loss do people need to learn to look at people and not look?

Brother Dayi Yi explored his hand, Fei Jian flew back.

Qi Ningtao loosened the waist of the South Gate to find the immortal, and his body fluttered.

Do not want to immortal marksmanship.

Pull gun style!

It's useless to look handsome, and it's useless to be righteous. Once you start, Ning Tao won't be soft.

Brother Dayi hurriedly backed away and said nervously, "Taoyou, don't!"

The man said no, it was really not.

But you say no, no?

When Nima attacked Lao Tzu just now, why didn't you ask Lao Tzu?

However, the gun in the flesh stopped at the moment he was about to stab Brother Dayi.

It's not that Ning Tao changed his mind, nor was he softened, but that the light at the entrance was obscured by shadows.

Sui Ningtao suddenly realized something, and hurriedly pulled back the South Gate to find the immortal.

He didn't wait for him to make the next move. A head that was several times larger than Everest fell down, and a pair of golden giant pupils Jin Mang flickered as if searching.

"Shhh!" Brother Yiyi gave Ning Tao a snoring gesture, and then Ning Tao beckoned and motioned to Ning Tao to follow him.

Wu Ningtao hesitated, and followed Brother Dayi towards the cave.



巨 The giant seemed to be angry at losing his prey, stomping on his big feet, and the mountains were flattened by it.

Wu Ningtao was a little worried that the mountain would also be flattened by the giant, and could not help but look back. However, he had just crossed the corner and could not see what was happening outside the cave.

"Taoyou don't need to worry." Brother Dayi said as he walked: "The cave extends down, and there is an exit after walking a while. You can hide outside and wait until it is safe to go out."

Wu Ningtao said: "You know that you will be caught as soon as you come out of the valley, but you let your brother and sister out of the valley, and you said that you were welcome to walk away with that monster, and you said that you were so shameless."

Brother Dayi laughed aloud and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

反 The question came suddenly, Ning Tao didn't know how to answer.

Yeah, he just wanted to live, what did he do wrong?

要 If he followed those brothers and flew out of the valley, he would also become a puppet in the net. And if those brothers and sisters flew here with him, the giant's big net would wipe them out without waiting for them to enter the cave.

Sui Ning died and his friends died.

If you have to say that he did something wrong, it is just a stance of righteousness while pitting people.

Brother Dayi stopped and gave Ning Tao a slight whisper: "In the lower Luoxian, the Immortal drops the fairy, dare to ask the friend Immortal?"

He just killed a few brothers and sisters, why is he so calm and calm?

Wu Ningtao's intuition and experience told him that Luoxian couldn't believe it, but when he first arrived, he didn't even know whether the world was immortal or not. Except for getting to know this guy, he seemed to have no better choice.

I know what this guy is like, just guard him.

Tong Ningtao had his mind settled, and he rushed to Luoxian a little for a moment: "In Xia Ningtao, the immortal is not real."

Keep a low profile.

The name of the Sunstar King in the fairy realm must be very large. On earth, it is nothing to use the real name of the sunstar King. After all, no one knows the name, and no one has seen it. Then, in the immortal world, he used the real name of a real person.

Luo Luoxian's fist: "Long time, long time."

Wu Ningtao also clenched his fist: "Fortunately, fortunately."

Jiu Yang your sister.

I have never seen it.

Luo Luoxian's eyes moved to Nanmen Xunxian's body.

The body of Xunnanmen Xunxian was slightly on one side, his hands overlapped to support his waist, and his legs were slightly sculpted: "The body of Nanmenyu is not real."

Wu Ningtao is a real person.

She took a real person.

I really marry the chicken with the chicken and the dog with the dog.

Luo Luoxian rushed to the south gate to find the immortal holding his fist: "Jiang Yang Jiu Yang."

Xunnanmen Xunxian also clenched his fist: "Fortunately, fortunately."

It's acquaintance.

Wu Ningtao said, "Brother Luo Xian, what is that giant?"

Luo Luoxian's handsome face had a strange expression on his face: "Ning Daoyou, don't you even know the fairy catcher?"

Tong Ningtao stiffened slightly: "Fair catcher?"

I am a fairy hunter, the name is actually the answer ~ ~ but he has never heard of it, and I do n’t believe anyone will kill a fairy!

Luo Luoxian looked at Ning Tao: "Ning Daoyou, where are you from?"

Wu Ningtao pointed to the ground.

Luo Luoxian tentatively said: "Jizangmen?"

"What is the Tibetan Gate?"

Luo Xian said in surprise: "You don't even know the Tibetan Gate? That's one of the few major denominations that exist. Because they are hiding underground, their strength is well preserved and they are the strongest denomination. I said Brother Brothers, where do you and your aides come from? "

Wu Ningtao said, "My wife and I have just come from the world. After hearing what Xiongtai said, it seems that I have come to the right place."

Luo Luoxian grew up and said, "What are you saying ... you just came here?"

Wu Ningtao nodded his head: "Brother Luo Xian, what kind of expression do you have, I said I came here, are you so surprised?"

"No ..."

"what is that?"

"This is not the place to talk, let's leave here first and talk while walking." Luo Xian led the way.

Tong Ningtao and Nanmen Xunxian glanced at each other, and then followed Luoxian forward.

This is the fairyland, which is completely different from the fairyland imagined by the couple.

I feel ...

He spent a hundred dollars to buy a ticket to see the underwater world, but was eventually brought into an aquatic shop.

This is how I feel.

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