Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1057 Look back again! no one behind

At this moment, there are bursts of roars in the diamond-level spiritual market where the space door is frozen!

Sun Hao shuddered: "Look... it seems that we don't need to worry about this!"

"The one who rushed in was..."

Xia Yao smiled: "Xiao Nan, his sister, will fix this place!"

And Zhong Yingxue, Wu Liang and the others also ran here after they pulled out!

Seeing Jiang Nan standing asleep, his eyes are full of heartache!

"Xiao Nan must be exhausted? Don't let him fall asleep standing up, change him to a comfortable position!"

Xia Yao smiled brightly: "That's right! Xuexue's knee pillow is the softest!"

Zhong Yingxue walked slowly and wiped the blood and saliva from Jiang Nan's face with a wet towel!

Carefully, for fear of waking him up.

Immediately turned to Jiangnan, I wanted to pick him up and lie down, and change to a comfortable position!

But the moment Zhong Yingxue came to the back of Jiangnan's butt!

I saw Jiang Nan lifted his leg instantly and kicked it backwards at an incredible angle!

(๑ᵒ̌口ᵒ̌)੧(#⁼̴ ~ ⁼̴)

Even if the action time of the horse biscuit has expired, the back kick is still superimposed with kinetic energy, and it is a full kick!

How could Zhong Yingxue, who was caught off guard, react, and felt that a big sole was stamped on his face!

Even kicked out a sonic boom!


Zhong Yingxue was kicked flying by Jiangnan's ruthless kick!

Hearing the scream of "Yah", Zhong Yingxue's body spun and flew out for more than a meter, smashing into the building!

[The resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +1000! ]

Everyone stared at Jiangnan with wide eyes!

This... how did you get off your feet?

Jiang Nan, who was asleep, was woken up and turned around and looked back!

"Why do I seem to hear Xue Xue..."

But when he turned around, his butt was aimed at Xia Yao!

It was like a stress response, completely out of control, and the legs subconsciously kicked back with all their strength!

It's like hitting your knee with a small hammer and raising your leg uncontrollably!

Xia Yao looked at the hind legs that Jiang Nan kicked in horror, and before she could speak, the whole person was kicked out by Jiang Nan!

(゚﹏゚ ‧̣̥̇)ヘ ๛๛๛ኈ ah~

"Xiao Nan! Wait for me to kill you!"

The frantic voice went from near to far, and Jiang Nan shivered violently!

He turned around again: "Yeah~ Big Wolf Extinction? I don't..."

But when he turned around, his butt turned towards Wu Liang again, and his legs kicked back like lightning!


The defenseless Wu Liang was also kicked away!

At this moment, Sun Haosujin and the others are all dumbfounded, why is Nanshen crazy?

Crazy bitch?

Been kicking and flying three for a while?

With such a strong back kick, I am afraid that I will be directly kicked to death without any ability?

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: "Yeah! Wu Liang? I..."

Subconsciously turned around again, buttocks towards Sun Hao and the others!

There are forty or fifty people standing there, because the buttocks are in a rotating posture during the turning process!

Include Sun Hao and the others!

I saw Jiangnan's crazy squat, kicking his legs backwards to create a phantom!

"Da da da da~"

Su Jin, Sun Hao, and the others were all kicked away mercilessly, that's one that didn't stay!

Jiang Nan was in a hurry and wanted to turn around to see what happened to Sun Hao and the others!

Xiong Er: Σ(|||ʘ̆㉨ʘ̆)! ! !

"Lan! Don't move! If you move again, there will be no one around you!"

The anxious bears have big tongues!

Jiang Nan's body froze suddenly, and he didn't dare to move anymore!

Depend on! What the hell is this shit?

Can't stand someone behind you? Do you want to be so vigilant?

And even Shijiazi is a full blow?

You seem to have kicked the Xuexuelang away just now?

Thinking of this, Jiangnan's forehead sweats profusely!

God special meow's posthumous child!

Don't even inherit this strange habit, okay?

But this seems to be much better than becoming mentally retarded or something, at least for 24 hours, you don't have to worry about someone sneaking behind you!

I saw Zhong Yingxue get up from the ruins, her big eyes full of resentment, and a big shoe print on her beautiful face!

A nosebleed came from the nostrils!

(ꐦớ །Ϡ ờ)

"Small! Nan! Waiting for you to go home for a week... uh~ no! Three days! Don't want to eat the food I made in three days!"

[The resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +555! ]

Hearing Xue Xue's voice, Jiang Nan shivered and turned around subconsciously!


Xiong Er was also kicked away...

"Don't stand in the 180-degree fan-shaped area behind Nan-ge's butt! He'll be slapped!"

Jiang Nan covered his face, I really didn't mean it!


It's just that as soon as I turn around, there is no one behind him!

Xia Yao rushed over from a distance, and there was also a big shoe print on her face!

A wolf pounced on Jiang Nan, wrapping his legs around Jiang Nan's waist!

He opened his mouth and bit Jiang Nan's ear!

"You kick me like this? Believe it or not, I'll pierce your earlobe twice with a wolf tooth?"

Jiang Nan struggled for a while: "Why am I willing to kick you? It's the side effect of Ma Biscuits!"

Xia Yao was startled, no wonder Xiao Nan was not a human before, so he ate a horse biscuit?

Could this side effect be any weirder?

"Hmph~ That's not going to work either! There should still be some punishment, just a little~"

Jiang Nan shrank his neck to hide: "Ahahaha~ my ears are itchy, I can't stand it!"

Zhong Yingxue also took the opportunity to rush over to tickle Jiang Nan's armpit: "Gigger~"

But he never dared to sneak attack from behind Jiangnan!

Sun Hao, who was kicked to the side, looked at this scene and showed a gratified smile!

The two large white teeth fell silently!

(› ・᷄convex・᷅ ‹ )…

[The resentment value from Sun Hao +1000! ]


At this moment on the international headlines, the breaking news is overwhelming!

Many no-man's-land areas around the world have seen the eruption of Lingxu!

It shocked the world, and at 12 noon on this day, it was destined to be recorded in the history of Lingwu!

The Lingwu troops of various countries, Daotian have taken action to suppress, and even some hidden Daotians have popped out!

For example, the United States, the country of the goose, who still has no foundation?

The Daotian on the bright side is only revealed!

But this time, there was no sign of the outbreak of the Lingxu, but all countries had to take it seriously!

Don't care what to hide!

However, the effect is not satisfactory, bad news one after another!

In some places, when the Lingwu troops arrived, a small town or even half of the city had been reduced to ruins!

Countless casualties, after all, the incident happened suddenly and without warning!

Countries are also doing their best to suppress spiritual disasters!

What I saw on the international Internet was only the news that broke out. This is not counting the news that was suppressed by the top because of excessive casualties and was not allowed to be released!

The Heavenly Slaughter Plan really lives up to its name!

And among them, belonging to China is the most special!

More than two hours before the incident, the major attacked cities had been armed!

Abandoning the defense of the border and switching to the defense of the city is to minimize the casualties caused by this incident!

Command the people to evacuate from the city to the resettlement point, transfer! Armed, supplies delivered! Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner!

Although the incident happened suddenly, he took the first wave of shock with his own strength!

Good news comes one after another!

In contrast to the bad conditions around the no-man’s land in other countries, it is a stark contrast!

Netizens all over the world have heated discussions!

"Is this the Eastern Speed? It's too strong, it's invincible to the disaster process! Thumbs up!"

"Envy! There were people who laughed at them for overreacting before and evacuated the city, now they're slapped in the face?"

"I'm glad I was born in Huaxia! I feel a sense of security, and I also pray that friends from all over the world will get through the crisis safely!"

"I hope we have corresponding arrangements here. It is said that the beast tide is about to hit my city. I am afraid and dare not go out!"

Although the incident happened suddenly, with the strength developed by various countries over the years!

It is only a matter of time before the calamities in the no-man's-land areas are suppressed!

After all, compared to the worldwide explosion of spiritual ruins 22 years ago, the scale of this time is not too big, but it is very regional!

Of course, there are also some countries that were not involved in the outbreak of Lingxu!

For example, the Rainbow Country, the Eagle Country, the Fish Country and so on!

At this moment, Huaxia has become the target of public criticism for being the first to resist the shock of the culprit!

No one in any country wants to watch their competitors survive the crisis so smoothly!

After all, in this way, it is very likely to take the opportunity to take action on your own side!

Then we can only do it first, create trouble for Huaxia, make it devastated, and delay the time for it to suppress the spiritual disaster in the Western Xinjiang!

I'm not good! Of course you can't see other people's good!

Now that all the main forces in China are going to the west, there is only one Ye Zhenguo left in Kyoto!

It's a great time to get things done!

At this moment, Yang Jian looked at the information on the table with a gloomy expression on his face!

I knew this would happen, but it wouldn't work to send people back from the west!

Anxious Yang Jian is scratching his head, but there is no good way to do it!


The first floor of the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, the city that never sleeps!

Although the spiritual ruins in the no-man's-land areas have exploded, the abyss has not been affected in the slightest!

On the contrary, as the largest underground trade center in the world, because of this incident, the trading of various resources in the city that never sleeps is extremely hot!

The resource-based teams in various countries are frantically transporting supplies and are very busy.

In this situation, the material of the binding spirit is the key to the key!

In the lighthouse in the center of the city that never sleeps, the crimson queen Mi Ye is leisurely knitting wool pants with her spider legs.

His eyes were fixed on the screen of the phone!

What is playing inside is the playback screen of Jiangnan Lizaiqing City Lingxu!

Seeing Jiangnan's body covered in blood by the stone thorns, Mi Ye leaned forward and forgot to knit his wool pants!

"Aiya~ stupid! What are you resisting? Dodge with teleportation? Don't kill you?"

"Tsk! Give him a few more nuclear bombs?"

"What happened to Huaxia? Where did Daotian die? Let him use platinum to block the diamond-level spirit market? Humph! I'm so willing!"

"Hey~ don't, don't! This level of improvement? Will it kill people? Are you stupid? Don't you die?"

Mi Ye couldn't help getting up, looking at the phone screen, her heart lifted and put down, her expression changed endlessly!

Beeping non-stop, she threw her phone on the bed in anger, and turned her head to the side!

(ˉ~ ̄๑) "Humph! Big fool! Don't watch it!"

But his eyes couldn't help falling on the phone screen to peek, and then he lay down on the bed and watched!

(乛﹏乛٥) Stare~

Unconsciously, his eyes were red and he rubbed his eyes!

( ๑ŏ ﹏ ก̀๑ )

The charm on the side snickered, Her Lady Queen, is this more exciting than chasing TV series?

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