Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1130 Don't Fight Anymore

At this moment, no matter whether it is a freshman or an old student, or a mentor, everyone's scalp is numb!

Goosebumps fell all over the floor, and her face was full of horror!

Nanshen's special meow is too ruthless!

In order to break Kimura Suo, he turned and elbowed at the cost of dislocating his shoulder?

Deliberately dislocating yourself? Just to make room to fight back?

And on-site bone reset?

Do you want to be so showy?

Ling Feng stared: (٥ಠ依ಠ) "It's so cruel, Nan Shen didn't regard his body as a body at all, but a weapon for attacking, everything is within the controllable range!"

Gong Lin's pretty face flushed with excitement!

(∗❛ัᗜ❛ั) person "What a man, I love it! What kind of combat quality is this?"

Zhao Dezhu grinned straightly: "In a real battle like this, what's a dislocation? You don't even need an arm!"

"But to be able to react in a short time and do it without hesitation requires a strong heart!"

"This time, I really can't tell who wins and who loses!"

The freshmen looked at Jiangnan as if they were looking at a fairy!

Platinum Nine and Diamond Nine's Tianqing God of War fighting hand-to-hand?

After fighting for so long, there is no sign of defeat? Even once had the upper hand?

Wang Zhan murmured: "Who remembers that Nanshen is a space system? Let me tell you a joke, Nanshen is a field controller..."

The strength of Jiangnan did not happen overnight, but that he was strong to the limit in all aspects!

There are no dead ends, so in any environment, any situation can explode amazing fighting power!

The power of all aspects gathered together to create the incomprehensible Nanshen!

One person is worth a team!

Is this a qualified pioneer?

Xiang Zu's face flushed with excitement: "The fighting skills that Nansun taught us, we can't even learn the superficial?"

"We must learn from him afterwards!"

Even Zhou Yuqing and Ye Xingxuan's eyes were shining brightly!

I have to say that Nanshen, who is attacking with all his strength, is really handsome and frightening!

The roar in the arena continued!

Even Luo Tianqing was shocked, her melee combat level was honed through countless missions!

She dared to say that there is no one in the entire Luo family who is better at melee combat than herself!

Not even Xiaohong!

But Jiangnan's level is even more terrifying than his own. Both his combat understanding and consciousness have reached the peak!

How old is he? Did you start practicing from the womb?

But thinking of Jiangnan's experience, there is no place at home or abroad that he has not been to!

He is not very old, but he has experienced life and death no less than himself!

If it weren't for this physical fitness and weight advantage, I might have been stunned by Jiangnan's hammer!

Have you crossed the river?



The fingers of the two intertwined and wrestled fiercely, Luo Tianqing pushed Jiang Nan back!

Eyes full of excitement: "You haven't used your full strength yet, have you? I can feel that you are suppressing something!"

"You seem to have a wild beast locked inside your body, let it out, or you won't be able to defeat me!"

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: "You don't want to see it. You can't win, but you can't lose either!"


After reading Shura, I died suddenly on the spot!

It's just a daily sparring, I don't want to work hard!

While speaking, Jiang Nan turned around, grabbed Luo Tianqing's arm, and threw it over his shoulder!

Throw it heavily on the ground, printing marks on the steel plate!

Immediately, the oolong stirred the column, and used the ground technique again!

Luo Tianqing:! ! !

"Are you coming again?"

The sound of roaring in the arena was endless, and the two fought from east to west, for a while they were punching head-on, and for a while they were fighting on the ground!

The freshmen all ran away, for fear of being harmed by the fish in the pond, both of them came from humanoid tyrannosaurs!

I have never heard the vibration in the training room!

As time passed, more than 50 minutes passed, both of them played real fire, and both wanted to win!

At this moment, everyone can't stand it anymore!

I saw a lot of blood on the ground, Luo Tianqing was hammered into panda eyes, there were wounds on the corners of her eyebrows, her cheeks were swollen like baby fat!


His body was also blue and purple!

Wang Ba couldn't bear to look directly at him: "Nan Shen really doesn't know how to be sympathetic to women and jade. Sister Tianqing is so beautiful, so he can do it?"

Gong Lin couldn't help laughing: "Pfft~ Look at Nanshen? Pfft hahaha!"

I saw that Jiangnan's face was swollen all over, his head was full of bumps, and his face was swollen and fat!

(◦ `benefit'◦)

He turned into Little Fatty Jiang just like him!

Even if she didn't get punched by Luo Tianqing, she still got punched a lot!

I don't know how many ribs are broken!

Luo Tianqing punched her in the face as if she had a grudge against her!

The old students couldn't hold back their joy!

I don't know why, seeing Jiangnan being hammered all over his head makes me feel very happy!

Is this the first time seeing Nan Shen being hammered like this?

Just work hard!

Although Luo Tianqing's face is not much better!

And Zhao Dezhu and Xiao Chuihuo also wanted to laugh inexplicably!

And looking at the floor, walls, and even the ceiling of the training room covered with fist marks and expression packs, the corners of Xiao Chuihuo's mouth couldn't help twitching!

My heart is bleeding!

Lao Tzu, this is a newly built physical training room. If you continue to fight, it will be demolished by the two of you!

(◞゚口゚)ツ "Don't fight any more, stop! Can't you count as a tie?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan was lying on the ground, hugging Luo Tianqing's neck, rolling his eyes at her, his legs were still coiled around hers!

"No! No! I'm about to win!"

Luo Tianqing:! ! !

"You fart, I'll break free and show you!"

The struggle became more intense for a while!

Looking at Jiangnan, how can this work?

So he stuck out his tongue and licked Luo Tianqing's ear!

Luo Tianqing was so excited that she couldn't help letting out a scream, as if all the strength in her body had been sucked away!

(งᵒ̌﹏ᵒ̌)ง " lick me? You lick me?"

Taking a look at Jiangnan, the effect is pretty good, right?

So he opened his mouth and bit Luo Tianqing's ear in his mouth for a while~

( #ớ₃ờ) "I don't just lick! I also bite! 呵呵呵念~"

Luo Tianqing's face turned even redder, and the feeling from her ears seemed to be electrified!

My whole body is numb and crisp, and I can't use a single bit of strength!

This kind of thing is absolutely unbearable for a 29-year-old woman?

(ง˃᷄口˂᷅)ง "Ah~ shut up! You can't bite me, ah~ you you you! This won't work!"

Luo Tianqing:! ! !

He is so good at it!

But during this process, Jiangnan tightened his grip even more!

Luo Tianqing was in a hurry, if she kept on like this, she would really be stunned!

"You forced me!"

Hit me on the road? I'll attack you down the road!

I saw Luo Tianqing straighten her hips, lift it high, then tense her gluteus maximus, and then slammed down!


In this grappling position, Luo Tianqing's buttocks are facing the middle of the wooden characters of Jiangnan!

Over ten tons of weight, plus the impact, this is absolutely fatal to Jiangnan!

I saw Jiangnan's eyes widened suddenly, and his face turned blue!


Good guy! Can any part of the human body be used as a weapon?

What a butt shot!

Then let's see who can fight to the end!

(°ˉ᷄3ˉ᷅) "Bah, bah, bah, bah~"

[Resentment value from Luo Tianqing +1000! ]

˚‧o·(๐・᷄优・᷅) "Ahhhhh!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Luo Tianqing's impacts were repeated one after another!

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo couldn't stand it anymore, what kind of bad offensive posture is this?

"Don't fight anymore! You won't kill people like this, but you will make villains!"

At this moment, Jiangnan froze suddenly, blushed suddenly, and fell silent!

(◍oั﹏oั) Oops... Oops!

On the other hand, Luo Tianqing's eyes widened, her face was equally red and smoking!


"you you you…"

Jiang Nan coughed lightly: "This... It's not my fault, it's force majeure, who made you hit me?"

Luo Tianqing struggled frantically: "Then you still lick me first, let go, let go!"

If you don't let go, I'll be sorry for Xiaohong!

Damn wow!

Jiang Nan has a stubborn face: (◍·̀~·́) "No! Unless you say I won, and then don't bother me again, I will let go!"

Luo Tianqing gritted her teeth!

"All right! You win! You win! Can't I lose?"

Jiang Nan just let go!

Luo Tianqing got up quickly, while Jiang Nan turned over and lay on the ground, motionless!

Seeing Luo Tianqing's pretty face was flushed, recalling the feeling just now, she couldn't help shivering shiveringly!

Where is this little milk dog? This is a fire-breathing dragon!

"Hey! Why don't you get up?"

Jiangnan covered his face: (づ~ど) "No...don't worry about me, I'm seriously injured, I need to calm down for a while before I can stand up!"

How do I get up in this situation?

Wouldn't that reveal everything?

I don't want to lose face, do I?

Luo Tianqing seemed to realize something, her face turned even redder!

Then he put on a smirk!

(˵ಡ .̮ಡ˵) "Oh shit? Is that so? How about I help you up!"

As he said that, he bent over and walked towards Jiangnan to help him!

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan's expression froze!

The action time of the horse biscuit just passed!

"Hey hey~ Don't!"

But it was too late, I saw Jiangnan's leg kicking back at an incredible angle!

A full blow plus a green stick crit!

The defenseless Luo Tianqing was kicked in the face by Jiang Nan!

Just listen to the "boom"!

Luo Tianqing's body flew upside down in response to the sound, and hit the wall straight!

Beifeng, who was knocked unconscious by the steel door and just woke up leaning against the wall, was still dazed!

Vaguely saw something bumping towards him!

North Wind:! ! !


With a loud noise, Beifeng was used as a meat pad, and Luo Tianqing slammed into the wall!

It's stuck inside, and the buckle can't even be undone, and fainted again!

There is a big shoe print on Luo Tianqing's pretty face!


[Resentment value from Luo Tianqing +1000! ]

"Are you still kicking me? Ah! I'll kill you!"

Jiang Nan quickly got up and ran behind Zhao Dezhu!


"Master Zhu! I've won, and she still wants to beat me? Take care of her, she is a mentor, and she bullies me, a weak student!"

The corner of Zhao Dezhu's mouth twitched!

Are you still weak? Who just rolled their eyes at Tianqing God of War?

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