Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1170: Stewed Dad in Iron Pot! you are my big boy

Once everyone heard that the old man agreed, why hesitate?

The faces of the old men turned red, and they picked up the old man and threw them into the pot!

There was a "boom", and the spiritual material cauldron was enough to support the old man's weight!

As soon as he entered the pot, the old man sank to the bottom, and all the hair on his body was completely removed!

As expected, waves of cool energy poured into Luo Jiaoyang's body!

The refining speed is doubled!

Before the excitement passed, the gas tank gas cutting gun and the fire-type spiritual warrior were arranged!

More than a dozen platinum and diamond fire warriors breathed fire with both hands, full of firepower!

Soon the Dali 2.0 in the pot was steaming!

After being heated vigorously, the influx of cool energy is several times faster!

Luo Yuhui looked nervous: (◞・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Father? How is it? Did it work?"

At this moment, Luo Jiaoyang's mouth was almost grinning to the ears! -

`(›・᷅╰╯・᷄‹)′-"Yes, yes, yes! As expected of a genius doctor! It’s like soaking in a hot spring, so exciting!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help giving thumbs up to Jiangnan!

Or does Nan Shen know a lot?

Can you think of such a strange method?

Iron pot stew daddy! Bone quenching is very good!

At this moment, Shanmao stared blankly at this scene, and couldn't help but cover his face!

(づ꒪꒫꒪ど) "Xiaonan~ this... is this really reliable?"

Finally came to my house once, but threw my grandfather into the pot and cooked it?

No matter how you look at it, it's unreliable, right?

Jiang Nan smiled confidently!

(๑ˉ৺ˉิ) "When things happen, they can't decide! Iron pot solves it!"

"Facts have proved that no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, if you cook it in an iron pot, you will definitely get unexpected results!"

"It will definitely work!"

Boiled Ye Ye opened the egg shell, boiled the soul pet egg, and the soul pet could hatch!

So it must be feasible to cook grandpa, right?

Lynx:? ? ?

So is this the origin of your name Master Cooking?

However, as the temperature of the water rose, the energy in the pot began to boil, bubbling and bubbling!

The bone tempering speed also went straight to the peak, but Luo Jiaoyang bared his teeth and grinned!

Although it is not afraid of cooking, but it is also hot?

And the butt sank to the bottom of the pot, that was a hot panic!

( ‧̣̥̇・᷄ ‧̣̥̇ʖ̫‧̣̥̇・᷅‧̣̥̇) "The speed has indeed increased, but it still takes ten days and half a month to cook! Everyone has to cook fat, right?"

"It's still hot and painful. Is there a faster way?"

It hurts all over the body, who can stand it for half a month?

Jiang Nan scratched his head, this old man has a lot going on?

(︶ก︶) "There is a faster way, so I can only pressurize!"

"Normal stewed goose has to be stewed for more than ten hours to soften and taste. You can stew it in a pressure cooker and it can be stewed in an hour!"

"Long pain or short pain, you always choose one!"

Luo Jiaoyang:! ! !

Can you use the goose as an example?

I don't want to lose face, do I?

But when I think of Jiangnan's ability to control the bones at will, I feel an itch in my heart!

"Whole! Put the lid on the pot for me!"

At that time, Jiang Nan peeled off the lid of a spiritual material pot, and he was about to knock on the pot while holding it!

But Luo Yuhui hastily stopped him!

( ◞·̀﹏·́) "This... can this work? Although my father is a Daotian-level powerhouse, he can't handle such a cure, right?"

Jiang Nan threw away Luo Yuhui's big hand!

(¬д¬.) "What do you know? Didn't Sun Houzi also refine a body of copper skin and iron bones in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun for seven to forty-nine days?"

"How can our self-made pressure cooker compare to the alchemy furnace? It has to be made like this!"

Luo Yuhui covered his face, where did you come up with so many appropriate metaphors?

This is indeed not an alchemy furnace, but my father is not Monkey King either?

At this moment, Luo Jiaoyang spoke up!

( ‧̣̥̇›′盘`‹‧̣̥̇) "True! I think what Xiaoyou said makes sense! Don't stop him!"

Seeing that the old man agreed, everyone stopped blocking it!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and knocked on the lid of the pot!

Sure enough, under the high pressure environment, the bone quenching speed is faster!

Even a little bit of black impurities boiled out of Luo Jiaoyang's body!

The water became hotter, and Luo Jiaoyang, who was stuffed in the pot, grinned for a while, but still gritted his teeth and persisted!

Jiang Nan exclaimed: "Look! The impurities in the bones have been boiled out! It really is useful!"

Everyone was determined, Luo Yuhui laughed loudly: "Come on! Everyone, lift the table to the lid of the pot and press the pot for the old man!"

"Don't let the steam come out, otherwise the pressure won't go up, and it will contribute to the old man's bone quenching. Let's continue to drink!"

I'm just halfway through my cooking plan, so I can't let the old man disrupt the rhythm!

At that time, someone lifted the pot and covered the round table, and the stools were set up!

The men and women of the Luo family all climbed onto the lid of the pot!

You know, this Luo family is full of heavyweights, such a big table with all the people sitting on it, the weight is amazing!

The legs of the tripod were crushed and sank into the steel plate!

Sure enough, there was no more water vapor coming out of the big tripod, and the whole tripod was in a sealed state of high temperature and high pressure!

The bottom is still frantically adding fire!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead!

( ‧̣̥̇ ⁼̴ ﹏ ⁼̴) "In our situation, is it really good to eat on the lid of the pot?"

Is the old man cooking in the pot?

Luo Yuhui smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Aren't we helping the old man? It's showing filial piety!"

"Come on, come on! Don't worry about this! Drink and drink~"

Jiang Nan swallowed, he wasn't worried about his own father, but I was worried about wool?

Then he drank with the one on the table again!

Thus, such a scene appeared in the field!

There is a fire under the pot, father is cooking in the pot, and the whole family is eating under the pot cover...

The scene is extremely harmonious!

At first, Shan Mao was a little worried about Grandpa, but seeing that everyone was taking turns to toast Jiangnan, he didn't want to at that time!

Competing to block the wine for Jiangnan!

But at this moment, as the firepower increased, the bottom of the pot was burnt red!

The Vigorous potion in the pot was boiling, the pressure was terrifying, and the temperature was extremely high!

Luo Jiaoyang's whole body turned red from being boiled, and the force in the pot turned black!

I can't stand it anymore!

So I raised my hand to lift the lid of the pot, wanting to go out and have a rest!

But this one didn't move?

Anxiously, Luo Jiaoyang put his hands on the lid of the pot and exerted all his strength!

With this force, his butt was pressed against the bottom of the pot, and the bottom of the pot at this moment was burnt red!

Hearing a "chi la", Luo Jiaoyang's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to scream!


However, he was choked by the high-temperature water vapor, coughed heavily, and drank a few mouthfuls of water!

The ass is almost cooked!

"Wow! Open the lid of the pot! Quickly open it, what the hell are you doing on it?"

But the people above were drinking, how could they hear Luo Jiaoyang's shouts? The sound was muffled in the pot!

The anxious Luo Jiaoyang exerted his strength again, but what followed was a burning sensation in his buttocks!

Luo Jiaoyang:! ! !

Is this the legendary Shen Shibao?

You shouldn't believe this kid's evil!

If the cooking continues, I am afraid that I will be boiled to death instead of being crushed to death!

The world's first Daotian who was boiled to death in a pressure cooker?

Luo Jiaoyang was in a hurry at that time, I absolutely don't want to die like this!

Why can't the lid be opened? What are these brats doing?

So I quickly leaned on the lid of the pot to listen, and vaguely heard laughter!

"Hahaha, keep drinking, I'm in a hurry with whoever gets off the table today!"

"Hey! It's just that the old man is still cooking in the pot, why don't we have to pull the old man over and have a drink with Xiao Nan!"

"Although the wine can't be drunk, why don't we put pressure on him? This can be regarded as filial piety!"

"That's right! When Dad comes out with great achievements, he will surely praise us as his big boys, right?"

Luo Jiaoyang almost exploded on the spot!

You guys are really big boys, aren't you?

I said why can't the lid of the pot be opened? How about sitting on the lid of the pot and eating with you?

I'm not dead yet, so I'm going to eat now?

It's really a lifetime of filial piety!

But filial piety kills me!

At this moment, Luo Jiaoyang couldn't stand the boil anymore, he couldn't push the lid of the pot and his buttocks couldn't move it, and he couldn't shout because he was choked by the steam!

I can only grit my teeth and resist, feeling that I will go west at any time!

At the dinner table, Shanmao was so drunk that he was dangling about to fall asleep!

He didn't forget to pull Jiangnan's short sleeves and mutter to him to drink less!

But at the moment Jiang Xuanfeng is not convinced by anyone!

Want to pour me? No way!

I saw Jiangnan stepping on the stool with one foot and the table with the other!

Holding a bottle of Feitian Moutai in one hand!

"Forcing Lai Lai, young and old, everyone wants to run away today!"

"Feitian Moutai can drink as much as you want! All the old men on the table are knocked down!"



During the conversation, two bottles of white wine were poured into the mouth!

Luo Yuhui was also so drunk that his eyes were full of bewilderment, he was confused!


Everyone was shocked by Jiangnan's drinking method, Luo Tianqing's eyes widened!


Is there a mistake?

Do you also spin the bottle of liquor? One more spin is two bottles?

Is it human?

All the old men of the Luo family were also shocked. Did Jiangnan come here in large numbers?

Want to get him drunk? I'm afraid it's a bit strenuous, right?

Yun Jin said sadly: "I've already turned a box of Moutai, and he's not drunk? What's the matter?"

Luo Yuhui looked ruthless: "I don't believe it, there are so many gentlemen in our Luo family, we can't drink him alone?"

"Send Xiaohong back first, make arrangements, and leave this side to me! This is a man's battlefield!"

"For the happiness of my daughter, I will get him drunk until I vomit blood today!"

As he spoke, his expression became ruthless, and he opened a bottle of Moutai, and he just drank it!

Yun Jin patted him on the shoulder!

(๑ ⁰̷̴͈ ◠ ⁰̷̴͈)و✧ "Come on!"

Immediately, he quickly helped the drowsy Bobcat back to the house!

At this moment, Jiang Nan saw that Luo Yuhui had also followed, and couldn't help but chuckle!

Want to put me down?

Is the name of Lao Tzu's submarine floor drain for nothing?

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