Yang Jian:! ! !

The ghost's cell phone fell into the pit, not everyone is going to the toilet when answering the phone!

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak!

"The Stone of Origin? Okay, okay! You are solely responsible for this matter, do you need to go home? As long as you ask, I will arrange it immediately!"

Jiangnan snickered!

(ಡٹಡ) "Let's not use it for now, it's a small scene, it can be done!"

"If Huaxia sends Daotian-level powerhouses into the arena now, it will only provoke more big shots into the game to fight against, but it will be difficult to operate!"

"Let Daotian, who can come out of the house, prepare in advance, and then enter when it's time to enter!"

Yang Jian's scalp tingled when he heard this, is this still a small scene?

Can the sea area covered by the protective cover be visible from space?

What is a big scene? The starting URL htt

I saw Yang Jian's expression turned serious, and he told Jiangnan about the recent tsunami, natural disasters, and weakening of tidal forces!

"Nowadays, the major ocean ruins have not been investigated to find out why. Do you think the strange changes in this world have anything to do with Landis?"

Jiang Nan looked dignified. He didn't expect the situation to have developed to such an extent!

"I'm too uncertain about this. It stands to reason that the Stone of Origin shouldn't have such great power!"

"But the time when the strange change started was about the same time as the opening of the Landis Lingxu. I remember this matter, and I will pay attention to investigate it!"

Yang Jian looked worried, hoping to find out the results of the investigation, otherwise no one knows how things will turn out!

Jiangnan: (・᷄ὢ・᷅) "Ah~ That's right! I found a child of the space system, and the silver is at its peak, now follow me!"

"Let's arrange for someone to get her ID card. Her name is Lan. She's 12 years old. She's a girl!"

"Beep beep..."

Yang Jian:? ? ?

I saw Yang Jian standing up violently!

(ଵДଵ٥)ᕤ "What? What space system? Hey, hello? Don't hang up? Make it clear?"

Yang Jian's face turned red, and his eyes were as bright as light bulbs!

A new space system?

Ask Jiangnan to drag his home here?

China's third space system?

Fuck wow! If you weren't in front of me, I would have kissed you twice at that time!

"Nightingale! Go! Go get Lan's ID card!"

Nightingale was also looking at Yang Jian in a daze at this moment!

Since this period of time, Yang Jian has been frowning, and his brows have never been stretched!

How did you succeed in making a phone call with Jiangnan?

"I'm going right now!"

As soon as he said that, he ran out of the office in a hurry!

Yang Jian laughed loudly, and jumped onto the desk with a big jump!

Hip swaying crazily, chest pounding!

"Ah! Three! Huaxia has three! New! Coins! Who is harmed?"

(ง ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ᐜᵒ̴̶̷᷄) ڡNan Shen beef batch!

It's really a drought to death, and a flood to death! Three space systems?

This is simply a heifer stuffed with firecrackers, and the cow batch exploded!

Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open!

(✺・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Secretary-General? The information about Arashi...uh..."

Yang Jian, who was still dancing on the desk, froze suddenly, blushing and bleeding, and smoking!


Has Lao Tzu's majestic and upright image of the secretary-general collapsed like this?

~%?...;# *’☆!

Nightingale: (′థжథ) "Pfft~ I didn't see anything, you continue..."

Then quietly closed the door!

Then listen outside the door...

ꉂꉂ(థᗜథ*) "Ahahaha~"

Yang Jian: ...

[Resentment value from Yang Jian +666! ]


Because Jiangnan and Bombardier are not the only ones participating in this exploration!

There are seven or eight other groups of forces, including Rhodes and the others!

The existence of the Stone of Origin was completely exposed, and many of the world's top leaders knew the secret of the Stone of Origin in Landis!

After all, under the energy ripples of the Stone of Origin, the weakening of the barrier is real, and there are not a few people who break through on the spot!

And this temptation is undoubtedly fatal for Daotian-level powerhouses!

Nobody wants to go any further!

In an instant, countless people's eyes were fixed on the Lantis ruins!

Many people set off that night and went straight to Yuguo!

On the top of the Pyramid in the Desert Kingdom, Igor in a white cloak stands with his hands behind his back!

Looking at the deep starry sky, the silver moon is like a hook, his eyes seem to be burning like wildfire, full of madness!


Rhea on the side is also wearing a white robe, and is making a work report!

Igor frowned: "Is there any kindling left on the Blue Star? Lantis has survived to this day? Heh~ I'm so lucky!"

"The Stone of Origin? Hmph! This is not something that lowly humans can possess. If it falls into the hands of humans, it will be troublesome!"

Rhea nodded: (๑・᷄◡・᷅) "My lord holy envoy, there shouldn't be many of them, and they won't play any decisive role!"

Igor said coldly: (✡ ̄́Д ̄́) "You know what a fart! Don't give humans any chance! They won't let go of a chance to stand up!"

"At this point in the plan, I don't want any more trouble!"

"The Holy Law Society is already very dissatisfied!"

Rhea trembled and didn't dare to say more!

Igor scolded: (乛乛ꐦ) "Garbage first! The mess you left, but I have to clean it up! Can you let them get the fire?"

"Otherwise, why is it so troublesome? Fortunately, everything is under control!"

While speaking, Igor looked up at the starry sky, his eyes full of pride!

"I have something to leave here, you go and get the Stone of Origin back for me! Destroy it!"

"Go to the Mayan Rainforest to find Vivienne and get a Baibanwei before going, don't reveal your boson identity!"

"Get things done! Don't let me down! You'll get what you want!"

While speaking, she flicked Rhea's horn, and her body suddenly disappeared!

Rhea rubbed her forehead with excitement: "Don't worry, Lord Holy Envoy, I promise to complete the task!"


And the polar ice sheets!

Odin and the magician have been deep into the ice for a long time, chasing the aurora! Find the Aurora Elk!

The magician breaks off the icicles hanging from his nostrils!

(› ͡ᵔdish ͡ᵔ‹) "Boss! Why don't you fight for the Stone of Origin? It is said that it has the power to break through the limit!"

"With your strength, it's too easy to win the Stone of Origin. Maybe you can let the boss take that step!"

Odin grinned!

(๑︶ٹ︶) "Heh ~ why do you think I'm looking for the spirit beads of Aurora Elk?"

"The Stone of Origin? Tsk tsk tsk ~ It's not impossible to fight for it!"

The magician was surprised, why did the boss look like he lacked interest?

"Go and investigate, see what the situation is, come back and report to me, and then I will decide whether to make a move!"

The magician is shocked!

(›◔﹏◔ิ‹) "Ah? I...I'm going? This...isn't that good? I heard that Jiang...Jiangnan is in Yuguo, and he brought a cannon back! I..."

Odin stared: "You old coward? You're going to the sky! Are you afraid of Jiangnan?"

"You can't get over this hurdle, right? If you're told to go, go!"

The magician mumbled: (乛₃乛) "Don't you also chug? When you are in the abyss, let someone..."

Odin:! ! !

(ꐦʘ̆益ʘ̆ꐦ) "My arm is numb! Are you afraid to mention it? Optical drive·Supernova!"

The magician's hairs stood on end: "Fuck! I'll go! I'll go right away!"


෴༼ -`-`☀︎′-′- ༽෴

It seems that a big sun has risen on the polar ice sheet, and the whole ice sheet is like daytime!


Half an hour later, the magician teleported to appear in the Landis ruins sea area with a black face!

Even at night, there are dozens of ships parked in the sea!

There are still many strong people attacking the protective shield madly, and they have been blasting for more than ten hours!

The magician frowned: (✺°᷄д°᷅) "Hey? There's something! It cut off the space? Can't you teleport in?"

"Dimensional Slash!"

I saw the magician raised his hand and waved! There was a cold light in the space!

A space blade hundreds of meters long slashed fiercely on the protective cover!


The protective cover fluctuated violently, but it didn't mean to break open at all!

The movement of the magician caused exclamation from below!

With a look of horror, another big boss?

The magician's eyes were full of astonishment, such a terrifying intensity?

It is estimated that the boss's supernova will not collapse in two or three hits, what is the situation with Landis?

At this moment, the magician suddenly remembered that Jiangnan seems to have made a giant cannon, right?

Hmm~ What if I take a look?

You can't just go back like this, and you can't do business, can you?

As he spoke, he teleported away!


At the moment, there are several off-road RVs parked on the barrel!

Jiangnan is holding Mira in his left hand, and Zhengxiang who is sleeping with Lan in his right hand!

(。˘◡˘)(。⁼̴ ~ ⁼̴。)(ᵕᴗᵕ๐)

At this moment, Jiang Nan suddenly opened his eyes, which were full of bloodshot eyes!


"Spatial fluctuations? Lai Lai's! I knew someone wanted to steal Lao Tzu Pao!"

I saw that Jiangnan disappeared in the RV in a teleportation, and the next second the person had appeared at the base!

Pressed the phantom with all hands on the console, after more than ten hours of charging!

At this moment, the energy of the god-killing cannon has long been full!

The magician just teleported to appear, and he couldn't help being shocked at this moment!

(✺゚꒨゚)!! "Oh, what a big gun! This..."

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan stared!

( ͡⚆ 爱 ͡⚆) "Steal my cannon? Blast your head off!"

"Go to hell! Yiku!"


I saw a black beam of light with a diameter of one thousand meters violently blasted out of the god-killing cannon!

In an instant, he was in front of the magician!

The powerful power tore the air into nothingness, and even the space was cracked with tiny cracks!

All the voice-activated lamps in the entire Yu Kingdom were lit up by the sound of cannons!

The firing of the cannon even directly whipped up a strong eight-level gust of wind over the imperial capital!

Magician: (ʘ̆口ʘ̥̆‖)? ? ?

Nima! I just came, just take a look!

You just bombard me with a three-kilometer-long cannon?

What kind of terrifying power is this!

He just waits for Lao Tzu to come, right?

[Resentment value from David +1000! ]

Its body suddenly teleported and disappeared, barely dodging the black beam of light!

But it was still covered in blood from the torn space rift, and the mask was shattered!

He was so scared that he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he teleported!

It's too scary! Hey!

レ(థཀథ# ‧̣̥̇)ヘ=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞━=͟͟͞͞

Jiangnan really came from the devil!

[Resentment value from David +1000! ]

A black beam of light shot out from the imperial capital, tearing through the clouds and piercing the sky, it was extremely conspicuous!

Everyone is stupid...

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