Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1380 Some people get bald after playing

Under the leadership of Lao Bai, the Uncle Fat Treasure Hunting Group continues to expand in scale!

Many scavengers have been murdered!

And in the environment of minus 50 or 60 degrees, the stripped scavengers work very vigorously!

After all, only by continuing to move can you warm up, otherwise you may be frozen into a popsicle!

The efficiency of the organized treasure diggers was astonishingly amazing, and they quickly dug up one snowfield after another!

According to this efficiency, digging 30 meters for the entire Oracle Lingxu does not seem to take too much time!

Of course Jiang Tianqing is not the kind of person to sit back and reap the rewards!

After telling Lao Bai to take good care of the fat uncle's treasure-digging group and collect the tears of the gods and the fragments of the star ring!

Under the leadership of Dabai Xiaobai, a group of people went straight to the location of the Great Star Ring Fragment in the south!


Southern region, sunny and sunny!

Six members of the silver team surrounded the snow field, the atmosphere was very cheerful, and their faces were filled with excited expressions!

Not because of anything else, just because there is a huge fragment of the star ring tens of meters in front of everyone!

Lilith's pretty face flushed with joy!


"This is already the second piece we picked up!"

At this moment, Cullen is still carrying a piece several meters in size on his shoulders!

Team Silver was the first to rush into the Oracle Lingxu, and it didn't take long for Team Silver to rush out of the snowstorm!

So did not catch the bald storm!

Yin took people to the treasure digging site last time, and dug up another piece, not to mention, met another piece while walking?

Griffin is full of excitement!

(??? ??? ) "Fuck it! Hurry up and dig it out, there are so many bitter girls for nothing, this Oracle Lingxu is the place where we made our fortune!"

Culun Lilith didn't care about it, she went up and threw out the scraps!

Yin's face was brimming with excitement, holding a tear of God's Tears in his hand at this moment!

(?ˉ? ? ˉ?) "Jie Jie Jie~God helped me, I would never have imagined that I would find such a large piece of debris even if I killed it with the A-Ka flare gun!"

"We must find more of these drops of water, their power is incomparably astonishing, Jie Shi and Bell, Xue Nu and the others have the capital to negotiate!"

"As long as you grasp this opportunity, don't you just come here for whatever you want?"

Kelly also looked excited!

?(?^o^?)? "Oh~ don't think so much, why do you look like a little old man? It's time to celebrate and cheer up, right?"

Kaili casually grabbed a snowball from the ground and threw it on the back of Yin's neck!

Yin was shocked by the ice, and then smiled fiercely!

(?????) "Well, you little wild cat, you dare to fight Brother Yin?"

While speaking, he grabbed the snowballs on the ground and made them into balls, then hit Kaili!

Seeing the two having a snowball fight, Griffin also became excited!

Grab a handful of snowballs and hit Lilith!

( ?° ?? ?°)?? ━=?????

"Hey, little yellow-haired loli! Watch the ball!"

"啪~" sounded!

The snowball hit the back of Lilith's head, and the snow exploded violently!

The place where Lilith was hit by the snowball on the back of her head was bald!


The powerful impact immediately made Lilith bow her head!

The smile on Griffin's face froze!

(? ?w?)?? Fuck?

Was he so powerful in that ball just now? All the hair for Lilith was knocked out?

Or does she have alopecia areata?

One... must be seeing things for yourself, right?

Lilith turned her head sharply, her canine teeth gritted, and she couldn't help but smirk!

?(?? .???)? "A snowball fight, right? I'll show you today, little loli is not something you can bully casually!"

"Go to hell! Snowball Xia shotgun!"

During the speech, the infinite spiritual power came out through the body, frantically gathering snowballs around!

Hundreds of snowballs smashed towards Griffin at once!

Griffin smiled confidently!

(︶√︶?) "You want to take me down with this level of attack? You underestimate me, don't you?"

As a result, the phantom quickly emerged from his body, dodging back and forth among hundreds of snowballs, and approached Lilith crazily!


But it was still accurately hit by two snowballs in both eyes!

The snowball exploded, taking Griffin's eyebrows with it...


However, Griffin was already close to Lilith, and a wolf pounce knocked her down!

He pressed her whole body upside down in the snow, while she was screaming! Grab the snow and stuff it into Lilith's mouth!

Then hold her mouth tightly to prevent her from spitting it out!

Lilith's eyes widened and she couldn't stop struggling!

?(??? ????)???(?benefit??)

In the next moment, only a few "chees" were heard, and the two cuffs of Princess Lilith's dress and the white stockings on her legs burst open!

The whole person has changed from a petite yellow-haired loli to a King Kong cute girl who is nearly three meters tall and has explosive muscles all over her body!


During the struggle, his knee accidentally hit Griffin's ribs!

Griffin's eyes widened when he heard a few crisp "crack" sounds, his face turned green from the pain!

Looking at Lilith, who has turned into a muscular and cute girl, with horror, she didn't wait for her to speak!

Lilith punched Griffin in the face!


There were several explosions, and Griffin's teeth were hammered out, and the whole person flew five or six hundred meters in a spin, causing snow drifts on the snow field!

Plunge into the snow and kick your legs straight!

Lilith stood up and covered her face in embarrassment!

(?)`﹏′(ヾ) "You hate it! She is a girl! How can you be so rude to her!"

This time, two yellow ponytails were left in the snow...

When she was lying in the snow just now, the back of Lilith's head was on the ground, her whole back was bald, only the front had hair!

However, the front ones also fell off quickly, and immediately emitted a dazzling light!

And obviously she didn't notice it herself!

Bai Lian, who didn't participate in the snowball fight at the moment, looked at Lilith in horror!

"It's not right, please don't..."

But before he finished speaking, a snowball flew over at supersonic speed, and directly brushed Bai Lian's scalp!

Flew over her head!

A straight ditch was plowed out of Bai Lian's head, exposing the white scalp!

Where the snowball brushed, all the hair fell out!

The expression on his face froze immediately, squinting his eyes and looking in Yin's direction!


At this moment, Yin and Kaili were already anxious, and they closed their eyes and threw snowballs at each other crazily!

Yin has been beaten bald by Kaili, but all the snowballs Yin hit were blocked by Kaili's fire wall!

Yin immediately became impatient, rushed over and came to Kelly's side!

He grabbed her by the neck and pressed it against the snow!

Pressed her entire face into the snow, and then pulled it out again!

(?ˉ? ?ˉ?) "Hahahaha! Now I see you still... hiss~"

Yin's expression suddenly became terrified, and he lowered his head to look into the snow pit that Kelly pressed!


In the snow pit, the eyebrows and eyelashes, the small fluff on the lips, the bangs on the forehead, etc., all lay neatly in the snow pit!

It's like peeling off a furry mask from Kelly's face!

And Kaili's face has been cleansed, and the entire front of her hair is bald!

Revealing a smooth big forehead!

With only hair on the back of her head, Kaili looks like a brother at this moment!

Braiding a braid can directly cosplay Lord Baylor!

Kelly is in a hurry!

(?? Yi??) "You can't afford to play, can you? Let's see how my mother treats you?"

While speaking, he grabbed Silver's legs and threw him on the snow like Hulk throwing Loki!

Silver eyes full of horror!

?(??w???‖)? "Don't! Don't fall! Your hairline has receded to the top of the sky!"

At this moment, Cullen laughed loudly: "Snowball fights? How come I'm missing?"

I saw him pull out the fragments of the star gate that were tens of meters in size, and it was a violent wheel facing the snowfield!

The endless gust of wind set off overwhelming snow waves and rushed towards everyone!

Bai Lian:! ! !

"Stop! Stop wow!"

However, it was too late, she was so frightened that she hurriedly ran away with her head in her arms!

After the snow wave passed, everyone got up from the snow one after another!

Cullen, who was carrying the star ring fragments, froze with a smile on his face!

( ???????)"you…"

(?)`?′(ヾ) ?? "Yeah!"

Before Cullen could finish speaking, piercing screams rang out in the arena!

After this wave, there is really not a single root left!

Kelly clutched her head, hammering silver crazily!

?(*??Y??) "My hair! You pay! Pay me!"

Yin covered his head: "You hit me first! Can't afford it?"

At this moment, Lilith is even more collapsed, it's fine to become bald, how can she become so strong by stepping on a horse?

The princess dress looks like a tights on me, hey!

She didn't want to live then!

Only Bai Lian kept most of her hair, but the gully in the middle was still conspicuous!

At this moment, he grabbed the snow on the ground with a look of horror!

(⌒﹏⌒;) "Isn't this snow poisonous?"

Going bald after a snowball fight?

At this moment, Griffin has just woken up from the punch of the cute girl. Not only is he bald, but he also has half of his teeth!

Covering her ribs, she looked at Lilith in horror!

You have a snowball fight to your death?

Silver and the others can still accept it, but it is more uncomfortable than death for girls!

Lilith grabbed Cullen and pressed it into the snow angrily!

"It's all up to you! Go bald and bald together! Bald! You give me bald!"

Yin grabbed Xue at the moment and was also confused: "How can Xue be poisonous? It wasn't like this when I came in last time? Why..."

A few people were puzzled, and saw two scavengers with bruised noses and swollen faces, completely naked except for a pair of underpants, turning over the snow slope like a strong wind!

His face was full of horror, and his bald head was extremely dazzling!

They also saw the light emanating from here, chasing the light!

They screamed at the sight of silver!

?(?口?;)? "Run! Run fast! The Legion of Perverted Fat Uncles is not human! The one who snatched us is nothing but pants!"

"Also control us, digging treasures for them as coolies! There is no bottom line!"

Another person cried: (;′?????`) "Not only is there no bottom line, but the underpants are so tight! We managed to get out of control!"

"Qingtianzhu is simply a devil! Run away! Otherwise, you will be arrested and hunt for treasure!"

During the speech, it was like the wind rushing past, and I didn't dare to turn my head!

silver:? ? ?

What the hell is the army of perverted fat uncles? Is there really such a group of forces who entered the Oracle Lingxu?

How have I never heard of it? Sunny Pillar? Did Luo Tianqing do something wrong?

Bai Lian touched the ditch above his head with a dignified expression!

"It seems that the snow that has the problem is not only our place!"

On the snowy slope thousands of meters away from here, the team that Jiangnan said searched for a long time but couldn't find the big piece in Lao Bai's mouth!

"Dabai! Are you sure you are here?"

Dabai scratched his head: ?( ???? ?) "I don't remember clearly, but it must be in this area!"

Xia Yao rubbed her eyes!

(*???)? "Look over there? There's light~"

Jiang Tianqing looked up, his eyes brightened!

(????)? "Go! Go and have a look!"

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