Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1405 Don't Consider Yourself Personal

So under the leadership of Jiangnan, the two started a big demolition in the Hanshan Lingxu!

Chop up the icebergs suspended in the air one after another, and indeed found the snow-white core of the Lingxu in it!

Exuding extremely astonishing spatial fluctuations, it made Jiangnan feel like he was back in his mother's arms!

Jiang Nan is so happy!

When I was in the Void Sea before, I had to stealthily snatch it, but the Yixu Longloach and the others were very strict!

However, there is no animal pipe here at all, so take it casually?

It took nearly a day for Jiang Nan and Bai Kou to go around and explode all the icebergs!

Both went from pocket figures to normal size!

All the fragments of the Lingxu were spliced ​​together to form an ice-white giant ball with a diameter of over 30 meters!

It is full of complicated mantras, and the spatial fluctuations emitted even distort the space!

Jiang Nan looked at the core with a look of reluctance, but he still said!

(*?????) "Is it okay to share half of the head office with you? Yushen is now in the Hanshan Lingxu, and I will give you half of the core, and you can often visit him!"

"I'll take the rest!"

Bai Kou was stunned: (??~?) "Huh? Didn't you say four or six points?"

Jiang Nan tilted his head: (?????????????) "You gave me the God Killing Saber, and I will show mercy and let you do it!"

"Tears of the God of God will be shared with you in half, but the 180 billion things were agreed before, so don't be foolish!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up and agree before I regret it, or else I won't be able to help but be snatched away!"

At this moment, Jiangnan forced himself not to look at the core, and couldn't help but scream!


Bai Kou burst out laughing, do you want to be so arrogant?


Can you beat me? You?

(︶?︶?) "Okay! Now that I've said that, I can only reluctantly accept your charity!"

Jiang Nan clutched his little heart!



"Is it too late to repent now?"

Bai Kou rolled her eyes, raised her hand and gave Jiang Nan a brain break!

"I haven't found a way to get out yet. It's important. I'll see if the core mantra can open the space door!"

While speaking, he fixed his eyes on the core, and Jiang Nan also looked at Bai Kou expectantly!

After 30 minutes…

Bai Kou tilted his head to look at the core curse pattern, sometimes showing a pensive look, and sometimes leaning on his chin to meditate!

(???~??)…(?ˉ??ˉ?) Uh~

The little hands touched the core, and tried to inject spells a few times...

Jiangnan: (?_? )…

"Come on...don't pretend! In fact, you have already realized that you can't understand at the third minute, right? Bad acting?"

Bai Kou froze, her pretty face flushed, and she began to pick her fingers in embarrassment!


Bai Kou, who was exposed, felt very humiliated!

After all, I am a Daotian-level ceiling powerhouse, but this journey is of no use at all!

It's Jiangnan who is leading him, and now he can't even find a door...

(︶?︶?) "I... I tried my best and I can still remember it. I knew a lot of spells before, but... just forgot!"

"Don't underestimate me, you!"

Jiangnan: (????)

"Understood! After all, I am old and have been frozen for so long. It is normal for my brain to not work well!"

"Sure enough, frozen products will return to frost when they are in a warm environment, and there will be water when they return to frost!"

"Shake your head and hear if there is a "crash" sound?"

Bai Kou frowned slightly and shook her head!

(??????) "No sound? Why..."

[The resentment value from Bai Kou +1001! ]


I saw Bai Kou with an exasperated face, and caught Jiang Nan slapping his Tian Ling Gai fiercely!

?(?﹏?,)? "Bah! You're out of your mind! The ghost will return to frost? Die, die!"

Jiang Nan smirked, put away his core, and teleported away from the beating with his head in his arms!

"It's better to think about how to get out first, and if you break my brain, then I really can't get out!"

"After all, I can't count on you, an old antique!"

Bai Kou was furious: "Did you say that?"


With a bang, the wall of blue ice was once again slashed by Jiangnan with a saw blade that was hundreds of meters long!

It was pitch black in the gap, and a strong spatial gale blew out, chopping the ground with clangs!

Jiang Nan's face was dark: "If you can't get out, you can only go back the same way. Now it's good, the road is gone!"

I changed several places on the wall of blue ice, but the result was the same!

The space next to the blue ice wall of the Oracle Lingxu was completely shattered!

I don't know how many tens of thousands of meters of space collapsed!

As long as you enter, you will definitely fall into the gap between dimensions!

Originally, as long as the space on both sides was opened up, Jiangnan could exchange it back with the coins in Lan's hand!

But now even if the ice wall is cut open, the spatial imprint on the coin cannot be sensed!

Does it mean that Lan is 100,000 meters away from him at this moment?

This will be difficult!

I don't know if the broken space will affect Xuexue and the others, but with Momo here, it shouldn't be a problem!

I saw Bai Kou looking curiously at the dimensional crack!

( ??~?? ?) "The scope of the collapsed space shouldn't be too big. Wouldn't it be good if you teleported across this area?"

Jiang Nan's face is even darker!

(????????????)? "Do you think I'm a fairy? I'm a diamond, and the limit teleportation distance is only 10,000 meters."

"The imprint left over there can't be sensed, and it will fall into the gap between the dimensions in a blink of an eye!"

"If I were Daotian, I'd just rush through, okay?"

Bai Kou's eyes brightened slightly, did he finally find a chance?

He quickly stood up straight, raised his head slightly, expressionless, and despised Jiangnan with a condescending look!

(? ̄?д ̄??) "Eh~ Diamond? Only 10,000 meters? You are so weak!"

Jiangnan: (?°??°?)

"You are strong? You have lived for more than two thousand years, and you can't even deal with a broken space? The fat little vest you are wearing is all on credit!"

"Sure enough! The older you get, the more useless you are! Parallel goods! Scumbag!"

Bai Kou blushed, broke the defense in an instant, and was about to punch Jiangnan with a fist!

?(?`?′?)? "You are the scumbag! Bah! Scumbag! I didn't say I wouldn't give you money for the fat vest, didn't I not bring it!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly ran away with his head in his arms, is it okay to beat someone if he can't say it?

I also didn't go to Xingyao! Otherwise, I will pick you by leaps and bounds!

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan was startled!

He couldn't help but look ruthless: "You look down on me, don't you? Let's fight!"

While speaking, he took out a tear of the gods!

Bai Kou was stunned: "What are you going to do? Are you planning to suck the tears of God? No way! Don't be stupid!"

"The power of space contained here is collected from the cracks in the dimension. It is extremely violent, and it is two different things from the power of ordinary space!"

"The body structure of human beings is different from that of dimensional creatures. With your physical strength, you can't bear it at all!"

Just one can explode a space within a kilometer range, which is enough to show how wild the Tears of the Gods are!

That is something condensed by Yushen himself!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: "Could it be that there is another way? I have sucked the vine pith of the mother vine, and the tears of the gods are so hairy?"

"Human! Always be brave to try!"

Jiang Nan has long wanted to test whether he can smoke it, and he will only know after trying it!

Bai Kou:! ! !

Ghosts have the courage to try, you have the courage to die! Hey!


With a bang, Jiangnan directly activated the One Thought Asura Mode, ghostly howls shook the sky, and blood mist filled the air!

Bodily functions soared to the limit!

Since the body can't bear it in normal state, then open a Shura breath!

No matter how bad it is, there is still great strength!

But unless it is absolutely necessary, Jiangnan will never drink it!

The head can be broken and the blood can flow! I will never change my bald head!

Raising his hand and stuffing a small ginseng into his mouth, Jiangnan directly began to absorb the energy in the tears of the gods!

"Bang bang bang!"

I saw that Jiangnan's arm was like a two-kick, exploding a large amount of blood!

The blood splashed all over Bai Kou!

However, it barely withstood the energy impact of the Tears of the Gods!

Under the action of the small leather whip, the body began to repair rapidly to maintain strength!

But the heart-piercing pain made Jiang Nan grit his teeth!

Opened a bottle of Big Green Stick and drank it immediately, the pain was -100%!

It didn't hurt at that time!

As a whole tear of the oracle shattered, all the manic power of space was absorbed by Jiangnan!

Bleeding all over his body, he was in the midst of uninterrupted damage and repair, as if it would never end!

If it weren't for the big green stick to relieve pain!

This kind of pain is afraid that Jiang Nan himself can't bear it!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's face was flushed red, and the power of infinite violent space surged in his body, rushing left and right!

I felt so strong that I was about to explode!

However, the level has not been raised, it's not that Jiangnan doesn't want to be promoted!

But the power of space in Tears of the Gods is too dirty to absorb directly!

If the power of space in a normal Lingzhu is clear warm water!

The Dimensional Lingzhu contained slightly cloudy boiling water!

The special mew in Tears of the Gods is hot magma, boiling hot oil!

This is what the oracle simply provided the driving source for the star ring, and it was not for human use at all!

At this moment, the manic space power emanating from Jiangnan itself has already distorted the space, and even blasted tiny space cracks!

He vomited blood, and a bloody smell rushed into Bai Kou's nostrils!

Bai Kou spun around in a hurry!

You used the things for Xinghuan, is it okay?

You also think of yourself as a person?

What kind of abnormal physical fitness is Jiangnan?

Can the diamond level resist the impact of the Tears of the Gods with its body?

Originally, his physical strength was already close to that of Xingyao, right?

And can he repair his injuries?

No wonder he is so courageous!

I saw Jiangnan spitting blood and grinning!

"Lai Lai, what a leg! Although the power of space in Tears of the Gods is a bit dirty, it's huge! It's fierce!"

"I don't smoke, use it to release spiritual skills, right?"

To put it simply, it is to change the container and put the energy in the tears of the gods into Jiangnan's body!

And Jiang Nan intends to use this explosive energy to drive his own spiritual skills!

How wild the effect will be, Jiang Nan himself doesn't know!

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