Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1421 Need to insert an eye first?

Everyone's heart sank, this is the biggest problem!

If the moon has no aura, it can only rely on the spirit beads to restore the spiritual energy!

In this way, the resources consumed to fight against the Cyclops will be an astonishing figure!

Everything is unknown, it is too early to say these!

Only by going up in person can we know everything!

Next, Jiang Tianqing and Yang Jian and Jiang Tianchen learned more about the specific details of the Moon Moon Operation!

Time flies in the blink of an eye!

Following Jiang Ning's sudden appearance in front of everyone, Jiang Tianqing's expression couldn't help but perk up!

(????) "Stargate repaired?"

Jiang Ning was also a little happy, and nodded heavily!

(??????) "It should work!

How could everyone bear it now, and ran to the Stargate repair laboratory one after another!

Get ready to witness this historic moment!

It was already late at night, Han Menglu was half paralyzed on the stool, her whole body was already baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(||| ?? ﹃ ??)

Six hours of intense restoration nearly killed her!

Holding a bag of walnuts in my hand, I ate wildly, trying to make up for the brain power I spent!

At this moment, the melting part of the star gate has completed the missing mantra.

Han Menglu said weakly:

(??? ) "Try it, I can't do it!"

Seeing her so tired, everyone felt distressed!

How could Jiangnan bear it? How long has it been since he brought the Star Gate out from the Sea of ​​Void?

Can it finally come in handy today?

I saw that Jiangnan took out 108 tears of the gods and inlaid them on the groove of the round hole, the size was just right!

Then he took the crystal conch key that he had exchanged for the old lady's hot sauce, and inserted it into the keyhole!

In the next instant, all the mantras on the entire star gate lit up at the same time, forming a complete spiritual power circuit!

The energy in the Tears of the Oracle was crazily absorbed!

A wave of spatial fluctuations that was so intense to the extreme emanated from the star gate!

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the space in the middle of the star gate ring began to distort and deform, and finally turned into a dark vortex that could not stop spinning!

At the same time, the star map placed on the desk beside it also burst into glazed brilliance!

Jiang Ning looked at the pitch-black vortex, his eyes were bright!

(??? ???)? "That's it, little... Tianqing? Can you go and see if you can send it at a fixed point?"

"This star map should contain the positions of all the stars in each galaxy!"

Jiang Tianqing ran to the star map in a hurry, stared wide-eyed and searched for it!

Finally found the position of the solar system, the blue star and the moon!

Can't wait to inject spiritual power towards the point where the moon is!

The star gate vortex suddenly fluctuated!

Jiang Tianchen swallowed: "Is this connected to the moon?"

Jiang Tianqing grinned: "Will it work, you'll know if you try it!"

While speaking, he grabbed the thermos cup on the table and threw it towards the star gate whirlpool!

However, under the expectant eyes of everyone, the thermos cup went straight through the star gate vortex, and hit the wall with a bang, the glass shattered all over the floor!

At this moment, the expressions of all the people present froze!

Σ( ° △ °|||)

no? No change?

After so much effort, it's useless?

Jiang Ning came closer, although he didn't dare to touch the star map, but he still frowned!

(o??~??) "The moon has not been lit? That means the star gate teleportation has not been opened. What is the situation?"

Jiang Tianqing was in a hurry, she plunged into the vortex of the star gate, but came out from behind the star gate again!

Jumping back and forth repeatedly is still in place!

"What the hell? What a waste of time? By the way, how is this star map connected to the star gate?"

"Is it because the Bluetooth is not connected, the WIFI hotspot is not turned on?"

Jiang Ning almost spat Jiang Tianqing's face with a mouthful of jelly!

(?)???) "This is the technological crystallization of the Bose family. It is precisely because of the star gate that the Sacred Law Society has established an absolute dominance..."

Ghost bluetooth wifi ah hello!

Wu Liang suddenly remembered: "Brother Nan smashed Ruiya's arm with this thing before, so it shouldn't be broken?"

Speaking of which, Jiang Tianqing's forehead was sweating profusely, that's why it happened!

Get into trouble yourself?

Jiang Ning frowned: "It shouldn't be logical, the star map is extremely hard, how can it be easily damaged?"

"But the moon is not lit, so it's weird to say that the star map is not working!"

Hands up Katerina!

( ′?w?)? "Isn't that still broken? I should be able to fix it, let me try it!"

At this moment, all eyes are on her!

Even Jiang Ning was shocked!

The crystallization of wisdom of the Bose clan, this girl can actually cultivate?

But everyone has no good solution at the moment, they can only let Katerina try it!

She strode up to the star map and looked down!

Just when everyone was wondering how she would repair it!

I saw Katerina raised her palm, and "slapped" the star map twice!


Seeing that there was no response from the star map, he mustered all his strength and took two shots vigorously!

Just hearing a "click", the legs of the table were broken!

At this moment, the entire laboratory was as silent as death!

Jiang Tianqing's mouth twitched!

(乛д乛?) "Small tongue, what are you doing?"

Katrina scratches her head!

?(???.??) "Create a star map? Something isn't working over there, just take a few shots and it will be fine!"

"If it doesn't work, just take two shots vigorously. This is how the TV in my orphanage is repaired. I always take pictures!"

"Maybe the star map is out of contact?"

Jiang Tianqing: ...

You are the goose repair method, right?

A star map is such a high-tech gadget, can it be repaired in just two shots?

Seeing that everyone looked at her as if she had seen a ghost, Katerina blushed!

(?? . ??)…

Are you ashamed of yourself?

Han Menglu, who was slumped on the chair, looked hopeless, these people are hopeless!

"Just now, when I was repairing the star gate, I found an abnormality. Although the mantra fragments brought back by Tianqing, all the spiritual power circuits can work!"

"But the composition of the mantra is obviously different from that of the star gate symmetry section... This should not be the original mantra array!"

Jiang Tianqing was stunned: "Bai Kou said that they reduced the configuration of the star gate because they did not have the conch key and the drive source!"

"This is how the star ring was created. Although there is no need for a key, there are two doors, and they can only be teleported between the two doors!"

"The spell on the star ring is probably modified by the ancients..."

Jiang Nan had a headache, where can he find the original star gate spell now?

Those ancient gods who participated in the transformation and construction have long since passed away?

Jiang Ning stared blankly at the star map!

(o ???) "No wonder! But even so, as long as the construction of the spiritual power circuit is completed, the star gate can be used!"

"It's just that the fixed-point teleportation function has been lost, and the star map has entered manual mode!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to take the star map to the moon, and use the star map to record the coordinates of the moon's space nodes! Light up the map!"

"Then the star gate transmission can be activated, it must be like this!"

Jiang Tianqing was dumbfounded!

God special meow lights up the map, co-authors have to take the star map to the moon to insert a teleportation point?

"After a long circle, you have to go to the moon first?"

At this moment, Jiangnan inevitably felt a little lost in his heart!

I was thinking about it before, the star gate can be used, after going to the moon, I will walk around the solar system one by one, and then go to the centaur galaxy to see if there is a lady or something!

It's over!

Nowhere is it easier for them to go than Goose Country!

After all, Goose Country has to go to the moon with a 300-meter star ring first, and put a star ring on the moon!

Jiang Tianchen took a deep breath: "Everyone, don't get lost! Even so, it's much better than the stupid way of luck!"

"Just take the star map and go to the moon to set a spot first! The risk is not big, and you don't need to prepare too much!"

"I'll take someone there!"

Yang Jian was surprised: "You went? Who will host you here? You..."

Jiang Tianchen looked serious: "I can guarantee that there is no one in China who is more familiar with the entire operation process than me!"

"The star map must not only be brought to the moon, but also brought back. If something goes wrong and the star map is lost in deep space, all the hard work before will be in vain!"

"The Tianchen Bureau can operate normally without me, I'd better go, just mark a teleportation point, there won't be too much risk!"

Yang Jian stared at Jiang Tianchen, finally sighed helplessly, and could only nod his head!

On the other hand, Jiang Tianqing was biting her finger and going crazy!


I really want to go!

The one-eyed species on the moon and the Stone of Origin are all for small money!

Even the moon soil can be sold at a sky-high price when it is brought back!

It's so convenient to teleport back and forth by yourself, the rocket doesn't even need to sit!

However, my queen is in a state of suspended animation, once I propose to take the star map to the moon!

The news of his fake death is bound to be exposed!

Jiang Nan doesn't dare?

Holding back for a while, he turned straight in circles, which was like shooting himself in the foot! Wow!

Can I just wait for Uncle Tianchen to come back, and go through the star gate by myself?

Originally, Jiang Ning was the most suitable candidate, and the boson body can survive in the cracks of dimensions!

Forget about outer space!

But I can't touch the star map material, even if I take a pocket rabbit with me, I still need to touch the star map at a fixed point!

The matter has been decided, Jiang Tianchen went to prepare immediately, he didn't want to wait for a quarter of an hour!

The preparations before the launch can be done before dawn, and the entire headquarters of the Tianchen Bureau is busy for this!

Not only is Guanghua Xiaxia Chen Bureau preparing for the launch, but Goose Country Deep Space Bureau has already opened the warehouse after Bai Kou delivered the star ring, and loaded the star ring and various materials inside!

The two countries suddenly entered the final launch link, which also made other countries nervous!

They rushed to work and made final preparations!

At this moment, it was as if all the contestants were standing on the 100-meter starting line!

The referee has already raised the starting gun, just waiting for a gunshot!

Players on all tracks will start, and the finish line will be the moon!

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