"I can't say anything, teach me this trick, and I will teach you the whirlwind big B pocket later! The transmission method of that force is also very nice!"

Musashi was taken aback, what kind of trick is the whirlwind big B pocket? Why does it sound so unreasonable?

But he didn't care about that much anymore, he just demonstrated it to Jiangnan!

Teaching Jiangnan's unique skills is considered a business trip, isn't it much more comfortable than going back to kneel on the washboard?

And Jiang Nan also took out the God Killing Sword and started to learn it in an orderly manner, practicing instant killing with his left hand and drawing the sword!

All the skills of Jiangnan before were basically learned by relying on the system skills section!

Jiang Nan thought that the Grandmaster class was over!

But Musashi, Koronov and the others let Jiangnan see that their skills are endless!

The height that can be achieved by concentrating all the energy in one place is not comparable to that given by the system skills!

Because of the advantages of the system, Jiangnan has a very high starting point of skills, and he is addicted to this feeling of being called, and has not made further progress on this basis!

Even in normal times, I don't practice too much on the skills I have mastered, and I have never cultivated them deeply!

Skill points can be exchanged, why practice?

But Jiang Nan found out that he was wrong!

Bit by bit of sweat, the solid exchange of swords again and again, is definitely not in vain!

If you want to make these things completely your own, you will make great progress and go one step further!

Never be satisfied with the status quo!

The system baby can indeed help him in some places, but he can't let it become his all!

You have to be stronger!

"Let's shoot! I'm watching!"

The first ray of sunshine in the morning splashed on the earth, and the entire Pioneer Academy was covered with a layer of morning mist!

The door of Zhong Yingxue's room was opened in response, and Xia Yao, who was sleepy and furious, yawned, and dragged Xing Cheng, who was biting her own wolf's tail, into the room!

( ??? ~ ??) "Xuexue! I'm hungry ~ what kind of rice is better for breakfast?"

Xingcheng: (? 'dish') "Woo~hungry!"

Zhong Yingxue also sat up from the bed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and felt a headache!


But in the next moment, she suddenly became energetic, because she suddenly remembered what happened last night. She drank too much and took the initiative to give Xiaonan a sip?

Ahhh~ I'm so ashamed!

His face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye: "I just came back, and I didn't prepare any ingredients. Ask Xiaonan, do you want to go to the cafeteria to eat together?"

After waking everyone up, everyone came to Jiangnan's room together!

But there was no one on the bed, and the quilt was cold to the touch!

Xia Yao's face was full of horror: ∑(°口°?) "Didn't Xiao Nan usually sleep until noon at home? Why did you get up so early today?"

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva: "Should Jiang Laichuang be stolen by Sheng Xing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mira gave him a brain blow!

Lan tilted her head: ( ??~?? #) "There is spiritual energy flowing underground~"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help running to the underground base of Sky Island!

As soon as the door of the alloy training room was opened, Xia Yao and the others felt a rush of heat!

When they saw it clearly, everyone's eyes widened!

Black...Black Steel Warrior!

I saw that Jiang Nan was all in pitch black, his upper body was naked, his muscles were like knives and axes, and crystal beads of sweat were flowing wantonly on his body!

Just looking at it makes my heart beat faster!

On the floor is the unfolded Wanjun curse array, directly acting on him, the sweat under his feet has gathered into a small puddle!

I saw Jiangnan taking a step back, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose!

Under the action of ten thousand times the gravity, it smashed down at an extremely fast speed!

But Jiangnan drew his sword at this moment!

In an instant, a cold light appeared, and a white sharp edge slashed out, cutting through the beads of sweat precisely!

Time seemed to slow down, and the rapidly falling sweat beads were instantly split into two!

But this is not over yet, I saw Jiangnan fiercely holding the knife in both hands!

Immediately after the instant kill and the sword slash, a super-high-speed combo slash came!

I don't know how many knives were swung in an instant, and the sweat beads that were cut in half exploded into mist!

Before it landed, it was evaporated into mist by the amazing heat generated by the super-high-speed continuous slash!

The scabbard that was released has not yet landed, but Jiang Nan raised his hand to hold the scabbard, and put the scabbard back into the sheath!

One practice session completed!

This is already the number of beads of sweat that Jiangnan has cut off!

And all of this was done under a ten thousand times gravity field!

Zhong Yingxue and the others felt that with a flash in front of their eyes, Jiangnan had already withdrawn the knife!

Jiang Nan, who was about to practice next time, suddenly noticed Zhong Yingxue and the others, and couldn't help grinning: "Are you up?"

At this moment, Wu Liang held his head in horror:

?(??? ????)? "Damn! Nan... Brother Nan is practicing?"

This is even rarer than the sun rising from the west. Damn, with this kind of training intensity, it's obvious that you haven't slept all night, okay?

Xia Yao opened her mouth wide: "(o Д o*) "Xiao Nan turned black? Or was it taken away? Are you eating black garlic and popping candies regardless of your own image? "

While Jiang Nan is practicing the knife, he is also maintaining the absorption of spiritual energy, hey!

Zhong Yingxue was also dumbfounded, this was absolutely impossible to happen before!

('?~?)? "We want to ask you to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast together, you..."

However, Jiang Nan was still drawing his sword, and said with a grin, "I won't eat it, the little ginseng I just ate is enough!"

Xiong Er's face was dark: (???????)? "Brother Nan is not going to give us a way out! He left us far away! Now we are practicing again!"

"This is planning to kill us all!"

Xia Yao covered her eyes: (?)?(ヾ) "Ahhh~ my eyes! The sweat flowing from Xiao Nan's body is so shining! This is the flash of hard work!"

Zhong Yingxue gritted her teeth: (??????)? "Yaoyao! Combat training! One hundred groups in the devil group! Don't sleep until the end of the practice, and kill Xiaonan! Don't even try to sneak away!"

Said and ran straight to the training area!

Xiong Er and Wu Liang looked at each other: "Let's go! Go to the training room for a monthly subscription!"

The two of them were also involved, and Lan and Xiaodiwo also joined Zhong Yingxue and the others' training plan!

Mira stood there blankly, are these people crazy?


I also want to cultivate, but the conditions do not allow it?

So her eyes fell on Xing Cheng, fortunately she had someone to accompany her, and she didn't need to practice!

?(???mouth???)? "Hungry! Hungry~"

But before Mira could speak to Xingcheng, she bit Mira's head, but was caught by the golden ball of light in the next second!

"Let's go have breakfast!"

From this day on, the crazy involution mode started in Jiangnan's capital team!

Xiao Nan practiced 10 sets, we will practice 15 sets!

Even in order to save time, they could do more training, even Xia Yao and the others saved the time to go to the bathroom!

Because they saw that Xiao Nan didn't go to the bathroom, so they kept practicing!

He won't go! We didn't go there either, but it was uncomfortable to be held back, and we glanced at Jiangnan from time to time!


Why hasn't he gone to the bathroom yet? Iron kidney?

However, Jiangnan was full of confusion at the moment, did Xuexue and the others train so hard?

Don't even let the water go?

In order to save time, I used space wormholes to solve it while training!

How did they do it? Could it be that you don't need to go because you sweat a lot?

How strange!

But at this moment, Xiao Chuihuo, who had waited all night without the big red envelope on his body, couldn't bear it anymore!

Taking advantage of the fact that the cafeteria was almost empty in the morning, using hands as feet, he rushed out of the room while standing on his head, and rushed straight to the cafeteria!


But it was still noticed by many students!

=????(??? ????) "Damn it? What the hell just passed by?"

"Primary school boy! Are you ignorant? That's our Dean Xiao. After all, he can run so fast in a handstand. Except for Brother Glasses, he is the dean! You can't practice this unique skill without sitting in a wheelchair for more than ten years." !"

"Hiss~ You're already in a wheelchair, why are you still so energetic?"

"What do you know? There are a lot of wheelchair users in nursing homes! Didn't you see the warning signs with a speed limit of 120 on both sides of the small garden? It's not because you're afraid of hitting people, but it's not good if you damage flowers and plants."

Under the shocked eyes of the aunt in the cafeteria, Xiao Chuihuo ate a bowl of braised noodles with one hand on his head, two steamed buns!

He ran towards his house in a hurry, but they couldn't let them see him like this! Damn!

But just as he was about to go back to the house, he suddenly remembered that the bathroom in the room was smashed by himself!

So I went to the bathroom in the cafeteria on the way!

However, as soon as he entered, Xiao Chuihuo regretted it!

I saw Zhao Dezhu was releasing water, and the two looked at each other!


There is embarrassment in the air!

Zhao Dezhu was shocked: (??? Mouth??) "Old Xiao? What's your situation? What about your wheelchair? It crashed again? I told you not to speed!"

"It's all so bearish, why are you out for a walk?"

"Hiss~ Your swollen eyes are a bit serious, right? Did you sleep on your head last night?"

Xiao Chuihuo's face turned black, and his eyes were swollen, I'm so swollen from cupping!

Although I really slept on my head last night!

But do you think I will tell you that my legs are healed?

Wait for my red envelope to subside and recover quietly, and then amaze all of you!

It's already like this, can't you not go?

I saw Xiao Chuihuo standing upside down and coming to the standing urinal!

Zhao Dezhu's eyes widened:

?━=????(??? ????) "Fuck? You... can you do this? How do you do it? How about I let you handle it?"

Xiao Chuihuo rolled his eyes: "Why not? Look!"

I saw Xiao Chuihuo standing on his head with one hand, and operating with one hand, he was very stable!


Zhao Dezhu's expression was astonished!

∑(?口?lll) "Let the water stand upside down? You are truly unprecedented!"

Xiao Chuihuo stood upside down proudly and said:

(︵^︵?) "As long as you want to do it, there is nothing in this world that people can't do!"

The corners of Zhao Dezhu's mouth twitched, so don't use such an inspirational philosophy for things like handstands, okay?

It is indeed impossible for humans to do it! But for any individual, who would do this!

"Huh? Why are you covered with big red envelopes? What kind of mosquito? Are you bitten like this?"

Xiao Chuihuo, who was standing upside down, revealed the big red envelope on his back. Zhao Dezhu couldn't hold back, and wanted to touch it with his hand!

Xiao Chuihuo said in shock: "Don't! Don't you!"

However, it was already too late, Zhao Dezhu touched Xiao Chuihuo's big red envelope, and the extreme pain spread all over his body!

Xiao Chuihuo was agitated, he stood upside down with one hand to release water, he had a strange posture, how could he bear the pain?

It was shaking!


Zhao Dezhu looked terrified:

!!!!=????(?o?o ?)? "Damn! Hey! Don't shake! Don't shake! Shaking is everywhere!"

"It's fine if you spill your shoes! But you're on the horse's head!"

"Close the gate!"

Xiao Chuihuo:! ! !

I also want to ride a horse, hey! The pipes are aging and rusty, can they be closed just by saying it?

I've been fooled by you!

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