Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1677 Then I go? (plus more)

Fakawei and Keji were standing in the mountain city at the moment, looking at the red light rising from the direction of the mountain city with horror on their faces!

Feel the raging heat wave coming!

Fakawei's heart was half cold. Originally, she wanted to rely on ruining Jiangnan's reputation, sowing hatred, and attracting several giants in the mountain city to boycott Jiangnan!

I want to drive Jiangnan out of the mountain city in this way!

But I didn't expect to make Jiangnan anxious, so he zoomed in directly and took it off!

Not to mention driving Jiangnan out, with his way of playing, if he comes again a few times, he won't be able to stay anymore!

Then...then I go?

The red giant star fired six shots in a row, and the major forces suffered heavy losses!

These people were originally going to enter the rainforest maze!

If it can be sent into the maze of the rainforest, maybe the Jingshi plan can be accelerated even more!

But now...

It is impossible to drive Jiangnan away, so we can only increase our efforts to explore the rainforest maze?

(??~.?? ) "Tsk~ I'm so annoying!"

The six red superstars have passed, the mountains have collapsed, the rainforest has fallen, and the mountain city has been turned into ruins!

The camp where Jiang Nan and the others are located has become a huge pit, and everyone is safe and sound because they are hiding in the field of static time!

I saw that Xing Cheng, who was covered in black, was still emitting white smoke, and his small face was as black as a little tabby cat!

Hair is as messy as a chicken coop!

Just like that, he fell from the sky, his legs were a little weak, but he still ran to Jiangnan with eyes full of anticipation!

(#??????)? "Eat~"

Jiang Nan grinned, and fed Xing Cheng the origin fire to eat!

A satisfied smile can't help but bloom on Qiao's face!

Liu Mang stared blankly at everything in front of him!

Σ( ° △ °|||) "This... is this really a physical elimination method?"

At least as far as the eye can see, there is no enemy at all!

Not only did you eliminate the enemies, but you also eliminated the map?

Xing Cheng licked his lips:

(#???? ???) "I still... still need to drink milk!"

Xing Cheng, who just drank a bottle of nuclear bomb milk, felt a little unsatisfactory, and even wanted to have another bottle!

Jiang Nan smiled and said: (?⌒?⌒) "Oh? Still want to drink? Then shall I give it or not?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a ball of thorns popping out from the mound of dirt!

It has been carbonized, and Sen Luo and Bracelet Wei are hiding inside, and they are frantically applying healing skills to themselves!

(#°?优°?) "No...don't give her any more drinks!"

[Resentment value from Sen Luo +1000! ]

Sen Luo's eyes are full of fear and heartache, if he comes a few more times, the foundation he has worked so hard to build in the mountain city will be completely ruined!

I saw Hope lying on the ground sprawled on the ground, his limbs were mutilated, he vomited blood profusely, he couldn't even speak, his whole body became a piece of coke!

I thought I was going to die, but an inexplicable force appeared in my body, which kept me alive!

Maybe this means that if Da Nan is not dead, there must be future blessings, right?

Today is unlucky enough, the heavens have eyes!

[From Hope…]

As for Solomon being the least traumatized!

The younger brothers of the thugs also climbed up from the ruins one after another, and the blasted muscle tissue was like a reptile, frantically repairing it!

The self-healing ability is amazing, but the eyes are also full of fear!

As for the younger brothers of the other two families, they may not be so lucky!

At this moment, Solomon looked at Jiangnan with a look of fear!

Where did that silly girl come from?

I saw Jiangnan with his hands in his pockets, his face full of arrogance:

(?°?д°?) "Oh? You won't drink if you say you don't want to drink? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"


Before he finished speaking, Xing Cheng narrowed his eyes sharply, and opened his mouth wide facing Jiangnan, with tears in his eyes!

Xingcheng: (??????#) Ah~

Jiangnan:! ! !

Depend on! Forgot that there are six nuclear sneezing ones?

"I will change!"


In an instant, Jiangnan disappeared in front of Xingcheng, and was replaced by Hope!

(#)?Yi?)???(??ε???#) "Ah Qiu~"

The blazing fire filled Hope's sight in an instant!

Just listen to the loud bang of "Boom"!

Hope took off on the spot, was blown out by Xingcheng's nuclear sneeze, and crossed the entire mountain city ruins!

The screams crossed the sky!

(#)??Д??(#) "Why! Again!"

[Resentment value from Hope +1003! ]

Just smashed into the mountain!

Sen Luo and Solomon's eyes widened, how powerful is a sneeze?

Could this girl be extraordinary?

I saw that Xing Cheng was about to open his mouth for a second shot!

But Jiang Nan rushed back to Xing Cheng, picked her up and carried her on his shoulders!

He turned his head and rushed towards Sen Luo!

?(???口??)??˙3˙? "Hey! Where are you running!"

Sen Luo immediately blew his hair, Bracelet Wei didn't care, turned around and ran away!

?(?优?#)? "Don't come here if you're riding a horse!"

However, with the sound of "Ah Qiu", Sen Luo was submerged in the flames and flew directly!

Jiang Nan laughed loudly, carrying Xing Cheng on his shoulders, chasing the bracelet Wei, and Solomon and the others running around in the mountain city!

"Ahahaha! Have you ever seen a human-shaped shotgun? It's still loaded with dragon's breath bullets!"

"Are you still pushing me away?"

Sen Luo held his head and ran wildly:

?(??亮??#)? "No, no, no! You can stay as long as you want!"

Jiang Nan went after Solomon again: "Run? Run away? Who owns this mountain city? Who has the final say?"

Solomon gritted his teeth: "You... your territory! You have the final say! Hold her to me! It's dangerous!"

[from mob…]

Then Jiangnan went after Bracelet Wei again!

"You bitch is so vicious, will you accept it? If you refuse to accept it, I will spray you to death!"

[From Vivienne…]

Jiang Nan was taken aback, his smile gradually deformed, huh? Does this daotian belong to Vivienne?

They look different and think I won't recognize them?

I said she must be there!

I just don't know if this Wei is the real body!

Looks like this isn't the one that cheated on me?

At this moment, Shan Mao Zhong Yingxue and the others looked at the scene in front of them, their eyelids twitched!

I saw Jiangnan carrying Xingcheng, chasing several Tianman mountain cities, and from time to time, a nuclear sneeze would blow up a group of people into the sky!

Qin Shou swallowed his saliva: "Nan Shen beat me to harm Qin Shou? It's really a small scene, are you sure?"

Liu Mang was taken aback: "Sneezes are so powerful? Is she the first person in the national uniform?"

It's really not wasted at all!

In the blink of an eye, Xing Cheng's six sneezes disappeared, and the faces of Sen Luo and the others turned even darker!

Jiang Nan stared: "I want to stay wherever I want, right there! Have you figured it out yet?"

Several people were full of aggrieved faces. Although they didn't say anything, they all nodded!

(??? )(??? )…

Only then did Jiangnan smile with satisfaction:

(?ˉ?ˉ?) "Very good! If there is nothing else, let's go!"

Sen Luo's teeth are almost gnawed, what do you call it all right?

Jiang Nan suddenly remembered something: "Ah, by the way, my camp is gone, and I have no place to live. Look..."

Solomon's face was black: (???Y???)? "I'll give you a ride, okay?"

Jiang Nan grinned: ( ?° ?? ?°)? "Sensible!"

And said you want to drive yourself away? Don't you have to give it to yourself now?

After speaking, she couldn't help but looked at Bracelet Wei with a smile all over her face, and raised her eyebrows provocatively!

(?? .????)?

That way is clearly saying, if you have any tricks, just use them, I will continue!

Bracelet Wei shuddered, her heart tightened!

Tsk~ Did he recognize him as Vivienne? What kind of terrifying insight is this?

Wan'er Mai Tai's plan has completely failed, Bracelet Wei feels a deep sense of frustration!

Even in the face of Jiangnan, there is a feeling that he can't play against him no matter what!

She couldn't help subconsciously shifting her gaze away, pursing the corners of her lips!

(乛~乛#) "Tsk, let's go!"

After being ruthlessly bombed by Jiangnan, the Big Three are all honest now!

Solomon sneered, how about making you proud first?

As long as you are still here, sooner or later it will be my dish!

After the turmoil passed, the Vientiane Alliance Huanghe Club and the thugs began to clean up the mess with tears in their eyes!

And Jiang Nan and others also took over a relatively complete site from the thugs and re-entered!

Shancheng did not fall into a great silence because of this blow!

The big cake of the rainforest maze is here, and the dead will soon be forgotten and covered up by the injection of fresh blood!

Jiang Nan and others also got together to study it!

Xia Yao lay on the table: "The matter of Xiao Nanlu Hope is very weird, it is obvious that someone has framed her!"

"By the way, sister Ziyuan predicted that the Jiang in the dream had cheated, so it's not really Xiaonan, but someone else changed it?"

Liu Mang said righteously: "I'll just say it! How can a good Southerner like Nanshen cheat on you?"

Jiangnan: (?_? )

You didn't seem to say that before, did you?

But Jiang Nan is still a little bit disappointed, isn't it me? Tsk~ I'm so happy! Damn!

Shan Mao leaned on his chin: (??ˇ?ˇ??) "This is the end of the matter, and the possibility that the future will be changed and the cheating incident will not happen again is not ruled out!"

"It's just that the matter of the rainforest maze is still at a loss, and there is no progress!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Sheng Xing has already made a move, and Vivienne is planning to drive me away!"

"The more you want me to go! The more it means there is a problem here!"

"But now she can't drive me away even if she has all means, so I'm probably going to be in a hurry!"

"Change your strategy, maybe you will take some action, let's just watch her perform and it's over!"

Liu Mang raised his eyebrows: "Or should we remain unchanged to cope with all changes?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "I don't! I have suffered such a big loss this time, throwing a pot of shit on my head, I can't swallow it!"

Professor Qin: ( ′?w?)?

"Huh? Nan...Nan Shen, did you suffer?"

You call this a disadvantage? What have they made of others!

Do you still feel bad?

After this wave of fighting, you haven't even broken a skin, you haven't lost any blood, right?

So Hope and the others have lost all their underpants, right?

Jiang Nan snorted angrily: (??ˇ~ˇ??) "If you earn nothing, you lose! They treat me too much! If I rob them of their small coffers, the interest won't be too much, right?"

"It is said that Huang He will make more money than Yu Country's annual output value. What's wrong with me taking some treasures as my wife?"

Xia Yao caressed her forehead with her hand, she was thinking of you when she was with you!


After sleeping with someone else's wife, you still have to take other people's money as your wife's capital?

You are the real punishment!

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