What kind of resentment value does Solomon use for the "seed" that Lao Tzu pulled out from Hope?

And the name of the mob?

I'm afraid there is some ulterior conspiracy in the middle?

He robbed his treasury only to get a 777 for himself!

Pull out a seed from Hope, give me 1003?

And still brushed several times?

Something is wrong!

The unbelieving Jiangnan gave the "seed" back to Hope again!

Pull out a few more cans, and pull out the "seed" again!

[Resentment value from the mob +1003! ]

[from mob…]

Jiang Nan's expression sank, there is something wrong with the cliff!

Seed of Solomon in Hope's body? And he can sense it?

Jiangnan suddenly remembered that the members of the thug organization will improve their physical fitness and have the magical secret technique of self-healing!

And this power was "given" by Solomon!

Could this "seed" buried in the body be the source of this mysterious technique?

Combined with the fact that Solomon's strength has only increased sharply in the latest stage, the mob organization has sprung up!

It would be hard to believe that Solomon had no major problems!

The system recognizes the name and never misses it!

Could it be that Solomon is gone and the mob is the source of all this "seed"?

So what the hell is this mob?

Jiangnan faintly felt that Solomon was hiding a big secret!

Just be careful!

"You haven't had much contact with Solomon recently, have you?"

Hope's face darkened: (??? Yi????) "Why didn't you touch him? Didn't you just touch him during the day? I touched his fist with my face!"

Do you still have the face to ask? Temiao was pulled over by you as a shield!

Otherwise, I can be beaten?

Jiang Nan's heart tightened!

Does this "seed" enter the body when it touches the body? Like a parasite or something?

That's why Hope...

Hiss~ Then Wu Liang was also hit in the chest by Solomon, so wouldn't he also be seeded?

Hope had a dark face: "Brother! Can you cure it? Why are you practicing with me?"

With Jiangnan's thinking, the word "paralyzed" can be regarded as being pulled out after one can!

In an instant, Hope felt his whole body become transparent, and his legs immediately felt better!

Even the feeling that the level will collapse at any time is gone!

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Jiangnan, a dangerous look flashed in his eyes!

You cheated me ten billion yuan, and you pulled me into a toad? This hatred...

Jiang Nan stared, took out the ponytail and pointed it at Hope's head!


Hearing only a "bang", Hope was beaten to the side of the head, and his brain was hammered until he bled!

The whole person is dumbfounded!

But saw Jiangnan Heshan smiling:

(?°??°?) "This little friend! You better not have any dangerous thoughts~"

"As for this ladle, don't worry about it. I'm unlocking the achievement of Blue Star Opening Ladle King. It just so happens that you are Daotian. Let me count your head!"

Damn! Want to fight with me on the floor spread? Revenge for kindness? You are afraid that you are tired of living and crooked!

Hope:? ? ?

[Resentment value from Hope +777! ]

God special meow unlocked the achievement of the king of ladles, so I got a bench for nothing?

Looking at Jiangnan's smile, Hope didn't dare to try the last thought in his mind!

Can't help getting up, never want to see Jiangnan again!

"Call the brothers! Let's go! Ask the Vientiane Alliance for an explanation!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly greeted: (? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey, don't forget to give me the stone carving!"

Hope didn't turn his head back: "It's not bad for you!"

Only then did Jiangnan smile with satisfaction, and Mira and Lan's team also ran back!

As for how many treasures were robbed from the treasury over there, Jiang Nan didn't ask, and just gave it to Lan as his own money!

But at this time, Jiang Nan set his sights on Wu Liang!

Wu Liang swallowed:

(?﹏? ????) "Nan...Brother Nan? What are you looking at me for?"

Jiang Nan looked solemn: (??ˇ~ˇ?) "Big man! I suspect you have a bug in your body!"

The corner of Wu Liang's mouth twitched, he said indifferently:

(︶.?︶?)? "Isn't this nonsense? How can I be so old? I'm the best!"

"If you don't believe me, ask Miao Miao?"

Tieniu shyly said, "Oh dear! You hate it!"

As he said that, he gave Wu Liang a hammer, and Wu Liang was hammered into the building on the spot...

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched: "I'm not kidding! Just in case!"

"Solomon is a bit evil. When you fight against him in the future, remember not to let him touch your body. Otherwise, no one will know what will happen and the consequences!"

"As for whether Wu Liang has any seeds! Try it and you'll know!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan took out two small cupping cans, his eyes were red!

o?(? ?’? ?’?)?o

Wu Liang was so excited that he was already afraid.


And in the mob base, Solomon smashed the marble table with one punch, his eyes full of bad luck!

He didn't care at all that his treasury was robbed, and he didn't even care about money and treasures in the human world!

The problem is, the parasitic species I left on Hope disappeared!

It was left when I slapped Hope in the face!

But it was pulled out by the small cupping pot, still twice!

And it didn't lose its activity, but was sealed in a jar!

What the hell is this? Can the Chaos body be pulled out? Can Lao Tzu's parasitic species be pulled out?

Wouldn't Jiangnan find Lao Tzu?

Solomon's eyes flickered, probably not!

After all, for human beings, they simply don't know that there are such creatures as parasites!

Just in this way, Jiangnan's vigilance will become stronger!

Now Solomon is not the only one in Jiangnan, whether it is the eating girl or the two little girls, they are all excellent hosts!

If you can get it...

Solomon's heart itch just thinking about it!


And here in Cucumber Town!

The Huanghe Society is fighting fiercely with the Vientiane Alliance, and the people on both sides are killing each other!

Very lively!

Hope, who has recovered his full strength, has amazing attack power. He is now fighting with Sen Luo in the rainforest!

The ground was shaken!

Sen Luo was furious: (?°?口°?) "Hope! Are you crazy? Why did you beat me to the Vientiane Alliance? Did I provoke you?"

"Hey hey! Hold back!"

I saw that the treasury of the Vientiane Alliance had been opened, and many members of the Huanghe Society were taking the opportunity to frantically move their treasures and ransack them!

Hope yelled: (‘口′メ) “Don’t listen to him! Let me grab it! Move them all back to me!”

"Are you messing with me? Sen Luo! Don't ask me here knowingly! The treasury of my Huanghe Society and the thugs have all been looted!"

"As long as you are fine with the Vientiane Alliance, I won't be able to see your little thoughts? You did it, and you want me to take action against Jiangnan! Is this to attack your competitors?"

"Before you sent someone to pretend to be Jiangnan to sleep with my wife, right? The routine is old! You think I can't see it? Get it for me!"

Sen Luo stared, subconsciously glanced at the bracelet Wei in the distance!

Saint Star has acted again? I do not know how?

But this glance made Hope catch the handle!

(?`д′)? "It really is you! You old bastard, what are your intentions, grab it for me!"

But Sen Luo said stiffly: "Calm down, I! If I did it, I will keep my treasury untouched?"

"We will definitely send someone to pretend that the treasury has been robbed to confuse the view. The treasury being robbed has nothing to do with my Vientiane Alliance!"

Hope stared: (????) "Are you sophistrying again? It's useless even if you talk about breaking the sky today! You did it!"

I don't care whether the real Jiangnan robbed it or the fake Jiangnan robbed it!

It doesn't matter, someone has to take the blame!

Lao Tzu's treasury cannot be robbed in vain, and 10 billion cannot be spent in vain!

Anyway, let's grab the Vientiane Alliance for a wave of blood recovery first!

I can't eat it myself!

It was you who did it, Laozi Huanghe will take revenge, justifiably!

For a moment, Sen Luo didn't know what to say, and he cursed loudly, and the two fought even more fiercely!

Bracelet Wei's face is extremely dark!

Jiangnan himself robbed Bo's treasury and blamed the fake Jiangnan?

In the end, is this trick trick better?

Tit for tat?

[Vivian's resentment value +1001! ]

Fakawei was also paralyzed, never thought that Jiangnan would fight back in such a way!

She is a little desperate!

What he was so proud of to play with the big plan of burying him became Jiangnan's weapon to fight back?

How can I play with him like this!

[From Vivienne…]

Bracelet Wei Bei clenched her teeth, if this continues, who knows what will happen!

Don't give Jiangnan another chance to make trouble!

Her eyes are full of determination!

"Sen Luo! Don't be like him, keep your manpower, there is no need to waste it on fighting with Huang Hehui!"

Sen Luo said anxiously: "But he robbed me of money! He..."

Bracelet Wei looked at Sen Luo with a cold face, and Sen Luo gritted his teeth, and could only suffer from this grievance!

In the end, the Huanghe Society still grabbed a wave in the Vientiane League!

Although Hope suffered a loss, overall the loss was not much!

Jiangnan has earned this designation!


And over there at the camp!

Wu Liang was hanging in the air at this moment, biting his pillow and crying wildly!


A man who has never cried before being beaten into a sieve has been crying for more than half an hour now!

I saw that there was no good place all over Wu Liang's body, and even the wrong card was pulled out by Jiangnan!

There are more bags on the body, and there is nowhere to start!

The people next to him covered their faces one after another, they couldn't stand it anymore!

Liu Mang couldn't bear to look directly at him: (?)-﹏-) "Wu Liang now reminds me of the grandma monster in Killing City!"

Professor Qin: (′?ж?)σ “噗~”

no! Can't laugh! Brother Wu Liang doesn't want to lose face, does he?

I saw Wu Liang crying:

(Pack?????`) "Brother Nan! I admit that I have no seed! I really have no seed! I am just a man who has no seed! You are holding back!"

"I'm almost a Michelin tire now!"

Jiang Nan looked thoughtful: ( ?° ? ?°) "I have pulled out more than a hundred cans, why haven't the seeds been pulled out?"

"Could it be that Solomon didn't plant seeds on Wu Liang? Strange~"

Wu Liang did not plant it?

At this moment, the black crow rushed in with a stone carving on his back!

"Nan Shen! The Huanghe Society really sent someone to send over the prophecy stone carving!"

Jiang Nan turned his head, his eyes brightened: "Oh, look? Give me a look?"

Turning his head, the floating magic circle disappeared, and Wu Liang fell to the ground immediately!

Σ(?????|||) "I'm king! I'm cracking! Yahohoho~"

Wu Liang's screams echoed in the night sky!

[Resentment value from Wu Liang +888! ]

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