Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1710 Battle of the Valley

In the Spirit Ruins of the River Valley, a river valley that used to be green with green mountains and green waters is now full of devastation!

Chen Heng's corpses are everywhere!

At the spike of the altar in the center of the valley, the Frost Fortress exuding an infinite chill sealed the entire spell circle!

It is Qin Shou's masterpiece!

Previously, the lucky little cherry card bug failed, and Hood Wei was unlucky!

It attracted a lot of beast hordes and the siege of several groups of forces!

But the Shanmao team is almost all Xingyao, so they are not weak, and they all survived!

To put it bluntly, I have survived the unlucky time, but even after three hours, Hooded Wei still twitches from time to time...

I don't know what's going on!

From time to time, he looked at Qin Shou resentfully, and Qin Shou could only laugh dryly at this!

The ghost knows that if Lucky Wei explodes, all Wei will be unlucky with him!

And through Hood Wei, everyone also knew that Xiong Er had pulled out a spike!

The three road spikes are the only seedlings in the end, and every time one is pulled out, the hope of preventing the unblocking will become slimmer!

Now there are only two left, and everyone present is determined!

No more refunds!

But at the moment the atmosphere in the valley is extremely tense!

Shan Mao and others are in battle formation, ready to fight!

Not because of anything else, just because a large number of mercenaries came to the valley!

The leader is Hope, Gugua Nazha and the others!

After several twists and turns, the Huanghe Society finally discovered this spike!

The corners of Hope's mouth almost reached his ears!

I saw that the bobcat was covered in black iron, and its eyes were full of coldness!

(? ̄? ~ ̄?) "I'll say it again, this is a magic formation of sealing spirits, the spikes cannot be removed, otherwise it will cause an irreversible disaster!"

"All of this is Sheng Xing's plan to purify the world, and you have been used as a gun!"

"If you have to pull out the nails, you're going to be an enemy of us and Huaxia. You'd better think about whether you can bear the consequences!"

Hope is at the level of Daotian, and he is not usually difficult to deal with. He has put too much pressure on Shanmao and the others invisibly!

Although Shanmao and the others are not weak, Daotian is Daotian, and the difference is not a star and a half!

I only heard Hope sneer:

(¬?¬) "The sky is high and the emperor is far away! Is Huaxia in charge? This is the Rain Country, don't use Huaxia to scare me!"

"When I take the position of King of the Rainforest and want the resources of this Rainforest Labyrinth, even Huaxia will sell me face!"

"As for the catastrophe and the plan to cleanse the world, what does it have to do with me? Whether or not he was used as a spear, you will know when you pull out the spikes!"

"The nail I found with great difficulty was God's reward for food. Just because of your few words, I will not pull out the nail and go home? I bet the Huanghe Society on it!"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, everything will come to light after pulling out the spikes. Even if there is a slight chance, Hope will not give up!

Shan Mao narrowed his eyes: "If you look back now, there is still a way to survive. If you are obsessed with obsession, you will have no chance to turn back!"

Hope's eyes were full of disdain: "Are you threatening me? Just rely on your bunch of rubbish stars, diamonds?"

"Jiangnan is not here for that troublesome stinky girl now. In this maze, he can do whatever he wants! Can you stop me?"

"To be honest, I don't want to be your enemy, so get out of here and disappear in front of me!"

"If you have to stop me, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Gugua glared: (:??︶?) "Brother! What are you talking about with him? Just kill him and it's over! As long as your hands and feet are clean, Jiangnan won't even know we did it!"

Hope's spiritual energy surged all over his body, and his eyes gradually became dangerous!

Jiang Nan is not here, he is not afraid!

Wu Liang sneered: "I should have killed you in the first place, you bastard with no conscience!"

Shan Mao took a deep breath: "Everyone listens to the order! Stick to the spikes! Are you clear?"

At this moment, everyone's expressions followed Yi Su!

"Yes! Team Cats!"

There are only two spikes left, and they cannot be pulled out anymore. Even if it means putting your life on the line, you must hold on to it!

Killing intent appeared in Hope's eyes: "Defend to the death? Then let me die!"

He completed the half-beast transformation in an instant, his whole body was covered in golden armor, and his blade wings frantically arrayed!

The whole person turned into a golden cannonball and rushed towards the bobcat at an astonishing speed!

And the mercenaries also launched a charge on the Frost Fortress!

Shan Mao's spiritual power also swelled up: "Go up! Xingyao follow me to hold Hope, Hood Wei! Notify Xiao Nan!"

"The rest stand against the mercenaries! Kill me!"

During the conversation, Shanmao has already drank a bottle of green sticks, horse biscuits, and durian pulp!

The rest of the people also hung up one after another, and rushed forward with wine bottles roaring!

I saw Bobcat covered in spiritual gauze!

"Burning blood? Seraph!"


In an instant, a pair of blood-colored wings spread out on the back of the bobcat, and the eyes were extremely scarlet!


With a bang, the ground was instantly crushed by the bobcat, not a period of acceleration!

Instead, he stepped on the ground continuously, and a series of huge pits exploded in the ground, and his body was accelerated to a terrifying level!

Hope stared: "Fight me right? Enough courage!"

"Strength? Golden Armored Cannon!"

The thick arm contained terrifying power, and it smashed fiercely at the bobcat!

But the Bobcats do their part!

"Heavy bones? Accumulate strength? Shake the mountain!"


During the strides, the ground was crushed by the bobcat's astonishing weight, and the strength accumulated in the body for a long time exploded at this moment!

The horse biscuit can exert its strength to the limit that the bones can bear, and with the spiritual muscles and bones, the power will explode!

Plus the physical attack of the green stick + 300% crit!

The fist that was blooming with blue light smashed hard with Hope's iron fist!


With a radius of one kilometer, the air was instantly emptied by the shock wave, and a thousand-meter round pit was pressed out of the ground!

Hope was horrified, and when he heard a "boom", his body was thrown flying like a cannonball!

Was he blown away by a star-level spirit warrior?

Although I didn't hurt myself, how is this possible?

Bobcat's arm bone was shattered and fractured, and his whole body was also blown away by the powerful shock force, vomiting blood!

But he still got up from the ground, stuffed a small ginseng into his mouth, his arm recovered extremely quickly, and his eyes were full of ruthlessness!

(# ̄? ~  ̄?) "Don't compete with the pure-strength-type spiritual warriors! Daotian-level animal transformation is not acceptable!"


Only the sound of tearing was heard, and the originally slender Tie Niu's muscles swelled all over his body!

?Convex (??mouth??) Convex? "Aha!"

It directly turned into a muscular Barbie with a height of over two meters. The muscles were drawn, and white smoke came out, and the skin was bronze!

She had just finished drinking and ate the cow biscuits and hiccupped, the top of her head bloomed with brilliance, her body grew three times stronger again, and sharp black horns grew on the top of her head!

Like a muscular devil, two streams of white air came out of his nostrils!

"Rage Titan!"

"Tank charge!"


The moment Hope was hammered away, his body had already rushed out!

The Iron Bull, covered in white smoke, sprints faster and faster!

The horn was aimed directly at Hope's lower back!

"I like it!"


Hope, who hadn't gotten rid of the inertia of Bobcat's giant force, slammed into the iron bull's horns!

The powerful impact pushed the iron bull back thousands of meters, but the knockback effect of the bull's horn exploded!

Dazed to push Hope into an inverted C shape, the old waist made a crisp "click", and his face turned green!


The powerful impact caused Hope to hit a big hole on the ground!

Wu Liang looked at Tieniu, bang bang hammered his chest excitedly, screamed, and even his eyes turned into the shape of love hearts!

?(??﹃ ?)??*? "Oh my baby! This is my cutie!"

Tie Niu's pretty face was blood red, and he gave Wu Liang an angry look:

╰(︶.?︶#)╯"You hate~"

Qin Shou and Qi Yu in the distance are already vomiting blood, forgive me for not being able to appreciate it!

Wu Liangge's taste is really unique!

However, even with the continuous blows, it still didn't cause any substantial damage to Hope, but completely angered him!

Get up from the pit!

However, just halfway through the climb, the body froze instantly!

Looking down, I saw that my own shadow was tightly entangled by hundreds of striped black shadows!

It is the shadow binding of the black crow!

But Hope roared, and slowly moved his body!

At this moment, I saw a black shadow rushing out of Hope's shadow!

The poisonous dagger stabbed at Hope's eyeball!

"Liu Ming! Hurry up! I can't stand it anymore!"


In the sky, a flaming meteor hit this side at an astonishing speed!

The giant flaming tongs on both hands exuded astonishingly high temperature!

"Taste the angry blow of Liu Ming, my poker!"

Black Crow:! ! !

What's the matter with anger? Can you really use this to attack?


The infinite flame hit Hope's body, and the crow's dagger was about to stab him in the eye!

"Golden armor!"

At this moment, Hope was completely covered by a golden carapace, even his face was covered by a golden mask, and two golden horns soared into the sky!

Even the eyes are covered, no longer relying on vision, but relying on insect sensing to defend against the enemy!

The black crow's dagger slammed into the golden armor, and the dagger was broken!

And Liu Ming's fire tongs attack didn't work at all, and couldn't break Hope's golden armor defense at all!

I saw Hope's muscles bulging!

"Have you had enough fun? It's time for me!"

The shadow could no longer restrain Hope, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed the black crow by the neck, and stabbed him hard on the ground!


Its neck was crushed directly, but in the next second it turned into a black shadow and exploded, it was just a shadow clone!

The black crow's body appeared in the shadows in the distance, his face pale!


An infrasound wave spread out in an instant, and Liu Ming returned to the human form from the flame form, and was blasted out vomiting blood, bleeding from all seven orifices!

Under the influence of the infrasound, Shanmao, who had just rushed up and wanted to punch Hope again, froze, with a pained expression and bleeding from his orifices!

A golden fist struck out like lightning, and slammed hard on the Bobcat's face!

The figure of the lynx was continuously flipping in the air like a cannonball, blood spattered, and flew backwards far away!

And Hope's fist was covered with blood!

"Do you really think I'm weak? How did you come up with the idea that you can hold me back?"

"To be able to be the boss of the Huanghe Society in a place like the mountain city, which eats people and doesn't spit out their bones, I have killed all the way!"

"If it weren't for that broken cupping pot and that little girl in Jiangnan, do you think I would be cowardly?"

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