But the current problem is that Jiangnan can vaguely sense the coordinate nodes of Badr's different dimension space!

But it is very far away from here, Jiangnan has controlled the Pillar of Absolute Spirit and flew in that direction for a long time!

However, the induction did not become clearer!

There is a feeling of Wangshan running a dead horse!

If this continues, I don't know how much time I will waste on the road!

The world's spiritual disaster broke out outside, and it was in chaos. Jiang Nan didn't want to waste a lot of time in the cracks of the dimension!

At this moment, violent space fluctuations came from a distance, approaching here crazily!

Jiangnan:! ! !

What the hell!

So he pulled Shanmao into his arms and took a photo with her bald head!

[The resentment value from Luo Tianhong +666! ]

I saw a pink ring-shaped creature, about ten meters long!

Swimming in the endless darkness, rushing at extreme speed!

The first time Liu Mang saw it, he was terrified, his eyes full of horror: "What the hell? Earthworms? Are there any creatures in the cracks between dimensions?"

Jiang Nan seemed a little excited: "Why not? There are many! Great luck!"

So he raised his hand and a saw blade condensed out, and flung it away violently!

Seeing that he was about to hit that big earthworm!

But under Jiangnan's astonished gaze, the earthworm twisted around!

The saw blade actually bent directly, turned around, and flew straight towards Jiangnan himself!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

What the hell? Changed the attack direction of the saw blade?

Do not! wrong! Space is collapsed?

With a teleportation, Jiangnan avoided with the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

And that dimensional earthworm trembled, turned around and ran away!

Jiangnan is chasing after him with the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

"Meow, what's the matter? You ran away?"

Liu Mang hugged the pillar with a frightened expression on his face!

What is Nan Shen doing? Don't just run after unknown creatures in the dimensional rift, it's very dangerous!

That earthworm doesn't seem to be very strong, Jiangnan can catch it several times!

But he didn't catch him, but hung behind him far away, chasing him madly all the way!

After chasing and chasing, a giant rock mountain appeared in front of my eyes!

It's so huge that it can't be seen at a glance, and it just floats quietly in the endless darkness!

Compared with this rocky mountain, the Pillar of Absolute Spirit is as small as a toothpick!

Shan Mao looked shocked: "Isn't there nothing in the gap between dimensions? A mountain?"

That dimensional earthworm disappeared into the rocky mountain without a trace!

Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands, Jie Jie laughed:

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) people "See if I can get a magic skill or something useful here!"

"My Xingyao skill is still empty! You two stay here, I'll go down and have a look!"

Speaking of a teleportation, it appeared on the halfway up the rocky mountain!

Liu Mang swallowed his saliva: "Nan Shen's courage is really fat!"

Do you dare to climb the mountain in the gap between dimensions?

As soon as it landed, Jiangnan directly smashed out several void black holes, slashing at the 600-meter barrier, causing a burst of destruction!

"Is there any earthworm? Come out to pick up the guests! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan's body froze in place for an instant, unable to move!


I saw the surrounding rocks burst open, and thousands of big pink earthworms drilled out of the soil layer of the rocky mountain!

Each one is hundreds of meters long, and the ring-like joints on its body are wriggling, looking extremely scary!

"Oh my god! My earthworm! Is it really human? Fuck it!"

"Oh hohoho~ Is this human? Or the whole one! It's not for nothing! You are awesome, little earthworm!"

A leader of an earthworm with a length of three hundred meters praised the little earthworm just now, looking extremely excited!

Shan Mao's scalp was numb: "Xiao Nan! Come back soon!"

Did it fall into an earthworm nest?

Jiang Nan's face turned dark, co-authored that little earthworm just now to catch Lao Tzu?

Are you good at it?

I want to leave too, but the surrounding space is imprisoned, Jiangnan is directly frozen, the space keeps squeezing my body, and I can't even teleport!

Space confinement?

It's not just one imprisonment, but hundreds of them all stacked on him!

Imprisoned to death!

I saw quite a few smaller dimensional earthworms getting excited and having a heated discussion!

"My lord, we're really going. You know the argali, right? They've all moved into the Lost Kingdom now! There's no need to live in this poor place!"

"It's the reward that the Black God gave them? I heard that they donated a human organ called "appendix". The Black God is very happy!"

"After all, what the Black God wants most are human parts?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Nima? appendix? Is it Momo's appendix?

The appendix has become a sweet pastry in the cracks of the dimension?

What the hell is this black god's hobby?

The argali clan is out?


What the hell is Lost Kingdom? What kind of existence is the Black God?

It seems that there is not a deserted place in the cracks this time, does it?

The leader of the earthworms laughed happily: "We got two humans in one go! Take apart the offerings, and pay tribute to Lord Heishen in batches!"

"The rewards you get must be more generous?"

Liu Mang:? ? ?

I'm not human? Me too!

In the next moment, Jiangnan, who was imprisoned in place, folded his hands and feet back violently!

The tooth-piercing sound of bone breaking came!

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a doll that can be played with at will!

In Shan Mao's exclamation, Jiang Nan's waist was bent backwards, and his whole body was folded in half!

Jiang Nan was surprised: "Tsk tsk tsk ~ space confinement combination space folding, can it still have this effect?"

The leader of the earthworms was also surprised, they were all made into such a state, the expression of this human is still so indifferent?

"Stop struggling! All struggles are in vain! Obediently become the tribute of my earthworm clan!"

Jiang Nan grinned, and pure animal language came out of his mouth!

"Since you have heard about the argali family, have you ever heard how their appendix came about?"

The leader of the earthworms frowned, and was about to dismantle Jiangnan completely. The next moment, Jiangnan suddenly disappeared in place!

Instead, an oxygen cylinder is folded into several sections!

Under the confinement of space, although teleportation is impossible, displacement can still be done!

Jiang Nan, who reappeared on the Pillar of Absolute Spirit, recovered from his injuries very quickly, the burning blood was activated, and the blood mist was flying!

"You are the leader? Sorry! The tumor in your head! I want it!"

While speaking, his body flashed, and he appeared on the rocky mountain again!

Holding the saw blade in hand, he slashed towards the 300-meter earthworm leader!

Countless space confinement struck, but Jiangnan suddenly teleported and disappeared!

The saw blade exploded, and the space blade slashed randomly. Many earthworms are using the space to fold and shift their attacks!

Transfer the flying space blade towards Jiangnan!

But once the wormhole in the Jiangnan space opened, the attack was transferred back close to him!

Many earthworms were cut off on the spot!

The leader of the earthworm even teleported to dodge, but the moment he teleported out, Jiang Nan also teleported to follow him!

Six spatial barriers flashed across its body in an instant, and it was cut into seven sections!

But what surprised Jiangnan was that the seven segments of the body ran away in different directions!

But Jiangnan was not empty at all, the space wormhole opened up with one hand, and the leader couldn't dodge in time, so he got his head in!

The wormhole was closed in an instant, and it was cut in two again!

Immediately, a void black hole emerged, compressing all those segments into a ball!

The leader of the earthworms was shocked. Originally, he was more than 300 meters long, but now he has more than ten meters left!

Do you know how long it took me to grow so long?

"Don't step on the horse and cut it! If you cut it again, there will be nothing!"

But Jiang Nan didn't care, he just cut it with a saw blade!

I saw a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of the earthworm leader, spinning extremely fast!

In a blink of an eye, the Rifting Saw Blade was crushed, swallowed and annihilated by that huge vortex!

Jiang Nan stared, and there are spiritual skills?


Quite a stock ah?

Seeing Jiangnan's face full of astonishment, the leader of the earthworm sneered: "Haven't you seen it? Follow me... ahhh~"

Before he finished speaking, a space wormhole opened under him, and Jiang Nan's golden middle finger directly poked the earthworm leader's body!

His body froze for an instant, and Jiangnan cut through with another saw blade, and the leader of the earthworm was directly split in two!

Jiang Nan held the Dimensional Bead the size of a pigeon egg and wiped it on his body with a look of disgust!

(¬得¬) "Breaking the magic skills, what can you show off? I really want to stretch my hips! Bah!"

The rest of the earthworms saw that their leader had been hacked to death, and they were completely panicked!

"Brothers, come on, wealth and wealth are in danger, we will release him if we catch him!"

Jiang Nan twisted his neck and was not interested at all, so he could only reluctantly buckle a hundred or so tumors for fun!

This Yuan earthworm may be very difficult for others, but for Jiangnan, it is really nothing special!

With his current ability, as long as he reacts quickly and carefully, he really won't feel any great threat!

But the nightmare of the dimensional earthworm family has begun, and the roaring sound on the rocky mountain is endless!

Jiangnan split the saw blade with one hand, and chopped the big knife with the other, wandering among countless earthworms and dropping the knife crazily, like chopping meat!

Shan Mao's eyelids twitched: "I don't worry about him for nothing!"

Liu Mang covered his face: "Is Nanshen also so fierce in the dimensional rift? He is a master everywhere?"


The huge rocky mountain has been crushed in half!

After a hundred or so dimensional beads were deducted, the earthworms finally couldn't bear it and began to beg for mercy!

"This... this human being belongs to the devil, don't come here, are we going to be wiped out?"

"Don't cut it! Really don't cut it, I beg you! Cut more than three hundred pieces! If you cut it again, you won't be able to connect it back!"

"Don't bully me too much, let me tell you! Believe it or not, I sue the Black God? We also have backers! You are so rampant, the Black God will not let you go!"

Jiang Nan suddenly became interested: "Hei Shen? How dark is it? Is my Mang brother black?"

Liu Mang: ...

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