Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1780 Little crying bag! lost

Under the night, the continuous city ruins look extremely cold and lonely!

There are hordes of spirit beasts rushing in the darkness, this is no longer the familiar world!

The tree country under the moonlight is quiet and silent, and that touch of emerald green looks particularly eye-catching on the wasteland of China!

The city of Los Angeles has been destroyed and lost its former bustling appearance, collapsed buildings, collapsed shopping malls, chaotic streets covered with vegetation!

It still retains the traces of the tragic battle!

The people had already evacuated from Luo City and entered the Lingxu to take refuge, but in the center of the city, a giant tree ten thousand meters tall was growing tenaciously!

The root system extends in all directions like a horned dragon, piercing into the ground!

The breeze is blowing, and the dense canopy is rustling!

Holding a box of dumplings, Jiang Nan suddenly appeared under the giant tree, looking up, his eyes were full of complexity.

The voice is a bit hoarse!

"Old Chen, I'm here to see you. It's lonely in Los Angeles for the new year, right?"

There are many bouquets and wine bottles under the tree, and red strings are tied to the trunk...

In the hearts of the people of Luo City, this towering tree is their patron saint, and they came here to pay homage and left behind before they left!

I saw Jiangnan walking up to the tree, raised his fist and hammered down the trunk, as if he was saying hello to him.

Then silently opened the lid of the lunch box, put a pair of chopsticks in the lunch box, bent down and placed it on the ground.

Leaning against the big tree, Jiangnan sat on the stone slab under the root of the tree, curled up with one leg, put one hand on his leg, and looked into the deep night.

His eyes were full of memories, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

"You old Mr. Chen, you sucked farts so hard before, in order to live a few more months, you are more motivated than anyone else!"

"But now that the Daotian Kuangkuang Beating Squad is still here, why did you leave first..."

"On weekdays, you are the one who is most good at stealing, rape and playing tricks. How come you are going all out to defend yourself at this time!"

"Get up, you have all the fragrant beads, I will give you as much as you want to smell, how often do you reply to me!"

As he spoke, Jiang Nan's voice couldn't help trembling, and tears couldn't stop pouring out!

Running down the cheeks, dripping on the ground!

No matter how much Jiangnan wipes it with the back of his hand, it won't dry it!

Under the giant tree, in the charming moonlight, Jiangnan was crying here alone.

Because no one knows, he can cry very loudly, not afraid of being heard by others.

"Sorry! I came back late..."

Jiangnan looked down at the ground, sobbing uncontrollably, the big teardrops were like broken pearls!

When he was in the gap between the dimensions, Jiangnan made the worst plan countless times. He thought that someone might be sacrificed!

It might be Brother Ye, or Dean Xiao, that's why Jiangnan came back in such a hurry!

Can help a little bit!

But Jiang Nan never expected that the person who sacrificed was Chen Daoyi, who was usually the most disappointing and ghostly!

Once, he only thought about the Chen family, and only his own family in his eyes, but he was forcibly pulled into the car by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan always feels that a person's status is easy to change, but his nature is hard to change. No matter how he changes his position, the things in his bones will not change!

But Jiang Nan was wrong, Chen Daoyi has changed, he is no longer that bad old man who only thinks about his family's unscrupulous methods!

In the end, he even sent a hasty text message to himself and went to die!

He used his life to protect the millions of people behind him who had never met him before.

All the things from the experience in Xijiang to the present can have such a big change on a person...

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, with undried tears on his face!

"Don't worry, you are gone, I will protect the Chen family, and when Chen Xi grows up enough to support the whole world, I will lead the Chen family to go on!"

"You have never humiliated your ancestors. The Lingli Shayi of the Chen family has saved countless people in distress!"

"The same is true for you, Chen Daoyi. There is a place for you on the monument. If you promise, I will do it!"

While talking, Jiang Nan got up slowly, the dumplings under the tree had already cooled down.

But Jiangnan looked at the vast wilderness, and there seemed to be raging wildfires in his eyes!

"Just stand here and watch, watching how humans counterattack, how to hold victory firmly in their hands!"

"As long as you don't give up, nothing in this world can defeat human beings!"

"The prosperous age will be restarted, and human civilization will also shine brightly under the starry sky. I, Jiangnan, will spend my whole life doing it! It must be done!"

Under the tree, Jiangnan's words were clanging and resounding, as if they were speaking to Chen Dao, and they were also speaking to himself!

Then he turned his head to look at the giant tree with soft eyes.

"The city of Los Angeles, which was in ruins at Jieshi, must be bustling again? The Chen family can take root here!"

"You can also see your children and grandchildren in the house, and Chen's parents survive. Is this what you want to see?"

"As long as someone cares about you, you won't be so lonely..."

"I will come to see you often, see you when you win!"

The night wind was blowing, and the figure of Jiangnan under the tree had disappeared. The canopy swayed lightly, as if saying goodbye, and little fireflies flew out from the canopy, drifting far, far away...

Under the night sky, Jiangnan teleported quickly, heading straight for Kyoto, and the emotions that had been pent up in his heart were suffocating all the time!

After seven days of fighting! The feeling of boredom was even heavier, but Jiang Nan didn't want to be seen.

Now I am the spiritual belief of countless people, and I am a powerful Nanshen!

Never show any weakness!

But now that he had cried a lot, Jiang Nan's heart became clearer, he couldn't help rubbing his face, and a smile appeared on his face again!

(?? ??) "For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, you still have to have fun, eh~ I haven't won a new prize in a long time, and it's always been a small cupping pot!"

"Such an important festival, the system baby should give me face, right? Right?"

[(??????) Little crying bag! Diu Diu~]

Jiangnan:? ? ?

I just ~%?...;# *’☆\u0026℃$!

Central part of Hongguo!

The fire started a prairie fire, and it was crackling, and I don't know how many corpses were burned!

The first wave of the spiritual disaster was over, and even half of the people in the Hong Kingdom didn't survive!

Communication interruption is the heaviest blow to them!

During this period, Qianben Sakura ran around to save the field, and her leg was almost broken, but it didn't do much!

Hongguo is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and the sea beasts landed even more ferociously, until the first wave of beast swarms ended, and just stopped a little!

There is time to stabilize the situation and deal with the aftermath!

I saw Senbon Sakura Rokka's look of embarrassment at the moment, and Miyazaki stood aside with a pale face!

In the rear, thousands of people in black Taoist uniforms and sunglasses lined up neatly, bowing their heads in silent mourning, seeing off their eldest brother!

Musashi died gloriously in battle, but his body was exposed in the wilderness for seven days, and he had no time to take care of it. It took a lot of energy to find him after the beast tide subsided!

Musashi's wife was mechanically changing clothes for him. Most of the surface of the corpse had rotted away. It was a miracle that it wasn't eaten by the spirit beast!

His daughter-in-law didn't have the slightest expression on her face, she was more sad than heartbroken, these days she almost cried her tears dry, she couldn't shed any more tears!

Senbon Sakura couldn't bear to look at it, so don't turn your head and sob!

Miyazaki sighed: (???#) "Let's burn it. There is also the possibility of being dug out by spirit beasts to share food if buried in the ground!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Musashi was dressed in formal attire, his complexion ashen, and he was directly thrown into the raging wildfire!

Senbon Sakura clenched her teeth and wiped away her tears:

(??????????) "Cooper! I will make you pay the price for this girl!"

The fire was raging, but it couldn't burn Musashi's body at all. The clothes were burned and caught fire, but the person was still fine!

Musashi's daughter-in-law can no longer bear to watch:

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Woo~ Hurry up! Who is the fire-type power user, add more fire!"

"Don't let him suffer any more, let's die as soon as possible!"

Miyazaki sighed: Hey~(︶?︶#) "As expected of God! Go, see your boss for the last time!"

Immediately, hundreds of black-clothed boys stepped forward with a look of unbearable anger, but fiery flames spewed out from their hands, burning Musashi wildly!

With a face full of grief: (???Y??) "Brother! Go all the way!"

However, at the next moment, Musashi, who was seen in the raging flames, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his body's dead energy dissipated!

?(?⊙?⊙? )? "Howling~"

A scream like killing a pig came out of Musashi's mouth, and he, who turned into a burning man, struggled to stand up!

This voice almost scared Miyazaki to pee, everyone was terrified!


What's going on with this horse? Fraud?

Senbenzakura and Rikka hugged each other in fright!


Seeing Musashi screaming and rushing out of the fire, running wildly and jumping into the lake next to him, he was relieved!

The face is full of panic and despair!

(? °?? Yi °??) "You guys are really good at riding horses, so many geniuses came to collect my body? Do you still treat me as a big brother?"

"The day lily is cold! I'm going to burn Lao Tzu? You are so filial to me!"

Everyone was terrified. Although the clothes on Musashi's body were burnt and torn, his complexion was already a little bloody!

The rotten parts of the body also bleed out again, and it was only a serious injury when it was propped up!

Everyone was terrified, and Qianbenying was full of disbelief:

"(o口o*)"'re not dead? "

Musashi's daughter-in-law was also shocked:

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ "I have contacted my next family, why are you..."

Musashi's face is darkened, Shen Te Miao's next home has been found, are you worthy of my deep love for you?

But then his expression changed: "Miyazaki, give everyone physical amnesia immediately, Musashi is dead, this matter must not be spread, otherwise Cooper may be in danger!"

Miyazaki was startled, and immediately realized the problem. As the creator of the law of conservation of mental retardation, he still has a lot of research on physical amnesia!

Qianben Sakura was shocked: ∑(°口°?) "Cooper? Didn't you get killed by Cooper? Why are you still... hiss~"

Musashi is feigning death. The reason why Cooper did this is to save Musashi's life?

I don't know what method was used to let Musashi escape from danger by feigning death?

In terms of Cooper's death ability, it is not impossible!

Cooper isn't bad? It's good?

Musashi's expression turned serious: "It's not that simple! This is a big deal, follow me to Huaxia to find Jiangnan!"

"I have news for him!"

Qianben Sakura:! ! !

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