So Jiangnan teamed up with the monster group and started a thorough demolition work.

After all, it still has to be considered for the future. The core of the void sea is very important, and it contains a lot of power of space. Whatever you say, you have to take it away!

In the sea of ​​void, countless floating islands collapsed one after another under the dismantling of everyone in Jiangnan!

Since the core is not complete, Jiangnan will not open the door to operate, and the Sea of ​​Void was sealed by Igor!

So if you want to return to Blue Star, you have to go through the cracks of the dimension again and go back the same way!

But Liuyin is only 300 meters in size, how to stuff all the spirit beasts in the Void Sea and take them away is a problem!

After all, there are no living conditions in the cracks of the dimension. Space-type spirit beasts are not the same as dimensional creatures, and they cannot survive in the cracks of the dimensions!

But how can this stump the smart Jiangnan?

So he thought of a way...

In the sky, the hatch of the shuttle shuttle of Liuyin opened, and it was flying slowly!

Ninja Mantis, several big white geese, all carrying several sacks on their backs!

Pass one by one to Jiangnan!

I saw Jiangnan standing at the door of the cabin, smiling all over his face, taking the bulging dumb sacks and stuffing them into the Liuyin shed!

(⌒?⌒ ?)?Bag~

There are a lot of space-type spirit beasts inside, and all the koi fish in the void have been caught!

The reflex fox swallowed:

(??????) "The inner one... is really to transfer us out, not put it in a sack and sell it outside?"

"I don't think you are a good person~"

Where is the transfer stuffed into the sack?

No matter how you look at it, this is kidnapping tickets? And they were all voluntarily put into sacks!

Qianben Sakura curled her lips:

(¬~¬) "He is not a good person!"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and sent Qianben Sakura a big red envelope, grinning:

(︶.?︶*) "Nonsense, how could I do such a crazy thing?"

"Isn't there no place to put it? Let's be wronged in the sack first, and it will be fine when we get out!"

The dumb sack can be used without calling out its name, and there is a huge storage space inside, which is perfect for storing spirit beasts and so on!

Although the time limit is only 24 hours, I don’t know how long it will take for this return journey!

But when the time comes, wouldn't it be enough to put another layer of sack on the sack?

Cover in the cover, bag in the bag, all right?

It took a lot of effort to put all the spirit beasts in the void sea into sacks, stuff them into the Liuyin horn and put them away!

Even the nests of mudworms in the mire were not spared!

All the core fragments in the floating island were taken out and put in the alien space!

I saw that the Void Sea at this moment has completely turned into a rough house, and countless gravels keep falling, a scene of collapse!

At the cabin door of the Liuyin, all the bad beasts took a longing look at the collapsed void sea, the place where their ancestors lived for generations!

Reflex Fox expressed emotion:

(?????? ????) "Maybe I will never come back here again in this life!"

The big white goose tilted its head:

???????? "Bah! Never coming back!"

Ninja Mantis waved his knife symbolically twice, as if saying his final farewell!

In fact, I can't help but want to go out and hack the car!

Jiang Nan grinned, the hatch closed, the void and black hole released a tearing space, and the Liuyin rushed into the gap in the dimension in a blink of an eye!

It has its own route memory function, which can return to the position where it came in!

Presumably, it won't be long before they can return to Blue Star!

In the training room, several people from Jiangnan and a group of bad beasts were sitting around a few shells!

Qianbenying lay on the ground dangling her little feet, her saliva flowed out, her eyes were full of little stars, and she smirked silly.

??*_(ˊo????﹃ o????ˋ ?∠)_*??

Lan nestled in Jiangnan's arms, her little face was blood red, she was almost dying of embarrassment, what did she say to Brother Jiangnan before, hey!

It wasn't until the side effects of the Tangju passed that Lan took out these spirit beads, thousands of them!

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "Your levels are all suppressed at the peak of Xingyao. Since you have chosen the opposite, and go out to fight against Saint Star, there is no need to continue to suppress your levels!"

"These spirit beads are enough for you to reach Daotian, and workers Ying and Lan don't be idle, try to improve your level as much as possible!"

"At the same time, let's see if there are any spiritual skills suitable for you in these spirit beads. In the future, the space system will be the main force to fight against the Holy Star Bose!"

Qianben Sakura swallowed, a little in disbelief:

(?????﹃ ????) "Really...can you use it for me?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

( ′? ~? `) "How long do you plan to hang around in Xingyao? You were a diamond when I first met you, and now you are Xingyao?"

"I'm already in Yaoyao Six, okay?"

Qianbenzakura: (?`~′?)

"I was hit so hard, not everyone is as perverted as you are!"

On the way back, the people in Jiangnan and all the bad beasts entered the mode of crazy cultivation. With Wang Gang around, it is impossible not to roll up.

These space-type spirit beads are enough for Jiangnan and the others to improve.

Although the space-type spirit beads are precious, Jiang Nan will not search for such things, and use them when they are needed!

Since joining Xingyao, Jiang Nan, who usually doesn't know what the word "cultivation" means, has started to practice desperately!

After the global spiritual calamity event started, until today, in less than a month, Jiangnan has already rushed to Xingyao Six!

This terrifying upgrade speed can be called abnormal!

Jiangnan is in a hurry, his level is not enough, his strength is not enough, and he is far from enough to deal with the current situation!

But the battle situation, the general trend, and the times never wait for anyone!

Maybe it's just like what Jiangnan said, if he can wait half a year later and give him half a year, he will be enough.

That may not be the case at all!

But the sky does not fulfill people's wishes, and the world is unsatisfactory in all likelihood!

Jiangnan can only redouble his efforts and never let go of any opportunity to improve himself!

Climb up as soon as possible, no matter what the result is, at least you won't regret it!

Facts have proved that Jiangnan's efforts are not without effect!

The Liuyin sailed at extreme speed and headed straight for the blue star!


And at the same time that Jiangnan was descending into the Void Sea, countries around the world were also taking active actions!

The cities along the ancient Great Wall of China have been recovered!

Nine city fortresses have been established, connected to each other by Iron Dragon City, including the former Los Angeles City, which has now been renamed Daoyi City!

During this period, Xing Cheng, the sentinel mechanical army, and the pupil mercenaries all made great contributions!

The work of transferring the people of Goose Country was also completed with the help of Daotian from various countries.

Both Huaxia and Goose Kingdom also have their own star rings, and the star gates transfer people from other countries who are trapped in the God Killing Curse Formation!

And the cooperation between Si Chaofan and the international community has also started for several days, and it has been extremely smooth!

The information collected by Quinn on the spirit beasts of various countries is detailed, and it has played a huge role!

The four supernaturals have jointly cleaned the ceiling-level spirit beasts all over the world, and they have gained a lot in the past few days!

From a set of spiritual skills from the small dimples, plus Wu Liang and Xiong Er's Xingyao skills, it can be seen that the gains are not ordinary horror.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner!

On this day, in the command center, there was still a routine pre-war meeting!

High-level executives from all over the world participated in the meeting with holographic projections!

Quinn immediately sent a list over, with an indescribable excitement on his face!

"The decapitation action of the beast group has a remarkable effect and has yielded fruitful results. The ceiling-level spirit beast was beheaded, and the beast group under it was split and scattered!"

"The pressure on countries to deal with the beast horde has been greatly reduced. It seems that the course of action is undoubtedly correct!"

Martin laughed loudly: (?\u003e?\u003c) "Not to mention, Chaofan is really fierce. It is effortless to kill peak spirit beasts!"

Bigger, who was bedridden before, was rescued by Freya, the goddess of life, and now he is alive and kicking!

"Nonsense! That's supernatural! It's also thanks to our supernatural, otherwise we really can't fight this battle!"

"When do you come to our place to clean up? The curse ghosts here are very tricky!"

High-level executives from all over the world praised the beheading action of the beast group unanimously, and invited Xiao Chuihuo and the others to come to their house for a walk!

Quinn smiled and said: "No hurry, come one by one, this is today's list, old Vulcan take a look?"

"The Sun Troops of the International Spiritual Martial Alliance are always monitoring the movements of the beast groups!"

"The spirit beasts are not stupid, we must increase the efficiency of action to the highest level!"

Xiao Chuihuo and Odin checked the list and couldn't help grinning!

(* ?° ?? ?°) "Okay! Then without delay, finish today's work as soon as possible, and call it a day!"

While talking, Xiao Chuihuo Mi Ye Sichao got up, obviously going to cut a wave one by one according to the content on the list!

In order to have the ability to deal with Karl at any time, Xiao Chuihuo and the others acted together during this period!

Xiao Chuihuo turned around:

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "Jiangning girl? Let's go together?"

The eyes of Quinn's holographic projection also fell on Jiang Ning and Jiang Jing!

In daily actions, Jiang Ning always brought Jiang Jing and Xiao Chuihuo with them.

Because only in this way can Jiang Jing's absolute safety be guaranteed!

I saw Jiang Ning scratching his head, looking a bit embarrassed:

?(??﹏?) "The Bei family asked me to help, they are making a derivative curse array of the God Killing Curse Array recently!"

"Let's see if it can be integrated with the Great Wall Hengtian Yubi. I want to use it as a protection for the city fortress. I can't handle some spells and need my help!"

"I'm in a hurry, I'm afraid I won't be able to be with you today!"

Quinn's eyes also fell on Jiang Ning and Jiang Jing, leaning on his chin.

( ?° ? ?°) "Is it necessary to transform the God-killing curse array? This matter is equally important. If it is successfully developed, the city fortress can rely on the curse array to resist the impact of the beast tide!"

"Then there is no need to garrison a large number of troops in the city, and more manpower can be vacated!"

Xiao Chuihuo pondered for a moment: "Well, let's stay today, anyway, the few of us will be able to get back soon!"

"Girl Baikou, you can stay and make an insurance policy. The three of us can barely cover it. If you need anything, please contact me anytime!"

Bai Kou was taken aback for a moment, but soon became happy, and nodded sweetly!

(*?′╰╯`?) "Good!"

Quinn smiled and said: "It's not too late, then I'll make preparations now, see you later!"

Said the holographic light and shadow disappeared in the conference room.

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